1 J VVvr v ir I fc THE NEWMARKET ERA AND EXPRESS THURSDAY AUGUST 1951 THIRTEEN i FLOWERS PREPARE FOE THEIR Will THIS A vJL 111 IOMECOMING FOR Today is special for some one know birthday anniversary a ho a new LITTLE DIVIDEND could make the day sparkle by sending flowers Were specialists in mak ing lovely events lovelier gay times gayer i Newest Hardware Store ST PHONE F lowers NEWMARKET PHONE J FOR BIG DIVIDENDS FOR YOUR LITTLE DIVIDEND 9 vis The Jack Jill I BABYS PARADISE From Six Minutes to Years MAIN NEWMARKET PHONE I I BE A WELL DRESSED DAD FOB THE BLESSED EVENT IN YOUR HOME AFTER A VISIT TO is Mens Wear LITTLE DIVIDEND WILL NOT STEAL THE PICTURE SHOP NOW FOR fall Suits and Coats AKROW SIIIIITS Wear MAIN NEWMARKET PHONE fer Dear Mommy Babyland LITTLE DIVIDEND My feeding problems are different from those of other babies and in fact vary at different times My doctor is the only Qualified adviser in these matters which vitally affect my health and future My druggist Harvey Lane supplies me with ail my requirements from food to baby talcum Oh yes Dont forget to take my prescriptions to Harvey Lane Love and Kisses Fathers Little Dividend HARVEY LANES Drug Store SIAIN ST NEWMARKET Your Uttie Arrives FOR PROMPT 24HOUR SERVICE CALL Before and After You See FATHERS LITRE DIVIDEND CALL Leading Taxi Service TONIGHT FRIDAY SATURDAY AUGUST 16 From MGMLrtnd funnier than Father of the Bride I Show Times Are and Saturday 8 and Come Early and Avoid the Rush just got through paying the bills or her wedding now BABY presents the HOWLING HITS is COMING AHRACTIONS CITY LIGHTS PLUS YOUNG DANIEL THE SIGNOF A GOOD TIME BOONE THEATRE PHONE 478 NEWMARKET COMING ATTRACTIONS It HARVEY it GOODBYE MY FANCY TUES AUG 20 21 my DAM 2a WED THURS AUG 2223 c A OF fc J tf MOTHERS You May Win Eight Free PASSES To The THEATRE By Visiting STEDMANS 5c and STORE NEWMARKET Hurry You have only until Saturday BIG DIVIDENDS Will result for your LITTLE DIVIDEND in a SAVINGS ACCOUNT for Him at the DOMINION BANK R Roberts j 59 Main Newmarket It FOR A CONTENTED LITTLE DIVIDEND BE SURE OF THE BEST IN DAIRY PRODUCTS Don CAMERON REFRIGERATED MILK FROM THE DAIRY TO YOUR DOORSTEP FOR TOPS IN FUN SEE FATHERS LITTLE DIVIDEND AND WHEN YOUR DIVIDEND ARRIVES Call DON CAMERON Newmarket 183 Give Your DIVIDEND Something To Crow About WITH BABY FURNITURE FROM DYERS FURNITURE PHONE 1250 MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKETS GREETING CARD CENTRE FOR BABY CARDS CONGRATULATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS GIFTS Marigold Gift Main St Newmarket Phone- r tf j I 5 w PRESS J PARTY FOR YOUR Time Dividend WILL BE A Great Success WITH A BIRTHDAY CAKE CsiL OADBENTS Specialists In WEDDING CAKES PASTRIESSWEET GOODS Phone A Ji FATHERS LITTLE DIVIDEND AT THE Today Friday and Saturday FATHERS BIG DIVIDEND Always at A svrs- Tpr TT 7 Make Your LITTLE DIVIDEND The Star of Your Photograph Album with a picture from i MAIN ST NEWMARKET PHONE Shop for your LITTLE DIVIDENDS FOOD NEEDS AT RICES I A STORE All Nationally Advertised Brands of Baby Foods In Stock QUALITY FRESH MEATS GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES P- i 18 Main Newmarket J A For the Best in Entertainment THE si A