Newmarket Era and Express, 12 Jul 1951, p. 5

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v it Z t fa SAYING -i- USA PAGE FIVE THURSDAY THE TWELFTH DAY OF JULY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYONE i EDITORIALS By J SINCLAIR PUBLIC DISCUSSION INVITED The situation arising from the last meeting of coun cil when a petition was presented in opposition to the installation of meters poses some interesting questions At its meeting on June council decided by a vote of five to three to install meters Had the mayor left his chair to vote there would have been a majority of six to three in favor of meters A very substantial majority one would think Immediately the decision to install meters became known an opposing petition was set motion This petition was presented by Mr James Wilson to council on July and the basis of it appeared to be that meters on Main street would prove a hindrance to business Some it appears signed the petition for no better reason than that they did not like meters The affirmative petition for meters was based in the belief held by many merchants that the absence of meters was a hindrance to business The hindrance to business arose from neglect of the parking regula tions on Main street which regulation limits such park ing to no more than one hour But some merchants themselves were guilty of parking violations for which there was no reasonable excuse If we understand the attitudes of Mayor Bell and Councillor Fielding aright their consistent advocacy of meters was based in the belief that here was a certain cure for the whole parking situation If meters were installed all would be treated alike leaving no grounds for complaint In the course of time there would be revenue for the town from parking However the strong negative petition has created a new situation and it is as we have remarked a situa tion provocative of interesting questions One thing is quite clear Council has abrogated its authority to legislate by majority rule Councillor Fielding crystallised the situation into the following questionnaire Why put nine councillors here if they cannot make decisions And again Is council work ing for the merchants or working for the citizens Those were questions Council made up its majority mind to install meters and then negatived its own decision However it cannot be conclusively asserted that the citizens want meters installed in the town It was be cause of the absence of such knowledge of the wishes of the citizens that we suggested taking a vote of the people The question was answered in one way by Mr Jack Bowser who asserted that meters were more a problem for the merchants rather than the citizens One answer to that declaration is that if MO meters are to cost it is most definitely a problem for the citizens who will be called on to foot the bill Supporters of meters will argue that the meters will pay for themselves over the course of the years That is presuming meters would prove successful as a rev enue producer and on that there is no certainty It is no more than presumption to assert that the use of meters will defray their capital cost The root trouble appears to be irregular parking on Main street If that trouble had been removed it amounts almost to a certainty that no question of in stalling meters would ever have arisen Police Chief Dunham maintained that the present police service is altogether inadequate to enforce efficient patrols in regard to parking irregularities The meter problem has now been handed on to the opposing petitioners who have been invited to call a public meeting and subsequently make recommendations to council house 9 w all dependability and solid value for washers bare always been that woman wants In safe speedy washing in longer for your protection for you convenience economy you MORE In this modern 18450 WASHES clem at out the Jut LESS WW ON CLOTHES In actum by or ycaft of and up b Next to Phone COUNCIL SIDELIGH Whip Watson Bowser And Tough Jim Wilson Pull No Meter Punches fa i In our last Council Sidelights writeup we jocu larly remarked that Mayor Bell was the only member of council who had a cushion on his chair We sit immediately behind the mayor at the press table At the last session of council the cushion had vanished and we fervently hope that this concession to a more Spartan mayoral endurance is not blamed on us For if anyone needs a cushion it is the mayor- He has some very incorrigible boys to handle We would gladly loan him our cushion if we had one Citizens There are many ways of spending a long vacation Freed from his duties temporarily as one of the masters at St Andrews college Sir J accompan ied by Sirs Garstang and daughters and Pat ricia has set out on a long trail by motor and trailer from Spruce street Aurora to Cape Cod via Kingston New York and Springfield Mass Taking tins route they will evade an alternative mountainous trek We saw them set out around am on a brilliant morning The outstanding question be fore council at its last meeting as it was at the previous meeting was parking meters It domin ated the debate and swallowed up nearly three hours of a four hours session There was an interlude when council passed out of the picture altogether and the meeting was in the con trol of the visitors There was one free and easy setto between pugnacious Jack Bowser and tenacious Jim Wil son Mr Bowser is all for met ers Mr Wilson was there to rep resent the opposition They were at it hammer and tongs for a few minutes while council sat and listened Jim Wilson did not yield one cubic measure and neither did Jack Bowser It was a pretty verbal wrestling match and we dont know who won it Sharp Exchanges Mayor Bell has put up belter arguments for meters than he has done over many other con troversial subjects There is no doubt that the mayor is thor oughly convinced that parking meters would be a good thing for Aurora He has given a lot of time to the subject having con tacted many municipalities large and small He has been consis tent in support of what he be lieves would be a good thing for the town Councillor Fielding was also thoroughly consistent on meters When Mrs Fielding has made up her on a subject she does not deviate or mince matters She has advocated parking met ers from the start Full marks must be given the mayor and Mrs Fielding for knowing their own minds on this subject The mayor charged that some mem bers of council were wobbling in the presence of opposition It must be said that neither the mayor nor Mrs Fielding was guilty of wobbling When Mrs Fielding attacked the deputyreeve for alleged in consistency in regard to meters she started something There were some sharp exchanges be tween them Councillor Field ing flamed up in a way reminis cent of Lady Astor in the British House of Commons when she frequently set the mother of parliaments agog with her fiery attacks If Victor Jones is the Aurora Churchill then Mrs Fielding must be Auroras Lady Watson Bowser Councillor Jones and polite chief Dunham had a sharp set- to Why arent the parking regulations carried out on street demanded Victor The chief rose to his feet with the swiftness of a man who has heard a pistol shot near his ear Why dont you give us more police so that we can cope with the work retorted the chief Ive been on the job without sleep for hours The chief put up a strong case for parking meters and was ably supported by W who maintained among other arguments that meters would prevent idle parking Mr Stollcry also argued that meters would prove less cosily than keeping a police patrol over parking regulations But Jim Wilson was up again asking questions and before he could sit down Jack Bowser with Whipper Watson energy was back in the ring defending meters We thought it was a pity that the president of the Board of Trade wasnt present to hear Mr Wilson say What about the parking site at the United church When is it going to be ready They have been working at it for three months and it still isnt finished Then Stewart Patrick appear ed He wondered why airs should be allowed to park for hours on Main street while their youthful owners were busy in the pool room Parking meters were the answer declared Mr Patrick Then the delegations departed the mayor struck the table with his gavel for silence and council was really in session some time after ten oclock From a debate members now ap plied themselves to the main business of the evening And what was the main ness of the evening Why parking meters of course Wait and Sec The hardbeaten path of the parking meter problem was once more Murray said he wanted more time to think the matter over Jones was against meters Pringle said they should hesitate and take stock of the new situation creat ed by the opposing petition referred to Weston which had withdrawn meters and asked that Weston be asked the reason why Da vies suggested taking a vote of the people Mur ray remarked that petitions were not always in the best interests of the people Cook said he wan ted to do what was best for Au rora but appeared to climb up on the fence marked and See the mayor said council was wobbling Mrs Fielding said that council had passed a motion in favor of meters and should abide by their decision And so time went by until Councillor Gundy moed the following motion seconded by Councillor That the spokesmen for both petitions S Hoffman and James Wilson be asked to hold a public meet ing with all merchants invited to attend that the decision at such a meeting be recorded and presented to council as soon as possible The motion was carried with only dissentient Councillor Fielding Following this a remarkable motion was moved by Councillor Gundy and seconded by Coun cillor Fielding It read That the Bylaws committee be re quested to prepare a Bylaw authorizing the installation and legislation for parking meters Four were in favor and four against The mayor voted in favor of the motion thus enabl ing its passage Where do we go from here If we know Mr Wilson and Mr Hoffman thing is certain Theyll both get very busy But whether Aurora will get meters is anybodys guess Like Reeve Cook well wait and see Vacancy on Committee There will be a vacancy on the Building Permits committee to be filled on the retirement of the present town clerk Wo suggest that a member of council should be nominated for this impending vacancy We do not think it is in order for the town clerk to be nominated to any council com mittee The other members of the committee are the Mayor and Councillor last week Emerging from their driveway they passed down Maple street and then turned southwards The brilliant morn ing sun scintillated on the top of their trailer lighting it up with the promise of a happy tour They will stay at Cape Cod for about three weeks and men be gin their return journey via Portland Maine in slow stages to Boston where will go sightseeing They will come on to Montreal and Ottawa and home again by the end of Aug ust They will by that time have covered a great amount of his torical ground in two countries Trailer Services The Garstangs have a very fine trailer or to use an old- fashioned term caravan In miniature it possesses all the services of a home Sleeping berths cooking range electric equipment and all manner of gadgets This caravan life is a simplification of civilized com plexities It makes an appeal to those who wish to lead the simple life on vacation Caravan Origin Wo suppose the caravan ori ginated with the nomads the immemorial gypsies a race of we wish him every success Airs Helen Dickson The position of assistant town clerk has been filled by the ap pointment of Mrs Helen Dick son wife of the popular Recrea tion Director This is an excel lent appointment Mrs Dickson has held several important positions during past years Among these were the secretarys position to the man ager of the head office of the Royal Bank of Canada at Ham ilton secretarytreasurer of Southern Canada Tobacco Plan tations Ltd in secre tarytreasurer in the office of Reliance Petroleum Ltd Simcoe and other secretarial positions For nearly a year Mrs Dickson has been employed in the office of the town solicitor Lome Lee We have known Mrs Dickson as secretarytreasurer of the Aurora Recreation Commission She was commended for bringing a complete financial statement I of the 1050 activities of the com mission to its first meeting in the second week of January We think that the council and the town are fortunate in hav ing the position of assistant town clerk filled by such a capable and experienced woman as the records prove Mrs Dickson to chase Recreation Commission We were glad to hear that the Public School Board had recom mended the appointment of Mr J to membership of the Aurora Recreation Commis sion John Offord is a man who is keenly iurcsted in youth and in all forms of public welfare and we believe he will find the new office to which he has been appointed very much to his lik ing The Recreation Commission paid back to the town of the shown on the taxpay ers forms and at the request of the Commission the above sum was handed back to assist in the carrying out of the Commissions work Parking Space Why hasnt someone suggest ed the use of the vacant land near the public school as a good parking site That question was asked the other day by a local merchant Theres room there to park a hundred cars he added Of course he was right The land referred to would make an ideal parking space All that is needed it would seem is for the council to have a notice fixed up on street indicating Free Municipal Parking Meanwhile the parking space by the United church is slowly getting into shape But were not sure that Councillor Corbctt wont be right in his forecast made several weeks ago in coun cil that it wouldnt be ready for use this summer- For a slow job hand it to the Board of Trade Its executive seems geared to the trail of the tortoise a r AURORA j i FRIDAY SATURDAY JULY PLUS NEWS CARTOONS MUSICAL Matinee Saturday pm MONDAY TUESDAY JULY fl people scattered throughout That she will succeed in her world who refused to conform to conventional ways of life and the most celebrated of whom are the made famous by the works of George Borrow and later by the Honorable Smith a daughter of the late Earl of Birkenhead The gypsy race once numerous in Britain is becoming increas ingly less in numbers through the pressures of the Labor gov ernment This is to be deplored since they gave color and ro mance to a civilization that has become more and more mechan ized and drab We have no fears that two months of nomadic experience will convince the that it is preferable to a home on Spruce street whence they will return Mr to St An drews and daughters to High school and Patricia to Public school Meanwhile we hope they will ail have a thor oughly enjoyable trailer vaca tion Last year they were in Eng land and plan to return there CHURCH PICNIC JULY The date of the Aurora Trin ity church Sunday school picnic has been rearranged for Wednes day July at Mussclrnans Lake The previous dale set was July The heavy rains that day forced the change of dale Mr John and Mr William Coleman of the Sunday school have made the same arrange ments with Langdons Bus Lines and the owner of the pavilion at Lake The games races and prizes will all be held over until the Buses will leave the Parish Hall at pm There will be free swimming in the afternoon for all the boys and girls Wells Dug and Tiled C WEAVER Phone on vacation in the summer of Ken Moses Mr Ken Moses made a success ful debut as Acting Town Clerk at the meeting of council on July His first business was to read no less than letters nine of which were from the town soli citor who appeared to have re solved to clear his desk Mr Moses read this large mass of correspondence in a clear voice and with excellent enunciation We think that in time Mr Mo ses who is quite new to his job will do a good job of work as town clerk He needs the en couragement and goodwill of the council and the town and we are sure he will get both Three I months from now he should be fully conversant with his job having taken it on from scratch He is affable and obliging and easy to get along with qualities which will commend themselves to the public with whom he is by the nature of his job always in close touch Mr Moses was appointed as sistant town clerk in the first week of February of this year A native of he brought to council excellent business tes timonials and fine tributes to his character among which was an excellent reference from the ex- mayor of his native town Mr A Brandt Besides senior mat riculation from a Business Col lege Mr Moses was a member of the Chamber of Com merce and of the Board of Trade At present he has a rather hard row to hoe but we have every confidence that Ken Moses will do well at the job of handl ing his new responsibilities new job is a certainty And she will bring a sunny atmosphere into the municipal offices which will Ik very welcome to the pub lic We wish Mrs Helen Dick son the very For the sake of the record it should be pointed out that the appointment of Mrs Dickson was moved by Deputyreeve Murray and seconded by Coun cillor But when the motion was written out Council lor name was given as seconder The Deputyreeve of fered to correct the error but Councillor Corbett replied Let it go as it is Procedure Corrected We suggested in an article that council could save much time by having correspondence read by the clerk o I y instead of the former practice of a second read ing by the mayor Councillor got a motion through at the July meeting that corres pondence be read once only That was all to the good But it didnt help matters in dealing with each letter singly after a reading by the clerk The better course would be as is the gen eral practice with other councils to have all the correspondence read at once and then placed be fore the mayor As each letter is brought up by the mayor the substance of it could be referred to by him If all the contents had been forgotten by members of council it could be read over again If this usual procedure were followed much council time could be saved In Retrospect In the discussion over the meters Mr Jack Bowser claimed that the merchants should have a preference over the citizens What Mr Bowser meant was that the merchants have to live and do business on the Main street and that they should know best about the matter of parking That opinion was challenged by Councillor who crys tallized his views into the sug gestion that a vote of the people should be taken since in his opinion what the citizens thought on the matter was just as important as that of the mer chants Councillor Gundy argued that if citizens would cease clutter ing up the Main street with their ears there would he that much more space left for visitors and especially shoppers from outside the town It was claimed that merch ants on Main street were in favor of meters and eight against It was also staled that meters would cost the town 11- when the time came Robert Peters Building Alterations KESWICK Phone WAYNE MAURUN by JOHN U w SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION WHY KOREA Sanitary Contractor Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired Service WEDNESDAY THURSDAY JULY IS James Nancy Davis- THE NEXT VOICE W YOU HEAR PLUS CARTOON COMEDY JULY Fred Jane Powell ROYAL WEDDING Richmond Hill Phone N SOON ONE NIGHT ONLY THURSDAY JULY Jean Simmons David CAGE OF GOLD PLUS CANTERBURY ROAD MAGIC THREAD J Listen to Jack Dennett 800am and 630pm i iv- r ri i J For The Small Or Medium Homo The CYCLOS Clean Economical FOR LARGER HOMES OR PUBLIC BUILDINGS The and Crane Up to any capacity Tanks available COTTON HOUSE DRESSES COTTON MATERNITY DRESSES COTTON SUN DRESSES COTTON BLOUSES SILK BLOUSES CHILDRENS OVERALLS LADIES OVERALLS CHILDRENS BATHING SUITS COTTON HOUSECOATS V SI and and Viil MANY OTHER BARGAINS i Ladies and Chi j- v Phone Main St PLUMBINGHEATING PUMPING PHONE 728 vf

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