-v- I Era ma October OCT FALL AND WINTER GARMENTS IN SHAPE ALTERATIONS REPAIRS FRENCH CLEANING CLEANERS PHONE 1409 Low Prices TIMOTHY ST NEWMARKET Invisible Mending ITS A Womans World By Caroline Ion Once again plans arc underway tor a Community Bazaar in Newmarket Till third annual promises to be the biggest yet Sponsored by the Newmarket competition held at tin- 1 Is Coming Infants SLEEPING BAG Sleepers SIZES I TO the sponsoring organization Fleece Sleepers SIZES I TO EXTRA PANTS SNUGGLE DOWN PYJAMAS TO TO The JACK JILL SHOPPE Opposite Post Office Main St Phone Handcraft group the is unique in that it brings the crafts of not just one group but of organizations and indi viduals to the attention of the public Smaller church groups who would be unable in their limited membership to handle a complete fall bazaar have their table or booth in the community Invalids and handicap ped individuals who derive their means of livelihood in part from the sale of their handcrafts have a new outlet in this annual event those who have noti- r fc VALUE FEATURES I mm OVEN OVEN AUTOMATIC OVEN OVEN IN DIAL OVEN CONTROL SMOKELESS PAN AND RACK OUT Of THE STEAM ZONE HEATING tffUTt REMOVABLE FIVEHEAT SWITCHES MINUTE LIGHTED SURFACE WRAP AROUND ROOT WRCEUIN WARMING AND AGE DRAWERS GUARANTEE that they will be participating in the bazaar are the Catholic Womens League Rudy St Pauls Evening branch Christian Baptist Church auxil iary David Hood Prank Van- York County Hospital Womens Auxiliary Ladies Auxiliary of Canadian Legion Miss Cutting Canadian Girl Guides Mrs and the Newmarket Hand craft group Other groups arc considering the venture but have not decided definitely Those who are interested in entering their crafts or hobbies for sale in the bazaar are re quested to contact the convener Mrs George as the re maining space is limited As in previous bazaars of all sales is retained by the Hand craft group to cover expenses Arrangements have been made to have the town hall on Nov ember so that the displays will be set up the evening pre ceding the exhibition Atten tion is also called to the fact that the bazaar is being staged this year in November Those planning to enter articles in the bazaar have less than six weeks in which to prepare for the event Weavers Tops Ontario weavers have moved into first place in Dominion- wide Guild of All Avis this exhibit of weaving from each of the ten provinces in Can ada were two entries from the Newmarket Handcraft croup For many years weavers in Quebec the Maritime provinces and British Columbia vied for first place position But a scant six years since weaving in On tario was rejuvenated through the introduction of courses tin der the provincial department of planning and this provinces weavers have topped the list All provinces were well at the display In On tario each group which had taken the governments course in weaving entered two articles Mrs George entered scarf and Mrs A Mitchell a table setting for the local con tributions to the show Heads of each of the provin cial departments dealing with adult education and handcrafts were present for the show An attempt is being made to help weavers throughout the province to become better ac quainted In this way new ideas in the use of color and design may be passed along from one group to another and the com radeship of a common interest will contiue the present enthus iasm in weaving In September members from the Newmarket group accom panied the Spinners and Weav ers of Toronto to St Catharines where the weavers of that city acted as hosts for the day Fol lowing a scenic drive a meet ing was held in Jordan The scene of the meeting one of the old Secord houses judged to be about 200 years old was a fitting background for the discussion of these ageold arts Some fine examples of weav ing were displayed A lively discussion followed by the serv ing of refreshments brought a pleasant day to a close PUPILS COLLECT BASKETS FOR The pupils of the public schools hold very September over bushel were by Newmarket Homo mid thrift the Miss two dollius the ion lor for their clans MiuioV from the is iijmm Homo School work for the the local school m m About motiilieis of V Council the supper lite and Mri A Sent SI I The a rally whiirli was in Die church auditorium included the district V I president Hall dis trict superintendent and district litera ture chairman Bradley Harri son Newmarket Social News Vi r t vr Visitors to yes terday were Mr and Mrs Rus sell Collins Toronto Rev and Mrs Ralph English Nov York and their son Mr Charles English with his bride of Washington The latter couple have recently returned from Bel grade Yugoslavia hurts Charles vas political adviser at the American Embassy Mis Collins and Mrs English are J and Mrs Rev and Mrs Bab- cock spent the weekend at Orillia the guests of Mr and Mrs Albert Tilley daughter of Mr and Mrs Lome a Sunday of Mr and Mrs Douglas Pottage Mr and Mrs J Wilson by their daughter Batty he guests DESCRIBES MISSION WORK IN ALBERTA Mrs William Hummer spoke on her home missions work in Northern Alberta at a special meeting of the Young Womens Mission Society Church of the Nazarene Newmarket Mrs worked in this field for about ten years The meeting chaired by Mrs Lome Baker was held Sept 27 at the home of Mrs Roy Lang- ford Mrs Baker conducted the brief devotional period assisted by Mrs William Koshcl Following the business ses sion refreshments were served by the hostess A social hour closed the evening meeting TAGGERS COLLECT FOR LEAGUE A total of 8998 was collected by the children in the recent Navy League tag day held in Newmarket The heavy rain on that Saturday enabled the to be out for only a few hours A few donations are yet to be received and those wishing to make contributions to the Navy League work are requested to forward them to the Canadian Navy League fund Bank of Montreal Newmarket tag day was under the of Mrs A Mitchell Mrs Norman Mathews Mrs A Mitchell Mrs Charles Edwards Mrs George and Miss assisted The with the MIRACLE OVEN j The Great DELUXE ELECTRIC RANGE a I I I I i St Next to of the late Mr over Thanksgiving weekend Mrs Neil Morton all former Newmarket resident Mr and Mis Robert Patter son visited Mr and Mrs Lome Rose Sunday Sunday guests at the home of and Mrs Edwin Dixon eluded Mr and Mrs Norman Borland Mr and Mrs Charles Mr and Mrs Hoy Jeffrey Woodstock as well as others ftwa Toronto Queens- Aurora and lovn Mr William Toronto spent Sunday vjth his parents Mr Thomas Mrs A re turned on Friday after spending the past two with and Mia park Ave Mr A pent a in Newcastle Berm the guest of her aunt C Thornhury spent a few days this week with his three daughters Mrs Arthur Sheridan Mrs Wright and Mrs Donald Wright and his son Mrs Boss Mrs Joei and children and George Stephens will IeAd the Thanksgiving weekend in town the guests of Mr and Mrs Bernard Mis Carl Mount Toronto spent the weekend with her mo ther Mis Hermit and family W spent a few days this week in Toronto the of liar brother Dr J t- ft Vff iK of Mr and Mrs Broad- bent and family Mrs John Lansing spent a few days last week vilh Mr Frank Mr and Mrs Morris and Ted St loft for a visit to Mrs Morris brother Vancouver last week Mrs and grand son of Barrio spent the week end in town Mm Bertha Barnaul is spending few weeks holiday in Toronto Mr and Mrs B J and family of Toronto day itt the home of Mr- mother oh their way to to visit relatives Mrs Harold Toronto spent Friday afternoon Willi her mother Mrs Arthur Winn Mrs IX Toronto Mr and Mrs W and Mrs Webster Aurora wen din ner guests of Mrs and Miss Jriiie on Saturday Mr and Mrs rv and daughter Mis Gordon An derson Midlothian Illinois veil ed Mr and Mrs Frank Robin son over the weekend Mr and Mrs Charles Bye and daughters and at tended the Slater at Vhithy Mr and Mis ittui daughter Annie Pie- Ion visHml their son and Mr and Mrs Mr Mis Vincent over Hit K i r lwr At roar can chilly drift up too mM4m No will enjoy new comfort all yeor round Coleman Heater Youll have warmth at your finger- Your hen loom of to You J to J ml ft horn Starts at the scratch of comfortably J W A da j j tr a i t Mrs Lewis who been itt for the past rune weeks Is her Ave HAMS A suiressfill hake sale was held by the Moth ers auxiliary in the halt Sept There a fish pond for the youngsters and lea and cookies were nerved Mrs Geo Stuart in charge of the lea Mrs M supervised the fish pond and the hake sale was the direction of Mrs M Cock burn and Mrs Mrs Alex was general convener Tire euchre and party for this evening by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Cana dian legion Newmarket has been cancelled because of the death of valued auxiliary member Mrs Max Fines A special party will he held In November when prizes and draws from this months fuir will bo included The aux iliary will hold a euchre and cribbage party on MRS IRENE PROCTOR NEW PRESIDENT OF YORK TEACHERS Inspector and the teacher of North and Fast schools met Friday Sept at Jersey public school Thirty nine teachers answered the roll call Mr Neil of Point president of the association fur the opening exercises and the election of officers for the corn- year I resident Mrs Irene Proctor of vicepres Mr Karl French Mis of Hillside pianist Mrs Lightlool of Jersey The public speaking coldest for York County public schools was discussed at some length was decided to conduct the semi final meeting of the oratorical contestants on Tuesday at pm in Jersey school at the next meeting of ibis teachers association Mr introduced Mr Scott of the Book Society of Canada Mr Scott had a fine display of new hooks Mr moved a vote of thanks to Mr Scott The fees for the year were paid at this meeting A social time followed and a delightful lunch served by the cut Iters of Jersey school brought the meet ing to a close SHIRLEY CAIN WINS GOLF ROSE BOWL The ladies section Highland club held their closing day Sept In the morn ing they played off for the Hose Howl which was won by Shirley Cain Following luncheon at the club house an afternoon of was held Winers hi these even la included low net McNeil tow gross Ada Jar fat field hole Gladys McNeil hon est golfer Muriel hum Flu driving competitions Lee Muriel Chum driv ing competitions Margaret preaching I Lena Marrow Lee approaching Mrs Terry Mis Lee put ting Kay Juan Oliver The second annual dinner and dance will ho held by the land Golf Club Indies mens sections on Wednesday Oct at the Aurora Pol- lowing the dinner will be the presentations and prizes Movies of the members taken during Batch day at the club will be shown fol lowed by dancing IS IMPROVING Mr who has been confined to bed for two V f tarn DICED MIX WHIM OK Tint 36c CARTCM 412 CAT0H JEWEL SHORTENING JUNKET RENNET POWDERS SssHri CAKE PASTRY YEAST it KKOVIUS SALTS Tim Chicken Chicken Soap Tea SPECIAL Voutons Biscuit COFFEE POUND 1 PEA HALVES STORK HOIKS HOLIDAY Monday all GRAPES JUICE Oranges 2 CELERY STALKS REDS 29 2 r IK is VCRV THIN A QUALITY PRODUCT Of THE BAKCRY EACH CI- Pimento Manzanilla POUND K i OZ PIMENTO IN saltines valencia cake aylmer plain queen olives McLarens olives Sweet Mixed Pickles Old White Cheese GENUINE Swiss Cheese KRAFT Deluxe Sliced Cheese KRAFT Philadelphia Cream Cheese MONARCH CHEESE Plum Pudding OCEAN SPRAY SAUCE CLUB HOUSE Poultry Dressing KRAFT MAYONNAISE CANADA BREAD BREAD CRUMBS GRAPE JUICE ELM Choice Apple Juice 2 CALIFORNIA Walnuts in Shell BLANCHED SALTED PEANUTS JUMBO Peanuts LARGE PECANS BEAVER POPPING CORN BRAZILS RV SHELL CHOICE Australian Currants C Seedless Raisins PITTED DATES CUT MIXED PEEL CUT CITRON P MRS HAMILTON Mincemeat WHOLE RED GLACE CHERRIES PURE GOLD Pure Vanilla Extract RED MARASCHINO CHERRIES MONARCH PIE CRUST MIX DOG or CAT FOOD DOGGIE TJD BITS COAT NUGGET SHOE POLISH CONCENTRATED SOAP LUX TOILET SOAP 2 PALMOUVE BEAUTY SOAP PRINCESS FLAKES OLD DUTCH CLEANSER MAPLE LEAF Soap Hakes BYE 33 SIZE TIN GLASS JAR TINS CIllO oz CtltO d CillO dflAC CIllO BAG MB US 24c lie 34c 23c 21c of ARABIA COFFEE TWO COP COFFEE LB J SULTANA SOU POUND POUND pica MB CARTON BAG BY l BTt TINS PINT TIN TIN ON r CAKII CAKU TIN I ARCS WITH ftYC OR AilCt IN SOAP 3LB pica 23c 23c 18c 22c 29c 27c 34c 23c 19c 38c COTTAGE BRAND LOBLAWS BREAD lOAf ALPINE CLUB GINGER ALE 2 PLUS 31 LOBLAWS ALPINE CLUB DOUBLE SODA 2 BUS PLUS 27 RICH DARK CHRISTMAS CAKE A OP Till LOBLAW QUALITY POULTRY YOU SIC THANKSGIVING TURKEYS QUANTITY IS YOUR LONG ISLAND choice lb CHOICE BOILING FOWL CHOICE ROASTING CHICKENS lb Allium WITHOUT CHAM IN CAtlHO WAV fflK Wen LB POM COTS WISH LEG HAM