Newmarket Era and Express, 16 Aug 1951, p. 14

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VMM Dorothy Armstrong and her friend Miss Nora To ronto motored to Buffalo last meek staying at Hotel for i Miss Barbara Wells and Miss Barbara Candy have returned from an enjoyable vacation at Inn dis- I i j i IS ift King City And District MRS E MUno PHONE KING Mrl and Mrs Warren Barnard coming When Jessie came from to attend drove me to her front door she If you wish to arrange for additional listings in the alphabetical section or to make any minute changes in your present listings please call your Telephone Business Office today J fc THE ILL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 1 CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS the funeral of Mrs Barnards aunt Mrs Roy They stayed at the home of parents Mr and Mrs Albert Mr- and Mrs Dan Ferguson of are spending a week in the neighborhood visiting a brother Mr Norman Ferguson and their nieces Mrs Fred Cur tis and Mrs Gordon Gun Victim Their Cousin Larry Fleming Homings Mills accidentia killed when a gun discharged in the hands of his chum Leonard Thompson aged was a cousin of Mrs Lawrie Boys and her sister Mrs Bath of The fun eral service was held on Wed nesday Aug Mrs Bath was holidaying in the district at the time and attended the funeral while Mr and Mrs Boys motored from there The sisters had attended the funeral of a cousin Mr Chas Cowan of on Mon day Aug 6 the same day that Larry was shot He was the son of Mr and Mrs William Flem ing and 15 minutes before his death had telephoned his moth er that he and Leonard would be at the Fleming house for dinner Mr and Mrs Thomp son were away from home at the time leaving two daughters in was just plain surprised but happy said Mrs Brown Dor othys husband had put my let ter in the car glove compartment and then forgot all about it Mrs Longstreet never saw the letter The Watson family come from Vaiighan township Don Brown son of Mrs Longstreet by her first marriage is stationed by Camp Borden His sister Jean is Mrs Ken of Lang- staff and another sister is Mrs Pattenden of Gorrnley Mrs James Brown also visited at during her stay north and was picked up by Miss at to return to King Years Machinist 1st Accident A thresher for years Wil liam Ham of Laskay suffered a compound fracture of the left ankle on Monday Aug when helping with wheatthreshing on the farm of Francis Powell of Fixing the top of the thresher he jumped about four feet onto the tailboard of a truck which gave way It was his first accident as a thresher and while he had given it up six years ago he often helped neigh bors On the previous Saturday Mr Ham had come too close to the Si h i Water mi you dont Ihitfk that money can harm you But nowadays unless you handle it with can it can tougher for you and others you spend it on things you think may soon be scarce or may coat more later you will help drive prices stilt higher And that will hit you where it hurts your own But every dollar you save now la life Insurance bank deposits or savings bonds helps keep prices down And St can work for you in other important personal ways For instance you may need money for an unexpected emergency Or perhaps for starting a new business buying now home sending your boy or girl to college These and other plans may remain Just you have mote money saved In your savings plan meets a special need For you can use It to combine savings with financial protection lor your loved ones So to keep pikes down to provide your tomorrows SAVE charge related Mrs Bath Close belt of the machine getting a friends and neighbors the boys nasty brush burn on the same had been together since Satur- limb He is none too happy day Mr and Mrs Thompson knew an unloaded gun was in the house and that there was no ammunition on the place Ap parently the boys had purchased ammunition themselves At the Thompson home on Monday morning Larry asked for the rifle which was being cleaned by young Thompson It was thought he had put in a cartridge forgetting to mention the fact to his chum When Leonard chucked in the ramrod to finish cleaning the weapon it discharged the bullet hitting the younger boy behind the ear One eighth inch either way and results would not have been fa tal n Mrs Bath was informed INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA lHJD Just prior to these deaths Mrs Boys and Mrs Bath had joined in municipal centennials held at Mrs Bath had re mained over for a couple of veeks Travel Miles Per Day Miss Jessie and her sister Mrs A Smith Toronto re turned from the Canadian west on Saturday evening Gone a month the sisters first to Fort William where their bro ther Dr Harvey Gellatly pract ises dentistry From there on Dr drove his wife and sisters through to Jasper to see his son Bruce and on to Van couver Motoring miles per day they spent a day in each province arriving in British Columbia for short tours and a boat trip to Victoria While the journey was made in a hurry the party had a delightful time and the doctor lost no time in returning to his practice which he resumed early the next morn ing Miss Gellatly did all the driving to and from Fort Wil liam and appears greatly re freshed from her holiday Vacation Letter Locked In Car Mrs James Brown was also included in the first lap of the and Smith Vacation trip She went with the girls as far as near to sec her sister Mrs street Dorothy Watson after years separation Dorothy hadnt the- remotest idea I was about the accident a fin thing for a veteran thresher he de clared despite the shock and discomfort of the experience In minutes more Mr Ham would have been on his way home readying for work at Company Weston He was within minutes of finishing up his twoweeks vacation Wins Super Prize Mrs Del owns a brand- new electric ironer valued at more than won in a draw at Aurora Legion Carnival on August first prize I ever won said Mrs who had purchased a book of five tickets She was not present when the draw was made and was notified on Sunday morning of her luck Her friend Grace Davis of Aurora made a lucky strike when she won a boat and an outboard motor in the draw Royal Mo unties of Interest Mrs William Williams of has returned from a trip to motoring there with her son Cat and his wife of Summit where they visited Mrs Carls family Re is growing in leaps and bounds like Ontario towns said Mrs Williams on her first trip west She found it a beau tiful city and the annual fair was on at the time They took a 90- mile trip north to Long Lake on a fishing holiday and visited two days at Imperial headquarters of the Royal Mounted Police This feature was of special in terest Her daughterinlaws brother is on this police force and stationed out of Imperial Mrs Williams enjoyed every minute of the vacation and feels much the better from her trav els Sec Huge Temple When Mr and Mrs Fred Dent were on vacation last week part of their motor tour took them to Detroit where they saw the huge Masonic Temple housing rooms They took a conducted tour through the building des cribed in detail by the director They also saw the caretaker a friend of Mr Dent who also showed them about the place Mr Dent is a member of Rob ertson Lodge at King Mr and Mrs Robert Williams of were with thorn on the trip which covered miles Visit Cape Mr and Mrs J and daughter Martha of ley are taking vacation for the month of August in Cape Breton While are absent Miss Fre da Dent is taking care of their young daughter Sarah at the home of the babys grandmother Mrs Walter who lives at Hamilton Freda spent Satur day and Sunday at her home at King her father Mr Fred Dent motoring her back to Hamilton on Sunday evening Miss Alice Ferguson has been the guest of her sisterinlaw Mrs Ferguson of Richmond Hill at Pickering Beach resort Former King Minister Visits Rev John Galloway Baptist pastor at Port Hope and his wife made their annual weeks visit at King the guest of Miss Fisher They left last Saturday for where Mr Callaway preached on a From there they motored to and to Perth to complete their months vacation Mr Galloway was a former minister of King Baptist circuit for four years Their son Robert is a chemist with Campbells Soups New Toronto and is sent out from there to plants in other cities While at King the Galloways Miss Fisher Rev and his wife motored to Mid- hurst for a days picnic The visitors called on several of their former congregations and visited Mr and Mrs Frank and Mrs Alex Gray at Rev Alex Sinclair and his mother of Nona Wisconsin also a former pastor of the King Bap tist field paid their annual vis it to Mr and Mrs of last week Mrs and her sister Mrs were In the King congregation during he lived at the home of Mrs formerly Wilson at Kinghorn while he was a stu dent minister here The Sin clairs have two children who were with their mother at her parental home at Belleville while Alex and his mother visi ted Mrs Alex Gray left during the weekend to live with her son Jim at where he is executive with the Eaton Company there Jim was raised at Kinghorn educated at King township and Aurora high school before entering Eatons at Toronto He was in the army during the Second World War Mr Bob Ferris his wife and daughter Patricia Toronto visi ted his sister Mrs Britton Highland Home Farm on Sunday Bob is with the postal service headquarters in the city Rev W and his wife are slowly recovering from their motor accident of early July They are just at home in the Baptist parsonage these days they say Neither can write yet Miss Barnard of Brad ford will be the guest of Miss Eliza Fisher this week to Enter Contests Plans are being made by King to participate in contests of the Canadian National Exhibi tion Four applications have been forwarded in the Canadian Traffic and Accident Quiz Sept 8 pm Prize money is 100 75 and Two groups of three are to represent the organ ization in five ways to improve the CNE A real holiday rest was taken by the Arthur Fleet family from Thursday until Monday at Port Breeze the Angola cabin and trailer campsite in New York State miles from Buffalo Situated at the summit of a slate cliff natural step formations sloped to a rock ledge leading to an ideal sand beach on the shores of warm Lake Erie They toured Silver Creek Buffalo and other cities Mr and Mrs Wood and her parents Mr and Mrs Geof frey Greave of Aurora took a fiveday motor outing to North Bay and other northern points two weeks ago Grandmother Mrs Bert Wood kept her sons children Community Childrens Picnic All community children and mothers are invited to attend the 2nd annual picnic given by King Legion Branch and the Ladies Auxiliary in King Memorial Park August Prizes for races and games will be given the children and favors to adults Admission is free and refresh ments will served As of last year the Auxiliary is convening arrangements Time is 230 pm till oclock Miss Marjorie Jar vis is a sum mer guest of Col Smart and his daughter Miss Mary Smart at their cottage at Lake St Joseph Her sister Miss Julia Jarvis on vacation in England is expected home early in Sep tember She is spending much of her time with her sister Miss Stephanie Jarvis at Hurst Berk shire Mr and Mrs Ernest were guests of their cou sins Mr and Mrs Jesse Rich ards Miss Boys and Mrs Arthur as well as relatives at Richmond Hill and Mrs was the former Merle Hamilton Laskay Ill the fall of Mr took Strange school later marrying Merle He has been on the staff of Collegiate and Commer cial school for a number of years They came to King from a three weeks motor vacation through to the Peninsula Ernest is a fisherman and Merle collected homespun rugs an folk art of the Their son Ronald is employed ill Other guests of Miss Boys hist week Were Miss Beamish superintendant of General hospital on vacation at her home at With her was her sister Kate Mr and Mis Boys just back from Brit ish Columbia called to see Mr Boys mother Mrs Win Boy and sister They arrived at their Oak Ridges home Wednesday of last week They saw Ethel an I Ed Pattern Patton Dough the brothers and sister of Vera Boys and Bert Barnes and their nephew Bruce Patton at Van couver Church Service Advanced Services Presby terian church have been advanc ed one hour to fi oclock in the evening for the month of Sep tember in October Sun day services will be held at am Divine worship has been withdrawn for August and at Strange and the Ninth Line churches On Sun day Sept 30 the sacrament of the Lords Supper will be dis pensed by Rev W Weir Brampton at each appointment Church The sum of will be spent on renovation and decoration of Tempcranceville United church The work is now well underway An it toning oil furnace costing 1375 Is being installed The north wall of the build tug has new footings and a cement block I0 building has been added to the rear leading into the basement and providing space for oil tanks The whole interior of the auditorium is being suitab ly painted the seating and floors Anew carpet will be laid at the altar and choir chancel and aisles Indirect lighting will bo Installed The women of congregation in raising funds with AURORA COUNCIL Continued From Page issue for Aurora high school area purposes Tenders to be based on an interest rate of both four and a quarter and four and a half percent Sealed tenders will be received up to noon September The bylaw was approved Councillor Jones dissenting Five New ByLaws Council proceeded to deal with the introduction of new bylaws the first of which ratified the mayors annual stipend of retroactive from January Carried A bylaw confirming the ap pointments of Mrs Helen Dickson deputy town clerk and deputy town treasurer was unanimously approved A third bylaw concerning the installation of meters in Aurora was then proceeded with A first reading was moved by Councillor Davies and seconded by Council lor Gundy It authorized the town council to enter into a con tract to provide meters and was passed with Councillor Jones op posing The second and third readings were then taken and passed with Councillor Jones opposing A fourth bylaw was approved with Councillor Jones opposing for the provision of parking tickets The bylaw provided for voluntary payment of fines to the clerk amounting to for alleged offences if such pay ment were made in two days A fifth bylaw was passed this concerning the J P Fielding company whose building abutted onto town sidewalks to an extent of a few inches The bylaw gave the Fielding company a clear ance on the abuttal Buy Police Cruiser Mayor bell presented a report of the police committee on the subject of purchasing a police cruiser for town purposes at a cost of around The re port was approved and council rose at pm Comment on the special meet ing of council reported above will be made in next weeks Council Sidelights Ed purchase of the carpet in view September ReOpening Reopening and dedication of the church will be Sunday Sept 2 Rev Geo Wood formerly minister of Bed ford Park church Toronto will preach at It am Rev Houston Victoria Square will be the ev ening speaker Temperanceville choir directed by the organist Mr Sam Dickie will assist No service will be held in the United church at King Laskay and Teston on Sunday Aug 26 Rev Jcnkinson the min ister will be on vacation A meal In one of Canadian Nationals attractive modern dining cars is among the relaxing pleasant interludes youll experience when you travel our line Youll enjoy also the comfort of our latest coaches with wide picture windows and Sleepy Hollow sears the bedroom lounge and duplex roomette cars which are as inviting as your own living room Youll be pleased with the courteous service you receive East or West North or South go Canadian National and travel in comfort m Youll too staying at Canadian National theyre conveniently located in ten cities from Coast to Coast a For reservations and information regarding your business and pleasure travel needs see utile or phone your local Canadian National Passenger Agent VsS J CANADIAN NATIONAL THE RAILWAY SERVING All TEN PROVINCES minutes and dollar you need to start building up that nestvug of cash nut ted t takes scarcely more time to open a of savings account than it does to cash your paycheque Its far more satisfying too for that dollar doesnt disappear like rest of ihem Three minutes and one dollar use them for yourself NOW I Bank of Montreal Ml u Newmarket Branch DOUGLAS BROWN Manager Aurora Branch- ALBERT J work I MO

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