T et Tra Fair NTLY L O W E R You pay less for the same diningroom suites mattresses chrome kitchen suites and all kinds of home furnishings at than you do in outoftown stores but dont take our word for it j SEE FOR YOURSELF AT OUR EXHIBIT AT THE Newmarket Trade A rave and exciting collection of old China and glass is part of the Newmarket Trade Fair which opened last night in the Newmarket arena and will re main open until Saturday night The pieces are part of the Nichols collection and most of those shown are the only ones of their kind in the world The collection is being shown in Campbells exhibit and their custodian Tom Sargent will be present during the show to tell visitors about each piece Every piece has a history and Mr Sargent because of his long association with the china and glass industry is able to tell about them sometimes from first hand experience Among the pieces of china arc some from the royal dinner ser vices at Buckingham palace and Balmoral palace There are dish es that served Queen Victoria in cluded in the collection There are several beautiful vases none of which have been I duplicated and signed by the potters who designed them One vase has an overflowing design and presents an exotic picture There are gold plates of intri cate design mugs whose colors although years old still glow with beauty There is a sample See the furniture of gins intricately cut of the work is by master potters Only duo piece was fin ished in each design a fact which greatly increases the value of the collection The collection was made by Nichols won of a fam ily long ill the pottery who this year at Is complet ing CO years in the china and glass business His contacts with pottery makers in and the continent provided him with unique opportunities to ac quire these rare pieces- Some of the original collection I at the University of Western Ontar io at London where Mr Nichols now Mr Sargent who is in retire ment after many years as buyer and agent in glass and china also brought along a collection of glass objects which demonstrate the many uses made of glass Mr Sargent has made a hobby of this and in his collection has everything from lamps as small as tear drops used by surgeons to mops of glass cords used for tarring roofs lie has glass fabrics beautifully colored samples of glass insula tions glass cords glass fishing rods He has large blocks of glass which float like cork but unlike cork do not absorb water COMING SOON INTO EVERY ONE OF YOUR HOMES 9 FETED AT SHOWER Mrs Ken Osborne entertained ladies at a miscellaneous show er at her new home on Newmarket recently for Mrs Murray Jelley the for mer Margaret flu manse was of August of daughter of on I Kenneth Harry SOI of Mr Mrs Hatty Mi J iiforined Tin null with and white find gurdiia Mm A Mob yum I i phH Mr best ihnu The home of Mm her In with white by the hi with- lie of pink trip to New Irk laud Lake Parry the couple will live in Newmarket a and the received with and s 9 J G OWL AND Mixed gladioli formed the set ting in St Andrews Presbyterian church Newmarket on August for a pretty wedding when Mary Ellen Louise daughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth J FAMILY FETES SHARON MAN A surprise birthday party was hold tit the home of Mr ami Mrs Herbert on Monday for Mr Wicks Shut- on who was HO years old Supper was served on the lawn and an enjoyable evening was spent by everyone present Mr Micks remarked lie was very happy to sec his family all together ngnin as it was the first gathering for a number of years About relatives attended including a nephew of Mr Micks Mr Clarence Morton and Mrs Morton of Detroit who arrived for the occasion Mr Mortons birthday was also the same day Others present came from Kes wick Franklin Stouffvilic venshoe Weston New York Toronto Winnipeg and Newmarket was united in mar riage to Mr Joseph Ward Gow- son of the late Mr and HAS PICNIC MEETING The Hope Hobby Club held its Mrs Frcd monthly meeting at the summer Rev Alex McLean performed the cere mony Miss Mary Lou Little was organist and Miss Patricia Dunn sang The Lords Prayer during the signing of the ter The bride given in marriage by her father was lovely in a ballerinalength gown of em broidered organdy over blue satin with blue accessories and horse shoe of white roses Mrs Margaret Wed del was her sisters only attendant and wore a pink nylon ballerinalength gown horseshoe of pink and white roses and gladioli Mr Chappy Price Penelangui- was best and ushers were Mr broth er of the bride and Mr Alfred Smith For the reception at Country Acres St the brides mother chose a navy crepe gown with matching accessories and corsage of red roses The bride chose a gabardine suit navy accessories for a motor trip Mr and Mrs will re side in Niagara Falls Out Guests were present from ley Toronto Paisley Woodstock home of Mrs Carmen Rolling at Beach Lake After a sing song the meeting was opened with the members prayer The roll call was Your favorite hobby The minutes of the last meet ing were read and correspond ence was acknowledged The current events were pre pared by Mrs Eves and read by Mrs The question box was taken care of by Mrs Dike After the meeting was finished by the members creed a very enjoyable picnic lunch was serv ed and the hostess served huge servings of ice cream The next meeting will be at Mrs Dales home on August A good attendance is requested The roll call will be an exchange of plant slips Mrs Dyke will be in charge bribe question box Current events by Mrs Gerald and the lunch committee are Mrs K Fair Mrs Row Mrs and Mrs A Wright HONOREE AT SHOWER BY FRIENDS A- miscellaneous shower was and held prior hi her wedding August 14 in honor of Mary a SINGER machine Old SINGER head to look like new see lots machines like this advertised by others who have no connection whatsoever with Many of these people take old treadle heads of them 50 years add motor and parts that arc not put the ma chines in newlooking cases or cab inets of different makes and sell the results as rebuilt SINGKKS Often these machines are used as crime- on or baft to sell other make I at higher prices Obviously these rebuilts arc not really Machines And are backed or guaranteed by The only place you can get a used SINGIilt thai has beets guaranteed and reconditioned by experts tilth allMNGtlt parts is at your SINGIiK SWING a chance I iy K tt of of Millar from i i i WA A SIHOtk Alt rh famous wwina MINIMUM TERMS J i i 3W v You can enjoy all the in j feature all the dependability of a brandnew SINGER Electric Machine for only machine there ha company known the superiority of its products and service to Its There many fine cabinet mod- I loo Modern colonial period i in a wide of prices With every you get of AHodirnn1 Court your iNoA emu all at no extra it juke to the STtl I I FOR YOUR SINGER Mill and if Rewind wly fiBWINOCENTKfiiJcfitifkd by Maik SiNOKR o tti wid never tiirough department out dfPfndaMt molar tO rr i I r i tt fejaP8 I it- Vjv Main St Newmarket Phone N VARVT J J- J -v- j WIN ONI OF AWAY AT THE SHOW THEATRE CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION YOUR Or ONI POUND PRIDE ARABIA COFFEE YOU TO AM ENTRY ORM HI STORE IOBLAWS JACK JUL PEANUT BUTTER A QUALITY PRODUCT JAR Jar TUMBLER 35 22 JACK JILL PEANUT BUTTER JAR CHUNKY NUT ICE BOX JAR JUICE ORANGES SIZE SIZE FREESTONE YILLOW PLUH NOW IN PLENTIFUL SUPPLY FRESH DAILY DELICIOUS IN PIES ETC i- LOWER Potatoes ONTARIO SIZE ONTARIO TASTY SNOWWHITE PEW QUART SIZE EACH Of THE SEASON NO FANCY SAUERKRAUT AYLMER STRAWBERRY MONARCH CIMGERBRSAS 7Tzr ADDED SfADY MIX MONARCH MARGARINE r or TIN FOR A REFRESHING SUMMER DRINK ASSORTED FLAVOURS FOR SANDWICHES AND SNACKS v PIC PORK LOAF NEWPORT FLUFFS CLOVER VALLEY Cheese SWIFTS SWIFT WIN CAKE MIXES BURNS Chuck wagon Dinner McLARENS Mayonnaise COCOA 85t W NABOB IRRADIATED COFFEE PURITY FLOUR MARGENE MARGARINE C E SMITHS JAMBOREE C SAUCE DEVILS HEINZ TABLE VINEGAR GRAPE JUICE CRYSTALS GINGER ALE UPTONS TEA HAG DEAL GRIMSBY SWEET SWE T Pineapple Juice AYLMER CHOICE Peas Carrots GBEEN GIANT Fancy PEAS 2 Plain Queen Olives erries TIN I CAKE MIX WHITE CIDER CANTOS TAG JAR 17F L 4TL i-rrz- a CHOICE Siir rF INSIDE WAIT 5A v CORN CREAM STYLE SOUP VEGETABLE or tomato Choke Sliced Beets DESSERT MIX HEREFORD CORNED BEST SOCIETY DOG FOOD toilet paper Mazda CLASSIC CLEANSER STAR BRAND Chlorinated Lime LUX TOILER SOAP TISSUE SURF FAB PRINCESS CHAN SPEED COAT NOXEftffA SUNBRELLA Sanlan Lotion PLUS OF BAGS MR TINS TIM OX- TIN TINS tins TINS ivc 36c Sic toe Sic WESTON POUND D 3 INSECTICIDES TIN TINS ROUS WATT EACH TIN TIN TIN DOT i- TIN CROSS DOT ftIL or TIN FLY COILS 2 SPRAYERS GLASS BOWL i MR CAM FABULOUS LARGE GIANT PINT TIN 59c STORE HOURS ami Thursday to ti noon to to i VVAAAiVVV iV TODAYS REST MEAT VALUE BUILING FOWL 55 NO MAD HIT OR INS10I WHAT YOU BUY CHOICE SHOULDER SPECIAL LEAN CUTS HOCK on PURE PORK SAUSAGE TO COD FILLETS LB choice smo OCEAN PI