Newmarket Era and Express, 4 Oct 1951, p. 10

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a es from the itors Note k The past week was a melan choly round of plugging chinks and doorways and assembling stove pipes as we spent our leisure time buttoning up for the winter These were jobs we expected to do at our own pace in the several weeks we thought lay ahead before the cold became uncomfortable Weve not lately been in touch with the weather prophet on Island nor have we observed too well the thick ness of the squirrels coat but our neighbor has a book of lunar tables from which is forecast the weather for the year and he tells us a mild winter is in the making And too reading of the re port of scientists investigating the biography of a glacier in Alaska we learn that the win ters of the last century or so have generally been milder As a byproduct of their studies of the glacier they hope to ascertain the possibilities of a new ice age After last week we would suggest they pack up and came home The Ice Age has arrived Its indecent to set hus band of the house off on his search of stove pipes storm windows and other armour against winter so early in the season Why the leaves are just beginning to hint of their coming glory By all the rights of we should have another three or four weeks before we start splitting kindling and shovelling coal We did persist in our belief in our neighbors lunar tables pointing out to a shivering wife and sniffling kids that it would be nothing short of a gross be trayal of trust to light the stove We were given no en couragement at all And so finally we started on the pipes and it turned out as usual a job which lasted all week Either the stove had moved or the pipes had shrunk the com bination which had fitted so nicely last year was an impossi bility this year And with the pipes finally joined we find that the centre length was dripped on through out the summer and has rusted through and so must be re placed There are or rather there were a few apples in our yard and we were inspired by mem ories of the cider of our youth to undertake to make a batch It was quite an experience We borrowed a cider press from a friend and set the child ren to gathering the fruit Af ter some experimentation we got the gadget together and called all hands to witness the effort The effect was quite impressive We leaned our back into the handle of the grinder The kids dumped the apples in Pieces of apple went flying When the container was full we started to give it the squeeze while everyone stood about waiting for the first drip When it came we caught the first of it in a glass and never was there a brew so en trancing Well we spun the grinder and turned the press all after noon while the small fry gath ered up the fruit We had visions of huge demijohns of cider in the pantry but when we totalled the make it had shrunk surprisingly and all of us were so full of apple juice we squished Went off to see the hunt on Saturday but all we saw were a few strays breathing their horses and looking for their fellows and along the Glen- sideroad clots of cars full of enthusiasts Ever so often the cars would start up and race a few miles along the road on a false trail and then back to the original parking space Still no sign of the hunters It was a lovely day for it anyway From the Files of 25 and 50 Years Ago OCTOBER has made the past leadership The t fair The town band wonderful progress summer under the of Mr Paul programs on grounds were greatly appreci ated It is something to the credit of the members as well as the leader that our band came sixth in the competition of amateur bands at the To ronto Exhibition out of con testants since it is only a little over a year since it was reor ganized and over half of them never played in the band be fore Many people were aroused early Sunday morning by the noise and rush of fire and going up the road A message had been sent into the village that Jackson Villa one of the summer hotels at Jack sons Point was on fire As the building had not been oc cupied for a couple of weeks the cause of the fire is a mys tery The building was owned by Mr Robinson of vas completely burned down Loss partly covered by insurance The Sharon young people de serve great praise for the pres entation of the play entitled Forest Acres in the town hall last Tuesday night in the presence of full house The parts were well taken and the stage scenery and costumes very appropriate Miss Mar garet Davis the life of the play which frequently ap plauded Sir Henry Thornton prom- that one of the notable- events in Canadas diamond jubilee year be the open ing of Torontos new union station ft hasnt been years in building but few can re member just how long it is since the project first mooted OCTOBER Toronto news The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall will leave the train which brings to this city at station The platform will he extended feet and other structures erected to accommodate the crowd The Ontario govern ment will make a grant of 1- towards this reception ac commodation Excursions on all lines are announced to Toronto next week on account of the Dukes visit The city is more elabor ately decorated than ever be fore and the occasion be one long to be remembered The GTR run a special train from Toronto to Colling wood on Friday night leaving the Union depot at 1040 oclock and Parkdale at This is the season of the year when much climbing is done in the orchards and people should take warning about taking care Owing to the festivities in Toronto next week at which a number of our people have signified the intention of at tending the Harvest Home in connection with the Methodist church has been postponed till Tuesday Oct Regular meeting of the town council next Monday evening The time has surely come ladies should insist in having pockets in their dresses They have been victims of a foolish style long enough the time they have all lost purse or two they wonder why they submitted to the de cree of fashion so long Mount Albert Mrs Wallaces millinery opening on Tuesday largely attended The trimming of Miss her new milliner is being highly Spoken of by the ladies Very heavy frost yesterday morning and the leaves are failing fast THE ABSENTEE fe- Serving Aurora and rural districts of North York Era The Express Herald Published every Thursday at Mam St Newmarket by ihe Newmarket Era and Express Limited Subscription 4 for two years for one year in advance Single copies are 5c each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Mail Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN A MEYER Editor JOHN E STRUTHERS News CAROLINE ION Woman Editor GEORGE HASKETT Sport Editor IAWRENCE RACINE Job Printing and THE EDITORIAL PAGE PAGE TEN THURSDAY THE FOURTH DAY OF OCTOBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYONE GETTING NEW INDUSTRY From time to time there are rumors that a new industry may locate in Newmarket or its immediate vicinity Occasionally town council members drop hints that they are hot on the trail of a prospect But despite it all there has been no new industry in Newmarket since the Guild Industries located here some months ago Industry in a country town has become synonymous with prosperity and the concern of the citizen is under standable specially since this summer when tanning industry began to feel the impact of reduced markets and men were laid off in Newmarket and Aurora and in Aurora one firm closed down entirely when hit by the governments credit restrictions There is no question that the solvency of a town is very largely assured by a variety of small industries Events have shown that Newmarket could do with more sources of employment the frequent question of what the council as senior body in town is doing about industry We are not sure just what the council is doing about it Negotiations with firms likely to settle here are carried on in an atmosphere of deep secrecy and only announced when success is assured Possibly there is no alternative to such an approach With most municipalities in Ontario looking for industry prema ture publicity could tip the applecart We know too that Mayor Vale and no doubt other members of the council are quick to follow up prospects they may hear of but competition as noted is keen and judging from results Newmarkets approach to the question of locating new industry here is not adequate Other municipalities alive to the advantages of industry have issued booklets publicizing their virtues as industrial sites or have employed industrial com missioners to track prospects They use advertising and all other means available to attract attention to themselves In the process they have turned the rival ry among municipalities for new industries into an exceedingly competitive undertaking In this compe tition Newmarket is lagging Is there any reason why a citizens committee could not be formed a committee whose sole purpose would be to attract new industry Such a committee might seek out new industrial sites make contacts with industry follow up prospects and in general act as salesmen for the town There is in Newmarket excellent possibilities for such a committee through the three banks and their connections through the present industries with their wide contacts and through the many citizens with special knowledge Bringing new industry to Newmarket is not simply a matter of selling the town as an ideal municipality in which to locate but of also assuring the prospective employer of sufficient labor transportation facilities nearness to market and raw materials and a suitable site for Ids plant The accumulation of this informa tion and providing these facilities is a lengthy job and there are few occasions when all the requirements are on hand If the job of bringing new industry to town were given to a committee with a wide representation the bringing together of the prospective employers require ments would be easier accomplished than by keeping the prospect a secret in council A v- HOW IT IS DONE IN The village of Oxbridge offers an example of what an enterprising group of citizens can do to bring new industry to their community During 1950 the Cham ber of Commerce and business men the village subscribed as the initial capital of the firm J abridge Development Co This concern undertook to promote and develop industry in the village by acquiring business and factory sites and buildings by purchase or by constructing such buildings for sale or for rent to prospective manufac turers who might to locate in the village The company has now acquired a one and half acre site and begun construction of a onestorey factory building The company was incorporated December 1950 and recently offered common shares par and the proceeds of the sale will be used to finance the building company is intended primarily as a community effort for the development of the commun ity but its policy will be to earn a reasonable return for the shareholders The project it seems to us is an admirable mixture of self interest and community effort Is there any reason why such an undertaking should not be attemp ted here The advantages are many Making the location of industry in the village a profitable possi bility not only for the community but for those who are promoting the undertaking is a practical way of encouraging the greatest effort MEANING IN DOLLARS AND CENTS Why seek industry There are almost as many different answers to the question as the number of times it is asked Some reasons are immediately obvi ous the variety of industry is an assurance against mass unemployment industrial payrolls are heavy contributions to commercial well being industrial taxes are needed to finance the new schools and other public requirements of a modern municipality But just what docs a new industry mean in dollars and cents The United States Industrial Bureau gives some idea with the following estimates A new industry employing 150 men requires and supports an average of occupied homes retail stores half million dollars in retail sales acres of additional farm produce additional professional men school rooms and teachers cars and the services for them two and half million dollars In additional taxable valuation As staled these are only estimated figures and some allowances must be made for differences between Canadian and American standards but the figures do give some hint of the economic effect upon a small town of a good sized industry And the figures also point out the requirements of a new industry The school rooms and teach ers for example or the housing A municipality seeking new industries must be prepared for an expan sion of its school system indeed of virtually every civic service Unless a municipality is prepared to foot that bill it is foolish for it to seek new industry Presumably the taxes of the newcomers will eventually pay the cost of these services but the municipality must make the original payment and if it is heavy it can knock a big hole in the municipalitys credit CHANGE ON MAIN STREET Harrys Dry Goods is moving from the top of the hill to the former site of the Dominion Store this week Last week Newmarket Sports and Cycle traded loca tions with Hills Shoe Repairs Robert Yates Jewellers are moving into the former Newmarket Fruit Store location McCaffreys Flowers recently moved to a Main St location A new hardware and mens cloth ing store have occupied the new stores opened along the south end of Main St With these moves there has been a steady program of renovation ami improvement Harvey Lane has put in a new store front and modernized the interior of his drug store as has Howard his grocery store Many other merchants have undertaken programs of improvement of store facilities and service The amount of change is an indication of their awareness of public taste and heir own desires to make a credit able showing It is often said thai the appearance of its business section is the index of a towns character and if this is so Newmarket can take pride in its showing Gran ted that there is much that can be clone but let us also admit that much has been done or is in the process of being done to maintain Newmarkets reputation as a shopping centre Its too bad some of the articles sold at the Porter sale in King last week couldnt have been bought by historical societies or other groups interested preser ving old As near as can be ascertained all sales were to private individuals and included an an cient sea chest and an ox yoke Mayor Yale told a deputation from Holland Land ing that a sewage disposal plant might be under con struction by next summer but the members of the deputation can scarcely be blamed if they should be dissatisfied even skeptical For years the dumping of raw sewage into the river by Newmarket has been a sore point with everyone living downstream and for years the issue has been avoided by town administra tions It would be a crowning of irony if by next summer the plant could not bo built because of lack of materials or some similar emergency V irate guarantor J fc Of f ice Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger The beginning of every sen- son is almost like a New Year you fee like resolving things For instance in the spring yon resolve that this year you are going to keep ahead of the weeds keep the grass short so it wont be so tough mowing and get the storm windows off early But usually the weeds are growing in the garden in a pro fusion the lawn is ahead of you and the storm windows are still on in June Til bet tht everyone has said to himself this summer that he would have the storm windows washed and on the house by the end of September this year And some day in November during a swirling blizzard you will see the homeowner fastening down his win dows unwashed because the Bon Ami freezes on the win dow pane and the wind is blow ing too hard anyway But its nice to be enthusias tic about the autumn I get awful hungry in the fall when I smell chile sauce and pickles You get an enthusiasm for pumpkin pies squash chest nuts and turkey dinners You get full of a fall energy for doing things You feel that the home should be stock ed up with preserves and vege table gourds and squash pickles and pumpkins People dont stock up enough these days for the cold weather ahead The other day I says to Isa bella I says We should be like the early Puritans this fall so that we wont have to be running down town every five minutes for something to eat The home I told her lacks initiative in these modern times Raising my fist in the air for emphasis I shouted What is happening to us Are we becoming a bunch of sof ties And she took my advice to heart too a rare occurence It made me feel proud as I left for the football game on Satur day afternoon with the aroma of pickles and grape jelly still in my nostrils that our little home was being stocked up for the cold weather ahead And reclining in the bleachers on that beautiful fall football af ternoon I thought to myself that it really look the male mind to bring things back to a sound basis once in a while But as it often happens the male advice was not appreci ated As I returned from a pleasant afternoon at the foot ball game I was met by a tirade of words at the front door You and your early Puri tans Here I slave all after noon in a steaming kitchen over a batch of pickles and you just wander off to a football game You and your enthusi asm about preparing for the cold weather ahead and are we a bunch of softies What about the storm windows They are still sitting out in the garage and it will probably be snow ing next week And what about the furnace pipes They havent been cleaned in two years And the grass is still growing you know That last cutting wasnt the last cutting you hoped it would be And the flower beds should be cleaned up and leaves put on them And you said you were going to paint the floor of the back porch last May If you hadnt gone fishing nearly every weekend you might have had that done You see Women are always trying to let you know how efficient they are and how leth argic and lazy you are They can never seem to get away from reality always harping on some insignificant detail which really has no importance in the greater scheme of things Women unlike males can never escape from the small things by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches that the price of hogs has taken one of those queer dips and slipped down below cwt the hog producers are making very indignant speeches and are trying to organize and in every respect go through the painful process the milk pro ducers have been through for years The only difference is that it takes that special feeling to get them going and we venture to suggest that as soon as the indignation is turn ed into a 30 and feeling the enthusiasm will fade and if it ever reaches 34 again the hog producers or those fellows who are raising the loudest of outcries- will stop again and say Won we are still in the best of the farming enterprises and everything will be dory You may gather from this that we have very little pa tience with this type of attempt to organize A man in any business must make up his mind about what he wants If he is satisfied with this so- called free market then the fact that the market slipped shouldnt upset him And if he objects to these periodical raids on the prices then let him object consistently What is the use of saying that prices are set after the proces sed meat is sold just because the price is 29 and not say so when the same process is used but the price is high Months ago wo pointed out this very same thing But then pork prices were rising so no body eared Now that prices have fallen because of a lot of breeding stock on the market and now that suckling pig prices have tumbled on some local sales to seven and eight dollars and we are assured quite a scarcity to come would like to say that prices will go up again and the hog producers will be happy again And just to get it all off our chest we would like to point out where we think the trouble is The trouble is that the hog producers have fatten for some the most elaborate and beau tifully organized public rela tions and publicity campaigns THE OLD HOME TOWN that any industry could organ ize There are yearly field davs organized by some of the pack ers There are arrangements for township groups to visit plants There are educational lectures and free meals and prices for the best carcass or score Anytime there is a bacon hog show the packers will specially kill some hogs and bring the carcasses to these shows It is all done to per suade and convince the produc ers what the real carcass should look like Undoubtedly there are other attempts and success ful ones to make the- packing houses the friend of the hog grower Well whether you like it or not you can only accept so many free meals and free this and free that before you lose your independence if our memory serves us right three or four years ago the hog prices were not set the week They are now We re peat what we said before that no producers should be expect to ship to market and then see the price set after the whole weeks run is available and can be readily seen Maybe the hog producers like it that way Maybe they ap preciate the magnanimous free education provided by the man who buys their product Well then just let it go Maybe we the milk producers shouldnt be jealous of the harmony that exists between the producers and the buyers of hogs for most of weeks a year We dont know We suppose some day a board made up of pro ducers and buyers will set pric es say Tuesday morning or Monday night and broadcast it on the radio Or set the prices once a day as it is done in some vegetable growing districts Maybe someday the producers will have a way of storing and distributing offerings of hogs to assure a steady and ample supply at a fair price But right now the hog producers have to look to their own or ganization if they are looking for the guilty party lV4tf I ITS MAVJS WAY Of J I PAWS J and By STANLE AT I a V d

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