Newmarket Era and Express, 4 Oct 1951, p. 5

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isr SPECIAL FOB LANDSCAPE GARDENERS Evergreen trees Austrian pine pine red cedar Colorado spruce Very reasonably priced I- Phone Stouffvilte For Peat Moss humidified Sold by the bushel Newmarket crlw40 NOTICE to CREDITORS TO AND in the estate of the late Thomas Btxten following the of- his wife Harriett All persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Bo- den late of Mount Albert Ontario are requested to file proof of same on or before the 26th day of October after which date the estate will be distributed hav ing regard only to claims to which Mr Stiver Newmarket shall then have notice Ross Hastings Ave Toronto Ontario executor LABOR SEVERAL GOOD MEN REQUIRED FOR FACTORY LABOR LOCAL DIS- HAVE AT LEAST HIGH EDUCATION A fc FEW SKILLED TRADESMEN ALSO ATE FULLY PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT GROUND AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT give three character references rite Box Era and Express Newmarket jr jJi iJ 1 j i E OF FIRST POSTING LIST Voters 1051 Municipality of Newmarket County York Notice is hereby given that have complied with of The Voters Lists Act ami that I have posted cat office at Street Newmarket on the fifth day of October the of all persons entitled to vote he said Municipality at municipal elections and that such i remain there for inspection And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro ceedings to have errors or omissions corrected according la Jaw the last day of appeal being the nineteenth day of DATED at Newmarket this fifth day of October AD WESLEY Clerk of the Town of Newmarket GARBAGE A SPECIAL OF GARBAGE GARDEN REFUSE ETC WILL BE MADE WEST SIDE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER I7TH east side SATURDAY OCTOBER 20TH 1 All refuse to be out by 8 LORNE CHAIRMAN rr gepja- t jyetew i J J Discount Date SECOND INSTALMENT OF At for Town of Newmarket Wesley Brooks TurASuRf vita 1- noil S OFFICE and Hie 5 iij ILL CLOSE at 12 noon NOTICE to CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of Reverend Fran cis Ambrose Daw deceased AH persons having claims against the estate of Reverend Francis Am brose Daw late of the village of Newmarket in the County of York who died on or about the day of June are hereby notified to send particulars to the undersigned on or before the day of October after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then have notice and the under signed will not be liable to any persons of whose claim they shall not then have notice Dated at Belleville this day of September MESSRS ROSS CASS Campbell Street Belleville Ontario Solicitors for Alfred Daw c3w3S NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CHRISTINA MARTIN LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH GWILLIMBURY IN THE COUN TY OF YORK WIDOW DE CEASED Creditors of above named Beach in the County of York on or about the day of July are hereby notified pursuant to the Trlustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the day of Oc tober after which date the assets of the Estate will be dis tributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice Dated at Newmarket this 26th day of September AD MATHEWS STIVER LYONS and VAIE Newmarket Ontario Solicitors for Marie Executors NOTICE Notice To Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of ARTHUR who died at Whitchurch Township November All persons having a in s against this estate are notified to send to the undersigned on or before October full particulars of their claims After that date the assets of the deceased will he distributed among the parties entitled thereto hav ing regard only to the claims then received DATED this day of Sep- tember 1051 CONSTABLE Street Toronto Solicitor for the Estate NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CHARLES WESLEY MARTIN LATE OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF NORTH IN THE COUNTY OF YORK RETIRED FARMER DE CEASED Creditors of the abovenamed deceased who died at the City of Toronto in County of York on or about day of March are hereby notified to the Trustee Act to send to the semi to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the day of October after which date the assets of Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the under signed will then have notice Dated at Newmarket this day of September AD MATHEWS STIVER LYONS and VALE Newmarket Ontario Solictors for Marie and Florence Chapman Legal Personal Representatives EAST A Court of Appeal will be held for the purpose of hearing com plaints against the Local Improve ment Assessment on Bolton Ave Ave in the munici pal at Sharon on Wednes day October 24 at pm J SMITH Clerk c3w10 NOTICE Newmarket Humane Society There will be a general meeting of the Society on Thursday October at S pm in the Council Chambers Newmarket for the purpose of changing the name of the Society and amending the Constitution and Bylaws to con- form to tho OSPCA regulations All members are invited to attend Signed Doris Tuesday Sept Newmarket c2w39 SALE REGISTER Wednesday Oct Auction sale of farm stock machinery im plements etc the properly of Mrs on lot 2f con 3 King township 2 miles west of Aurora Sale pm Terms cash Smith auctioneer phone 137J Newmarket c3w33 Thursday Oct Auction sale of Durham and Hereford cattle Yorkshire hogs Suffolk sheep poultry baby hay grain Implements etc the pro perty of Arthur Kennedy on lot con township second farm north of Leaskdale pm Terms cash A Farmer auctioneer George Ed wards clerk Friday Oct Auction sale of head of cattle hogs imple ments grain and hay etc the properly of Robert 33 oast half rear of con 5 East one mile east of venshoe mile south on the fith concession Everything sold with out reserve Owner giving up farming Sale oclock sharp Terms cash Percy Mahoncy clerk J Kavanagh auction eer phone Auction Sale Dairy Cuttle Farm Stock Imple ments Hay Buildings etc the property of CHAS BOWSER to sell by public auction on Lot Rear Con I Whitchurch miles east of Aurora Vonge Street Subway TUESDAY OCT I cow springing cow springing I heifer fresh calf at foot heifer supposed to calf time of sale I heifer supposed to calf Nov I heifer supposed to calf Dee I heifer supposed to calf Dec cow supposed to calf Feb supposed to calf supposed to cat supposed to calf TENDERS TOWNSHIP OK NORTH Tenders for collection and re moval of in a defined area at Keswick during the peri od from October to June will he received by the clerk of the municipality of the Township of North up and Including I lie Kith day of October Contracts for garbage collection shall bo subject to same terms and regulations as apply to contracts for summer collections Tenders shall include areas to the schedule which may obtained the clerks of fice The council requests thai par ties tendering on the above state with their tenders if they are pre pared undertake collection of garbage during the same period for properly owners requesting Mime In lb- area from Youngs nor Jacksons Point this collection to done by arrange merits with the parties concerned and not by any contract with council The lowest or lender not necessarily accepted Winch Clerk Keswick TENDERS TORONTO AMI COMMISSION CALL FOR TENDERS RENTAL OF I FOR SNOW REMOVAL SEALED TENDERS properly marked will be received by the undersigned up to oclock noon on Friday October 1951 the furnishing of trucks and drivers snow plowN will Iks supplied and attached by the Commission for the removal of snow from the Commissions highways in York County during season A marked for the sum of must accompany each tender Tender forms mid specifications may bo obtained at the office of on and after October Clialrmnn cow DiO I cow Feb cow March I cow bred July cow bred July 1 cow tired Aug I heifer months old heifer months old heifer months old Above mentioned cattle are oil a good size anil bred by Maple Cattle Association All heifers and young cows are vaccinated HAIRY EQUIPMENT Surge milking machine nearly new complete with piping and outlets 2 single units electric motor New Woods electric grain grin der cream separator Milk strainer and plunger POULTRY Approximately laying hens FARM MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS Model Cockshutl tractor on rubber AIkjvo mentioned tractor is reft good II tractor plow Narrow All bottoms nearly new I power lift cultivator al most now spring tooth tractor manure spreader on rubber new I Set gravel box boards I binder ft cut nearly new stiff tooth cultivator good Finery tractor tandem disc barrows I disc grain drill good hay rake I New bay rack I mower ft cut steel land roller Set drag harrows Set 1sectlon drag harrows John Deere corn cultivator disc harrow rubber wagon I Circular saw with goiwl blades Set good sleighs Ice rack CHAIN AND HAY Approximately bus or of good mixed grain Approximately or tons of good mixed hay FURNITURE 1 Happy Thought kitchen range I stove Power churn Table Chest of drawers Quantity of other articles MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Extension ladder new Root Fence stretcher Set new MII grain lifters Farming mill Grindstone t Electric grinder si one Set electric stock clippers Stew art I Set scales 12 gal sprayer I Iron kettle 1 Scalding trough I Pig box I Chop box Steel barrows Large pill scrap Iron With nil attach Ft of now 1 Pile of 1inch new lumber Forks shovels and numerous other useful articles not mentioned The following items will be sold as one parcel 1 litter carrier complete with track Switches pole nearly new Water bowls with pikes new set of hay carriers com plete with car and hay fork nearly new I Silo 28 Grove of plank good 1 Frame barn IS with good steel roof No reserve as farm Is sold Terms Cash Sale at pm sharp KEN and CLARKE PRENTICE Auctioneers Auction Sale of Farm Implements Livestock Gram Household Effects etc THURSDAY OCT 1 1 the property of T HUNTLEY Lot Con North miles west of Jacksons Point HORSES Brown gelding 15 years old 1 Brown gelding years old CATTLE Red cow aged in full flow 1 Red cow years in full flow Red cow with calf by side 2 Red heifers years old Red steer year old Red heifers year old 2 Red calves baby beef Red calves about 1 months old HOGS White sows bred Fat hogs IMPLEMENTS Allis Chalmers tractor model 2- Furrow tractor plow I tractor spreader on rubber spring- tooth harrows 1 MassoyHarris fertilizer drill mower ft rake Set of drag harrows t section Sot of drag harrows I Walking plow Binder Cutler Set of disc harrows Fanning mill with bagger Rubbertired wagon Si if Month cultivator Hay rack I Set of good sleighs GRAIN Bus of Clinton oats Bus of wheal MISCELLANEOUS of single harness of team harness 1 Steel land roller Iron kettles Bunches of shingles Hay and grain ears and sling i opes Draw lopes in good condition Power clipper Small ropes and pulleys Cotton grain bags A number of sacks his barrel Steel rain barrels Brooder house separator electric Sets of good whi filetrees Block and endless chain ton capacity Small block with rope 1 Sot weighing scales Large canvases lb Set of barn scales LIMBER Quantity of lumber and planks elm FURNITURE Piece chesterfield suite Kitchen table and chairs No reserve as owner is giving up farming Terms Cash Time of sale pm PERCY MA HONEY clerk A FARMER Auctioneer ATCM PIANO ANI THEORY TEACHER Has for few pupils Would consider visiting homes Mrs M Scott phone New- market IN Brown In loving memory of my dear wife Margaret Ellen Brown who passed away Oct Just when your life was brightest Just when your years wore best You were called from this world of sorrow To a home of rest Ever by husband sons and daughter Fir Hi In loving memory of dear wife mid mother Mrs Dan who passed Oct Always remembered by husband and family Jones In memory of a dear husband and father William Jones who passed away Oct You have left a beautiful memory Ami a sorrow too great to be Bui me who loved and you Your memory will never grow old The dearest husband this world could hold The cheeriest and a heart gold To I hose who knew him all will know How much we losl sixteen years ago has you hi Ills keeping we have you in our hearts Always lovingly remembered by his wife ctaru and family CAR OF THANKS Marguerite and Mrs Metcalfe wish to thank the parly who re turned the purse and money at the Post Office CARD OF THANKS I wish lo thank my friends relatives neighbors Bethel WA ami WI for their many cants letters flowers candy arid boxes of fruit sent to me recent accident Mrs Harold Winch CARD OF THANKS In appreciation Mrs Vera Wei lor Mount Albert wishes to thank her numerous friends and neigh bors for their many acts of kind ness during Illness gratitude Is extended to tho nursing staff of ana Dr NEWS ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs John Griffith Queensville announce the engage ment of their daughter Elizabeth Yvonne to Mr Clarke Michael Weddet son of Mrs Levi Weddcl Sharon and the late Mr the wedding to take place Sat urday Oct at oclock at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Howard Sharon announce the engagement of their daughter Jean Ann Shir ley to Mr Philander Moore son of Mr and Mrs Edgar Moore Port Hope The marriage entitled In the Suds a farce The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Oct Page The anniversary of King branch will be celebrated on Tuesday night Oct in the basement of King lifted church Family Night will be held an event arranged to in clude members and their fami lies It is an evening of social entertainment free of charge and promises plenty of interest There will bo a halfhour play will take place on Saturdav Oct 27 Mr and Mrs John Ash an nounce the engagement of their only daughter Marguer ite to Mr Robert Henry Shrop shire elder son of Mr and Mrs Wilbur Shropshire Orchard The marriage will take place at the home of the brides parents on Saturday Oct at pm Mr and Mrs Herbert James Jamieson Ontario an nounce the engagement of their only daughter Mary Louise to Mr Gordon William Simcoe Ontario eldest of Mr and Mrs Gordon Bruce Alberta The wed ding will take place on Saturday October at St Andrews Pres byterian church Ontario BIRTHS written by Barnard and Ross Hewitt The players are Mrs A E Mrs Austin Rumble and Mrs Gordon Wells a comedy team of the WI dramatic club directed by Miss Jar- vis And Helen gets nearly drowned in the wash tub Mrs Jackson and Mrs Len Shropshire will conduct an all- fun radio quiz and Mrs Elliott of the Temperanceville branch has been invited to be song leader Mrs Colin Stew art will be chairman of the even ing It is hoped all the family men as well as children will come to the party At York County hospital Thursday Sept 27 to Mr and Mrs Fred 2 King a daughter Clark At York county hospi tal Thursday Sept to Mr and Mrs George Clark Zo- a son At York County hos pital Thursday Sept to Mr and Mrs Lionel Aurora a daughter Campbell At York County hospital Sunday Sept 30 to Mr and Mrs Ronald Camp bell a son Cheney At York County hos pital Sunday Sept to Mr and Mrs Beverly Cheney Sutton West a daughter At York County hos pital Friday Sept 28 to Mr and Mrs Thomas Newmarket a son Gamble At York County hos pital Saturday Sept to Mr and Mrs John Gamble It R a daughter Harris At York County hos pital Thursday Sept to Mr and Mrs Henry Harris R R Bradford a daughter Hutchinson At York County hospital Friday Sept 19511 The Mount Albert branch will meet in the community hall on Thursday Oct Roll call What improvement I would like most in my kitchen Mrs Clair Powell Vandorf will give a demonstration on table setting There will also be a demonstra tion on flower arrangement Hostesses are Mrs Harvey Leek Mrs Shillinglaw Mrs ST JAMES A The first fall meeting of St James Sharon was held in Sharon hall Sept Mrs Hall the president was in tho chair Present were members of tho Holland Landing Jersey Sutton and Roches Point branches also Mrs Hutchinson St Annes Toronto Mrs Wood Mrs dio cesan treasurer and Mrs terly deanery officer The meeting opened with a hymn followed by the mem bers prayer and a short scrip ture reading by Mrs Osier The minutes were accepted as writ ten Mrs Hull then welcomed guests and introduced the speak er Mrs who gave an address on work and emphasized the difference be tween rural and city work She praised the WA for its unity more practical than a number of small organizations The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Salmon Oct Lunch committee will be Mrs Mrs Vanstonc Mrs Thomas The District project on Aids to Effective Speak ing which was lo have been held at the Agricultural Board rooms on Tuesday October has been cancel led due to the illness of Mrs Hayes the instructress E JOHNSTON DO OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 1 Water St Newmarket Hours Wed pm Sat Telephones Office Newmar ket res King f V ST PAULS HARVEST HOME Harvest Home festival was celebrated at St Pauls Anglican church last Sunday with good attendance both morning and evening All church organ izations are busy preparing for the seasons work EVANGELINE AUXILIARY The- Autumn Thank Offering meeting of the Evangeline Aux iliary of the WMS will be held on Tuesday October 9 at oclock at Trinity United church Newmarket Mrs Harper first PANTS i j jrry c 1 ifld I CLIFF INSLEY the with me merchandise vice president of the To- Mr and Mrs James route Centre will son Elgin Mills daughter At York County hos pital Tuesday Oct 2 1951 to he the speaker Mrs Jackson will be the guest solo ist and Dr Margaret Mr and Mrs Jacob will conduct the devotional Bradford a daughter period A cordial invitation is Johnston At York County extended to all the ladies Tuesday Oct to j j j- Mr and Mrs James Johnston Lake Wilcox a son At York County hospi tal Tuesday Oct to Mr and Mrs David King a son At York Coun ty hospital Sunday Sept 30 1951 to Mr and Mrs William I Bradford a son Kay At York County hospital Sunday Sept 30 to Mr and Mrs Lawrence Kay Willow Reach a sun Lewis At York County hospi tal Wednesday Oct to Mr and Mrs Bruce Lewis Auro ra a daughter At York County hospital Tuesday Oct to Mr and Mrs Douglas Mount Albert a daugh ter At York County hospital Tuesday Oct 1951 to Mr and Mrs Donald Ouder Aurora a daughter Proctor At York County hos pital Monday Oct 1951 to Mr and Mrs Gordon Proctor Newmarket a daughter Robinson At York County hospital Tuesday Oct to Mr and Mrs Robinson R Keswick a daughter Stephenson At York County hospital Sunday Sept to Mr and Mrs Carl Stephen son it King a daughter Stdore At York County hos pital Wednesday Oct 1951 to Mr Mrs Walter Sutton a daughter At York County hos pital Sunday Sept to Mr and Mrs Leonard Traviss Zephyr a daughter DEATHS On Thursday Sept at her homo Toronto Gertrude Helena Stewart wife of the late Frank 1 sister of Harold of Toronto Karl Robert Stewart Newmarket and Mrs A Tay lor Victoria Interment Little Lake cemetery Peterborough on Saturday Fine At Newmarket on Tues day Oct 195L Vera Myrtle Moron wife of Maxwell Finos and mother of Mrs Donald Johnson William Mrs George Million Helen Mis Harry la vender Margaret and John Interment Newmarket cemetery on Thursday liar laud Suddenly on Monday Oct 1 1951 Arthur William I far- land husband of the late Eliza beth Aim Knight ami father of Robert Newmarket Mrs John McGlll Ray Ernest Toron to and Mrs Garnet Wood Wes ton Interment Newmarket cemetery on Thuiway In York County hospi tal Sept Alfred J Keswick In his year Husband of Naimo father of Jos Mrs Payne Bert Archie and Leonard Toronto Interment wan In cemetery Saturday Sept HOSPITAL TEA The York County Hospital Wo mens Auxiliary will hold an autumn tea on Thursday Oct from to 5 pm Mrs Lowell Dales has graciously offered her apartment at Prospect St for the occasion Mrs Noble is convener OF THANKS We wish to thank our- and friends for their watchful care over dad and for their help and kindness shown to us during our recent bereavement Mrs Alfred Mrs Ed Payne and fam ily AT HOME Mr and Mrs Frank West Hol land Lauding will be at home to friends and relatives on Friday Oct from to pm and to J on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary lUUSTRAKO RSI ICSS 259 Newmarket MAIN ST WATCH FOR FARM FORUMS WONDER Bakeries A t HEW PRINCESS LOAF MADE FROM HIGHEST QUALITY PRODUCTS FRESH MILK m j At Your Grocer Today At Regular Prices j v lS Living J Today medical knowledge is providing increasing and improving help for the diabetic sufferer The patient who will follow the course charted for him doctor who will follow his advice exactly as to food insulin and exercise can expect to lead a long and full life We are prepared lo assist the in carrying out the routine established by his physician We maintain fresh supply of insulin of all strength and a large assortment of needles syringes and other accessories needed in the treatment and control diabetes 1 J I fer

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