Newmarket Era and Express, 4 Oct 1951, p. 4

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V tC THURSDAY Oft W W j I WSTdW ivr W I TZ r r J liiii rtHllll Vic HOME frame house in Well decorated Immediate sfdii Garage attached Small with low down r CHARLES Realtor St Newmarket rent Downstairs room well For sale Coleman oil burner furnished Adults only 1 perfect condition cost Will Prospect St or sacrifice for Wine congoleum rug will let go for Apply Mr Leslie Dunk Newmarket Apply- phone Newmarket For rent Large furnished bed room suitable for business couple gentlemen or ladles Phone Newmarket APARTMENT FOR RENT bungalow style builtin irds cistern garden all in first class repair close to post office church store and school Immediate possession Phone Hockley and or safe rooms bathroom 2 rooms on second builtin cupboards in porch has electric double laundry tubs work bench lot easonahly priced as owner Apply 5 St or phone Newmarket I A COTTAGE FOR SALE For rent At Keswick flat bathroom city con veniences monthly Phone Roches Point c3w29 For rent Furnished apartment rooms and kitchenette Phone Newmarket For rent Comfortable apart ment central suit business couple Phone 224r Newmarket For rent Three apartments no children monthly Phone Marion Atkins Newmarket clw40 BOARDERS WANTED For sale Good used radio Park Ave or phone Newmarket For sale Modem cottage screens shutters all linoleum builtin cupboards bed rooms combination kitchen and u outside Situated with rentage on No highway Graven hurst and Bala frontage approxi mately sand including boat with outboard motor 2 acres complete partly wooded with drive to door Reasonable Phone Mount Albert Wanted Boarder comfortable room smoker preferred Phone Newmarket For sale Boys brown tweed suit years Boys tweed overcoat Navy blue breeches size Apply Simpson Wel lington St phone Aura- Rates ro For sale Singer sewing mach ine sectional book cases electric iron heavy duty china cabinet chests of drawers Ail in excellent condition Apply 151 j Main St or phone Newmar ket For sale Moffat 3burner stove with oven Good condition Phone Newmarket For sale Ladys fur coat black Persian paw size good wear ing condition Phone New- market Wanted Two gentlemen to share room Board given Apply to S3 St Aurora ROOM AND BOARD For sale- Small Quebec range Appiy Queen St phone Newmarket classified advertising Two cents a word minimum of cents for each nilvertlMrmeiit Half price when advertisement Is on Ten percent discount if advertisement Is paid within week of pub lication Coming Events costs two cents a word minimum runts Half Price when repeated on successive weeks Sale Registers 1 for the week cents for successive week Card of Thanks Wedding cents for each announcement less emits if within week of publication In cents for each insertion cents lino for verse less cents if paid within week of publication Classified advertising may he phoned Into or left at The and Express office on Main St Newmarket phono at While- laws phone in Aurora at Mrs phono King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mail where name of sender and address is clearly indicated Your advertisement gets into over homes In North York MAN enluhhiih lit by lidin No own tw it J it Wnfclfi Jit Moultill Que LIVESTOCK FOR SALE IM fh pigs after win Help wanted lor home hi I Two Kent Ap ply Hugh Maxwell It phone Hereford Apply Hern- S for tale surgical sup ports elastic for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone 14 Newmarket A jtsihitu to i oii LIVESTOCK VAHTED tut mink rneumanc tablet for muscular arthritic ana sciatic pains Price Best Drug Sto phone Newmarket THE REST For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective for the relief of bronchitis feed or chesty and colds for full us Smith cents The Store mil llfii I Hi of For ile Annex coal heater ail white porcelain like new Quebec heater small electric needs repairs cheap fuel oil drums with tops con verted oil lamps hanging oil lamps kitchen tables and chairs dining table oil space heater me dium bunk beds army complete 34 bed springs and mattress wood single folding beds china THROAT Pink Tablets for to 5101 Wanted to rtiUik with for the dropping sensation of Help and other farmer to operate ut dhturhtficet the came ere farm in have tic Must he experienced in stork and horses POULTRY FOR SALE rate house all conveniences For stile 50 Prefect like new low mileage heater fog light block heater and many extras Must sell Terms Phono Cm position References Aurora Write Park ltd Toronto For sale cabinet oak large Ice box wood with water front Beach Quebec complete with two oil burners and tank Phone Mount Albert HOUSE WANTED Room and board for gentleman For sale Studio couch wine Wanted to buy or rent Small acreage with house and barn to accommodate head of cattle Preferably Oak Ridges vicinity Phone Aurora or apply Bill Fuller Oak Ridges iti LOTS FOR SALE fcafe Choice building lots on Bolton and Ave New market Phone C Willis tf40 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE l VILLAGE FARM Toronto miles bus daily acres choice clay loam a good dairy and in farm with running stream barn L shape straw silo hog pen chicken pen Implement shed Lovely room brick house spacious bath to cash bal ance on FIRST MORTGAGE A farm of this type- seldom market Da not it also have others George Allison broker phone and Apply Prospect St or phone Newmarket row36 Roomers wanted 3 men to a room a week each Phone or apply St Newmar ket APARTMENT WANTED Wanted rent Couple with infant require room unfur nished selfcontained apartment All conveniences Phone Toronto Glad crlw40 Wauled Jo rent or room furnished apartment for two adults Write PO box New market mans suit navy blue serge worn twice size 3840 Apply Simp son For sale Ladys black winter coat size chamois lined folding bridge set steel dressers wash stands china cutlery dishes and other articles Phone Hirst Queensville For sale Coal and wood range also wood range both white en amel with reservoir and warming shelf Good bakers Perfect condi tion Phone H H Aurora For sale Phone Newmarket j equipped with oil burn- Classic electric if Oil drum Apply 51 Andrew For sale range years old in good condi tion reasonable Silent Glow space heater used one season automatic washer Phone Newmarket I or sale con or wood cabinet heaters one large other smaller in good shape Applv Chandler 150 1 Main St Newmarket 3w40 Wanted to buy Rollaway hod must he in good condition Phone Newmarket OFFICE SPACE For Office in best business section of Newmarket Phone 224r Newmarket sain ladys tube skates end white boots size most new Apply Mis Perry Winch Keswick For sale l Quebec he in condition Phone Queens- I good on Phone Don Smith For steel kit- sink single drain board Phone Newmarket Iw40 Aurora lovely bungalow modern kitchen bath nicely decorated heavy Irlnr Venetian blinds part level lot excellent garden small fruits quiet residential close to school shopping Toronto bus immediate cash required Joseph broker Queen Newmarket phone WILLIAM OLfiANI 1130 St Toronto Small with house hot air furnace odern kitchen hardwood floors go and good garden possession Price cash farm room brick with modern bath bank hen house pig pen jjPfJln house and burn Possession arranged Cash new bungalow floors very roomy and bright Possession days Price 49000 Cosh J Wright St phone ESTATE WANTED WANTED MARKET AND DISTRICT Waiting tfKER ARTICLES FOR SALE For sale Venetian blinds or steel made for all styles windows Free estimates and feather nstallations Phone apply wardrobe sewing machine JO Ontario St W or write PO saw blue sun visor with box Newmarket tf40 for AND SHOTGUNS For sale All makes of rifles and For sale used washing rna- New and used Full chine new motor CO cycle in line of hunting equipment wood condition New- For sale Hoover vacuum clean er old stylo Phone Newmarket For Cocart S5 Phone 100 Newmarket after pm ARTICLES VANTED or T sir tor by hVAitfi USED CARS Ford Custom Tudor green overdrive radio low mileage an exceptional cah TT- Ford Custom blue new car condition throughout Pontine fivepassenger coujc miles radio air condition ing heater and defroster slip covers local car like new Monarch five passenger coupe overdrive radio miles new car condition local car 1950 Chevrolet Deluxe Tudor ma roon radio air conditioning heater and defroster fog lights hackup light a clean car Ford Custom Tudor maroon air conditioning heater and de froster Ford Deluxe Tudor green Help wanted Kales girl Apply John Morning Drug store Aurora phone BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOP OP KENT Wanted A contract dealer for Write Era and Express box tor for or sale and Howard fehyr Mount Albert civ i For sale ready to lay I J For sale Business groceries meats etc in Newmarket Good rn turnover Ill health reason for selling Lease on store will hoi For salePullets Maths old given Phone or 102Sw New- Phono J market market evening ivy Flowers WORK WANTED Slip covers draperies POULTRY WANTED Alt kinds of live All MAIN spreads etc made- to- measure price at Your own materials Phone Mr Tons Newmarket H Andrew St Phone vrSlIAS2T Wanted to v ITPUOLSTFROCG occasional Chesterfield suite quantity rebuilt recovered in any j Highest j ft Wanted powered shot guns and rifles Morrisons Sport ing Goods Department Main St Newmarket phone Wanted Used organ In good condition reasonable price Phone Newmarket air conditioning heater and J fabric Ken Sargent 5 low mileage priced I St or phone i i light for quick sale market quick fivepassenger coupe Bargain price CHAIN SAWING For all your chain sawing call Monarch Sports Sedan blue Robert Voting Bargain price Mount Albert Go anywhere No LOST Flower Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Wanted to buy Used in condition Phone Mercury Do Luxe sedan grey good car priced right Fowl Tudor blue mech anics car Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan good car for many miles USED TRUCKS job loo large No job too small All appreciated Custom etc Gardens plowed Phone Queens ville Lost Ladys watch vicinity of arena Tim- Street parking lor Thursday September Phono Newmarket S cans risons Sporting Goods Depart- Main phono IMO LAYAWAY PLAN See our complete line of Christ mas Avon gifts now at Andrew St or phone Newmarket For bate Carpet for living room also couch con dition Apply Queen St Newmarket For Mile Wooden Canopy to fit Ford or ton truck Cheap striped awning for store Phone Newmarket For bale Ford V8 motor good Apply Randall Holland Standing or phone For sale Spencer coal or Wood heater sie kitchen cabinet All in condition Mrs A Morton Roches For mile Small In good condition also desk and ladys winter coat with silver fox collar Phone Newmarket For sale diningroom chairs oak upholstered In leather Apply Catherine Ave phone Au rora market CoOp Phone safe furnace in good condition at Main St Newmarket For sale South Wind car heat er completely overhauled Rea sonable Phone Newmar ket For sale Adult commode in condition Phone Newmarket sal bench saw good condition Small Phone Aurora For sale- cookstove in good condition Phone Newmarket For sale Phone Newmarket For suit- extension table lee box rug hall rack and cider barrel Phono or apply UK Pros pect St Newmarket For Large size Quelcc heater In good condition Phone or apply 14 St Newmarket For sale Pair while skates fi hoys winter overcoat brown I weed Phone New market PRODUCE CUSTOM CANNING Canning factory opened on Aug ust We have canned tomatoes peach plums and applesauce for sale Phone Mount Albert If For sale Potatoes wholesale Phone Mount Albeit For sale Howard It It Newmarket or phone For sale Ripe tomatoes at wholesale prices All stock No I free spot and Might We will have for local trade a few thousand baskets Hrlng your own containers McCnllums Holland Landing phone Newmar ket r f Aw ton panel low mile age a clean truck throughout A buy for quick sale International ton stake TOM BIRRELL SONS LTD Work wanted married man capable of farm desires position Apply David Suit Sutton 3w40 TRANSPORTATION to To- days weekly Leave Newmarket leave Toronto pm Ford Monarch Sales and Service Main St Newmarket phono Transportation wanted 111 downtown Toronto to Newmarket between pm Monday to Friday Hugh Vallance Vincent St Newmarket viw tet tain Blue four- on Main St Wednesday morning Finder please phone ww Newmarket FUNERAL FLOWERS A St Newmarket Phone Roadhouse Rose FUNERAL DIRECTORS MISCELLANEOUS money Do not destroy or away We will pay top Call Aurora Chevrolet Sedan tunning elean cash Phone Hlj Wellington St 27 FARM ATTENTION FARMERS We will he pleased to pick up or erlpptcd farm Pans for j jrnt market prices For or Plymouth ear n tires linnMllnto service telephone col- ear heater Apply Allan Mar- 0l 70 or Toronto tin phono 9036 For We repair all of sewing machines New machines Singer Sewing Center New- Main St phone tr7 Son FUNERAL AND SERVICE IHONES MERCHANDISE at Small Men Want a wool tinK small fen cheek design flannel and only Sale A i5 and GO cycle huh washers repair pails and service Stewart and Main St phone Now- markfL NEWMARKET SE FOR RENT and room I close to school Newmarket vicinity Phone Queensvill mom FORWE For rooms newly dec- Immediate possession preferred Apply Mrs Green Holland For sain Artists equipment in cluding well desined and finished sketch boxes easels palettes and sketch carriers Oil paiullms ex pertly framed Special discounts for artists own work Apply Ambcry rear Church Street Newmarket For Sale SilentGlow space heater new used only weeks Apply Archie Smith Newmarket phone j I f wile Cream enamel Princess Fat In good con dition Millard Ave phone Newmarket For sale black suit like new size Ladys tweed coat size Mans overcoat size AH Phone Newmarket For Circular heater for coal or wood enamel like new Phone 470j Newmarket For Babys convert o- cart maroon Phone New market at Mens jood quality solid leather oxfords In brown and black calf Values up to Sale price to Why pay more if you cart buy quality for less For Mile ij3G Chrysler sedan running order Aurora iir42 Aurora For Hearing aid batteries for most popular makes Stewart Radio and Appliance 113 Main St phone Newmarket If bedrooms couple preferred Apply SI Newmarket Newmarket sale Rifle automatic model like new Some ammunition Apply prospect St phono New market For sale Pair girls white figure size condition pair boys hockey skates size pair ladys black skates ankle supports worn few times Phono Newmarket crlw10 jrpung For r black skat size boot excellent used oh year Boys hockey skates size I boot Apply Dunham phone sale Heavy Clarys in good condition Phone Newmarket For sale Prince single mattress Phone Don Nielsen Roches Point elwto For sale Annex with oil burn ers In condition Phone Newmarket electric refrigerator fi cubic feet years old like new Served gas refrigerator In ex cellent condition A real buy for anyone using OK Hot point range perfect condition modern looking table top model real value Your choice of ice boxes at each AMI Fhone llotsferd at of sample swatch suiting for mak ing quilts at Are you in terested Spoil foul in mens suitings 52750 size to price Where else could you get these values other than at Hull at Young mens ail wool worsteds tweeds flannels coverts serges Regular value Sale price values Only one suit per customer you know value el USED CARS FOR SALE For hale ill Ford school Best offer Apply Jacks Service Centre Holland Marsh For ante Dodge coach In excellent condition Phono Newmarket 1 If J For Chrysler in good condition Phone Auroia Toronto FOR A BETTER BUY IN USED CARS TRY Sanderson Motors Ltd Chevrolet Sedan flean as a whistle Hodge A dependable used car and Cab Small mileage axle Austin Sedan ytone Small mileage Arrange to mo these SANDERSON MOTORS LTD Main at Queen Newmarket HI Dads Heater GORDON YOUNG LTD For vale Ceo White box Cut only I crops In excel lent condition Phone IVOOvv Now- market IMPLEMENTS FOR For sale Various makes and models of including one nearly new Wl International tractor and one No hie now corn hinder tractor disc plows one way disc Apply Harold orison dealer lllll ewtt USiD TRACTORS FORDFERGUSON Fowl Ferguson Tractor Ford Tractor Fowl FerRiisnn lights steptip Birrell Sons Ltd MONARCH Sales and Service Main St Newmarket Hie THANKSGIVING SERVICES Church beautifully decorated for this special day of Thanksgiving SUNDAY AT I AM 7 PM The Gospel Tabernacle MILLARD AVE BOYS GIRLS Dont forget THE TOWN HAH OCT 5 Contests Moving Pictures Frizes Everybody Come Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY OCT 22 HELP WANTED Help wanted Cirl for Toronto home adults and small children In Private room and bathroom time off Good salary Phone MO For One 1 act or rtthher hell pulley takeoff reasonable One late model Fowl tractor plow and cultivator Sales and Service phone For sale John lccre corn hin der loader and Phone Stewart IWi Mount Albert For Halo h20 tractor in Rood ilea and with tires like now reasonably for quick de Phono OF Minister A Petersen Organist June Haines 10 am Sundayschool 1 1 am Thanksgiving service pm service Wednesday Prayer meeting pm at home of Mrs Koshel Friday pm Junior meeting pm Best of the Salvation Army returned missionary from the Bermudas will speak There will be also musical recordings by Mullen Churchgoing families are happier TRINITY UNITED CHURCH am World Communion sex vice ONK IN The Church School am The Senior School 1101 am Nursery Beginners and Primary pm Harvest Thanksgiv ing service IT IS A GOOD TO GIVE THANKS You ought to attend both of these important services BAPTIST CHURCH Main St Newmarket Minister Row Organist Mrs J Cane am Communion service Junior congregation pm Sundayschool Mens discussion group In parsonage pm Gospel service The Power of Example Wed pm Midweek prayer fellowship service We enjoy our services more when you are there I FRIENDS MEETING Street am Sundayschool Let us see you present am Meeting for Worship Douglas All welcome Thursday October Monthly Meeting pm Christ gives power to those abide in Him j j ST ANDREWS I presbyter Herman Fowler Mas II am Divine Geo Lowe Toronto i ir ft-

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