Newmarket Era and Express, 16 Aug 1951, p. 11

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owing Future Progress Of Aurora A lot of words can be spoken in four and a quarter hours That pretty well sums up the regular meeting of council on Tuesday night August Nothing of fa concrete nature emerged from the talk though some of it was very interesting like the dissertation on weeds given by Mr Frank York county inspector For a time we thought we were listening to a lecture on botany but shortly we among debentures A lot of ground was covered at this coun cil session but without leaving any footprints on the sands of time the matter of debentures It emerged the discussion that high school area building project has been carried on through bank borrowings One has to listen closely to hear these things but our understanding is that so far no debentures have issued though the high school area sum of has already been used up council was told Councillor forecast that perhaps another 25000 or even dollars will be needed Mayor Bell wasnt sure how they would need Though we do remember a time and not so long ago when it was that would cover the job Then there was the for the public school Will that prove enough Is there anyone who is in a position to know the answer We doubt it Council reached no decision on debenture issues As with so many other things they talked but did not act They resolved to hold a special meeting with of high and public schools present Somewhere the sun is shining But there isnt much warmth in the sun that shines on Auroras mounting municipal costs Weeds Frank is the official foe of weeds He knows the answers Chicory and campion and thistles and and rust on corn He talked smiled his knowledgeable way through a maze of weeds sprayed and elim inated them and pointed an ap proving finger at King where the roadsides have been cleared of natures rubble Mayor Bell and members of council pot being dissolved into a commute of the whole listen ed and smiled and approved One fancied that they had visions of Aurora as a veritable garden of Eden with not a single weed showing its unwelcome head Where spraying and eliminating had purified what was once an Aurora model of Goldsmiths sorted village Unfortunately we knew better If Mr had found his way to park he would that very night have seen an abun dance of sow thistles and lusty weeds that he would have p turned to his home town of j wick a disillusioned and sadden- man No weeds in Auroral Why the town parks in Aurora It just now are bursting with weeds Iff Mr- had found some I weeds in the vicinity of the church But he should have gone on a town itinerary Around say by the childrens playground at Mill St There he would have seen a fine display of weeds just now in the bloom ing stage The recreation com mission has cleared all the weeds from the playground and is turn ing it into a fine resort for the youngsters But behind the east side of the playground on town land the weeds prosper Mr was thanked for his address He kindly promised to come and advise when needed Thank you and good day Mr Come again to Aurora and have ft look at our weeds We have as fine a display in our town parks as you may see any where A Dark Thought It was after the on weeds that council tried to ease its own apparent stalemate on the debenture issues There is no financial expert on council so members listened to experts from outside These were bond house experts who were ready to make bids once council had come to a decision Money is tight just now It may be that council has delayed too long further delays may mean additional costs to the J Editor PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYONE 1 this observers reflections as he listened to the pro and con dis cussion The dark thought was this In what sort of a financial tangle is Aurora going to find itself as a consequence of all this mammoth spending And was the spending really neces sary More Skidding There was a mention of met ers but it was fast and fleet ing It was to the effect that the police committee and a com mittee of the board of trade had had a conference on the location of meters Beyond that fleeting mention nothing more was said on met ers The meter matter was thrown aside with the urgency of a man who finds his fingers being burnt with a cigar butt There was a bundle of bylaws left over for a special meeting to be held on Monday Aug 13 For all we know there may have been a meter bylaw among the others But so far at this writ ing nothing further has trans- 1 We can only report what comes to the council table One bylaw was handled It had to do with a building set back from the centre of the roadway but when town solicitor Lome Lee enquired if any member of council knew the width of Yonge St no reply was forthcoming We were tempted to go out and measure it our selves for our own satisfaction But where would we start and end Who shall say what is the width of Yonge St We can say that it could be made much wid er and better if several feet of useless sidewalk material were taken up on the main shopping thoroughfare Off Street Parking The longdelayed parking site at the United church is now in use but the notice board serves no purpose as far as motorists coming or going into and from the town are concerned It can not be seen by motorists coming from the south or from the north unless they are not look ing ahead as they should be do ing for safetys sake Surely a notice that would have attracted the eyes of south and northgoing motorists could have been set up As for the available land at the public school for parking council has done nothing about this Though all it seems that needs doing is the erection of parking notices It could be that this commodious offstreet park ing site has been forgotten by council A Summing Up If we were asked to name any concrete piece of work achieved by council at its sitting on August we would be forced to confess that we could not name it The session was lengthened for minutes after midnight to permit the introduction of the setback building bylaw But it sounded so complicated that we are at a loss to define it It seemed to us just another bylaw in this town of so many bylaws that we heard a citizen say that Aurora should be called Bylaw Town Per capita we would guess that Aurora would not take second place in all of Canada for the number of its bylaws So numerous are the existent bylaws and so rapidly arc new ones born that it would never surprise us to learn of an authorizing bylaw enabling citi zens to have a haircut With all these increasing by laws the economic future of Aurora does not appear to be getting brighter Borrowings and debentures are steadily mounting and those who will carry the future municipal burdens Aurora will need to have stout hearts and metaphorically speaking hefty shoulders Once again council dissolved itself into a committee of the whole on a motion by Councillor Corbett concerning the setback building bylaw and he pro nounced the word dissolve loudly and emphatically Short- WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Two Aurora Business Men 1 Engage In Large Ventures Petition On No Parking it Norma and unusual circumstances have conspired to make the first half of the month of August ex tremely quiet in Aurora Normal vacation movements have taken a great many people out of town and the other cause is very much less agreeable the layoffs that have taken place in two of our major industries It is sincerely to be hoped that economic factors will soon adjust themselves to a restoration of full em ployment for all our citizens Among those who have been away on a brief vacation are Mr and Mrs Hess For a week the Venetian blinds of their store were down but they were drawn again by Saturday morn ing Aug giving an agreeable sign of vitality to that busy part of Main St They covered a lot of ground George was playing with such astonishing skill that it seemed impossible that a bowl would not go just where he wanted it to go His opponents would lay in some beautiful ends but George would either pick off a lead ing shot frozen to the jack or would get in a bowl through the narrowest space and water during their itinerary So often did this happen that After visiting the at Belleville they went on to Kingston and the Thousand Is lands and Through park to Lake and down to Atherley meeting old friends They had a enjoyable tour Big Ventures It was stimulating news for Aurora when Mr Garfatt came to council last week for a building permit and assurances therewith in connection with water and sewage for his pro jected new plant estimated at a cost of 70000 The citizens of Aurora will heartily wish Mr every success in his new venture which should prove of very great economic importance to our town The site for Mr Garfatts new proposed plant is on the south side of Cousins Drive east of Edward St Another big venture by a local Leo Potter exclaimed Well its just like threading a needle When we complimented Mr at the end of the game he modestly protested that he had had a lot of luck Sixty j percent luck said George We agree There is luck in bowls like every other game But essentially good lawn bowling demands judgment and skill You dont get good results with out a combination of both We have seen some of the best of bowlers of neighboring clubs At his best George does not need to fear any of them He has also a lovely del ivery getting his bowls away with fascinating ease Charles Fry has been bowling wonderfully well this season as have Leo Potter Bill Bill Morris Herb Thompson and the veteran Harry Among the younger bowlers Rus sell Sinclair has shown a great citizen is the acquisition of a advance They say he gets away large property at Lake by Mr Stew Patrick This deal of large proportions was we understand completed on lovely bowl Caretaker Herb is back and the greens just now present a fine picture There is a Aug when most other on Wednesday Aug folks were enjoying a holiday On that date Stew Patrick be came the owner of Glendale Park comprising 30 acres of land beach dance hall and two stores having taken over from Mr and Mrs Fred who have held the property for the past 25 years The dance hall is 214 in length and in width It is the third largest dance hall in Canada and full results will appear in these columns on August 23 Childrens Playgrounds The work of the Aurora rec reation commission deserves the highest commendation There are now four childrens playgrounds in use namely Park Reuben St Mill St and Mach- elis Ave We made a tour of the last three the other day and Mr Patrick will take over the J found many children enjoying grounds as from September and the buildings on October 1 We understand that son Howard will leave the Aurora Meat Mar ket to become manager of his fathers new properties Stew Patrick is nothing if not aggres sive and his very numerous friends in Aurora and district will wish him every success in this further large acquirement to his properties Royal Theatre Recently we promised our read ers that some unusual entertain ment would shortly be coming to Auroras Royal theatre and man ager Clifford Griffiths is fulfill ing that promise during the amenities provided for them open spaces away from the streets swings and slides and other forms of entertainment Through the generosity of Wilson Wilsons Hardware and Murray deputy reeve the children of Reuben St and neigh borhood will soon have a wad ing pool for their fun Mr Wil son undertook to provide the cement while Mr Murray offer ed the machinery and labor for the job Fine gestures indeed It is but fair to state that no one has worked harder in the pro viding of these safer outlets for the children than Mr Tom Swindle both by persuasive rent week and on Monday and with his hands He Sayeri So argued the ex- afterwards council did an observer only we had the feeling that council finds self In a jam and would be grate- to anybody who could show Silt the way out But who was there to point the way One of experts suggested that In might rise to five percent as gains the current rate of four and a half Mayor Bell dissented that possibility But is the mayor a financial expert Wo remember a time he came to office on an assumption that the mill rate for Aurora could be held at its then 48 potato has already gone Ac ten points beyond that Who predict what the mill rate be next year Council skid dded over the problem by refer a noted to solve itself by leaving the cham ber and going its separate ways It will resolve itself again at its meeting a week hence STIVER BROS CONTEST Mrs Jean town- line Kettleby has won the con- test at Stiver Bros and been awarded the first prize of a carv ing set The contest was on the choice of a pullet to lay the first egg the birds being caged at the Stiver Bros mill Pullet Ho 2 laid the first egg after four months and days Mrs Allan Carroll Aurora won the second prize a set of steak knives C Peterson Aurora was third winning a coffee percolator During a total of 60000- was paid out by Workmens Boards in day and Wednesday of next week Such titles as Buffalo Bill and Susannah of the are in themselves sufficient to stir but when such names as Randolph Scott and Shirley Temple Joel and Maureen OHara head the bill of fare movie fans are assured of a good show After these make a date for either Monday Tuesday or Wed nesday Aug 20 and for showing of a movie with the cut est title wc have seen in years namely Fathers Little Divi dend whose picture you see on a nearby column Whoever thought of Fathers Little Divi dend a pet name for little Stanley possesses a touch of genius Some of the best known names in the film world are in the vari ous roles of Fathers Little Div idend including Spencer Tracy Joan Bennett Elizabeth Taylor and Don Taylor Manager Griffiths has been enjoying the experience of see ing the Royal theatre packed to capacity over a period of many weeks Recently he was hard pressed to find room for every body who wanted to sec Climb the Highest Mountain Wo confidently expect to report that Fathers Little Dividend will beat all past record attend ance So we advise you to get there early or you may have to wait for another house Threading A Needle Our cars caught this expres sion the other evening on the Aurora lawn bowling greens dur ing a game which included the president of the club George The explanation is follows has helped in the clearing of the spaces along with the recreation director Tom Dickson and his assistant Bill Ali the three playgrounds that have recently been created have plenty of space and are ideally situated The latest one at chelTs Ave is in a beautiful sit uation with fine surrounding pastoral scenery The commis sion has been fortunate in se curing the ready cooperation of the owner of the property attended most of the recreation commission meetings during and we feel that praise is due to its members for the fine consistent enthusiasm shown for all phases of the work it has undertaken The meet ings are well attended and they arc held regularly twice month ly It need hardly to be said that Don Glass makes an excel lent chairman He is an out standing Aurora personality No Parking Signs Disturbed about the possibil ity of no parking signs being put up on the north end of St a petition was pre sented to council at its August meeting by A Snow of the Snow Heating Appliances and Doug Harrison of the Aurora Dairy Petitioners maintained that the putting up of such signs might prove detrimental to their businesses The petition was signed by the following Yonge merchants J Aurora Automotive D J Harrison Aurora Dairy J Snow Welding Works Mrs Emmy Ladies Wear Murray Queens Ho tel A Snow Snow Heating Appliances Gilbert Burt Gilbert and J Hudson EDITORIALS MR SWINDLES RESIGNATION The arena commission a body appointed by coun cil to direct and supervise the affairs of the Aurora Memorial Arena has lately been the subject of con siderable criticism by members of council and others Our purpose here is to enquire into the or of this criticism We have no hesitation in stating that a major cause of the lack of information on the part of the public as regards the affairs of the arena is the absence of publicity The arena commission ought to have invited the press to sit in on its meetings in order to report them For arena business is public business There are other organizations in Aurora that are equally culpable in their neglect of public informa tion Among these we may mention the Aurora hydro and the high school and public school boards The first is a public utility and the latter are responsible to the public for the compelling reason that they spend public money We shall find opportunities of dealing with these organizations as time goes by in the process of en lightening public opinion For the present we are concerned with the arena commission a body represent ing a public facility in which of public money is invested and which the citizens of Aurora are redeeming by a debenture issue There are seven members of the arena commission which includes the mayor and one member of council namely Councillor Gundy All members of the com mission are appointed by council and can be retired by council Their appointments are not permanent but subject to the will of council RESIGNATION ATTENTION Recently a member of the arena commission re signed and gave as his reasons for so doing that the commission was functioning so unsatisfactorily that he considered it hopeless and that he could not perform his commission duties satisfactorily After two years service on the arena commission that was the way Mr Swindle regarded it His resignation was a protest against the commissions lack of action On what grounds is such a protest supported The chief ground is the commissions failure to hold regular meetings and its failure to issue a report to the public for the winter seasons of 195051 No report of the commissions work has been issued since the summer of 1950 In these circumstances the citizens of Aur ora through whose money the arena was brought into existence have no information on the activities that were carried out in the above winter seasons or the financial state of their investment Criticism has been directed to the failure of the commission to issue a report Such criticism seems altogether reasonable There was a great deal of en thusiasm engendered in the cause of bringing the arena into existence A vote of the people was taken and an affirmative reply was effectively realized Why has that early enthusiasm waned The answer would ap pear to bo provided in a lack of enthusiasm on the part of the commission itself Those who know Mr Swindle realize that he would not resign from any public body without substantial reasons The magnificent work he has done on the recreation commission which was largely his personal creation proves that he has the best interests of Aurora deeply at heart DUTY TO THE PUBLIC As to the charge of inaction on the part of the arena commission not only has no report for the period con cerned been issued but meetings are so infrequent on the part of the commission that little useful work can be carried out The commission held a meeting in April and again in July No further meetings are scheduled until September when the arena season is due to begin Further than that the attendance of commission members is so irregular that a quorum cannot be formed The council representatives themselves do not attend the meetings Our understanding is that the mayor and Councillor Gundy have attended only two meetings of the commission Is it surprising in such circumstances that public interest in the activities of the arena has melted away The public has a right to a report of the arenas activities And as Councillor said at council the public has a right to have an itemized financial statement concerning the arena in which public money is invested There is a natural curiosity on the part of the public to be informed on whether or not the arena is paying its way making a profit on its activ ities or taking the reverse course J There should be a feeling of public pride in the affairs of the Aurora Memorial Arena But pride can not be stimulated while reports of its activities are withheld If the members of the arena commission have not the time to give to this public enterprise they should make way for others who have the time Members of the recreation commission are mostly business people with demands on their time But two meetings are regularly held each month and splendid results are being realized by that organization The urgent need now is for the arena commission to issue a complete report and let the public know the full facts COUNCIL REPORT i By Bylaw Police Cruiser For Aurora A special meeting of the town council was held on Monday evening Aug when there were present Mayor Bell Reeve Cook Councillors Corbett Davies Fielding Gundy Jones and Also present Town Clerk Moses and Assist Town Clerk Mrs Helen Dickson Others present included Dr Dr van Dr Henderson Mr of the Im perial Bank Mr Bank of Montreal and Mr Ray Marshall The special meeting was called to discuss the financial position concerned with the high school district area buildings the addi tions to and renovations of the public school a bylaw concerned with the installation of meters and four other bylaws In the course of business a pe tition was submitted on behalf of north Yonge St merchants who desired a widening of the roadway The petition was de ferred for consideration Debentures Dr on behalf of the high school district area build ings told council that the sum of had already been used up arid that more money would be required The addi tional sum needed would prob ably amount to GO or thousand dollars There were estimates of prob able expenses since in Dr opinion it was unlikely that the new school would be ready for occupation for approx imately another months No itemized or summarized Gundy that although the new high school buildings were a joint undertaking on the part of the throe municipalities of Aur ora King and Whitchurch it was Aurora that was finally respon sible in the whole matter Discussion was ended on a mo tion by Councillor sec onded by Reeve Cook in the fol lowing terms That the cterk be authorized to call for tenders on 600000 20year serial Page 14 Col SHOE AND LEATHER VOTE FOR Members or the National Union of Shoe and Leather Wor kers have voted to amalgamate with the United Packinghouse Workers of America In a ref erendum vote members of the national union supported a move into the Packinghouse Union to 280 The workers at the Leather Co and those of the Sisman Shoe Co Aurora are I now locals in the United Pack- statement of expenses thus Workers of America incurred was submitted to The Shoe and Leather Union nor did the mayor or in the shoe luggage and tan- member of council ask that such industry which has a poten- statement be provided for councils consideration Ed Expressions of opinion were put forward by Mr Heaton and Mr on the advantages and disadvantages of present rates of borrowings and debenture issues membership of some and in which organization is now very limited and wages said to be low It is expected will set up a special department to extend organization in this field It was pointed out by Councillor I and raise wage rates WEEK OF Sparkling Entertainment AT THEATRE AURORA Sat A GRAND DOUBLE JOEL Aug FEATURE ATTRACTION MAUREEN OHARA BUFFALO BILL TECHNICOLOR r Showing Thursday and Friday at 10 Showing Saturday at and RANDOLPH SCOTT SHIRLEY TEMPLE Susannah of the Showing Thursday and Friday at only Showing Saturday at and MATINEE SATURDAY 2 PM Mon Tues Wed Aug 21 THE TITLE IS AT THE BOTTOM FOLKS SPENCER TRACY HES my grandfather JOAN BENNETT SHES nice my grandmother ELIZABETH TAYLOR my DON TAYLOR MY pop V t A v

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