Newmarket Era and Express, 4 Oct 1951, p. 15

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j LORDS DAY ALLIANCE Rev Warren will visit Newmarket and district within the next few days and will call on friends of The Lords Day Alliance He will appreciate a hearty welcome and response when called upon Valuable work is being performed by this organization in safeguarding the national weekly day of rest for Canadian workers against com mercial exploitation by Pauline Roy CANADIAN children have to be proud of in their wearing apparel They lead the fashion in knitted garments The wool it manufactured and the patterns are designed in Canada for the happy growing youngsters who live in this land of enow and sunshine Active and healthy children must be comfort able and warm That is why mothers plan many knitted garments when they are choosing their childrens clothes- School Days School days are her again and many little fel lows are just beginning They are filled with the ex citement of a brand new world full of new interests and new their minds absorb more learning and they are launched in the sea of knowledge Theres reading writing arithmetic geography his tory drawing music games and A great deal has been added nowadays to keep the children eager to spend their days in school It is no longer the dismal grind it used to be Because of the increased activity in school and at play the little lads The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Oct Page By Isabel Cotviile -PLEASURE- WHERE WE FIND IT Wasnt it Shakespeare who said we could find tongues in trees books in the running brooks sermons in stones and good in everything Well within the last few scenes we were not listening to weeks we have had one or two things which have added to the and looking at Mario Lanza and Ann BIyth We were living with sum of our pleasure in life One Enrico Caruso and Dorothy Ben- iff need plenty of practical clothes Attention MX Boy Heres a manly sweater any boy proud to wear It a smart appearance and there is no pull or restriction with the comfortable raglan sleeves Its made of heavy double knitting wool which works up quickly Bright red and light grey is the color combination used here but you may of course choose any colors you wish Red is good because of association with fire engines dump trucks Indians and all the daring romantic things little boys think about Directions for knitting this little boys cardigan come in sizes and years If you would like to have knitting inacructiona for making it simply send a stamped selfaddressed envelope to this paper and sk for Leaflet LITTLE BOYS TWOTONE CARDIGAN was The Great Caruso We are not regular movie go ers but when we find one that pleases we make the most of it witness The Great Car uso we went twice in New market and once in Aurora Archie and I grand opera occupies a place in our hearts from which no other form of en tertainment can ever hope to dislodge it Nearly every song that Lanza sang we had studied and in the original language so you may know what it was to us to hear them sung as they were The whole picture was one of the few completely satisfying per formances of its kind that we have seen After the first few BIRTHDAY CLUB Birthday wishes this week to are extended A Fair For Kids Parents At King George School A fun fair for the boys and girls of Newmarket as well as their parents will be held at the King George school on Fri day Oct from to pm Sponsored by the Newmarket Home and School association the fun fair will feature such attrac tions as a talent show television movies fish pond skate ex change and the sale of novelty Halloween and Christmas candles used comic books taffy apples homemade candy pop corn home baking and other novelties Light refreshments will be served with tea cup read ing as the pleasant aftermath The fun fair will be held in all the rooms of the school with three showings each of Die tele vision movies and talent show beginning at and pm There is no admission charge and everyone is welcome The net proceeds from the fair will be used to purchase books for the public school libraries Sale Of Roots Bulbs Feature i i Of Horticultural Soc Meet Linda Margaret Summerville 9 years old on Fri day Sept James Sutton West years old on Fri day Sept John Sheridan It New market years old on Friday Sept Carol Newmarket years old on Monday Oct 1 years old on Monday Oct 1 William Albert Schomberg years old on Wed nesday Oct Ronnie Scott Newmarket years old on Wednesday Oct 3 Jean Lois Archibald years old on Thursday Oct Linda Ann Niagara Falls years old on Thursday Oct Carol Ann Haines Newmarket 3 years old on Thursday Oct Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club An informative and interest ing talk a movie showing the growth processes of plants and a sale of perennial roots and bulbs at percent of nursery prices will comprise the pro gram of the first open meeting of the fall season to be held by the Newmarket Horticultural so ciety The meeting will be in the Agricultural Hoard rooms tomor row evening at pm The Perennial Bed in Fall is the topic of the talk to be given by Alfred Hall Toron to This talk has been limed so that gardening enthusiasts may have an to put into practice the many helpful point ers Mr Hall will give The guest speaker has been an advisor on landscape matters in Ontario for years In this capacity he has dealt both with private individuals and park commissions A motion picture God in Creation is the second item on the program This outstanding film has been made available to the society through the coopera tion of the local VLA office The sale of perennial roots bulbs and other garden stock will be made possible through the assistance of the societys members Those who have ex cess material in their gardens are requested to bring it to this meeting to sell at percent of nursery prices All garden stock must be marked as to variety and price If possible such material should he at the Agricultural Hoard rooms between and to morrow evening By this sale if excess garden stock material which otherwise might be dis carded will be made available to local gardeners at reduced prices The program is under the dir ection of Mrs John Kudelkn program chairman An interest ing evening has been planned and a cordial invitation is exten ded to the general public TULIP Flower lovers will he interested to know that a very timely pam phlet has been published by the Ontario Agricultural College on the growing of tulips This con cise outline covers location soils planting treatment after flower ing and varieties Anyone wish ing a copy should write lo W M agricultural represen tative Newmarket or to the rio Agricultural College and ask for circular A101 ECONOMIST WKDS What a picture it was of the public and private life of a great singer what it means of hard hard work sacrifice and worry which is so often hidden behind the glamor and adulation of the There was a time when opera only meant singing but in Car usos time acting was becoming a must A tenor for some un known reason is always cast as a lover and it was becoming in creasingly evident that the pub lic wanted to see a love scene not just listen to ardent love addresses to the audience or the conductor of the orchestra Of course as the picture plain ly showed tenors had very rare ly any love for the supposed lady of their devotions Grand opera sopranos as a rule at that time felt that part of their hold on their public was to display a temperament or maybe tem per is a better word that would have put a fish wife to shame That time is happily past but Caruso had it to contend with I do not think that anyone who heard Lanza sing Because will ever want to sing it again Some thing was in it that only great ness can give The scene at the midnight mass where Lanza sang Ave Maria was one of the most beautiful in the whole pic ture The little lad who sang with him homely hut so intent had a voice like an angel The last j scene in the picture was a mar vellous piece of acting by both Lanza and Louise I came out with wet eyes and I was not the only one Someone objected to all the singing being in foreign tongues I could not see it detracted from the picture If we went to the Metropolitan wed get the same and what a scene that same opera house made Ive always wanted to go there and now that weve glimpsed it we want to go more than ever Another wonderful piece of acting Blyths reaction when Lanza asked her lo marry htm The stunned look of sur prise and the gradual awaken ing to the reality of the proposal was rather wonderful A wedding of considerable in terest to the rural young people of York County took place at Grand Valley Sept when Ruth Hunt Newmarket home econo mist for York County was united in marriage to Mr Ernest Clarke of a senior student of the University of Toronto Mrs Clarke is also in charge of the Junior Womens Institutes for the counties of Peel and and the young couple have taken up residence at Our Ju niors join in wishing them a long and happy wedded life THE HOMEMAKERS Aids For Jelly Makers w I What are the characteris tics of a good jelly A A good jelly is clear and transparent it is firm enough to hold its shape when and cut it is tender not tough or gummy it has the fruit flavor characteris tic of its kind What three ingredients are necessary for jellymaking A Pectin acid and sugar are necessary in the correct propor tions Which fruits make good jolly A Fruits which contain large amounts of pectin and acid make good jelly Examples of these arc sour apples crab- apples cranberries currants gooseberries grapes and sour plums Most other fruits are lacking in either pectin or acid hut may be combined with fruits having high pectin and high acid content Q How ripe should fruit be when made into jelly A A mixture of about equal parts of slightly underripe fruit which contains more pectin and fully ripe fruit which has better flu- vor is considered How can you test for pec tin A Boil the fruit juice for throe minutes Then measure I fruit juice and one teaspoon rubbing alcohol into small dish Blend quickly to gether and let stand seconds if a jellylike mass or clot is formed the Juke contains suf ficient pectin The sugar may then be added hat determines the amount of sugar to be used in jellymaking A The amount of pectin determines the amount of sugar Threequarters of a cup of sugar is allowed for each cup of extracted juice unless heavy clot is formed In the pec tin test heavy clot shows the juico Is rich in pectin and cup of sugar for cacti cup acted should be We had read Dorothy Carusos life of tier husband and were glad that the picture followed it as consistently as it did That such a picture has appeal for everybody one can guess by the lineups each night know one little girl she is seven who sat on the edge of her chair abso lutely oblivious to everything and everyone and who when one song began cried out Aunt Hilda its Aida its Celeste i should be boiled rapidly other wise the pectin may be destroyed by long slow cooking How can you tell when the jellying point is reached A Dip a spoon into the syrup and allow some of the syrup to run off the edge of the spoon When drops form and flow to gether to form a sheet the jelly slage is reached The jelly should then he removed from the heat Immediately Why does jelly sometimes fail to set A There are many reasons for this Using over- ripe fruit or fruit lacking the pectin too short boiling time too much sugar in proportion to the amount of pectin and acid too much water used in extracting the juice What makes jelly tough AJely may become tough if too little sugar for amount of pectin and acid is used Over cooking results in Q Why is jelly not always clear A A cloudiness may result from improper straining or by squeezing the bag Too great a proportion of green fruit nitty also cause cloudiness What makes crystals form in jelly A Crystals re sult from an excess of sugar in sufficient acid or overcooking the jelly Tartaric acid may cause crystals hi grape jelly but this can usually be letting grape juice stand cold place before making Salic icily The crystals will to the bottom and the juice may bo carefully drained off What makes jelly weep occurs In fruits high in acid This is thought to be caused by a contraction of the jelly mass which squeezes out liquid similar to the separation of the whey from the curd of milk If dribbles of jelly not wiped off Inside of the glass above the jelly level the will not form a good Hut why is it that nearly al ways there is something to dis turb when one is practically lost to everything but one thing One night just when we were leaning forward not to miss a wont or Up got first one boy in front of us and went out to return laden with some thing to eat and just as he sat down up got another We could neither see nor hear for min utes It seems to me that cour tesy in public places should be taught in our schools if it is omitted in our homes But there are thorns about the sweetest roses some can only say Give us more pictures like The Great Caruso intended to write about our Beauty but space will not per mit so unlil next week Your nearest Its the friendly way to travel You see all the way You have more lo spend other things because fares are low ROUND TRIP Subject to Change BOSTON PITTSBURG DETROIT KING GEORGE HOTEL PHONE A fm INFORMATION SERVICE I fWA- i i-T- H MONTREAL I often wondered made the Cheshire Cat in Walt Disneys Alice in Wonder land so much Then I decided hed just finished something very extra special to cat something like PUDDINGS Ive noticed the same pleased expression on the faces of the family when theyve enjoyed a milkrich satisfy ing Jcll0 Padding dessert not that I them I And when I think how easily and econ omically such desserts can he prepared with Puddings know Im just as happy to serve them as family lo eat them Serve a tonight for dessert and watch the same Cheshire Cat smile appear Your Chance lo enter that grand WATERMANS INK NAMING CONTEST that told you about in a recent column You may he the lucky winner of simply by writing down the names of any SIX Watermans Colours I Get a Watermans Ink Contest Entry Form from your local dealer today If you wish he can help you in naming the Watermans Inks The Contest closes October so Uuif to WATERMANS INK PO BOX Montreal 3 Ami remember Watermans Inks are the ideal allpurpose inks Ever Since thrilled to her first pots aluminum has been a kitchen favourite homed and hospitals across Canada Easy to understand why I For aluminum is friendly to food proofs in the eating Aluminum protects the taste and good flavour of your food Whats more it distributes heat evenly and therefore economically Light durable clean aluminum cooking utensils are the first stop to meats that will give you of being a good cook Thats why so many mothers do more than teach their daughters how lo and prepare food they teach the value of good utensils toot Like Tm fur some like cm cold hot or cold these are r a I worth v Use HA KINO POWDER for fine fluffy muffins as ever grace a table Its easy to have tender cakes light tea biscuits too when you rely on Calumets double action to make nil your baking perfectly leavened MUFFINS cups sifted flour teaspoons Calumet Baking Powder tablespoons sugar teaspoon fait cup shortening well beaten cup milk flour once measure add baking powder sugar and salt and sift into bowl Cut lu shortening Combine and milk and add all at once to flour mixture To mix draw spoon from side of bowl to ward center times turning bowl gradually Chop through batter times stir only until all flour is dampened only about I strokes Turn Into greased muffin fill in each about full Jake In hot oven about minutes Make to large muffins it A Merry it is an at your You have a year know Mad Hatter in Walt Alice in Wonderland had this idea And with Downs Cake your can as a parly In act tor better cakes any day use Swans Down Cake Flour the Hour that is sift ed and resitted until limes as fine as ordinary Hour SWANS DOWNS Bake Devils Food Cake as di rected on back of Swans Down Cake Flour package but use deep layer one 10Inch one 8inch lined on bottom with paper then Cover larger cake with vanilla flavor ed butter type frosting place smaller cake on top cover with butter frosting Melt squares Unsweetened Chocolate and teaspoon but ter over hot water anil blend slightly cooled chocolate mixture over the set on cake layers run down shies Keep Cool place until chocolate is firm A how fool us ami me Vou can hardly me how we have regularly the daylights out of the of Living Time was when rising costs to throw mo for every Now thanks to this HANK OK each me carrying the ball and going strong Heat ot nil each victory is clearly marked pay- up on the credit ide of my bank account Why dont give this wonderful completely plan the Old College for vour free com of the booklet t your branch of the Then start right in piling up touchdowns in your livings account I Keel like WWW A Hit Smile youVe tried this wonderworking remedy for coma and calluses Thai the brand new ingredient in Corn ami Callus ll took ten years of by the folks to perfect and now its been proved effective in of the cases tested the mod effective medication ever vented for corns and S feet have been yon growl at everyone jttst buy BlueJay Com Masters with and youll ha as your happy fecit When Holiday roll around how thankful Its marvel- Wonder Oven lets me cook practically whole Thanksgiving dinmr nit at omvt l just the automatic Clock Control and with my guests everythings ready to servo Whether your cooking needs are as great or not yon can cook automatical almost any of the wonderful IJertrio Ranges of site AH have the have finish inside out and dream range won front the many your dealer Am Like Them tea and coffee that are Yea there an of behind RKI AND that airrs nave ine nit have features So your many models and sire- youll see

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