Tirswsp A J i- V This display of leaves being arranged by Dorothy OReilly helped win for Sacred Heart School on the fifth of King top honors the provincial forestry competitions fit tribute to the hard work of teacher Newmarket she went to the Sacred Heart School Sister Mary her pupils present her with in King as principal where she led her school to flowers After teaching at St Johns school in I top award in the provincial forestry campaign King City And District MRS CORRESPONDENT PHONE KING Office Remodelled Remodelling of King telephone office should be completed with in the next month The room has been considerably enlarged the extra space being acquired from Mrs Badger whose living room was converted to office purposes The plumbing has been installed by J Wall Arthur and Mrs Bert Cadden Schools Help Legion With an average of per pupil school captured the silver cup and a award in the poppy fund col lection under the auspices of King Legion when schools in King and Oak Ridges The operators townships raised approximately serve praise as they have carried under the chairmanship of on during daytime under Comrade A Phelps He has sure of noise and dust while congratulated this school and the builders are at work teacher Miss Evelyn Courtney Mrs Eleanor Scott will stay trophy with her daughter in for winners were schools in King township and the winter months During her absence Mr Mrs Bob Ben son and their son Clay will live in her home while their new home is being completed They lived in the home of Mr Evans for several months while the Evans family were away for a few months- Mrs Ella Campbell her daugh ter Mrs Wesley hus band and children were New Years guests of her son Alex R and Mrs Campbell Carol Parker celebrated her seventh birthday on December and with her brother Ron ald entertained Clayton McKay to dinner Her grandparents Mr and Mrs Harvey were yearn married on De cember 27 and Mrs birthday was on December Miss Florence of Wes ton and Mr Ivan Jasper of To ronto were supper visitors of the on Christmas and on New Years Day Harold and his wife of Weston spent the day at the parental home in King- Mrs Arthur Ferric of Parry Sound district cash prizes were donated by the Legion branch apart from the total sum turned over to the poppy fund In order of merit were S Kettleby per pupil prize S Strange 104 per pupil to win New Scotland school aver age S school average S S 21 average The last three each won Standings of other schools are as follows S S King Town- sip per pupil Maple school S Bryson school Vaughan S 2 King S Vaughan S S S King Township S Concord Vaughan The district covered by King Legion in sections of King and Vaughan is approved by the On tario Legion Command School Sections Name Trustees At the annual meeting of ratepayers of King school has been visiting her sisters Mrs section when ranee Scott the we jwrnm mm i I eternal follows i- TUBS JAN 8th Presbyterian Church REV A YIELDING WED JAN Free Methodist Church REV- A THURSJAN Sfe Anglican Church J AIKEN JAN 11th Trinity United Church REV RHODES CHILI HEALTH CENTRE The WOMENS INSTITUTE LAKEVIEW Branch is a Child Health Centre for Infants and Preschool Children at KESWICK United Church Thursday of each month from to pm To Hdp AH Ate Welcome A Community Service in cooperation with the YORK COUNTY HEAITH UNIT First for the centre January for the past nine years was re elected for three more terms Jennings chairman of the board will complete his year in 1052 Bert Palmer is the third member of the board Mr Jennings the secretary re ports that school is given grade one rating by the school inspector In the hoard spent 1000 to re- model the sanitary system are attending the school while at present there are about 26 children from 2 to years in the school section Ratepayers the possibility of needing an addition to the building sometime in the future Installation Jan On Tuesday Jan the in stallation of officers of Robert son Masonic Lodge will be held in King Masonic hall Harry Bride has been elected ruling master of the lodge for the com ing year Installation will be made by Mr Holies of The organization has over members Kingcrafts January 9 6n Wednesday Jan an open meeting will lie held by Kingcrafts Guild in King United church when colored views a travelogue across Canada will be shown by Sir Ellsworth velle organiza tion the teenage group recently formed will be present and hus bands of the adult members are cordially invited to be present the president will preside Legion Auxiliary Bingo Jan 9 In King Masonic ball Wednes day Jan fl the ladies Auxiliary of King Legion will resume hinges for the coming year Visitors of Mr and Mrs Frank on Christmas Day were Mr and Ms Tim Keswick who flew from a lumber district miles north of Mr and Mrs their son Don and his wife Mr and Mrs Wm their daughters Joan and Mrs Ken and husband Toronto Mrs and Mrs Held are the daughters of Mrs There were or Christmas dinner Mr mail carrier on rural route 3 has experienced one of the busiest Christmas sea sons in over years He lias on route and the deep snow so early in the year made travelling very diffi cult for him and for carriers Cummins and OReilly In most was necessary to leave their cars to deposit mall in the became the new trustee a vote of thanks moved by Mr George Scott seconded by Trustee Dr H J extended thanks to Arthur Peck retiring after eight years in office Mr Scott also congratulated the trustees in maintaining minimum expendi tures with a bank balance amounting to more than over the balance Mr Peck expressed the hope that Scott would find his threeyear term of office as pleasant as he had experienced He also spoke of the fine coop eration of the trustees Mr Peck said the new trustee would find the school in good shape Trustee James Keens told the meeting that the expenditures required o r rebuilding the school are below the 30000 de benture mark Nine ratepayers were present at the meeting held in the school on December Kinghorn S S reelected Bob Riddel for a threeyear term Alfred Busby and Harold HolHnshead are also trustees There are 21 pupils attending Kinghorn school At S Strange George Forester was elected new mem ber of the trustee board to re place Leslie Glass while Clyde Cairns and Ross will complete their terms Strange school has an enrolment of students with an average at tendance of 42 percent in the past term S 22 school sec tion reelected Leonard Shrop shire for three years Other members on the school are S S 22 King Twp Crowley King Twp Temperanceyillo 21 S King Baldwin a trustee Twp ll boxes Mr has the added responsibility of the mail to and from the trains to the post office On sev eral the train from the north arrived at King railway station at pan Mr and his friend Don Anderson of Al monte were in King last week to drive a car back to Almonte owned by Mrs Gordon lane who is at home there with her mother Mrs Ross Barr since the tragic death of her hus band at King says his sister is planning to return to the nursing profession some time in the future When Sheila Bell five-year- old daughter of Mr and Mrs M H Bell lost her two front teeth on Christmas day she was happily rewarded by a kind elf She put them under her pillow at night and in the morning she found some money under the same pillow When Jfe H Denton leaves for a Vacation in Ireland and southern France early this month Mr and Mrs John of Toronto will come to King to live in her home during her ab sence The have recently spent several months in Europe Entertains Toronto Choir Miss Dorothy Armstrong choir leader and organist of First enue Baptist church Toronto entertained the choir members at her home in King last Friday evening Fortyfive motored from the city for a very enjoy able evening of music games and refreshments Among the gathering was Rev Rice and his wife the minister in charge of the Toronto church For Christmas Mr and Mrs J Armstrong and Dorothy held a family gathering includ ing Mr and Mrs Bud Armstrong of Toronto Mr and Mrs George Armstrong and son of Maple and Mr and Mrs Frank Armstrong and two children of Mr and Mrs Walter of Strange held Christmas for the family Present were Mr and Mrs Donald Gillies and fam ily Miss Mildred Gillies Toronto and Mr Monkman of King Miss Mildred Gillie remained the week with her sister Mrs Monkman Another sister Miss Roberta Gillies of left Dec 21 for Plato Sask to visit her brother Archie who farms there She holds an executive position with the telephone com pany at Dr and Mrs J held New Years Eve open house at their home Mr and Mrs A Kelley en tertained the immediate family and her brother Dave Glass and family on New Years Their reunion was held on Christmas day at the Glass home On Box ing Day Mr and Mrs J Burns of were guests the Kelley home Children Have at Kfcisswold The Christmas snow was surely the childrens paradise this year At Kingswotd where Mrs Gage Love and her four sons of Tor onto spent vacation in their ca bin the boys had no end of fun in the deep snow On Saturday last their grandmother Lady and Mrs Love enter tained the boys eight chums from Toronto Mr and Mrs A Pe ter and Stephen held a family Christmas party Including Miss Marjorle and Miss Julia Miss Constance of Tor onto and Mrs sister Miss Kaylo Bird Toronto and Miss Bird of At the home of Miss Annie for Christmas and New Years were Mr and Mrs Jim Wilson Mr and Mrs Wm Thom son and Mrs Thomson Sr Toronto Mr and Mrs Wilson Pearl Me Bride had relumed from a three months visit in England On their way to Falls for Christmas with their daugh ter Mrs Kemp and husband Mr and Mrs Arthur Green had a difficult time especially after they passed through Burlington The highway was so filled with snow it was four pm when they arrived after leaving King at noon Mr and Mrs Pearson Smeltzer entertained Mr and Mrs Glass and family Mr and Mrs J Glass Mr and Mrs Aubrey Glass Mr and Mrs Bob Glass Mr and Mrs Howard and Beverley of Mr Fer gus and Mr and Mrs Scott Smeltzer At the home of Mr and Mrs Hunter for Christ mas were present Their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs John Hill of Bank Scott and family Mr and Mrs Lewis Don and Bruce Mr and Mrs Jim Watson and son Bob of Vaughan Mr and Mrs Boys mo tored to to her people there for the Christmas gather ing Mrs Rice of Waterford Mr and Mrs Arthur Specht Toron to were Christmas dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Ivan Specht Douglas returned home with his grandmother Mrs Rice for a few days and Miss Barbara Specht spent a few days visiting a friend in Toronto during vaca tion A number of young people sang Christmas carols Christmas eve receiving donations amount ing to which was used to brighten the festive season for two local families Roger led the group of 13 Mr and Mrs Frank Aker their daughter Fran and son Ken Tor onto were Christmas visitors at the home of their daughter Mrs Candy The Candy family spent New Years in Toronto Mr and Mrs Edwin en tertained at New Years din ner Guests were their children and grandchildren Mr and Mrs Arthur Fleet and children of King Mr and Mrs Allan and children of a were New Years guests of Mrs Fleets par ents Mr and Mrs Bert Wood fourth line Mrs Cuthbertson is a niece of Mrs Wood Mr Andrew had Christmas dinner with his daugh ter Mrs Alfred a at Strange and in the evening they visited Mrs r and Mr and Mrs John Mould Mrs Gill ham the mother is feeling some tetter and is remarkably alert for her advanced age She enjoys the companionship of her family Her daughters Mrs and Mrs Martin of Tor onto called to see her before Christmas Mr and Mrs J Belknap and children and the mother Mrs were part of family gathering for Christmas at the home of Mrs son Mr W Aurora Mr and Mrs J who are staying in Toronto for the winter months were there with their children Altogether formed the Christmas party Mr and Mrs John Walsh of are staying the Ever- sly home of Mr and Mrs J while they are in Tor onto Mr Walsh Is employed at Eaton Halt Farm Mr motored to New York City last week with Mr David who attended a minis terial conference there Mr and Mrs J Evans and small daughter Mary have re turned to their home from St Joseph PQ after an absence of five months Mr Evans was with an aluminum firm there as geophysical expert and returned there after Christ mas again He hopes to be sta tioned In the Toronto office dur ing the winter months Mr and Mrs Evans went to during the early part of their stay in Quebec Later Mr Evans went to British Columbia and Mrs Evans and Mary were at St Stephen Now Brunswick where she visited her family there Mr Evans work takes him to many countries and before coming to King they were in South Amer ica young daughter of Mr and Mrs Del of King was brought home from the Hospital for Sick Children on Thursday of last week The baby has been quite ill Air and Mrs Aubrey Wade their son Norman wife and two children spent Christmas at the home of Mr and Mrs Scott vair second line Miss Nancy Ball St Josephs hospital training school had four days at Christmas with her par ents Mr and Mrs Jas Ball Ev Miss Marie Ball her sis ter clinical instructor at the same hospital is on a weeks holiday at her home At the Silver Tea given at the hos pital when probationers enter tained their mothers Mrs A J Gordon of King was among those present Her daughter is in training there Miss Marie Ball had the honor of pouring tea at this annual event Mr and Mrs A J Gordon and son Donald left King last Thurs day motoring to Clear Water Florida where they will remain for three months They moved into their new home in the vil lage early in December Mrs H Whitney returned to her home at on Monday after spending Christmas week with her mother Mrs H Stone Her daughter Frances was also here for a while Mr Whitney is principal of the con tinuation school at a Registers Yorkshire Swine Boar Conjuror For Sale- Open and Bred Gilts CHERRY HILL STOCK FARM 4 Miss Hilda Andrews spent several days with Miss Marilyn Miller of Toronto Mr and Mrs Wm Dew enter tained the members of their family for New Years Mrs Lapp and Donna of To ronto and Mrs Geo of Newmarket visited Mrs P for several days Rev and Mrs V Warren and family spent New Years with relatives in Gait Mr Edgar Rose of Toronto spent last week with his son-in- law and daughter Mr and Mrs Andrews Mrs Cecil Foster and grand daughter of Brant ford visited Messrs Clayton and Lawrence Foster Mr and Mrs Tommy Stick- wood and family of Newmarket visited Mr and Mrs Stick- wood on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Clair Smith of Toronto were New Years guests of Mr and Mrs J L Smith Mr and Mrs Ken Davis and daughter of Toronto and Mr and Mrs J spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Meek of Sand- ford Mr and Mrs A spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs of Toronto and New Years with Mr and Mrs Stone of Newmarket JOSEPH QUINN Real Estate General Insurance Businesses Am Counter QUEEN ST NEWMARKET Phone 1038 Fire Septic Drains Pumped Repaired Service Richmond Hill Phone Giving you the kind of telephone you want our job You want it to be fast and dependable and to keep on getting better But at the same time we believe there more to good service than Just technical efficiency and Heady improvement We think you like telephone people to be friendly pleasant and easy to get along with You want to deal with someone who takes a real interest in your problem and who willing to give you a little extra attention That the kind of service we want you to have It make your telephone mean more to you make our job mean more to us I mi tiuphohi COMPANY Of CAH AM 11 serving rural districts of North York on sale from any of the following dealers NEWMARKET ATKINSONS DRUG STORE BESTS DRUG STORE CAMPBELLS STATIONERY CHANDLERS GROCERY FULSOMS TOBACCO SHOP HOLMES CORNER CUPBOARD JARVIS CONFECTIONERY KING GEORGE HOTEL MYERS CONFECTIONERY AURORA HESS DRUG STORE MORNINGS DRUG STORE STATIONERY WILLIS DRUGSTORE HOME DELIVERY CALL DALHAR GRILL HUDSONS OAK RIDGES MARSHALLS GARAGE SCHOMBERS COOKS DRUG STORBf KING CITY ARMSTRONGS KING CITY GR McCORMICKS ConceJpOCERY OREILLYS concession POTTAGEVILLE BRUNTS j I THE NEWMARKET ERA and J I Phone 780 t a i a kdX ir7tr f r fir