Newmarket Era and Express, 15 Nov 1951, p. 13

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A If Era Mrs J W- Bowman was guest speaker on Tuesday Nov at a meeting of the Home and School association The topic of her talk was Snow balling with Life SUCCESSFUL HUNTER Ernest Hill returned on Sun day from a weeks hunting at Caribou Lake with the hunt club of Steeles Ave He shot a pound buck WITHOUT UNPLEASANT REACTIONS lit BUY I WHYS MONTREAL I cant mention this too often for I know youll be glad to hear about it if you suffer from corns or calluses Phenylhim is the new wonder ingredient in BLUEJAY Corn and Callus Plasters Its the happiest news in years for folks who suffer the corns and calluses It took years of scientific research by BlueJay to develop It works 336 faster and is effective in of the cases tested So for your corn or callus worries just buy BlueJay Cora and Callus Piasters with Phcnylium and end your troubles 1 Waterman ink Contest Winners The Major Winners are First Prize Hideout NJ5 entry qualified with one Watermans Ink box top Second Jean Montreal PQ entry qualified with two Watermans Ink box tops Third Prize V McKay Toronto entry qualified with- two Watermans Ink box tops A complete list of winners furnished on request to Waterman Co Ltd Dorchester fit Montreal torn Neednt Be Like The Whhe Rabbit in Walt Disneys Alice in Wonderland He rushed around getting nowhere fast shouting Im late Im late No need for you to be late where desserts are concerned No indeed not when you know how to save lots and lots ox kitchen time with JELLO Nourishing tempting Pudding dishes are bo simple and quick Youll be amazed at how fast you can this delicious dessert Scotch Apple Pudding Pre pare Jell0 Butterscotch Pudding according to pack age directions but add cup diced apples to the pudding while cooking Cool stirring occasionally and turn into bowl Serves or Cos Smeeess Stories about favourite of mint The success story of RED ROSE TEA AND COFFEE began with an ideal of quality and now the Red Rose name is famous for flavour in thousands of Canadian homes I know youll agree with all the Red Rose Fans that Red Rose Tea is good tea from the moment you taste that first flavourful sip Remember too that because its ffood tea it actually gives more cups to tho pound it flavour goes a long long way And Red Rose Coffee is every bit as good as Red Rose Tea Always fresh always fiavourfal once youve tasted this fullbodied coffee youll never be with any other You Have To Eat wise to eat well but with todays high food costs theres little left over for other tilings you need Thats why it pays to insist on quality the kind of quality you get when you buy GOTHAM GOLD STRIPE nylons Not the folks at Gotham made hosiery that will wear and wear theyve made beautiful hosiery just as sheer ana strong as you likoit and In a wide cast of flattering fashionwise colours I And heros a Gotham special I think you should know about The too seams of all Gotham Gold I i Tern Dont Need To Be A Boh to suffer the of A busy day of if enough to do damage Thats why I Joint of having SLOANS handy in the medi cine cabinet When muscles ache after a day of furnituremoving and cleaning Sloans feels so good as its gently potted on he Its soothing penetrating warmth brings quick relief from the pain Keep Sloans handy for relief from pains aches of rheumatism and neuralgia tool It costs just for the smallsized bottle for the largo ami its such a real investment in comfort Stripe nylons are knitted together to you extralong wear I Ask- for Gotham Gold Stripe nylons next you buy hosiery on sale at all better stores Ml Across Can ado in hotels in hos pitals in your own kitchen aluminum is a reliable friend Friendly to food friendly W to health bottle caps and butter rwBfi aluminum pails foil Wrappers candy wrappers and cooking utensils assure wholesome and cleanliness And I dont need to tell you how efficient aluminum cooking utensils are in vour kitchen Light durable and icy protect food purity and flavour distribute heat evenly and quickly economically And how bright and smart aluminum always Happy the cook whos the proud possessor of a gloaming treasure trove of aluminum cooking Seen The Day when I could practically bounce my tea biscuits on the floor and I remember dis appointments that cakes and muffins always used to be That was Before Calumet What a difference CALU MET POWDER makes to my baking nowl Tender moist and always perfectly leavened because Calu met has wonderful action that lifts tho batter higher and higher first in mixing bowl then again in tho oven And neither nor interruptions can dis turb that marvellous doublo ac tion Rely as I do on Calumet Raking Powder for sure sure re sults in baking mine Its no secret put my dollar bills through that really wonder ful process called Perianal Plnnnxngt This HANK OF MONTREAL system of budgetcontrol really makes your money go farther buy more If the high cost of living seems tobe shrinking your them that Before very long youll be high prices and putting money Its a grand way to get your financca well In hand it Ask for your free cony of the booklet PERSONAL your neighborhood branch of ins Dot M today Newmarket Social News Mr E Morton spent the weekend with his daughter Mrs Macrae at Mrs Frank Bothwell attend ed the funeral of her aunt Mrs George Miner North last week Mrs Sadie Kirk returned to Galien where she is spending a few months with her sister Mrs Lillian Mrs Lillian and Mrs Gladys Seyfred Galien attend ed the funeral of Mrs brother Mr Jas Mr Gerald Leeder and Mr Frank Brampton spent Saturday at the home of Mr and Mrs Geo Leeder Mr and Mrs Ira Leeder Toronto spent Saturday with Mr Leeders parents Mr and Mrs Geo Dr and Mrs J A Ritchie and daughter June Alexis have taken up residence at Main St Mr and Mrs Walter Murray and son Paul have moved to Dunnville Mr and Mrs Norman Keller returned to Indiana on Sunday evening after spending the past ten days in Newmarket as guests of Rev and Mrs A Petersen Mr and Mrs William Dunn and Jimmy spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Clarence Pickering Zephyr Misses Eleanor Bain and Laura Toronto weekend guests of Rev and Mrs Leonard Coupland and family Mrs Sr spent a few days with her sister Mrs Howard Williamson and family Thessalon Mrs A Boyd will attend the Royal Winter Fair on Sat urday Mr and Mrs William Gla cier were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs James Rev A Petersen is at tending a Church of the ministerial conference in Ni agara Falls for a few days this week Miss Eleanor Lewis visited in Toronto on Friday Mr and Mrs Kenneth Os borne and Sandra were week end guests of Mr and Mrs Harry Osborne Aurora Mr and Mrs Charles York returned to Indiana on Monday after spending the past week at the home of Mr and Mrs John Shier Guests on Saturday at the home of Mr and Mrs Nelson Ion and family were Mr and Mrs John Jane Ian and David and Mrs Nelson Ion Sr Hamilton Mrs Grace Allen accompanied by her children visited her parents Mr and Mrs Frank Widdifield on Sunday Dr and Mrs Jack Patter son and son Billy called on their parents Mr and Mrs J Patterson on Sun day Mr and Mrs A Crowle spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs A F Arnold Zephyr Mr and Mrs Wm In gram Mrs Frank Johnston Mr and Mrs John Bateman and Mr and Mrs Harold Gwyn spent the weekend at attending the marriage of Miss Myrtle Chow to Mr Frederick Lee News Of The WI News for this column must be in the office Monday sight Copy roust be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcement will be printed separately Beach Branch were Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Wesley Hayes over the weekend were Mr and Mrs El gin Hayes and Mr Vance Ben nett of Swift Current Sask who is Mrs Hayes nephew Mr Oliver King will shortly go to the hospital for an operation Beach Branch were guests of Roches Point WI on Nov and all report a wonder ful time Many were unable to attend because of bad Smeltzer and the Christmas fruit cake went to Mrs Marshall The organization will sponsor a dance in Institute hall on Friday night Nov Weirs orchestra Proceeds are for the building fund branch will add 83 to the Institute hall building fund representing profit from a ba zaar held last Saturday Every one attending was in a good buy ing mood and only a few articles were left over The silver dish was drawn by Mrs Pearson The November meeting of the Bogaritown Womens Institute will be held on Tuesday Nov at the home of Mrs Donald Davidson Gorham St The program on Historical and Current Events will be in the charge of Mrs Cecil Wood The roll call Is to be an swered by giving Some histor ical event that happened to years ago in Whitchurch A good program is being planned by the committee A few items from the bazaar will be on sale at this meeting REFRIGERATOR And 111 wager get one when you fell Wm bow much refrigerator got for money and how a new saves much food and electricity To cinch the deal take four Santa to your Dealers why ftlgjdafre it Canadas No Refrigerator different models that offer one that Is just right for Once he sees the roomy the perfection of Frigid aires MeterMiser are delicate WANS DOWN Iftcd and reiiiied until Flour OTS WWm Add mall batter very j Reg SAVE 40oo S1R0MBERG CARLSON FLOOR MODEL DEMONSTRATOR MODEL SI Other demonstrators available at same low prices Cash v Months To Pay Your old radio part down payment rtiT PHONE 139 lances NEXT TO LOBLAWS GOLDEN WEDDING Mr and Mrs Lome Miller 690 Johnson St Kingston were entertained before their golden wedding anniversary at a fam ily dinner for guests on Sun day Nov at the home of their daughter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Jack Travis also of Kingston On Tuesday Nov a reception was held The wedding took place on Nov at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs C A Dyke Newmarket Rev George officiated Present at the anniversary re ception were the bridesmaid and best man Mr and Mrs Frank Aurora and the organ- ist Mrs Evans Bradford Relatives from outoftown in cluded Miss Dyke Au rora Mr and Mrs Frank Mr and Mrs J C Bod fish Mrs Annie Henry New market Mrs Evans Brad ford Mr and Mrs Alfred Dyke Unionville Mr and Mrs Miller received many gifts and flowers includ ing a large bouquet of chrysan themums and a corsage of yel low roses for Mrs Miller from the Lumber Com pany Kingston where Mr Mil ler has been a foreman for 25 years BICE King United Church Manse was the scene of a double ring cere mony on Saturday Nov when Joan Yvonne Bice daughter of Mr and Mrs Elias A Bice was married to Earl Albert son of Mr and Mrs Edwin Rev Martin of ficiated Given in marriage by her father the bride was charming in a gown of white brocaded sat in styled with fitted bodice softly gathered at the shoulder Vneckline pyramid sleeves pointed over the hand and full skirt Her fingertip embroider ed veil was held in place by a beaded pearl halo and she wore a double strand of pearls Her flowers were a Colonial bouquet of pink carnations white pom poms and green fernery The attendant was Mrs Ronald Rob- son wearing a gown of pale blue brocaded satin with matching mittens In her hair was a ban deau of blue rosettes and she carried a Colonial bouquet of rose carnations and pink pom poms Ronald Robson was best man The bride and groom attended Mr and Mrs Ronald at their marriage last August The reception was held at Ridge Inn Oak Ridges Decora tions were white yellow and pink pompoms The brides mother received in a costume of wine and blue silk crepe wine accessories and corsage of yellow and bronze baby mums with green feathers The grooms mother wore a dress of navy blue crepe and black accessories She wore a corsage of pink baby mums with green feather mount The brides travelling costume was wine gabardine with match ing accessories beige top coat and corsage of yellow and pink baby mums The couple left by motor for and Algonquin Park On their re turn they will live at St Newmarket The brides mother Mrs Bice gave the flowers used to decor ate Ridge Inn to the Rev to be used in the dec oration of United Church which celebrated the anni versary and special dedication services Sunday Nov ATTEND CONVENTION Among those attending annual convention of the Hospital association at the Royal York hotel Toronto were Miss Thomas Mrs J Graham Frank Courtney Mrs Don Miss Hamil ton Kay McMillan Mrs Wesley Brooks and Mrs J Rogers TRINITY WMS HAS NOVEMBER MEETING The November meeting of tho Afternoon auxiliary M S Trinity United church was well attended president Mrs Stephens was in the chair for the business part of tho program Afterwards Mrs Roy Mead took of meeting Mrs Mead continued with tho study book She was assisted by Mrs and Miss Watson Tho devotional period was con ducted by Mrs I Mrs M and Mrs G Boyd to you public M Liberal for printed 1 1 Alt iJKMIMKi SI Kl f e it i CANADAS BEST COFFEE FRESHLY GROUND A i XJi PJIBI TWO CUP v- is I SPECIAL CALIFORNIA CRISP t CAUrOKN J ID ES PASCAL HEARTS ONTARIO WASHED B TV t lf POUND iwA te- off vi ifciafri I AVSTBAUAN f SULTANA mi a I I I 9 I Ti til i Hi fifrt CUT I I T CUT MA I Z Sip W Up i f ftV S swim j BURNS PRODUCTS iy r 4k it MI i ill If J MNMliaMM S NDNCFM nlr Ma CHAN WOODMBTS M f41i- and if to Mil to r Sjl FOR FABULOUS SUDS J I il L0BLAW QUALITY ROAST TNI ess elsiNB s CHOICE FRESH PORN CUTS UDI ROAST -Cc- Ht A UP i J- vm J- T

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