Newmarket Era and Express, 4 Jan 1952, p. 2

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Counry Hospital WILL WANTED or sour ikon Attest TRUCKERS for AND SOW St C61 ONTABO ad worth one dollar with a load of scrap SNOW PLOW ft ft SBREULS SUTTON fc fadJ Git much Travelling by bus is a won derful way to see our country the busy farms that border the highways Hie rivers and lakes our hills and forests fascinating close- ups of every town and city along your I Mr Brown has his home with Mr and Mrs Amos York is very ill Many of Wilcox Ratepayers Associ- friends and neighbors on Tuesday been calling to see him We of Brown Hill wish Mr Brown a speedy recovery Mrs Bain Mr- Browns sister has been at the Yorks help take care of Mr Brown since Christmas- Mr and Mrs and family have bought another will miss the very much The have sold their farm here at Brown Hill to folks from Cedar Valley Mrs Michael has been quite ill Mr and Mrs Pat Turner have been visiting in Toronto for a few of us here wish to welcome a boy from across the sea His name is and he will make home with Mr Mrs We hope he will be fcappy in his new home- dak Ridges News Ratepayers May Safe spent Christmas Years A special meeting of the at the home of their daughter live body of Oak Ridges and Mrs Clarke Archibald of King They remained throughout the evening Jan 8 in the Lake Com munity Hall for the purpose of considering the resignation of president of the organization Mr has indicated his intention to with draw on his physicians orders The appointment of a secre tarytreasurer will also be on the agenda Richard Bull has been acting secretary since the recent resignation of James It is important that all executive members attend this meeting vice president Cook states New Years Eve ushered in the new leap year as many homes were the scenes of parties At Ridge Inn the Revellers Club of Aurora held an evening for persons who dined danced in party style Captain C and Mrs entertained friends and Ridge Inn gave din ner on New for 50 Extra Room for Lake School A fifth classroom was opened at Lake Wilcox school this week PINE ORCHARD Mr and Mrs Walter Johnston and Earl Mr and Mrs teachers office and about and family of Aurora spent seyen adjoining room will provide for or more seats for grades seven and eight Christmas with Mr and Mrs Chapman A miscellaneous shower and presentation was held ix honor of Mr and Mrs Robert Shrop shire at the home of Mr and Mrs- Wilbur Shropshire on Wed- evening Dec Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Dike on the birth of a son Howard Noel on Christ mas day Mr and Mrs Fred and John of Newmarket spent Christ mas at the home Mrs Albert Lloyd and Mrs P Wood were Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs Leslie Harper Mrs Miss Helen Messrs Gibney and spent New Years day with Mr and Mrs Harvey and family Holt Union Church Sunday School will meet at on Sunday Jan Divine worship service at Rev A Doggett the pastor will be in charge A good attendance to commence the new year is hoped for In spite of inclement weather there was a good attendance at the school concert on Friday evening Dec Teachers and pupils are to be congratulated on the splendid program Miss Betty spent mas holidays at her Sharon and Miss her home in week We nave received a post card from Mr and Mrs A- who with Iheir two boys are holidaying in Florida They were staying at Beach during the week of December and were then moving toward Miami on the following Satur day They reported nice weather good sea bathing and fishing- New Years was celebrated at the home of Mr and Mrs Jack who entertained the tet ters mother Mrs Gould and Mrs BlytllS three brothers of Cedar Brae her sister Mrs Ray and her husband a sister Mrs Sedore and husband Louis Se dore of Sharon also Mr and Mrs Bob of Oak Ridges Mr and Mrs children spent Christmas day with her parents Mr and Mrs Cook and for New Years the Cooks were joined by their sons Harold and Lloyd of To ronto and Edward of Oak Ridges and families Mrs young daughter Deborah has chickenpox important meeting of the executive committee of Oak Farm Forum News We are please to print re ports of total farm forums bat they be sent as soon possible to early Mount Albert Miss Mildred Dike of Toronto spent the weekend at the i of her brother Mr ft i- New at the home Draper nice comments on their Christmas music have been re ceived by the choir of the United Miss we hon Mr Place vli at Dr Ridges and Lake Wilcox Rate- taught by the principal j payers Association will be held Gladys Cross Contractor Cook moved back a wall to make the accommodation Under this arrangement the five teachers will each have separate class rooms The water system was ready this week A deep well recently completed will give an ample supply of water Ratepayers of No were informed at the annual meeting Dec 26 that a figure less than has met the expenditures of building the on Tuesday evening Jan in the Lake community hall Mrs George and her brotherinlaw Mr Claud Mar shall motored to Long Island during the weekend with the intention of bringing Mr and Mrs John Baggs to this district to spend New Years with their daughters Mrs and Mrs Marshall The parents in Newfoundland arrived at the home of their daughter Mrs- Berkley Nosworthy in Long Is land in November When Mr new school One of the j te fc he tant factors in financing school- business is regular attendance of pupils as the amount of the grant given by the department of edu cation is based on attendance Mr George Gourlay elected trustee on the Lake school board for a term of three years has three children enrolled Ronald aged and twin boys Bobby of Mr and years old on Mrs Years day Mr A Patchell chairman and Fred Lynn have children attending to celebrate his birthday which fell on Tuesday Jan with his twin grandchildren Georgie and Bobbie Gourlay aged nine on the same day Mr Marshall and Mrs Gourlay de cided to make the trip left Oak Ridges on midnight However Farm Forums in distric have not been meeting over the Christmas-Nev- holiday but most gather again January Since Farm For v regular from Holt market jn express are appreciated so the v ous groups can find out where they agree and disagree Pine Orchard forum will meet at the home of Mr and Mrs A Berg on Monday evening Jan An important broadcast will be heard on January when forums will discuss the question Is There Enough Farm Credit Best wishes to all forums for a successful year in Farm Forum Editor te Group of the 111 hold their parsonage on evening at oclock are requested to be aent as it is election of on cers Mrs at iiicheirs mother ii SNOWBALL Mr and Mrs Ed and family of King were holiday guests of their daughter and family Mr and Mrs Aubrey Wood Mr and Mrs Owen Barr and family also Mr Albert were guests of Mr and Mrs Purvis Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs H Patrick were Mr and Mrs Russell ren and family of OriP Emma Mr Bruce Judge Pa- Dr Hamilton of Geneva spent the holidays with his mother Mrs Miss Gladys Earl was also a visitor for Christmas Next Sunday will be Holy Communion at the church at the morning service Our town has had such lovely decorations on streets and in the store windows also the homes have shared their lighted trees with those outside Remember the community party in the hall on Tuesday evening Jan with proceeds going to Sick Childrens hospital and sponsored by the Womens Institute ZEPHYR Mr and Mrs Lloyd Profit en tertained a number of Lloyds fellow workmen and their wives to a fowl supper on evening Mrs- Cain Newmarket church Their leader is Mr Geo Price The annual school meeting held on Wednesday the school payers rf atis- Walsh was to the Ontario aucational Convention held in Toronto Easterweek and it was decided to hold a ratepayers meeting immediately after this to have the report Reg was the retiring trustee and Geo Smith was the newly elected board member for three years with Dr Car- and Mr Jos Harrison The school is an old building but still kept in very good condi tion and up to date deling rHi filiation be held at the Mrs Fry on Thurs day Jan at 230 pm Lunch committee Mrs Allan Case J Alan Shaw and Mrs Donaldson All the ladies are welcome Mr and Mrs spent the Christmas holiday their son and family at p Mr and Mrs- Anna T i i i j iKrey spent Christmas rt Mr and Mrs Percy in Toronto The Misses Violet and Evelyn McDonald of Toronto and Mr J McDonald of Orillia spent the Christmas holiday with their uncle Mr Charles Wright Mr and Mrs Dan Gill Janet and Graham visited Mr and Mrs John Henderson at Dixie on Sun day Mr and Mrs Jack Vernon and Dawn are visiting Mr and Mrs Carl Vernon Mrs Ethel Evans is spending a couple of weeks in London with her son Jack Evans I wish to thank their customers tar patronage in 1951 We want tiil WliiV and prosperous -x- dee was church on aing The service by Rev tf Mr I c school Mr and Mrs pon- ir family The travellers me on Sunday I News The held their December fling at the home of Mrs Claud There was also the election of officers for the year with Rev Killen in the chair Mrs J vicepres Mrs sec Mrs Claude treas Mrs Bernard Da vidson- Sorry to hear that Mrs is sick we hope for a speedy recovery School bells are ringing again January thaw came early and many were glad to see the snow settled Mr and Mrs Ross Stiles and family spent New Years in New- 1 spent days in Toronto over the Mr and Mrs Frank entertained their family on Christmas day Mr and Mrs Ro ger Hanson nee Pat Mr and Mrs Cam Johnson and Wendy Mr and Mrs Bill Kava all of Toronto Mrs Ruth Donnell Bill and Linda of New market and Mr and Mrs Jack and Anne Mr Herb Kershaw attended his uncles funeral in Owen Sound on Thursday At the annual school meeting on Wednesday morning Mr Leonard was appointed as the new trustee The present board is Mr Art Alexander Mrs Fred Dew and Mr L Well man Mr is secretary-treas- route On go by bus Youll enjoy the thrill of seeing so much VANCOUVER CHICAGO 2450 WASHINGTON ST LOUIS I Surcharge Included Ticket and InfonaaUM at KING GEORGE HOTEU NEWMARKET Phone market with their son Gordon and family Mr Geo Stiles and Ray spent the holidays with Mr and Mrs Bernard Davidson Mr and Mrs Davidson and John had New Years with Mr and Mrs at Mr and Mrs Moulds were in Newmarket Jast Tuesday as sisting her sister Mrs Bruce Graham who has moved to Tor onto Mr and Mrs Bernard David son spent last Thursday in Tor onto at the home of Mr Martin Stiles visiting Mrs Stiles who had the misfortune to fall break ing her shoulder Mrs Everett is with Mrs Stiles WILLOW BEACH Mr and Mrs M Thompson and family are visiting Mrs Thompsons family in Montreal for the Christmas season Miss Margaret and Mac spent Christ mas day with their sister Mrs A Chapman Mr and Mrs John McNeil spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs J and family Airwoman Dorothy Draper and two girl friends spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Clyde Draper Mr and Mrs Hugh and baby spent Christmas with Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Harlan Huntley Mr and Mrs Carmen Marritt and Brian spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Tib Maritt of Mr and Mrs Don and family spent the holiday season with Mr and Mrs Mrs Violet Chapman spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs A Chapman Baseline S No Christmas concert was a great success with everyone having a good time Mr and Mrs Murray Sinclair spent a few days at Willow Beach visiting friends Mr and Mrs Mie Sedore and Mr and Mm Leo are leav ing Thursday Jan for St Petersburg Florida At No Hillside school the trustees arc Messrs P James and Burgess with Mr M secretary- treasurer A special school meeting of the ratepayers of S No East is being call- r at the school on Saturday Jan at pm This is to transact business to make necessary improvements in the school property Mrs Clarence Spencer and children of Toronto spent days with her parents Mr and Mrs Wright Miss Mary Marsh of Toronto spent her holidays with Mr and Mrs J Aylward Mr and Mrs Chas spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Ralph of Toronto Plan to attend the euchre in school on Friday night Jan under the auspices of the Womens Institute The draw for the Institute quilt will be held at this euchre The A meeting will be held in the United church basement on Tuesday afternoon Jan The supper hostesses are Mrs Fred Weddel Mrs S Eves Mrs R Strasler Mrs Morton and Mrs A Alexander The National Film Board will again be showing pictures at Hillside school on Wednesday night Jan at 8 pm Everyone is cordially invited Bel haven News The play and concert under the direction of Mrs Walsh which was doted for Jan in the hall has been can celled owing to winter condi tions The school Christmas concert had a good attendance Christmas day guests of Mr and Mrs Ormsby Smith and family numbered Mr and Mrs Willoughby motored to Toronto on Christmas day and had dinner with their son Norman and family Very cold weather and an abundance of snow gave us a very white Christmas but the kept the roads open so the maildriver and baker made their trios regularly Mr and Mrs Fair- barn have spent a week with their daughter and her husband Mr and Mrs Ban croft Mr and Mrs and visited Mr and Mrs David Davidson on Friday Miss Doris Willoughby spent the holiday with her sister Mrs Charles Whittaker Mr and Mrs Ralph Weddel had tea Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Ramsay Weddel Mr Lloyd Pollard Hamilton called on his grandparents Mr and Mrs Charles Pollard on Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Emery spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Skinner Virginia Mr and Mrs Norman King and Floyd spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Alex Mount Pleasant Miss Davidson attend ed the alumni dance at the Nor mal school on Thursday evening Mr and Mrs Clarence Smith called on Mr and Mrs Perry on Sunday Miss Jean Toronto was home over the holiday Miss Lois spent the holidays with her grandmother Mrs Keswick Mr and Mrs Bernard Mitchell and family Severn Bridge spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Nor man Kay Mr and Mrs Norman King and Floyd visited Mr and Mrs George and family Albert on New Years day orman Teas and Mrs Norman Jr dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs V N Car roll were Mr and Mrs James Palmer Mr and Mrs Berg Han son Pickering Mr and Mrs Palmer and Mr and Mrs Donald Carroll of London Mr and Mrs were dinner guests of Mrs Mitchells brother and family Mr and Mrs Hall Holiday guests of Mr and Mrs I Lome Graham were Mrs Mary Cunningham and sons Jack and Ross of Toronto Mr and Mrs Ed Reddick visited relatives at Stayner over the holiday Mrs Glass of Richmond Hill spent several days with her sister Mrs C On Friday evening relatives and friends of Miss Marie Morn ing met at the schoolhouse to wish her and husbandtobe Mr Lome James a happy married life also to shower them with many lovely and useful gifts Marie and Lome are to be Iried on January Lois Blum spent several days during the holidays visiting her godparents Mr and Mrs H A Willowdale Holiday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Davidson were Mr and Mrs Evans of Toronto Many from here attended the trousseau tea held at the home of Mr and Mrs Howard Morn ing in honor of their daughter Marie On Monday Miss Sandra Harding held a party for her pupils and their parents The pupils supplied music by playing cello piano and violin Lunch was served On leaving each pupil received a present from their teacher ard spent home of Miss Albert from here attended at j KESWICK Rev and Mrs J Serrick and family were New Years guests of Mr and Mrs Horry Ketmedy Toronto Mr and Mrs Roy and small daughter of Toronto spent New Years with Mrs tigrews mother Mrs O Smith The bay is frozen over and many fish houses are appearing on the lake Mrs and Miss Thayer of Jack sons Point have purchased the corner cottage beside the restaurant and hove moved here Bel day ML Murray has pur chased the house formerly occu pied by the late Mr John Shaw Mrs John Shaw has taken up at the Old Peoples Home in Whitby Mrs Shaw is confined to a wheel chair as a re sult of arthritis The A meeting of the United church was held at the home of Mrs Gordo i on Thursday Christmas carols were sung and the history of some of the carols was given by the pro gram committee Mr and Mrs Irving Lockie and family spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Bert Lockie The January meeting of the of the United church will be hold at the parsonage nesday afternoon Jan at Rev and Mrs welcome all the ladies to attend this first meeting of the year A good pro gram will be provided uiar Model reg Deep Freeze 122 cu ft capadty 5699 Sale Sale Sale Sale 159 Sale 169 Main St 366 ANSNORVELD Rev of and Rev Brondsema of Toronto were guest preachers at the Christian Reformed church here on Sun day Mr and Mrs Fisher are spending a few days visiting friends in Hamilton Harry is visiting Rev and Mrs J VanderMeer in Coch rane for a few days Mr Jacob and Mr Peter vlugt of Grand Rapids Mich are spending Christmas holidays at the home of their parents and Mrs J HOLT Carman Rose was elected trus tee of Holt school board for three years at a meeting of rate payers here on Wednesday Dec He succeeds Angis Harri son who was a member for the past four terms Other members of the board are Allan Hopkins and Ralph The teacher Mr Dawson and family ore spending the Christ mas holidays in Toronto Mr Jack Couch Chicago III who has been spending the holidays at the home of his par ents Mr and Mrs Walter Couch returned home David Couch accompanied him for a weeks visit in Chicago Mr and Mrs Milton Gibney had a family gathering on Christmas also Miss Phyllis Davidson spent Christmas week end with the family Mr Chas Galloway spent a few days last week with his sis ter at Port Perry Mr and Mrs Hicks and Betty Ann had dinner with Mr and Mrs Milton Gibney Satur day evening Mr and Mrs spent Christmas with Mr Holli- day3 parents at Mr and Mrs Reg Holton were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs Hoover A HERE EN HOUSE POLLOCK MOTORS Keswick Ontario jCOUI Boy Scout meeting will be held on Thursday Jan at pm New members are welcomed from years and up WEDNESDAY Evening JANUARY Come and bring your lady and ALL t

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