Newmarket Era and Express, 4 Oct 1951, p. 16

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T k v- a The Era Thursday Oct King City And District CORK MRS KINO I 5 Mr and Mrs Bob Walker mo tored to Near to spend a couple of days with Mr and Mrs Gordon Jones Gordon known as Bed when I he lived at King owns a lumber mill there Bob Walker owner I of King Buildings Products was interested in a visit to Sacrament Dispensed At Strange Presbyterian church on Sunday more than partook of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper officiated at by Rev Weir intermodcra- of Brampton By transfer of certificate from the communion Miss Etta Stewart the mill located in a timber dis- became a member of St Enjoy Trip to Cape Breton Is Mr and Mrs Harold of King returned in September from a mile trip to the Maritimes and Cape Breton Strange At observed communion when recent members of the congregation Mrs J S Mr Charles Gordon were pres ent Mr Weir officiated at the They saw the Cabot- Trail at j three Cape Breton Island and met a Mr who is married to the daughter of Alexander Graham Bell At the Peninsula Mrs purch ased handwoven guest with colored woven borders They are named Perce work They found the scenery of the east very picturesque and returned home via the New Eng land Stales It is interesting to that Mr father Thomas was the editor of a newspaper called the North York Reformer and lived at Newmarket where his son was raised Babies Christened On Sunday Sept at AH Saints Anglican church two babies were christened by the C grand daughters of Mr and Mrs Walker They were Shirley Anne Walker daughter of Mr and Mrs- Bob Walker and Mari lyn Louise Billings daughter of Mr and Mrs George Billings The grandparents present were Mr and Mrs Ross Walker Mr and Mrs Frank Billings of and Mrs Melville Shrank Newmarket were visitors of Mr and Mrs on Sunday Most of the members of King Ladies Bridge Club took the op portunity offered by the club to see the famous show The Great Caruso at Aurora theatre last week See also the Com mon Round Ed Not Worried by Crop in West While the crop prospects in parts of the Canadian west pre sent a gloomy picture for some Mr Harry of Harris Sask says in he recalls his grain crop remained out all winter and was stook threshed in midApril The yield was good considering everything That year harvest weather very bad Apparently there is always some hope left Was Teacher In Scotland Mr and Mrs James Crooks were present at church service on Sunday evening They are Presbyterians and have lived in the home of Mr Fred Dew for a few months Out from Scotland two years they are enjoying rural life here and f kf Marie Wilson Guest at Showers Miss Marie Wilson daughter of Mr and Mrs M A of King has been honored Willi several showers She will bo coma the bride of James Phillips son of Mr and Mrs Toronto on Satitrlny Oct at her wedding in King Uni ted church A month ago she was entertained in Toronto by her office head and staff of the Palm Olive Co where she is employed in the tabulating de- She was given a mis cellaneous shower Last Friday evening Mrs Har old a cousin entertained cousins and family relatives at her home at a miscellaneous shower In Toronto also was a shower given by Mrs who entertained the neighbors of the Adjey family On Wednes day evening Miss Marion and Miss Mary Janes Walker joyed motor vacation last Y Toronto The report of the- month travelling to Ottawa and I local club was received with in Quebec Province Mr and much interest Mrs Bruce Hall have come back King City was invited to com- from a two weeks vacation in pete in the first Federation the US They visited an aunt show this season in Toronto West in New Oily Aiiviv ri mi Radio City it high tower in Toronto took an interesting lour E novice tournament was The opening meeting of novice Ion church Fellowship Grouo J December held on Monday night Sees England At Festival Time ji Jersey motored to New jEnd Oct April II and City where they was set for the Ontario was Charlie spoke on a thanksgiving theme Miss Farley will be the speaker at United YPU this coining Friday night Local Amateur Wrestlers Deserve A Hand Among interesting features of a holiday trip to England taken by Mis Julia was the- comfort and relaxation of her- 3 voyage there ami back aboard a freighter of the Manchester line her reunion with her two for funds in the very near aboard a freighter equal school churns of Marie chose the ittter to large pass treasury built up to promote I nW than club whose objectives are clean luis to offer at far less cost said Miss good sportsmanship hon esty courtesy and physical fit ness Organized over two years the boys are coached by Bob an experienced leader in wrestling and other forms of Canadian sports Tiie road has not been smooth Mr and Mrs Lee Bryan King Aurora Afterward afternoon tea- was served at the home of Mr and Mrs Bob when a christening cake featured On Sunday afternoon at the service in St Andrews Presby terian church Strange the son of Mr and Mrs Willoughby William Paul and only grandchild of Mr and Mrs Ernest vas baptized by Rev Weir of Brampton who conducted Com munion service for the congrega tion The came from their home at to spend the weekend at the Hoi- home Become Grandparents Mr and Mrs James Armstrong of King are grandparents for the first time when a baby girl was born to their daughter Mrs Allan Shaw Toronto at East General hospital Sept She vill he named Colleen Virginia Mr and Mrs Shaw live in East Toronto Mr and Mis Ernest Cummins now have two grandchildren with iho birth of a daughter to Mr and Mrs Ernest Cummins Jr of on Sept The young couple celebrated their first wedding anniversary on Sunday Sept- 40 The babys name is Gail Marie and she weighed ft lbs ounces at birth Mr and Mrs David Epooh became parents of a daughter on Sept She is an addition to family in the Presbyterian manse and a sister for Mary Carol and Paul spoon In Hospital For Operations Mr John Armstrong coowner school Mr Crooks taught school in the old country and carried on his profession in Nor folk county after coming to Canada He found the different system of education quite a John Bowser Aurora shows his Aberdeen Angus bull which won several prizes at the Fair recently The champions name is Bandolier of Kinghaven 3rd His sire Quester Bandolier was sold in for at the Michigan Slate Bl eeders sale At the Fair Bandolier won first prize in the class he was shown in He was Champion in the Angus class and also Grand Champion in the show Other bulls represented by the breeding of Bandolier have sold as high as A son topped the bull sale in Toronto last March Era and Express photo church Mr and Mrs Wesley Kce are hack from holidays at New York city and Long Island They left King on Saturday morning and were therefore unahle to attend the BishopGray wedding Bill Bishop is employed by Mr in the plastering trade and change He is now employed by to is honeymoon for their Canadian Comslock As a mem of a church in Scotland Mrs Crooks took communion with others of the congregation- Fifth Wedding Anniversary On Saturday Sept Mr and Mrs Albert Jones of were five years married With them for a few days were Mr Mrs Henry Hall of Richmond Hill old friends of Mr Jones Mrs Hall who was the former Mrs Hilda Love at tended church on Sun day Mr John Ferguson and fam ily Toronto culled to see his aunt Miss A A Ferguson on Sunday Miss Una Kennedy of Ni agara Falls has come to King to the home of her niece for con valescence after spending six weeks in the division of the Toronto General hospital where she underwent a major surgical operation Miss Kennedy remain at King until she is restored to normal health Mrs Williams returned on Monday from ten days at the guest of Mr and Mrs it Willis They at tended anniversary services at Quaker Hill Presbyterian church a week ago and spent last week end at the Willis cottage in week Mrs Wil liams speak at Maple Pres byterian on Wednesday and also at vacation Makes Prize Cakes Miss Dorothy New Scotland has the know how for baking cakes At fair recently she won two firsts and one second in these classes in addition to firsts for a black velvet cushion decor ated with colored wool flowers canned corn and apple jelly In he cake contest she won the special for a light layer cake decorated with white frosting and the prize for second light cake Her chocolate cake gave her second place These were made with of called to re member the occasion Fifteen years had elapsed since the Dents had seen them and they were agreeably surprised to re ceive them Attending University Donald graduate of Aurora high school has been accepted on the enrolment of the University of Toronto where he take an honor course in so cial and philosophical studies which requires four years He will he in residence at College The best wishes of the community go with him for suc cess in advanced education Scene Very Peaceful Dr J MOH administered toxoid to pupils of King school and a half dozen of proschool children last week Needles were given for combin ed whooping cough diphtheria tetanus and boosters for those communicable diseases many who had taken the combined toxoids at an earlier date All filled for the evening service which was preached by the Rev J of Woodbridge The music was especially fine The anthem He Shall Feed His Sheep Like a Shepherd from the Messiah by Handel was sung in soprano and alto solos by Shirley Raw lings a d Freda Dent Donald presided at the pipe organ The church was effectively decorated with tokens of a bountiful harvest A cross of wheal heads was sus pended from the chancel ceiling and there were wheat sprays at each pew Most of the gifts were taken the following day to an east Toronto church Some of the seek at King were taken flowers after the service on Sun day evening There were from St Stephens church Maple home of Mrs Albert for a shower of lovely gifts from a wide circle of friends Business Develops New Branch The first catering service in this district was given by King City Bakery at a prominent King Township wedding last Saturday for guests Mr and Mrs Bob were assisted by several for the boys First they trained local women who were supplied in the old icehouse Later dainty caps and aprons quarters were found in the Lake Marie and King Athletic rooms where with the help of the club members and par ents a satisfactory room was put into shape There is more work to be done yet painting the in terior and lining the dressing room To become a member each boy pays 1 fee a year but it requires 250 a member to carry the club in providing equipment heat light etc far all expenses have been met canvass having been made before KXYIVC Represented At Federation Annual On Sunday Sept coach Bob was a delegate from King City Wrestling to the annual meeting of the Ontario Amateur Wrestling Fed- End Mrs who has already earned the reputation for excel lent home baked food finds this branch of the business very in teresting It was the first ex perience of this kind for the Leods King Cubs Resume Activity of King Cubs has the first meeting held hist week The program for the coming term will include crafts once a month a feature that should prove useful to the group Boys must be eight years old to qualify for training The offi cial beginning was made this week Wednesday It nt a nights are Wednesday of each week in the basement of All WANTED OF SCRAP IRON Attention TRUCKERS Highest prices paid for scrap steel cast Iron and metals FREED MAX AND SON ST Corner old Weston and St Clair TORONTO ONTARIO This ad worth one collar with a load of scrap Saints church Mrs Hood who is a district cub master for held in the West York will have other duties J to perform throughout the sea son Temperature limps in School Pupils of King school were dis missed last Friday because of the low temperature of classrooms High cold winds took the ther mometer down to The new furnace had not been completed and it was pretty chilly in the school all week Sweaters and coats were worn most of the time However on Monday the furnace was operating Mr and Mrs Ralph Hunter en- 6 bottle carton 36 vibrated vj Cement Blocks plain Abo Styles of Rock face Blocks PINE ORCHARD CEMENT BLOCK CO Phone Mount Albert pastry flour The ape- WiS peaceful on the scene as the cake vrs claimed by Ml children lined tip for the job which took the doctor about one hour Camp Life was in love with life at nine where it went to his home to he served to special friends For tout suc cessive years Miss has been a consistent winner chiefly j iihtcla5 rating stove had had AWJJaaJ a failure The rake classes at heavily of King City Motors is to return on Friday Also on Friday she home this week from Newmar ket hospital where he Viil motor to Toronto iur the seventh birthday party of her went an operation granddaughter ackie from King visited him j daughter of Mr and Mrs Don while there Also in the hospital Merchant is Jr who had an i Mr and Mrs Ken appendectomy on were Sunday visitors of George will be in a Mrs brother Mr Geo week or and will return the J- J ValJ plumbing bosir Dance Calls For Another berg veit quite contested Notice of King Township an nouncing proposal to close up and dispose of part of Fast Street as plan of King City has yet many wondering where this street is located Apparently it Jies west of Fleetwood Motors bordering the railway station These lots on plan are said to have been incoi Mowers fabled far Anniversary tabled from were received by Mi and Mrs Dent in good time for wedding on Humble Of epte tier They were and sent by Mrs I Middle and were de livered by a Toronto florist The enclosed card said With my camp Georgian Hay because the are so hind anil all the children me so happy there said Beverley aged 10 one of or more crippled children to attend the oiling wood ramp for I he last three weeks in August second there I was able shown on the vi age i to take part in much better than last year Wnen you see some of the children having to moved about in their wheel it made me glad my father has done so much for sister Mrs Duncan called on a few a few ago at t He had come attended school pa- in wireless work having onsiderabie veiled and on sets in Germany on Mrs- ln flass who j present refresher not at home at the time Arthur was their brother The Ibankoffering meeting of St Andrews will be held at home of Mrs Hairy Picked on Oct 10 Andrews Anniversary On Sunday Oct Hi An drews Presbyterian church Strange will have anniversary service will be the evening preach er Temperance If d choir will assist with the song service in the morning at a and Maple Presbyterian choir at the service in the even- and advanced morses now be able to spend some time at his home now that he j- within easy reach of King Mr and Mrs Joseph Bishop of Strange their daughter Hud Alex of and Ihmy of Toronto guests at the wedding of their sou William Leonard and Dorothy Gray daugh ter Mr and Mis Ay liner Gray Whitchurch held at Mount United church a week ago Saturday The reception was held at Lawrence home Summit View jng No special minister has St following the ceremony The grooms two brothers and been announced for the am service The Girls Auxiliary of All Saints entered the autumn this week and will con- regularly throughout the fall winter and spring asons regularly monthly gather- King Youth for Christ be held on Monday Oct and hall Gary Bishop serving in overseas forces in Korea were sent invi tations which they would mod likely receive after the wedding took place- Several showers were held for the bride before her marriage one at one in Toronto at the home of Henry Bishop the grooms brother and another at the Gray home Bill wife are on their upon will of the earned by the two bridesmaids when fnnolhy became the bride Tied in St at in The couple came- to Canada In the had l- had a wish to live here only una her family of hud has no about the move Her the same opinion now They Inst Jived in the farm home of the late Hums at across the road to the Burns farm where they lived Al ways a farmer on he Burns farm and bis wife would asisial the inoliier Mis John Burns They lived in a cottage on the farm and here their child Freda was burn yen is ago It the Denis moved King buying a house which ihey moved lo its present location on Main St remodelling It with all modern facilities For the past Iff years Mrs Dent has given a home to children of the Childrens Home A nursemaid before her marriage she has always been interested in their care On a 1 a y recently Mr Mrs Dent attended a danco given by Delia viland Aircraft Club As a solo couple they danced to tin An niversary Walt and the orch estra played Freds favorite song My Blue Heaven In honor of their anniversary me to make- my limbs stronger said Beverley the daughter of of King days is well organized filled with interesting things do We have com fortable sleeping cabins and are encouraged malic our beds nicely keep clothes tidy and take part in games swimming crafts and Some of the children are only aide ho held in the pool for a while but almost everyone has something do I could not go in Die water the stitches Wei just nut of my frai hired elbow However once did and I fell fun Beverley liked shell and leading bunks from the well stocked Miliary She liked the hour and liked In do everything her council lots expected of her There are Very few children who are disobedient They all Parcels from the families in want to do the thing J will say one girl cried nearly every She was homesick I only felt two nights The closing day of the camp is a thriller There a and the council has nut on a skit gets prettied up for the party The do our fingernails fuss up our hair and we have lots fun When the hour came one of the councillors cried and everyone was to break camp While Beverley nut some who had attended last summer and hint chummed around with Betty Lois was loo She was in the Hospital for Sick Children with last year Man met at the home of Mrs Aubrey Tuesday afternoon The business of the meeting dealt chiefly with plans for the bazaar to ho held on Nov in King United church basement Impressive Harvest Service Observance of the Harvest Festival service at AH Saints Anglican church on Sunday was very gratifying to pen ir PER DAY iV sf r PER DAY TEN COUPONS When you ye got Canada you can bo WfY emerggnctteV fc or family need or for your later years investment Canada Savings Bom- full face value plus interest at tune If you tu pay you a bettor return than on

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