mm j P The Lions clubs of North York In company Lions clubs throughout Canada are doing all they can foster a more en thusiastic spirit of patriotism in Canada As part of that pro gram the Lions unanimously en dorsed a design for a distinctive Canadian flag at their recent national convention This design consists of a field of ten bars five blue and five white denoting the ten prov inces with the Union Jack in the upper left and a red Maple Leaf in the field with a white Fleur- delis superimposed upon it The flag retains the national colors red white and blue The Lions feel that this design is in perfect harmony with the Canadian coatofarms and tolls the story of our country its his tory and traditions It should be remembered they point out that it was the French who opened up Canada from tile to the prairies and while the British won the right to rule Canada on the Plains of Abra ham the French were given freedom and equality under the Union Jack FrenchCanadians fought along side their English- speaking compatriots in the war of to keep this Canada The main thing the Lions like about this design is that it is distinctively Canadian They point out that this flag would not be confused with the Red Blue or White Ensigns of Eng land yet the Onion Jack signi- lies membership in the Com- The bars would re- move any suspicion of ism and being dark blue and white would be distinctive from the red bars of the Stars and Stripes and the pale blue bars of the Greek flag at Point Lake needs fin ancial help to maintain its tra dition of steady improvement a tradition upheld since its be ginning in Sponsored by the North York Boys and Girls Work Board Elgin Evans New market chairman the camp last year accommodated teenage boys and girls The camp is operated on a nonprofit basis and is only maintained by considerable vol untary labor and cash donations from interested individuals and organizations Extra support is now required to carry out the program of camp improvements Camp was or ganized in to provide camp privileges for the hoys and girls of North York The first camp site was situated on Island the home of the ancient Site For Dept Building FIRST ICE TEST MADE AT AURORA ARENA ON TUESDAY The news that flooding oper ations had started in the Aurora arena on Tuesday spread like wildfire among the sports fans Tom Dickson says that the flood ing was for a test but if everything works satisfac torily the arena may carry on and put the ice in for the season If Aurora continues with flooding it could have ice in a week or ten days is reported to be planning an arena opening this week for hockey practices and skating The latest information indi cates that Newmarket does not expect to put ice in until Octo ber 20 The last wrestling show is scheduled for October and Indians After moving the arena floor is to be to several rented sites a on October site on Beach SERK WATER SERVICE A delegation representing Eagle St residents asked the Newmarket council if a town water main could be put out to Yonge St Monday night An estimate of costs of the installa tion for each property owner was given by the engineer The delegation was told that a pe tition was needed from owners so that the work could be done under a local improvement plan Councillors Fear That Present Fire Hall May Tumble Down Fear of tearing down a public building lest the one next to it fall down from lack of support was ex pressed by members of Newmarket council Monday night The building next to it is the fire hail near the corner of Main St and Millard Ave The demolition of the old Vet- tearing down buildings he said j This photograph of Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh was taken by Yoiisuf famous Canadian photographer of Ottawa Today it was announced that the lour of Canada to be made by tfie royal couple has been postponed for only one week and that the princess and duke will be arriving- in Canada October ALLOW EEN DANCE A Halloween dance is being sponsored by the Optimist Club on Friday October in New market Further announcements citizens will be able to see the pie in Toronto Copyright by about the dance are to be made l week Point was finally purchased The camp belongs to North York and is operated by a board of trustees Rev Douglas Davis Stouffville has been the business manager for the past years The camp site consists of five acres of land with a ft fron tage on Lake cabins that will accommodate eight campers each take care of campers There is adequate accommoda tion for a staff of 20 leaders with special cabins for a nurse dim- SEASON DUCK tor cooks and camp supervisor 5SS a tfeese in this area on October and closes December The season for grouse and pheasants in this area opens Oct 25 and runs Oct 2G 2 and 31 from am to pm Bert Mor rison is license issuer in New market DugOut was suggested by Councillor Tom It stands unoccupied at the corner of Main and Millard Ave At one time it was a municipal of fice Councillors Frank Bowser and Lome said that the fire hall next door would fall down because it is leaning southward against the In spite the warnings council passed a resolution in favor of the de molition since the building is of That fire hall will certainly fall down said Mr Bowser re newing the defence for the the DugOut Are you an authority on that asked Councillor Yes I am an authority on it and I say it windfall down said Bowser Why theres three feet those two buildings they a rent even connected Council lor insisted He said that the front faces of the buildings no use The fire hall is to re- were joined but not the adjacent main standing with luck until walls which easily takes care of people with an uptodate kit chen attached There is a large Petition Council Acts On New Finds Them Charming Agreeable i ion Twentysix Newmarket citizens who live near Wel lington and Prospect sent a petition lo town council Monday night urging the construction of a bridge on Wellington St before cold weather At the same meet ing councillors voted in favor of accepting a tender from Ward ami Allan Newmarket lo build bridges on Wellington St and at the east end of Timothy St There has been no bridge at Wellington St for some time and residents have only had one street entrance at Queen St They complained to council on previous occasions about deliv ery wagons and large trucks be ing forced to turn on their front lawns Councillor Frank Bowser said that it was time that something was done about building the Wellington St bridge Other wise he said he would have to ask for police protection on his telephone He complained about one particular citizen causing him trouble through incessant phone calls Town Engineer Bos- worth said that the department of highways pays a percent subsidy this year on the lowest tender price submitted The tender of Ward and Allan for was the lowest received by council According to the specifica tions work must start on Well ington St in four days By KARS1I The photographs were ta ken in the afternoon of July at Clarence House the official residence of Their Royal Highnesses the Prin cess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh Their private sitting room exquisitely and tastefully decorated was the setting I found them most charm ing and agreeable simple and dignified informal and gracious- The princess a most gracious young matron the Duke an extremely man From a per sonal point of view what impressed me the most per haps was their willingness one might almost say their anxiety to cooperate every way possible Like ail truly great people they seem to have an instinctive appre ciation and understanding of the artists needs desires The fact that I had photo graphed the Royal family before was recalled by Prin cess Elizabeth The efficiency ami cour tesy of their entourage their knowledge and understand ing of my work made my visit an easy and memorable one recreation hall and a leaders cabin with sleeping accommoda tion for adults There is also a library reading room with a slone fireplace The camp operates from May 21 to the middle of September During July and August it is used by teenage boys and girls Tenday camps at a nominal charge of are conducted dur ing this period In the spring and early fall the camp site is used for long weekends by church young peoples groups and CGlT The Junior Farm ers have for three years had one week around the Labor Day weekend Occasionally a Sun day school picnic comes here such as Newmarket this summer Further information is avail able from Mr Evans Newmar ket It or Rev Douglas Davis of Stouffville COMING EVENTS i AT NEWMARKET OCTOBER Tour Re Visit Years Ago m Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh will be visit ing Canada almost exactly years after the late King George V Queen Mary then Duke and Duchess of York toured this country and visited Newmarket as reported in the Newmarket Era during September and Oc tober N Starr advertising in the September paper which had photos of the visitors offered a Royal Welcome printed souvenir a work of art also patriotic pins at Hardware had flags for decorating cheap On the program played by Citizens Band in the Model School grounds was the march Royal Salute had received 2000 yards of bunt ing all colors and persons hav ing flags or bunting In their possession belonging to the North York Agricultural Society were asked to return it at once The royal couple had been at Montreal with the distinguished ovation ever iiven in that city to any man or Mayor a civic welcome with a quarter of a million on hand to ace the procession residence Ottawa correspondent citizens there put on the most demonstrative wel come of the tour to date He the impressive sights on Parliament Hill the illumin ated House of Commons the temporary pavilion and flags and banners along Wellington Street and the bridge across the canal The Duke and Duchess were guests of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral Lord Minto Ottawa was decorated with a taste and effect not quite equal led by anything seen in cither Quebec or Montreal In a special edition the Era recalled the visit in i860 of Kd- ward VII then Prince of Wales when the village clerk Thos Nixon in the formal welcome had remarked rather alarmingly that Fifty years ago the spot now honored by your Royal presence was a trackless forest where the red man and the trap per disputed possession with the wolf and the hear On Thursday Oct precisely at the royal train of ten conches drawn by two engines arrived for a short stop in Newmarket Earlier a train had gone through carrying the GovernorGeneral and Lady and Sir Wilfrid Lauder The weather was bad but people turned out to see the Duke and Duchess appear at the back of the last car at a platform guarded by the fire brigade The band played God Save Oils King children waved maple leaves and flags the mayor Cane was in troduced Helen Robertson and Mildred gave a bou quet of roses to the Duchess and Sheriff presented a leatherbound illuminated ad dress reading in part We call to mind that just years ago this town was honored in a simi lar manner by a visit from our Gracious Sovereign then His Royal Highness tho Prince of Wales Newmarket was later com mended as tho only town be tween Montreal and Vancouver which bad given the tours pro- decorator any help with decorating The regular oclock pas senger train was delayed over three hours that day and all freight trains were cancelled Now 50 years later another royal visit is planned Unfor tunately we wont see the royal train this time although we might see the royal plane fly over Newmarket as it has al ways done will wish Their Royal Highnesses a pleasant journey Sept 11 Professional wrestling at the Newmarket Mem orial Arena AH scats Friday September Mothers Auxiliary hake sale and fish pond Tea and cookies roots Scout hall to pm Friday Sept 28 Bingo in School at pm food prizes door prize Everybody welcome cards Sponsored the Athletic Asso ciation Sat unlay Sipt Opening dance in Holland Landing Com munity hall Heal good orchestra at pm Monday An evening on interior decorating including movie A New World of Color talk and helpful hints with fall home decorating problems Pub- lie invited to attend No charge Light refreshments In Scout hall pm under auspices of Scout- Guide Mothers auxiliary Tuesday Oct General meet ing of York County Hospital Wo mens Auxiliary in the board rooms of the Agriculture Depart ment St Newmarket at Starting Oct 8 pm Every Wednesday admission Dancing every Thursday Admis sion Pictures every Friday at pm Admission Memorial Club Roches Point ICO pm Wednesday Oct at Newmarket Hall Jackpot Door prize Doors open pm Game starts pm sharp Friday October if Kim Grove Womens Institute Is holding a In nee at Ilnlh Van Wants orchestra Admission lunch Friday Oct Newmarket Horticultural Society open meet ing Agricultural Hoard pm talk Perennial In Alfied Hall Toronto Movies sale perennial roots and bulbs Public welcome Friday and Saturday Oct Visit the York County Federation of Agriculture booth at Fair Lucky prizes to ho given Thursday Oct York County Hospital Womens Auxiliary lea at the home of Mrs Lowell Dales Prospect St Newmarket Time to pm Friday Oct IS Fun Fair King George School pm pices Newmarket Home and School Association tickets ouch attrac tion adults children Pro ceeds for public school libraries Friday Saturday October 20 Newmarket Dramatic Club presentation of Harvey at the town hall New market Friday Oct Dance in Hol land Lauding Community hall by Pop Walker Proceeds to help buy equipment for the Junior Hockey team Charlie Van ants orchestra Tickets At door Buy tickets from any of the team or phone Newmarket Friday Oct The official opening of additions to the Newmarket and Sutton High will he held at Newmarket school will Ih open to the public at Friday Oct at Sutton at pm Sunday Oct 21 Archery Deer target Shoot at Spectators welcome am and pm Thursday Oct Newmarket Home and School associations op portunity sale good used cloth ing white elephants Market Square pm Leave contribu tions at Stewart store Monday Oct and bridge at Aurora Legion hall un der auspices of Ladles Auxiliary branch Refreshments Ad mission Good prizes Tuesday Oct Recital In Trinity United Church hy Jeanne famous Canadian so prano by Mr Kenneth Morton and accompanied by Nor man at under joint auspices of the Womens Association Trinity Church and the local branch Ontario Regis tered Music Teachers Association c5w39 Friday Nov SO Annual St Andrews Day lea bazaar bake sate by Womens association St Andrews Presbyterian church Newmarket Reserve date Every Saturday bingo In North Memorial hall Kes wick at pm under the plccs of the Building Board Spe cial prize cards Dancing every Saturday at Bel- haven hall to Norm Burling and Ills Klngsmcn Admission tf39 URGES PASSING OF ANTISMOKE LAW Councillor Lome Paynter urged council to pass an anti- smoke bylaw at the Newmarket council meeting Monday night Mr said that the by law has been on the agenda for a long time and that it was time to do something about it The bylaw first introduced by Dep utyreeve J Spillette was planned to control the emission of smoke from factory chimneys Mr is away on holi days and Mayor Vale said that nothing should be done about the bylaw until the deputyreeve is at a meeting council decides when and where it will build a new one The Newmarket fire depart ment wants a new fire hall built on the site now occupied by the old and the present fire hall Members of council are not unanimous on whore the new fire hall should be Some favor the firemens idea an other proposal is for the water works property at the south end of Main St A resolution was brought in near the end of the discussion to draw up a bylaw authorizing construction of the new building at Main and Millard but it was withdrawn The mayor suggest ed that the two sites be consid ered before next council meeting and that the committee make a recommendation for hotter site Mr said that he had put forth his motion for the Out demolition in hopes that it would promote some discussion on the fire hall It did Councillor said that there was no doubt that the fire hail would fall down if the cor ner building were removed I suggest that we decide that we are going to build a new build ing this fall before we start Reeve Arthur Evans question ed the proposal to use the pres ent site The firemen want the new building at the present site but is this the place for a fire hall The reason they give is that they can coast the truck down either hill to start it in cold weather I think that idea is years old He said that the present site is in a congested traffic area Town Engineer Bos- worth said that the lot is 53 feet feet It is possible to build a fire hall there but dont think there is enough room for the kind of building we should be putting up He said that a fire hall which would serve the town as it expands in the future should be built Mr Evans favored the water works site There is always someone at the waterworks building day or night and Urals the next best thing to having a full time fireman at the station The new truck is housed there now and it gels to fires faster than the other truck stationed at the top of the hill he said From the waterworks it can swing out north south and west and travel along good paved streets BOY SCOUT SALVAGE There have been rumors of salvage in the name or the Boy Scouts in Newmar ket Scout officials say that the only Boy Scout collections are those taken by the Scouts them selves in full uniform and with their own trucks and that any one claiming to collect for the Scouts is misrepresenting him self Plan Double Header To Open Flo Next Thursday Nite ATTENDS CONFERENCE Dr M son of Mr and Mrs Newmar ket was in Now York last week attending the International Conference of Pure and Applied Chemistry Dr is in the food and drug division of the Department of National Health The switch will be thrown next Thursday to open Newmarkets now floodlit ball park- floodlight committee plans a doubleheader game and all collections from the twin bill program will go into the floodlight fund Two town league teams Office Specialty and Boll Telephone will meet on one half of the program IN ALLCANADIAN ORGANIST CONCERT Mr Norman organist of Trinity United church has been invited by Mr Gerald bales to play before the Toronto Centre of the Canadian College of Organists in a program by young Canadian artists featur ing the works of Canadian com posers Mr has chosen to ploy the Prelude and Fugue on Iste Confessor by Dr Arthur ton This program will take place Monday evening Oct in Shcrbournc United church It is definite that the flood lights will go on as Northern Electric engineers are to make the final check on installation and will spot the floodlights this weekend As mark of appreciation the Specialty and Bell teams will be featured Both v supplied volunteer workers for the project The second half of the twin bill way feature the Sevens town league champions and Zephyr or Pine Orchard finalists in the Lake Simeoe league However plans are not complete and it may be an allstar town league against the Sehombcrg and there is a possibility that one of the Optimists minor base ball teams may be using the lights before the official Thurs day opener Wiring was completed Tues day All that is required is a connection to the hydro tines The transformer was put up on Tuesday Aug Morrison hy dro superintendent one who has aided the floodlight committee time after time expects to con nect the light today Volunteer workers have saved the committee many dollars Hydro employees An drews Wendell Gilbert and Bob Walker received special mention over the past two weeks in con- The lights may be ready on the necting the light standards and weekend after final inspection installing secondary wiring TRAINS AS Ken son of Mr and Mrs A Newmarket is at present taking pilot training with the Reserve He started flying this week in It A Harvard trainers Under the reserve scheme he is taking a year out from his engineering course at the University of To ronto to train as a pilot On completion of the course he will hold the rank of flying officer in the reserve and return to university Formerly Of Aurora Dr Hill Appointed To St Barnabas The Very Rev Roland ami in was ordained deacon IN GUARD OF HONOR Three young men from New market have been chosen to be in a guard of honor when Prin cess Elizabeth and the Duke visit Canada Doug Melf McCaffrey and Don mem bers of the Royal Canadian Air Force Reserve will be In the guard of honor at Toronto of Athabaska has been ap pointed rector of St Barnabas Anglican church on Ave Toronto Dr Hill was born and educated in Aurora and is the son of Mr and Mrs Jack Hill Wellington St Au rora Dr Hill succeeds Rev Harry W Garbult who was dismissed from his incumbency on July Rev A Beverley Bishop of Toronto Hill who is will take on his duties December Dr Hill has had nine years parochial experience in the dio cese of Toronto and Athabaska He received his degree from the University of Toronto in and appointed as incumbent of tho parish of He was ordained a priest upon his gradu ation from College In 1947 Bishop of appointed him rector of St James Cathedral in Peace River Alta In commendation of his work in the Peace River district the Bishop of has written He has done mag nificent work here He is a splendid worker and organizer and a good preacher More im portant his own life is a splen did example of Christian living He has done completely faithful work in this diocese and richly deserves a larger place of work than I could give him 1 i v bl