Newmarket Era and Express, 15 Nov 1951, p. 2

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1 1MI Celebration of Commun ion in Christ Church at on Sunday Nov IS A PLAY REFRESHED MOUNT ALBERT The BusyBees met at the home of Mrs F on Wednesday Nov The meet ing opened by everyone singing Row row row your boat Ann Harrison read the minutes Mrs will entertain the next meeting at her home on Monday Nov The meeting was closed with singing Good night ladies PRE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL or TRI- complete with washable Ml ZEPHYR The anniversary services of the United church were well at tended both morning and even ing Rev Mr Lockie of Clare- was the guest speaker The choir rendered splendid music for the services Sir spoke on the theme A Full Christian Life A number of the members of Zephyr attended the WI convention held in the Royal York hotel in Toronto on Tues day of last week Raymond Thompson and Al lan are attending the Royal Winter Fair Some of the hunters have re turned from their hunting ex pedition but from all reports deer are rather scarce this year MAPLE HILL On Thursday the school child ren enjoyed a bus trip to To ronto where they visited the museum and later in the day Mount Albert News sang at County Council Mr and Mrs and I while he was hunting Weekend visitors of Mr and Mrs Ira Morton were Mr and Mrs Brock Rear of Barrie Miss Gladys Earle of Hornby Miss Myrtle Rear and Mrs Blanchard of Toronto Mrs Bruce Rolling and Betty spent the weekend with friends in Toronto Remembrance service was ob served at the United church on Sunday morning after which wreaths were laid at the Mem orial Gate at the park Rev C Cragg of Toronto will be the guest speaker at the United church on Sunday morn ing in the interest of the On tario Temperance Association The heavy fail of snow so early has caught many with vegetables still in their gardens Mr and Mrs Neil returned on Monday from a weeks holiday at and also brought a deer which Mr had secured w m a Fur E I e Phone 1232 family moved to their new home near Mount Albert last week Miss Elsie Kenny is convales cing after an operation on her throat last week Mr Burgess a student at Cen tral Baptist Seminary Toronto the service in Maple Hill church last Sunday Next Sunday Rev Fleisher Uxbridge will be in charge I The packed two boxes for home missions last Tuesday ARMITAGE Miss Rose passed away early Saturday morning and was buried on Monday Nov in Friends Cemetery St The community extends its sympathy to Mrs Hendricks and Mr Frank 1 ensure Administration Thomson of TB patients Milk Subsidy and Hew Industries hi the interests Dod government and the ad- your vote m Nov Mr Harold Hayes has re turned from the General hospi tal in Toronto and is convales cing at his home The poppy fund is going to be short this year because of bad roads and weather on collection day There is still time to con tribute to a good cause Mrs Kendree of Montreal is visiting her mother Mr Ar nold Mrs Ethel and Mrs Evelyn spent several days last week at Bracebridge guests of Rev If Burgess and Mrs Burgess Mrs J spent- the weekend in Toronto Mrs Nelson Graham was brought home from the hospital on Saturday after treatment for injuries suffered in a fall at her Mr and Mrs Sinclair spent last week at the home of their daughter Mrs Archer at Elm- vale The hunters who have return ed from the north report a great deal of snow and very game Funeral services for the late Mrs were held in the chapel Mrs was born in Wellington County years ago a daughter of the late Robinson Long A great part of her life was spent in the village where her husband the late kept store for many years before retiring to Toronto where Mrs died at her home She is survived by sons Guy of Ottawa John of Dauphin Manitoba Frank of Toronto Ralph of Ajax daughters Mrs S Terry Ruth of Toronto Mrs of and Mrs and her sisters Mrs Elliott and Mrs of Toronto Mrs Jas Miller of New and one brother Mr Long of Vancouver Mrs John Arnold spent last week In Toronto at the home of Mr and Mrs Don Degeer Ann Louise of Toron to visited her grandmother Mr over the Mrs a former resi dent here has returned to the village from Toronto to make her home Mrs D and Kathie of have been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Stiver Mr and Mrs V Mitchell of Newmarket were visitors at the home of Mrs Cain on Snuday The Cheerio Group of the United church are making prep arations for their annual bazaar on Saturday Dec SHARON Service at the United church on Sunday at pm Sunday school at am Everyone welcome at both services The regular monthly meeting of the United church Womens Association will be held at the hall on Wednesday Nov at Will the ladies please come early as there are two quilts to be quilted Bring something for a pot luck dinner All are welcome Bring your thimble and needle Mr and Mrs Maurice of Toronto were Saturday evening guests of Mr and Mr a Alan Shaw Mr and Mrs Richard Thomp son of Toronto were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Welly Stevens Mr and Mrs Carl Vernon and Robert visited Mr and Mm Jack Vernon at Milton on Sunday Mr and Mrs Mrs Harvey and Mi Mary Harvey all of Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Robert Houston Mrs Herb Tansley of Sutton West spent Friday night with Mrs Welly Stevens Mr and Mrs Jack of Toronto were weekend guest of Mr and Mrs Ralph Long fill ITS TIM CHANCE Send ELM ToQ if i i rf I f fc The United church A sup per will be served Wednesday Nov Hostesses are Mrs Mrs- H Mrs Mrs Swan- son Mrs J Milton Mrs J Rut- ledge and Mrs Graham Sup- per served from to pjn Everybody welcome The Union Street Girls Home- making club was guest of a mm V 9 KVV ft ft wx Wt ft W a WAV a Nr i ft Down Town club We have a very good shoe re- sn visited the Royal fOX r V Arthur our Liberal Can l J I T V I t FOR SHUJGAIN AND GRAIN noes mm ago wain fel to I POULTRY laying of r i ij DAIRY COWS Good Clover Hay to of rain Reef Reef maker of grain 5HURGAIN CUSTOM MIXING PUN IS DESIGNED TQ through livestock at possible price 5M feeding as possible J5 evenly over a full Guarantee livestock rations 5l0p insistent in their high quality 1 Mixed of J I f SHURGAIN Vw fl ir SEBVICEl Y i HEADQUARTERS FOR fe MILL rJ V A A 1 rS I pair man in town who is a war veteran and deserves your pat ronage drop in with your needs iil that line Mrs Shannon of Toronto was a weekend guest at the home of her sisters the Misses E S Har rison Queensville News Friends in this district will re gret to learn of the death of Mrs Margaret Minor of on Nov Mrs Minor was buried on Nov Mr and Mrs J Smith and Mr and Mrs Peregrine attend ed the Wardens banquet on Fri day night at the King Edward hotel Mrs Warren of Toronto is visiting her son and daughter-in- law and Mrs barren and family We wish a speedy recovery for Mr Herb Kershaw who is ill at his home Mrs Johnson is on an ex tended visit with her daughter in Toronto Mrs Smith spent sev eral days in Toronto Mr Jim Prior left on Sunday for a weeks hunting near Sund- Messrs and sted are hunting this week in county Miss Evelyn Winger of Steven- is visiting Mr and Mrs Floyd Winger and family Reserve Saturday Nov for the bazaar and tea of the Even ing Auxiliary There will be Winter Fair homemade baking fancy goods parcel post fish pond candy In vite your friends to attend Miss Mary Marsh of Toronto is spending this week with her sister Mrs Aylward Mr and Mrs Chas Shields and son of Sutton moved on Monday into the apart ment recently vacated by Mr and Mrs K It Penny Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Kouri Clara Ellis who were married on Saturday in United church The reception was held in the church basement Mr and Mrs Kouri are honeymooning in Quebec The is holding their thankoffering service in the United church basement on Wednesday Nov at pm All ladies are cordially invited A splendid crowd was in at tendance at the bingo held at the school house last Friday evening Special prizes were won by Mrs Good fellow Keswick Mrs Ethel and Mrs Shrank New market Share- wealth was won by Mr Sidney Milne The next bingo will hold on Friday Deo Please reserve this dale NORGE HEATERS I a i SV Benefit Gift Hobby Dion aged has re ceived the sum of pre senting receipts from a emit aiul crihhage par ty held in Oak week help with after an The evening was convened by Jack and her assist ants Bobby is now at his Oak home but is still con fined In led He will wit he to return In school for some time yet Mr returned from kid hospital on Tuesday where hi had been ill with influenza Puny Found Polly an pony In Ash was covered last iflr a 0day intensive search by her owner and Ids Mr mid Mrs Boh Ash Three miles from her home the pony caught in a wire fence at Ike rear of the farm be tween Hie second and third con cession of Whitchurch Mr found the animal after the family search bad almost been abandoned Polly was found quietly standing in two feet of snow in the bush unable free herself Had the animal remained without food longer would have died She is now being wintered by Mr at the farm Canadian flirt Guide hog England The name Oak will be seen by Guide companies and Brownie packs across England because it is inscribed on a map of Ontarios east central Guide area which forms one of the pages In the Canadian Girl Guide book flown overseas last Saturday All the names of Guide and Brownie centre Indicated by a signal toad tool emblem The page was designed try Captain Joyce of Places lire named as far north as If to the Parry Sound district map Is at tractively done in water color baa prepared es News by Guides across Canada and will travel among British Outdo companies British Guides similar gesture last year when the British book was flown from coast coast and seen by Guides Brownies and Hangers from Vancouver Island to New foundland In the district telephone di rectory name Gamble Aurora a is not listed names of sub scribers Their number Aurora is listed muter Valley Field which they op erated for some years on Yinge Mr loft by plane oil October for when ho is Burrow-on- near London where his mother resides Mr Gambia visited his brother in Here fftrshire white Mr- Mrs Bob Ash visited the killers Mrs George Chester at last Sun day and heard an account of a three weeks trip to Mexico which the took A small deposit will hold any unit required Spillettes lances Main St Next to 139 rv Redistribution of hospital facilities for Absorption of certain county highway system Advanced labor legislation Sound business to reduce taxes V a I ci I I I r r tTTv 1 ii ii PINE ORCHARD Club will meet the school on Friday night Nov oclock wel come Please note in date to Mr Mrs Arthur Baxter on birth of son Mrs Ross was a re cent guest of Mr and Mrs Al bert Bailey Toronto Willing Workers of the Union church met at the home of Mrs Earl Toole on Thursday Nov Rev A of Union church delivered a thoughful Remembrance Day message on Sunday Nov Divine wor ship each Sunday at 230 and Sunday at pan Classes for all ages Mr J was guest speaker at Farm Forum at on Monday night Misses Charlotte Chapman and Alma Burldiolder of were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Cha I t

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