000 cash required dtr winterized cottage containing and Kitchenette hydro wi water At Wilcox Lake possession Write PO Newmarket sale Georgian Bay Allen Petfood Beach new cottage siding heavy wiring water in cottage space heater included al- lot adjoining 2900 Can at any time Immediate possession Phone V BUILDINGS FOR SALE For sale Parage approximate ly Phone FOR SALE For saleChoice building lots on Bolton and Ave KrharKet Phone Newmarket For rent Small selfcontained apartment Sept 1st Furnished or unfurnished Suit or 2 per sons monthly Write Era arid Express box For rent Bright apartment heated hot and cold water all conveniences suitable for young couple or two or three in business Abstainers Apply St sale 2 model A Fords and Will sell reasonable Harold Cain Keswick I m For sale Good condition Phone 263 or Newmarket Newmarket For rent Four room upstair apartment and bath garage and garden on Sharon highway Pos session November Mrs Elgin Evans Newmarket phone 297j2 2w33 IS BOARDERS WANTED Wanted Boarders Phone S5S Newmarket or apply Queen St ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS FOR FINE RESTRICTED HOME SITES- See A LARD AVE EXTENSION Also STREET FRONTAGE Apply our local real estate broker or FARMS tf25 Real estate wanted with car to take charge of real estate ofice in Newmarket Ap ply J Toronto phone WILLIAM HOLLAND Real Estate College St Toronto sate Homes forms and ages- J Wright phone St Newmarket WILLIAM HOLLAND Real Estate College St Toronto room frame house nicely painted inside and out molern kitchen 3pieee hath good Harden and shrubs Price cash red brick house goo nicely decorated w-ini- kitchen bath fin- led attic hot air furnace A very intertable home I frame house central to- side hull plan a very roomy house immediate posses- Price casli room brick clad house floors oak and ash trim hot Hoarders wanted men or man and wife to share room Phone Newmarket c2w33 ARTICLES FOR SALE For sale Venetian blinds alu minum or steel made for all styles it windows Free estimates and installations Phone apply Ontario St or write PO box 49G Newmarket ANTIQUES Bought and sold Furniture glassware pictures etc Apply Main St phone 738J Newmarket For sale Rabbit hutches Miss Burrows King or phone Aurora For sale Gasoline washing ma chine good condition Phone j I Newmarket after pm For sale carriage won par- ado last year beautiful condition Phone Newmarket For saleGirls bicycle used only times like new Phone Newmarket For sale Cookstove Oval with waterfront and warm ing closet Apply Collins Sharon For sate trailer Apply evenings or Saturday to Erie Temperance St Aurora or phone RECESSED Smart Martha Washington and stainless bath room sols white to colored complete with beau tiful chromed fittings Air condi tioning furnaces Special offers to plumbers and builders too Save many valuable dollars buy with confidence and have a nicer home Satisfaction guaran teed Extra discounts off cata logue prices if we supply every thing you need for complete plumbing or heating installation Catalogue Includes photos of main fixtures prices and large kitchen j grants Select style of one mm- fi cabinets laundry tubs show ery stoves refrigerators Pres sure water systems oil burners septic and oil tanks etc Visit or write Johnson Mali Order Division Hardware Phone evenings 51rl5 RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED USED CARS Terms Trade Cash USED CARS MERCURY sports sedan low mileage overdrive radio car like new condition CHEV Tudor maroon radio slip covers a real car for the money FORD custom alpine blue miles one owner OXFORD Morris green a real family car FORD sedan coupe green Priced right for quick sale sedan good tires heater and defroster a real fam ily car FORD a real buy FORD model A cheap New cars in stock for immediate delivery USED TRUCKS DODGE 3 ton cab and chas sis FORD ton stake cheap 1939 International 3 ton stake cheap International 2 ton stake cheap TOM BIRRELL SONS LTD FORD MONARCH SALES AND SERVICE p7CT STRAIGHT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Two cent a word minimum of cents for each advertisement Half price when advertisement Is repeated on successive weeks Ten percent discount If advertisement is paid within week of pub lication Coming Events costs two cents a word minimum cents- Price when repeated on successive weeks Sale Registers SI for the first week cents for each successive week Card of Thanks Wedding and Engagement announcements cents for each announcement less cents if paid within week of publication In cents for each Insertion plus cents a line for verse less cents if paid within week of publication Classified advertising may be phoned into or left at The Era and Express office on Main St Newmarket phone at White- laws phone in Aurora at Mrs Rolling phone King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mall where name of sender and address is clearly indicated Your advertisement gets into over 3500 homos in North York Help wanted Real estate sales man with car to take charge of real estate office in Newmarket Apply E J Dr Toronto phone NEEDED AT ONCE Man or woman to take over established route of customers for famous Products in New market Minimum earnings weekly No investment or ex perience necessary We help you get started Write immediately to The J Company St St Mon treal Que Help wanted Salesman to sell automobiles and trucks Good pro position for a worker Sanderson Motors Ltd Newmarket POULTRY FOR SALE For sale Barred Rocks Light Sussex starting to lay Walter Keswick phone Quecnsvlile 29B POULTRY WANTED Room and hoard free to lady in return for light duties Write box Bradford Help wanted Reliable girl for general housework good Toronto home no cooking school child ren Summer cottage till Labor Day Apply Mrs J Roches Point Postal clerks New market Ont Full particulars on posters displayed in post office Main St Newmarket phone Application forms obtainable thereat should be filed immediate ly with the Civil Service Commis sion Ray St Toronto For Chevrolet sedan in good running condition Price Apply Machell St Auro ra phone 1939 sedan a bargain Chevrolet sedan good con dition Avon Products offers wonderful earning to smart wo man in Newmarket easy pleasant work For personal interview Write Mrs Walker Indian Toronto All kinds of live poultry wanted Will pay above market price at your door Phone Newmar ket Wanted to buy Poultry live or dressed Any quantity Bring them in or will call on request Highest prices paid S Apple- ton Oak Ridges or phone King tf27 IMPLEMENTS FOR For Steel thresher White roller bearings Feeder grain thrower chaff blow er belt good shape Two heavy tractors fine for threshing two and three furrow tractor plows oneway plows steel and rubber One 7foot binder steel new Goodyear tractor tires while they last Young and Sons Masscy-Har- ris sales and service phone Mount Albert PETS Saturday Aug The under signed will sell by public auction the property of Amy Murray con sisting of her household furnish- tools etc to be sold on the premises in the village Kettle- by Sold without reserve the property has been sold Sale pm Terms cash Smith auctioneer phone ISTj Newmar ket Auction Sale Of Household furniture etc The properly of The Late WILFRED FOUNTAIN SATURDAY AUG 18 chesterfield suite like new chesterfield suite Diningroom suites extensions Table lamp Small tables Summer kitchen set Diningroom suites extensions Kitchen cabinet Rocking chairs Leather rocking chairs Couches 3 bedroom suites bedroom suite Toilet sets Electric heater Electric pad Electric light fixtures Linoleum rug Linoleum rug 12 Empire heater Coal oil stove and oven Coal oil heater Washing machine boiler clothes wash hoard galvanized wash tub ironing board Electric iron Curtain stretchers Raking table Quantity of odd dishes cutlery utensils Quantity of bedding Quantity of pictures Quantity of cushions Extension ladder Step ladder Wheel barrow Watering can Scythe Cross cut saw It In loving memory of Pie Horry killed in action August We cannot Thy purpose see But all in well thats done by Thee Always by Norma tovh memory of Frederick Car- who passed I have away August Davidson In loving memory of my brother Jack who passed away August 12 Remembrance is a golden chain tries to break but all In vain To have to love and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of ones heart The years may wipe out many things this they wipe out never The memory of those happy days When we were all together Ever remembered by his brother souls companion l own As I walk through life alone him l My heart cannot tell what to say God alone knows how I miss him In a homo that to day Wanted to buy Wirehaired wunttfd Woman after noons a week to do light house- Ford sedan privately own- work and take care of children one verandah and one sun A real good house Price half cash frame house 3pIece bath kitchen freshly tod and In good condition cash 53500 stucco rooming house 2 iiece baths sun and ver- laundry tubs garage hew forced air oil furnace acre lot with good garden half cash 1 St For sale Childs tri cycle cheap Phone New market For sale Ace Ice 25 Phone ket lb 202 room brick house conveniences corner Raglan Newmarket lot garage Apply Qucensville bale room brickclad use centre hall plan hot air eating divided cellar artesian cistern nicely decorated An lot for building on with of garden besides is property suitable for a family or converting to a ex also good for some trans- firm as there is a barn for or best offer half balance on mortgage per Apply North St Newmarket For ale tires used only miles size each or a real bargain at 4 for Phone Newmarket For sale diningroom suite piece Malcolm Hill bed room suite sewing machine Eure ka vacuum cleaner playpen Prospect mark 1 REAL ESTATE WANTED AND DISTRICT Client Walling BROKER NEWMARKET PHONE For ftalr Singer sewing mach ine nil attachments first class Apply Wellington St Newmar phone ARTICLES of a piano for Sun dayschool work in hardens chapi Please phone Newmarket Wanted to boy Onehorse wa gon in good condition Phone Aurora civ33 1 MERCHANDISE Chevrolet clean at a whistle Dodge club coupe demon strator Dodge ton panel new will sell at discount SANDERSON MOTORS LTD DESOTO DEALER Main and Queen Newmarket school age and proschool age Phone Newmarket 23 WORK WANTED terrier as pet for children Phone Newmarket For sale Cairn terrier puppies from champion sire pedigreed males small breed pets and up Mrs Kendall Wellington St Aurora phone MISCELLANEOUS Slip covers draperies bed spreads etc made to measure Your own materials Phone Mrs Thclma Jones Newmarket Andrew St For sal Chevrolet mode in good condition privately owned Cash offer Phone Newmarket Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Ken Sargent St or phone New market For coach radio heater motor Al shape Apply Davis Dr or phone Newmar ket between and pm For sale Ford sedan black body in excellent condition new motor good and uphol stery Apply Queen St or phone Newmarket pm Work wanted Woman desires domestic steady position Hartford It s Mi market FURRIER Furriers are special ists in repairs remodelling Dis tance no object Your friendly furrier West To ronto Orchard LOST tire with and wheel rim on August between and Pine Peach on York county road Finder please com municate with Canadian its Transport Victor ia St Toronto Reword FARM ITEMS containing of money ofire Apply Express box and cycle gas washers repair and service Stewart Radio and Applian ces Main St phone NVw- market if lit Handball glove on hospi tal grounds Finder please return to St Newmarket ATTENTION FARMERS We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay current market prices For Immediate service telephone Newmarket or Toronto Empire GORDON YOUNG LTD Wo repair all makes of sewing machines New machines up Singer Sewing Center New market Main St phone tf27 For fcaltt russca surgical sup ports elastic hosiery for those who suffer from vurlcose veins and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Drug Store phone Newmarket AllHerbal rneumanc tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Beat Drug Store phone BEST For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs colds cents The Rest Drug Store Newmarket 25 FOUND LIVESTOCK FO SALE pigs weeks old 2 sows with litters good Jersey milk cow fresh months Stuart miles of Brad ford mile west IN for the nose and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years by and children with good remilts Price SI The Beat Drug Store phone Storm aatih combination doors sash and frames days delivery Phono Roches Point r I I I J FOR HALF OH beds wheel invalid and Son Mount Albeit W- i in and board for gentleman Apply r4w32 For -r- Rooms available at weekly rate- at the King George Hotel Phone or New- For Hearing aid batteries for most popular makes Reare Radio and Appliance Main St phone Furnished bedsitting privileges J A Holland IN Send us five ties and one dollar We will send you five clean smart different ties In return Satisfac tion guaranteed or rent or furnished suitable for business couple Apply Queen St- Newmar- Large double or single to hospital if desired room cl FROM TO VOIT CIIKNJUK lowest price In Canada tiful first quality completely tuf ted no showing All col ors double or single New center patterns In flowered or solid designs Send COD plus postage Immediate moneybark guarantee Order one you will order more NEW ADDRESS TOWN COUNTRY MFC Place Montreal Found heifers I steer about years old with Phone Mount Albert or apply con lot Fast TRANSPORT Transportation avaiiabh to Tor onto Arriving am leaving at pm Phone Nov- market For 3 sows due to farrow end of this month chunks Apply Mrs Keswick phone Itoches Point I Shingling and roof repairs Fret estimates Phone wrecking For sale Clyde workhorse sound good in all harness Mount Albeit operator for motor cars Tires used parts for sale Apply Stan lot con on New market town line from Wilcox Lake arriving am leaving day week Phone Newmarket Transportation to Tor onto Monday to Friday Phone or write box Newmar ket 22 HELP WANTED WANTED Applications now being taken for full time employment appli cants must be from 17 to 24 years of age with some high school ed ucation flo to Newmarket For 0 weaned pigs 0 weeks old Apply J Larue phone Qucensville For sale- 11 weeks old Yorkshire and Vern York Sutton West con For hale 30 ewes and buck Apply A Newman or phone QueensvlHe 2BA LIVESTOCK WANTED Wanted Horses for mink feed Highest price paid Rex Smith phone collect Wanted to buy Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good prices paid Frank Coleman phone Newmar ket or write PO box For bags Canadian cement 125 bag Apply Roy Hi own Cedar TENDERS TOWN OF Tenders for Culverts Healed clearly marked Tenders for will be by the undersigned until oclock noon I ST Sep- for the const ruc tion of two reinforced concrete culvert- on Wellington Si eel and Timothy Street In the Town of Newmarket Plans and specifications may be obtained from the undersigned after oclock noon Monday 20 August or any tender not neces sarily accepted Town Engineer I Sheet Newmarket Out Bad In loving memory of our dear mother Mrs who passed away August Dear were brokenhearted Since from us you went away In our thoughts youre ever beside us To help us through each day We seem to hoar you saying ones be good and true May we your treasures in example Follow the footsteps you have trod And when our short journeys end ed Be together evermore with God Sadly missed by her family Pair snow shoes Brush Buck saw Sale at pm sharp Terms cash SMITH Auctioneer PRIVATE SALE Piano and bench excellent Chesterfield and chairs radio cabinet Bedroom suites springfilled mattresses diningroom suite Drop leaf table Easy washing machine vacuum stylo Other articles Owner moving nit articles in firstclass Apply Pearson St Newmarket Phone FOR SALE BY TENDER THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH AT BALDWIN Building to be removed by Dec 1st Tenders close Sept Lowest or any tender Hot necessarily accept ed Chits Anderson Virginia or Freeman Pollock Keswick PO NOTICE to CREDITORS IN OF JOSEPH WKSLKY OF TOWN OF NEWMARKET IN THE COUNTY OF YORK PHYS ICIAN DECEASED Creditors of the deceased who died at the Town of Newmarket in tho County of York on or about I he day of June are hereby notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before lite day of September after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this day of July The Toronto General Trusts Corporation Robert Watson Wesley and Joseph Vale Executors by their solicitor Mai hews Stiver Lyon Vale Newmarket CARD OF THANKS The Cubs of 1st market pack would like to extend their to and Mrs Thornton who volunteered their time to cook for our camp We to thank the many others who helped to make our camp a suceiss OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many and who were so kind during our recent ieayenint for the floral offerings Mrs Walter Mr and Mrs Geo Wilson CAK OF THANKS I would like to extend thanks to my relatives friends and neighbors tor the of loving memory of a flowers fruit etc on the occasion dear father whojf birthday on Saturday passed away August Mrs Geo Scott Farewell dear father thy work Is oer Thy willing hands will toil no more A loving father kind true No one on earth well find like you Lovingly remembered by Joan Harold and boys Tnnstey In loving memory of a dear husband Alfred Byron Tan- sley who passed away August to churches soon David ROY SOLOIST Master David Newmarket boy soprano was soloist at the wedding of Miss Mildred McBrtde to Mr in Church of Christ Toronto on Saturday Since then he has been requested to be guest soloist in two You left me beautiful memories Often silent tears But you will always be with me As I journey through the years You are always in my mind dear Barney No matter what I do All the time within my heart There is a thought of you Never for moment Are you very far away Absent yet near you seem And dearer every day Lovingly remembered by loving wife Matilda Tansley his Thompson In lining memory of our dear father Frederick Thompson who passed away Aug ust 1950 Loves greatest remembrance Of one we loved so dear God vailed him to sweet rest above From his suffering here below A happy home we once enjoyed Rut sweet our memories still Sadly missed but lovingly re membered by his pupil of Mrs J Eugene Cane is a Rose FUNERAL MAIN STREET StraslerSon FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERYiqi PHONES In loving memory of a dear mother Mrs Florence who passer away August We cannot clasp your hand dear mother Your face wo cannot see Rut let this little token Tell that we still remember thee Lovingly remembered by Bill Eva family In loving memory of dear father Frederick Car field Thompson who passed away Aug ust 1950 The dearest dad this world could hold The cheeriest smile and a heart of gold those who knew him all will know How much we lost one year ago Ever remembered by daughter Frieda ioniuluw Vernon McCaffreys Flowers EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World TIMOTHY ST NEWMARKET PERMITS Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY 118 Main Newmarket Phone Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY AUGUST NOTICE will not ho responsible for Incur i In my nnino by my wife Mis after IK Hot VMM in THANHS Mr Walter Armstrong and fam ily derive to express their to all friends and relatives for the kind ex pressions of sympathy beau tiful floral tributes In the loss of loving wife and mother who pass away from this life July THANKS Mrs Younger wising to ex press her Sincere thanks to neighbors Cedar Valley for the many acts of kindness expressions of sympathy and floral tributes during the sudden of her husband fAltl THANHS Words express my doep nppreelatloii my neighbors ami f tends for their gifts of kindness and devotion during my illness All I von Is thank you and bless you Mil Connell Dent rice TRINITY J Aiken Minister in charge 11 run Morning worship Our Constant III OF A Pastor Mrs Jerry lr Jerry lllack am am service pm Visiting speaker George both services Pastor on holidays until Sep tember Prayer Hireling Wed pm Junior meeting IMf families are hap py families BAPTIST am Sundayschool In Christian Baptist church 11 am All members and friends are invited to attend the union services conducted in United church A Friendly Church with a Pull Gospel Message Pastor EARL BULL am- Sunday school Miss am Divine worship pm Evangelistic message Gerald Lome Park College will be speaking at both services service pm A hearty welcome awaits you MKET1NG Street am Sundayschool am Meeting for Worship Douglas Come and worship with u All Welcome Fatlh grows in the heart where Christ dwells ST CHURCH HERMAN FOWLER Organist 1 1 am Divine worship Ceo A Lowe It A No evening service during August NEWMARKET GOSPEL AC A Yielding Pastor Miss V Curtis Pianist am school 1 1 am Morning service pm Evening service pm Prayer and Bible J i frAwfc