I i J L vij Cloths aredttiwm higher ranges to 1495 group bigger than ever Have made In any ination of style color or feature at your styleleader store UNIQUE STYLES IN -W-HU- w i A Keswick Car Draw Sept The Crippled Children and Boys work funds which are be ing raised by the Keswick Opti mist Club will be greatly extend ed by the donations received through the car draw which will be made September The whole community is unit ing to put on a huge Fun Frol ic Friday Aug and Sept 1 and terminated by a monster bingo and dance Saturday night Sept The proceeds of the Fun Frolic will be applied against the arena cost There will be attractions One main one is the Lake Antique Show and sale Contact Mr J Kes wick if you have antiques to show or sell a- iloredTo Mcasu re Sharkskins Gabardines Checks Novelty Patterns Why pay more if you Can buy for less hew hip patch pocket are featuring for fall V REFRIGERATORS There was an excellent atten dance at the United church Sun day morning The Sutton male quartet provided special music Mr George Spears of Toronto occupied the pulpit and was much enjoyed Miss Peggy Carr spent the weekend with her cousin in Aurora Mr and Mrs K visi ted Mr and Mrs Donald who have recently purchased a farm at Maple Mr Bell and Miss Bell of Cold water vere Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs J Powers and Mr Jack Bond of Guelph were calling on friends at Keswick and Keswick Beach on Sunday Mrs Kennedy and three children of Toronto are visiting her sister Mrs Quite a number from here at tended Sutton Horse Show Fri day and Saturday of last veek it- mi mtb iff your you AIM m4 iiof vfc Ml I ft 4 Ki to ftA lb I MM run beak fjjc rftfa up wi it ia 7r cf oj As 32875 WILLOW BEACH The Benefit Bingo held at the Community Hall on Wednesday for Mr and Mrs L Bean who lost their home in a fire was a huge success The hall was crowded and some were not able to get seats A substantial sum was taken in from sale of bingo tickets and private donations Mrs Grant daughter are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs P Reed On Thursday Jacobs cel ebrated her tenth birthday with a number of her friends in to tea Mr and Mrs Lark in and family of Montreal are visit ing Mr and Mrs Bill Thompson Master Rodger of spent a week with his grandfather and grandmoth er Mr Mrs M Harvester Dealers Service a Must with Us DAVIS DR W NEWMARKET phone 900 GIBBONS TRANSPORT LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE fa Furniture Storage 11G0 r i V fc f id good Service and an efficient operation for the level of are every mans aim Net ore dollars Every operating phase of successful business represents dollars plant equipment payroll inventory The oneman shop with simple needs the million dollar bust requiring complex financing service both operate for dollar gain both profit by using The Bank of Torontos complete banking services Call on your local manager fot his cooperation new J- i- a w MRS LAURA CORRESPONDENT PHONE KING Show Ribbons for Hiding Club The twoday horse show at Sutton fair August and gave Oak Ridges Junior Riding club ribbons and prominence Once again president stole the chow riding Teddy thj pony and pet of the Anne placed third in junior equitation class The club was well represented in th show Miss Marilyn riding school teacher took eight horses and seven children Quite a handful dandy said Miss Teddy his first year as a show pony ridden by John placed third in the saddle pony class Sheila Wilkinson Long Branch a new member of the riding club placed fourth on Cream owned by Anne Ginger another club pony placed third in the pony brood mare class and her twomonthsold foal won second Others riding in the competitions were Deborah Katherine Gunn Dav id Harrison Shirley and Patsy Richmond Hill Oak riders will compete at the Vacation To US Mr Mrs John Durham left this week for ten days in Wilmington Delaware to visit a brother Dr Durham Mrs was a weekend guest of her niece Mrs- Durham Sympathy of community is expressed to Mrs Durham in the death of her sstcr Mrs Roy Their nieces and husbands Mrs Ben son and Bill Benson Village Mrs Ruth Lang- maid and her husband Dr Jack Boston attended the funeral on Sunday Their mother was the Mrs Garfield Case the former Stewart Entertains School Mates All graduates of Aurora high school Miss Nancy en tertained friends last Saturday afternoon at her home Shadow- mere Farm Whitchurch twp where they enjoyed swimming in Lake and after ward a bounteous supper The guests were Gordon Mary Scott King Greta Kettleby and Kyle Maple Nancy plans to study finance and commerce at the of in September en ters St Josephs hospital training school Mary wilt take up nurs ing also and is now decid ing her activities Mr and Mrs Ruckle motored to Marie re cently to visit their daughter Mrs whose husband is an engineer in the steel plant that city They motored through Tobermory taking the ferry there At the they went on a fishing expedition Mrs described it an in teresting place in which to live Last winter the spent three months in Florida and Cali fornia The latter country they say is less expensive as far as living is concerned than Canada They hope to return there this coming winter At present Mr Huckle is laying cement block at Lake Wilcox school Enjoy Northern Vacation Tour Mr and Mrs Grant McCachen with Mr and Mrs M P Detroit enjoyed a 12day holiday in the Bruce Peninsula Manitou- Island four days at Spanish River Sturgeon Falls New and other towns They fished here and there and found accommoda tion easy to find and hospitality everywhere Mr and Mrs Gill- ham left for their home in De troit on Monday Their daugh ter Betty the guest of her cou sin Barbara during their absence returned home with Barbara a guest at the De troit home for a time before she takes up school teaching in September Rummage Sale Within a couple of weeks Mrs will start on a pro gram of rummage sales to raise funds for childrens community activities at Lake Wilcox Last year with the able assistance of others she did a goodlysized job in this respect The work comes under the direction of Oak Ridg es and Lake Wilcox Ratepayers Assoc Mrs Alfred Toronto spent a few days at the home of her son Win Wild- wood Ave Her special delight there is tending her young grand child Deborah Ashby Mr and Mrs Ross Sinclair Port Credit called on Capt and Mrs on Sunday The were guests at their marriage a few months ago Ross Sinclair the father a Great Lakes sailor is an old friend of as was the late Will Ran som an uncle of Ross Jr Will Advance Help to At a meeting of Whitchurch council it was agreed to advance the sum of 100110 to the school section at Lake Wilcox to help finance the building of the school The debenture loan ap proved by the municipal council earlier has yet not been before the Ontario board which is on holidays It is fully understood that sanction of that body will be given in the near future The amount of any loan advanced by council will be de ducted when the debenture loan goes on the market The frame work of the school building is under construction and the roof will be on next week Mr Dan Cook building contractor stated Mrs Cross principal of the fourroom school is taking moving pictures of the building in different stages of its construction This could prove an interesting feature when the school is officially opened PINE ORCHARD Several new homes are under construction in this community Mrs Chas Morrison and Mrs Aurora were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Geo Sproxton Mr and Mrs Allan Cody visit ed the sea cadet camp near Mid land recently Their daughter Miss Isabel Reg as in charge of the camp hospital Earl Johnston is on holidays with his cousins and Verne Eveleigh in Aurora Sympathy is extended to Mrs Wm Younger and family of Ce dar Valley in the passing of Mr Younger Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Clarence Cedar Val ley on the birth of their son Mr and Mrs Howard spent a weekend recently with relatives at and Mark- dale Mr and Mrs Elmer Pratt and family of Stroud were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Cluro Mr and Mrs Jack and children Mr and Mrs Ross and Mr Harry and Mr and Mrs Fred Leach attended Sutton horse show Mr Douglas Muir Union church delivered a stimulating sermon on Lessons from Life of It was encouraging to see a goodly number in at tendance Service on Sunday Aug at and Sundayschool at Mr John McKay Toronto was speaker at Church of Christ on Sunday Aug On Sunday Aug Mr Fred Smart Toronto will be the speaker at 11 oclock Mr and Mrs Harry and enjoyed a motor trip to Algonquin Park and last week They also called on Mr and Mrs Steve Rose Newmarket at their cot tage at Miners Bay Mrs Jesse accompanied Mr and Mrs Morrill Davis a motor trip to the United Mr and Mrs Jack and family Miss and a girl friend and Mr Beverly Grin- dell Toronto spent the weekend at the home Mr and Harry and Mr Mrs J call ed on friends at re cently On their return thty call ed for Irene Kowlowsky and who had spent two weeks at Church of Christ summer camp at Omah David Poningale has returned from three weeks at summer camp The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday An LUMBER PRICES ARE Check with us before baying We will save you money and still yon will get first quality lumber There is no middleman with us We manufacture and machine alt our own lumber We carry a full line of all kinds of building materials and can give you immediate delivery A WILSON LUMBER CO LTD CANNINGTON ONT TELEPHONE I OIL HEATING For the Small or Medium Home The CYCLOS Quiet Clean Economical FOR LARGER HOMES OR PUBLIC BUILDINGS The ShurHeet and Crane Up to any capacity Tanks available J H King PLUMBING HEATING PUMPING SYSTEMS PHONE NEWMARKET A For A Better Better Sanderson Motors Limited DEALER DODGE DESOTO DODGE TRUCKS PARTS AND SERVICE MAIN AND QUEEN PHONE 61 to all makes cars and trucks Open Evenings Until pm S Dry Goods Mount Albert News The Friendly Store On The Top Of Phone Main St Newmarket Prop Guests on Sunday at Mount Albert of John Mr Thomas Hutchinson Mount Albert Mr and Mrs Don Hogg Mr and Mrs and family of also Mr and Geo Brown and Nor ma Mount Albert and Mr and Mrs and fam ily of Uxbridge Miss Niagara Fails borne Sun day after spending days with her girlfriend Dolores licks Mrs Verna Philip and Patricia Vancouver BC are visiting her mother Mrs Gen Mr and Mrs Carman Man Angus quests of their niece Mrs Gordon Knott and Mr Knott Mrs Jack Mainprise was an ef ficient acting postmistress dur ing the few days holidays of Mr and Mrs Willbee and Ottawa Mrs Gordon Knott visited her sister Miss Hemic- in Toronto on Wednesday Aug fi Mr and Mrs Douglas Lapp and son of Toronto are holidaying with Mr and Mrs Bruce Lapp Mr and Mis Will Caliper and Beverley were in Toronto on Wednesday Aug Mrs Flossie Browning Toron to was a guest this week of her father Mr Herb Hall Mrs Stewart Newmar ket was a Saturday Aug guest of her mother Mrs John Cain Mrs Ed Walls is having a few days holiday with Mr and Mrs at heir cabin on Lake Mr visited his sister at Maple on Friday Aug Several from here attended the Sutton Horse Show on Saturday and report a large attendance Mrs and daughter of are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Byron Stiver this week Mr and Mrs Bruce Robertson and family of Sutton Sun day guests of Mrs Robert- SHARON Service at the United church at I pm during August Sun day school will start again first Sunday in September Miss Sarah Pearson of Thorn- hilt called on her nephew Mr Wright on Monday Mr and Mrs Drake of leisido Mr and Mrs Peer and Mr and Mrs Weston of Toronto weekend guests of Mr ami Mrs Ralph Long Mr and Mrs and children of Jersey were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs W Grose and Kay Mr and Mrs Carl Vernon and Robert spent the weekend with Mr a Mrs Jack Vernon at Milton Mr and Mrs Garnet and Donald of While Rose called on Mrs Wreggit on Saturday evening Miss Ruth of spent a few days with her Miss Betty The Misses and Violet McDonald and Mr J McDonald spent the weekend with Mr Wright Mrs Harry Moss spent ft few lays in Tot onto with Mr and Mrs Grant Orchard Mr and Mrs K of Newmarket Mr and Mrs P of Toronto and Mr of Aurora were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Fred tin I I Stock Must Sold of 25 50 J T LADIES SLIPS Subs First quality 99 BIG OVERALLS Reg FRENCH BRASSIERES Reg J 75 Sale 50 BLOUSES Reg Sale m w 9 trust its son Myrtle Rear and Miss Toronto were Sunday after noon guests of Mr and Mrs Morton Mr and Mrs and Mrs Fern were Sunday guests of Mrs John Cain Mr and Mrs Andrew Mitchell were Sunday guests of Mr and Peter Mitchell Dr If conducted the funeral of the late James Smith on Aug Mr Smith had been ill for sometime Toronto was a guest hist week of Miss Hayes Airs Lloyd Paul ai tire venting their aunt Miss Hayes thisj wick CORDUROY SHORTIES Reg Sale LADIES GABARDINE SUITS and AllWealher Coats off Sale IBEX AHD KINGCOT BLANKETS nrVvi 1 FACECLOTHS Reg Sate cents each WORK SHIRTS Reg Sale price J 98 MENS KHAKI PANTS Til Reg Sale l Boys and Girls Spring Outfits SALE fifl iii v a