WEg J Dm Another of the blos soming hockey season got a shot in the arm Friday The juven iles who travelled under the Imperial banner last year held their organization meeting Fri day at the arena Bill Young was reelected president Carl was returned as secretary- treasurer and Fred Thompson was named manager Bohmer Groves will coach the team again this win ter Spitfire winger Ken was named his coach ing assistant Boy Smalley was chosen trainer and Ted Robinson will again chair the transportation committee Ad vertising chairman is Cecil Tay lor and finance committee head man is Jimmy Walker with h Schools Track Meet Well over 300 public school students from the kindergarten fiveyearolds right up the line to eight graders vied for the ribbons and prizes in this years public school track and field meet North Yorks largest track and field extravaganza required the best part of two days to complete and countless hours of preliminary work by teachers and pupils alike Featured were Stuf- triumph in every event in boys and years old com petition and Graham George nimble foot work that earned him a win in every event in boys years and over The events ran off without a hitch and a great deal of credit is due Principal A Jackson and the HASH MAN AWARD Only Lady Coach Softball Is finished What would be more natural before Winter lakes over than to hand out a few bouquets to the folks who do the work and suffer the headaches around the teams A team tis said is only as good as its coach or manager Well as everybody Is aware Mount Albert ladies won the Lake Junior Ladies Softball League diadem for a second straight year Naturally a fair share of the credit goes to the coach manager and chief overseen Li the case of Mount Albert it was a oneman Job or should we say a onelady lob That lady was Mrs Gladys Rolling Mrs Rolling can make one claim that no one can duplicate the only lady coach In North York leastwise the only successful one So its well done Mrs Rolling Youre our and Boxy Theatre pass nominee for this week Ernie his chief assistant J staff of four town public schools Sfe Dance to the Music of DON and his ORCHESTRA EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE AURORA SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Commencing Sunday October pm at the AURORA Sunday Evening Concerts With Tip Top Artists Optimist Minors 1 Down In OBA Competition Newmarket Optimist suffered their first loss in the campaign Saturday Don Warner Jack Hamilton and Frank and com pany made the Jong haul to and absorbed a loss The Optimists had a shaky start Before they realized there was a ball game on BANTAMS Newmarket Optimist bantam are on the spot They must win in Acton Saturday to stay in the OBA hunt They suffered their first setback in OBA competition at the fair grounds Tuesday dropping a decision to Acton in the first game of a best two out of three OBA semifinal contest Acton had a glow on early bad our forces hanging on the Tuesday as they thundered for ening Bill Newmarkets already bulging sports history have another important chapter added tonight newly completed floodlighted diamond at the Grounds will bo officially opened A twinbill session will The Ten Records Fall At AHS Track Meet IS planned as an opening attraction In the start off game Bell Tele phone and Office Specialty two lawn league teams will meet In the second game Schomberg champions of the FeelYork Softball League and conquerors of South i champs and Aces finalists in the Township circuit in a post-sea- I FBI Oct 5 LT- 11 -itA- jiU si- GREAT STARS- STORIES THHKiS KivL- and action any on I NORTH WEST ropes as they stroked out a lead in the fourth From there STAY IN OBA Almost as- dramatically as the Giants win over the Brooks Newmarket Opti mist stayed in the race with a 32 win over at the fair grounds Wednesday Third and deciding game of the series will be played at the fair grounds Monday after noon 3 pm John McGuire belted a home run in the sixth to crack a tie ana win the game Wayne squeeze bunt gave the Op timists run one and Bob Keffer singled to score Ken for run two Jack Cain pitched outstanding ball on the Optimist hill jon Optimists counted a run in j the second on a walk to John and Ken single Bob Keffer and Ken I spliced hits for a run in the fourth Don open- led the fifth a homer and Bill Cain counted a second run with his solid double Optimists ran their count to six on four walks and Don second hit in the sixth Jack Cain claimed nine strike outs while Jack on sent Optimists down swinging Don and Kdh were twohit laddies j with the Optimists Francis Lewis Bill Cain and Bob fer collected eight runs in first two innings The visitors further dimmed the Optimist hopes of a recovery with a slashing fiverun attack in both the sixth and eighth frames Jackie Mills Frank Hollings- short right hander was the victim of the visitors early hits Murray Young came in as relief in the sixth and finally Bill in the eighth to take the punish Light hitting hurt the Opti mists They picked up only six hits off John on the Acton hill Only in the third were they able to collect more than one hit per innings They got three then but only one run as the visitors speedball artist snapped off the budding rally with a pair of strikeouts The visitors claimed strikeouts in his win across Bill Don Thorns Bill Earl Lothian Grant Morton and Jackie Mills collect ed the Newmarket hits Opti mists scored twice in the first and a single runs in third fifth sixth and seventh John and Holmes were Actons hitaces with three each Newmarket Thorns Saunders Smart K Lothian Van- M Young Morton J McGuire J Mills Harry Pop Holmes ardent sports booster in the town league scraps offered a trophy to leagues hitter and one for the most valuable It was Mr Holmes pleasant duty recently to put trophies in tin right hands Mick Smith Bell Telephone coach won the batting crown with a stupendous GW mark John Specialty fireballing ace was named most valuable player by a vote of the managers The trophy winners and donor are above Mickey Smith left Harry Holmes center and John right Photo by fund AfioibAss Ten the of season crop Tuft of seasons crop of foot -sftar- iriK ef fa forte w3 leap of 2 in m9fi Pft4fte running broad eapi a broad v jump mark with itULtkU In the shctf US fa Neil up On the alleys i established new junior record shot Noel Cos Grow A srx rit- i hunt with a home win this week in the best two out of three set Hi P 2b Cain J J Coin Keffer ss safety each Jackson P Optimists will have a chance to Million If make amends and stay in If Phil Mclnnis topped the pin spilling brigade in the Monday Night Town Ladies circuit with Five hundred or better scorers were Pearl Cod- Edna Mary 544 Hall 539 Claire Pollock Smalley Marion Stark 520 Dean 512 Nora 502 Agnes Gordon 500 Blue Bonnets re corded the lone sweep white- washing Hot Rods Coons bumped off 450s 31 and Jets enjoyed a similar margin over Wildcats The four teams are wedged a tight battle for leadership Sheet Metal Machine Shop and each and Press Shop Laura Mae set iLai marks in the girls rfttsfc point Hazel got back in form to head the scoring in the Thursday night ladies loop with Other creditable efforts were turned in by Dunn Ella Wilkins Hall Vi Dales 520 and Olive 50G Joe headed the scoring in the Bradford mens league last week with Giffin ran a close second with Art Evans pencilled a Steve St- and Ernie James to points for junior Bud Suttoa TO closest rival with points j 1 Clarke juimafa an ens eg fv H j l kJ 7S y 4 I if ftOftfitT SI I I BRADFORD ONT It -L- Thursday to Saturday Davis Leather were below par last week Tops was Geo Ingle- dew 215185117 Others were Dan Casey Frank Both- well Ken Burling 566 and Leo Benningtons six shellacked to take over the league leadership Both weirs rollers clipped Andy Cull ens crew Present standing is Benningtons and For those bowlers interested venile competition with 5- was runnerup with cxrnTK In the girls sector Curias had a 3937 point 1 A vantage over Grace for the senior championship Kskv in Saturday holiday and opening j Taylor amassed points for the FLOODLIGHT niglt howling the combo at the North End Alleys are offering a clock prize for the lady and man bowler with three high games from now to the first of the year intermediate crown a Office Specialty Co was runnerup with Davis Leather Co Ltd Hamond stacked up Davis points to nose out Laura Mas can Hoffman Co Led for the honors urn The Zebra Keeps His Stripes Hot shot shooter among the Hoffman Leaguers hist week was Don Scott who rolled up with a high single of Murray Al len was with in cluding a single Machine Shop hung the crepe on the Vorclone Press Shop out ft lJi win over Sheet 1 I Hi Lanza New Idol A Hottest in MARIO ANN LamaBlyth TllEDOM it Woods Trudy Marshall ir MIDNIGHT SHOW SUNDAY Monday to Wednesday J iii r ifivv DAVID VERA- ELLEN ftv i feS J I i A NIGHT IS 7 iK L I e It v 7- 1 l m j NIGHT OUR OFFER IS MING SOON tfi Ringside 1 fl NHSTops Barrie235 On Gridiron The turves strode into ami the in an exhibition football contest on Tuesday Wayne it long forward hurled by Hugo to go over or a major score in the opening quarter ferry Hugo converted and the never looked buck lark Vance loped over the flat rie line fur Tils in the- second and third quarter of llum con- vmtcd by Hugos lot to give a margin Tin tenuis bartered majors in he final quarter Wayne skipped round for the Jerry convert final whistle Jack Garner hackfielder broke through for a ma jor Coach appears to have power and speed to burn in the and the line stood firm against oil assaults The will mutch plays tackles with St Andrews this Friday in a preseason exhibition lilt The North York Secondary leaKue will open W- J Hugo J Vance I Hunt ley It Smith J Clements A Sinclair li A Hudi I Shaw J Shropshire K Saunders P West A White Yukon Eric Fred At kins main bout Thursday was supposed to provide the fans with the main bill of fare fans payees were there with one putpose to see the Zebra The awningstriped hooded- horror left the fans remember him by as he cut another notch in his well- ittn by spreading Hill Stack of in minutes The the Zebra got un der Stack hoisted him up flop ped him on his back and then pounced with the full weight of his lbs of muscle Stack folded flatter than a pan cake In the early pari of the sup porting curd Sonny and Pat Flanagan displayed the best wrestling After minutes of spirited warfare it was ruled no coolest because of an injury to glamour boy That brings us to main bout A classy show between Maple Leaf Gardens topnotch Fred Atkins the Australian champ and Yukon Hue the north countrys bonecrusher Atkins hammered the out of Yukon It had one end ing Yukon was nicely mangled after 16 minutes Free got a few stomping ami chop ping Atkins the canvas after minutes to even up the show It was Alaskan who came back strong in the sawoff to win the third and deciding tilt I and By Town Softball League Hillsdale Dairy IT and Sons Bender Casket Co Earl I J A Sons Jim Law Frank Courtney j Morrisons Mens Wear Harvey Lane I Sam Simpson Co Ltd j Harry Sam Cornish Son Steve Bill Jane Jack Malcolm Kuss Roy Mitchell Embassy Beauty Salon Pop Holmes Atkinsons lit J I Jack Stevens L Hewitt Goods Anonymous Hill JoinlVMcComb New market representative in bis time hockey figured this week in the never ending shuffle of pro hockey talent between Chicago and Detroit Hilt was with St Louis Fly ers Chicago A eric a Hockey League team List whiter and last week was to Detroit Bill had to report Detroit on Tuesday Whether he wilt stay up with the Bed Wings or go to their 1 11 a a I arm team wasnt known at press time this week SPORTS CALENDAR Oct I pan Fair Grounds floodlight opener doubleheader Belt Telephone Specialty I vs Town League stars Floodlight Fund Oct pan Bantam semi- filial Newmarket at Acton pm Fair Grounds floodlight doubleheader Zephyr vs Triple Seven Orchard vs Office Specialty More Sports on page S SHOUTING The monthly trophy won won for September by Howard Morton Newmarket His score was out of fchiTB A i Mggi OyiTr 1 Lord Athol layton Meets Yukon In Last Card Of Year Thursday Oct will write finish to this seasons grapple and groan fun Arena Stan Smith has fixed up a card of bouts thai should tide the diehard wrestling filberts over until the grapplers move in nest summer As miuubouters Lord the darling of the pink tea set and Yukon the Al askan lumberjack will provide the action Yukon tis said prefers row meat to tea and would like nothing better than to nibble on some blue- blooded type semifinal will send Tim othy the Irish strong man Irish sleeper hold spe cialist through the ropes after big broth of a lad from isle Dangerous Dan OConnor The supporting bout in the threebout will toss Pat Flanagan against strongman Morgan Sounds like a classy card as finisher of wrest ling for this YOU ASKED FOR IT HERE IT ISt 1