ft a Birthday wishes are extended this week to alia m safer Dec aV yon old asa Monday Dee a raw aid Dec 31 Join years ad n Tuesday Mary Johnson Newmarket years old on Jan Marie Stevenson Auro ra years on Jan Mary Evans New- Market year old on Friday Jan Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club Marian Martin Patterns HANDCRAFT SHOP The tea room and handcraft shop which was opened at Water St before Christmas will remain open indefinitely Under the sponsorship of the Newmar ket Handcraft group the tea room is operated by Mrs Nor man Tea and cookies are served daily Monday to Sat- inclusive from to pm This is restful spot to re lax for a few minutes during a shopping trip in town to enjoy a good cup of tea Newmarket Social News CHURCH HAS WATCH NIGHT A watchnight service was held at the Free Methodist church Newmarket on New Years eve The congregations from the churches in Holt and joined with the New market members for the service There was a large attendance Rev and Mrs Perry parents of Mrs Bui J were present Rev Perry is a former Newmarket pastor He assisted the pastor Rev Bull as did Rev Casement Holt with Rev district superintend ent bringing the final message before the midnight hour Mrs Evelyn and Miss Holt gave a vocal duct as did Mrs Roy Martin and Mrs Richard Beckett by Gay remnants for this sweet dress This frock uses contrast in the thriftiest way Uses scallops in the prettiest way all around the yoke and bib-front- Let her choose between shortpuff sleeves or long ones Both are right for now Mother Pattern in Childrens sizes 6 Size 6 takes 12 yards 35inch yard contrast Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN care of the Newmarket Era and Express Pattern Newmarket J his easyJouse pattern gives fit Complete Sw Chart shows you every step Send CENTS in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly NAME NUMBER VMM Presto changeon This will double your wardrobe Wear these softbutclassic separates to gether as a ffress mix with other blouses and skirts to give them the latest fashion Everything here is simple to sew Pattern Misses sizes 20 42 Size skirl scarf yards 30inch blouse 58 yards Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN care of The Newmarket Era and Express Newmarket This easytouse pattern perfect lit Complete illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step Send CENTS in coins stamps cannot be for this pattern Print plainly NAME ADDRESS NUMBER Newmarket Social News Mr and Mrs George called on Mr and Mrs Roy Martin on New Years day Mr and Mrs Allan Webster Mr and Mrs Claude Webster Toronto Mr and Mrs Miller and family were dinner guests on New Years day of Mr and Mrs Everett Miller Miss Joan Flintoff spent New Years day with her aunt Miss Mr and Mrs Charles and Ronnie Oshawa and Mrs Bevens Jones were New Years guests of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs James Miller and family St spent Christmas day with Mrs Millers parents Mr and Mrs Arthur Mr and Mrs V Fenner returned to Penn on Thursday after spending the holiday season with Mr and Mrs Bruce Cutting and family Mr and Mrs R Draper and Shirley Toronto spent New Years day with Mr and Mrs H Gibbons and the other members of the family in town Donald Nichols Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Roy Martin and family Mr and Mrs Bruce Clark son Dixie visited over New Years with Mr and Mrs Bruce Andrews and family Mr and Mrs William Bliz zard and family spent New Years day with Mr and Mrs Roy Meads Mr and Mrs A Young London were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Nelson Ion Fit Alvoy spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Borden Blain and family Mrs Arthur spent Christmas and New Years with Mr and Mrs Bruce and children Mr and Mrs Norman Park Bob Nancy Ruth and Mr and Mrs Charles Cumber spent New Years with Mrs Cum ber and family Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Everett Miller were their four daughters and their fami lies Mrs Robert Bell and two children Mrs Bruce Bales and children Miss Jean Miller Au rora and Mr and Mrs Allan Webster Toronto Miss Audrey Brillinger Pine Orchard was a weekend guest of Miss Vonda Martin Donald Brice Eastern college Mass spent his Christmas vacation with his parents Mr and Mrs Arthur returning to col lege on New Years day Mr and Mrs Stanley Bar ker and Murray St spent Christmas in Toronto with their daughter Mrs A Thompson Newmar ket and Mr and Mrs J Hunter London spent the Christmas holi days with Mr and Mrs Buck- roll and family Tillsonburg the parents of Mrs Hunter Mrs A Mair daughter son and grandson Johnny spent New Years day in Hamilton with her brothers Harry and John McGhee Mr and Mrs Johnnie Camp bell Hamilton spent New Years weekend in town visiting rela tives and friends Miss Evelyn Ross Winnipeg visited on Sunday evening with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Win Sawdon Mrs W at tended the funeral of her cousin Mr Hi Evans on Monday also visiting her brother Dr J ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting and election of officers for York County Hospital Womens auxiliary will be held In the Board room Newmarket on Tuesday Jan 8 at 3 Tea will be served after the business mttling Members are asked to note the change of date A cordial invitation is extended to all ladies in those districts of the county serviced by the hospital to attend Ibis meeting EVANGELINE AUXILIARY The Evangeline auxiliary of the WMS Trinity United church Newmarket will meet in the school room on Tuesday at oclock Rev- M J Aiken will address the meeting and the secretaries will present their an nual reports Mr and Mrs Melvourne Haines and daughter Rhonda Lynn Toronto spent New Years Mr and Mrs Elliott Haines and family Mr and Mrs John Barnard Rochester were guests last week of Mr and Mrs Charles Wass and family Rev and Mrs A Petersen held open house at the parsonage on New Years eve Tea served from to pm Mrs Arthur poured Miss Lorraine spent her Christmas vacation vith her parents Mr and Mrs Charles Miss Ella Rae and York spent Now Years Miss Raes sister Mrs Florence Tate and family Mr and Mrs Kenneth Mit chell and family Mr and Mrs Bud Acorn and Stuart Mitchell Halifax spent New Years with their par ents Mr and Mrs A Mitchell Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Bruce Andrews were Mr and Mrs Gordon Jarvis and JANUARY Clearance of snow suits station wagon coats and coat sets 25 PERCENT DISCOUNT THE Jack Jill Six Minutes To Twelve Years Post Office Newmarket Phone Mr and Mrs If Miller and family spent the New Years in Hamilton the guests of Mr and Mrs J O Ironside Rev and Mrs A Peter sen and family were guests on New Years day at the home of Mr and Mrs Herbert Moore Mr and Mrs W John OHal- and son Barry Gait spent Christmas and New Years Mr and Mrs Walter Mrs Beatrice accompanied by her two child ren and her father in lav James Pemberton spent Christ mas her parents Mr and Mrs Amos York Guests on Christmas day of Mr and Mrs Don Cameron in cluded Miss Thompson Toron to Thomas Rank Mr and Mrs James Duncan Mr and Mrs Robert Rank Aurora and Mr and Mrs Ernest Rank Mr Nor man Rank Langstaff Mr and Mrs Ed Dailcy Aurora and Miss Joyce McMullen Newmar ket Mr and Mrs Arthur Doh- and Patsy left last Thursday for Florida for three months vo cation Mr and Mrs Harry Miss Mary Leach and Mr Don Toronto spent New Years day with Mr and Mrs Ray Mr and Mrs Jack and Mrs Tolchard Toronto spent New Years with Mrs Calvert Hound By Isabel CHRISTMAS MEMORIES Among the many things of beauty and joy and glory that belong to Christmas there is one that makes itself felt each year because of its pure appropriateness to the season of which it sings so gloriously of course I speak of Handels Messiah NOTICE Commencing Monday Jan The Management of the ARCTIC 10CKI A Retail department as well as locker storage will be under the direction of Harry a well known butcher of this district and a resident of Newmarket Poultry bought best prices paid Sold both retail and wholesale for less J E SLOSS SERVICE A watchnight service was held at the Church of the on Nov Years eve Rev A Petersen conducted the service BROWNIES GUIDES RESUME MEETINGS Regular meetings of the New market Brownie pack and Girl Guide company will be held next in the Scout hall The Brownies meet on Monday night and the Guides on Wednesday night the meetings light ning at fl pm Brownie leaders are Mrs Hay and Mrs Hayes Mrs Thompson and Mrs Horace are the Guide leaders Girls must lie eight yours old to join Brownies and twelve for Guide I think part of its appeal lies in the fact that it is a triumph of faith over despair for its con ception was at a time when Han dels affairs were at a low But from its performance at Dublin music hall on April 1742 to the performance by the Trinity United church senior choir on the evening of Decem ber of which wish to say a few words it has added laurels to laurels On that evening although the weather was for from coopera tive a goodly number of people braved the storm and formed one of the most appreciative au diences I have ever seen The choir wore very proudly their new gowns and caps and let no one say that to be appro priately dressed does not morale Much of the credit for the suc cess of the presentation should go to Norman for his ac companiments Soft as thistle down strong as steel they bore up soloist and chorus to a vic torious finish Being in the choruses I cannot judge their effectiveness except to say that everyone was de termined to do credit to our con ductor and we were told that we accomplished this for which we were thankful We did as a choir however feel the real esprit de corps which goes to the making of a real choir and we had reached the point where we listened for each other and endeavored to blend our voices with our neighbors We were fortunate in having outstanding soloists From the reassuring Comfort Ye very finely rendered by Mr tenor of Toronto through the tremendous I Will Shake giv en with feeling and power by Kenneth Morion bass on to the joyous O Thou that Tellest given with all its joy by Ma ire Jackson contralto then to Were Shepherds and the following recitatives which were given a fine interpretation by Elizabeth Beer mezzosoprano and then the triumphant Re joice Greatly sung by Alice soprano with a splendor of tone and a joyousness that surely was what the composer visualized These things struck us par ticularly Mr beautiful interpretation of the Overture and Pastoral Symphony the tenderness of Ma ire Jacksons He Shall Feed His Flock the understanding one felt in Eliza beth Beers solos the joyousness of Alice solo and the fine perception displayed by the two male soloists We could not hut feel that the choir excelled itself in For Unto Us A Child Is Born the Hallelujah Chorus It is good to see that the pre cedent set by Queen Victoria that all shall rise for that mag nificent paean of praise is still followed Next week Christmas Sunday ami Christmas Eve GIRLS TO PRESENT PLAY TO MOTHERS Members of Newmarket pack will provide the program for the SnoutGuide Mothers auxiliary meeting which will be held in the Scout hall on Monday Jan at pm Tho Brownies will present the ploy they put on at the Christmas season There will be a short talk on Brownie activities Light refreshments will be served A special invitation extended to mothers of Brownies Cubs Scouts Guides and Rangers to attend A cordial invitation is extended to the public by Roy Din YOUR bedroom look to you this morning when your Whether youre a business girl or homo- you first a teenager or want a cheerful bedroom that your needs to her that color a decorating it express color and to a room Much relaxation for tired and a for I ho bedroom Mt comfort should he when the of re- coining OH for When keep in mind thai same rides that you in dressing yourself to look or heavier honor or tailor hold Rood in a room Vertical linen lengthen the area they rover line widen Billowy rover angles and plain dull add mm and checked fabrics for tailored decoration soft and are more Ah for comfort huts a must in even simplest bedroom At softly cushioned chair a mattress you afford dressing od and a cushioned at the right heightall the- to your Now for that final touch of touryl bedspread wade from a crochet pattern will add to any rooraTttaka it in all white ecru or perhaps a pretty color to your room If you directions far making send a -if- addressed of thk No BWI Of ifiii PRODUCTS MIX feSSSr MTX HOUSEHOLD FLOW r TONIK WHEAT OATMEAL I net 31 IK itox 17 Bast oom ABABIA POUND LMLAWS Li OATMEAL CALIFORNIA ORANGES SEEDLESS GRAFEFBUIT BRUSSELS REDS NORTHERN MARSH CARROTS E01 twin JUICY rami huh 0CDtlt POUND 29 23c 5 pounds 25c I GOIDIN 2 2 2 IE RED PORK BEANS FANCY CORN HEINZ KETCHUP MRS MINCEMEAT SHORTENING MARGARINE regular NQLSONS COCOA SALUDA ORANGE PEKOE TEA CLUB TAPIOCA WEIGHS GRAPE JUICE QUAKER KRAFT DINNER SAUCE PINEAPPLE MARMALADE S ROSE BRAND SWEET PICKLES mixed WARES PIE FILLING LORLAWS TANGY OLD WHITE SOVEREIGN SOCKEYE SALMON GOLDEN BEU COHOE SALMON CALEDONIA FANCY PINK SALMON SEVER RIBBON PEAS VANILLA CUSTARD POWDER FANCY TOMATO JUICE CLOVER BRAND HONEY MITCHELLS CHOICE APPLE SAUCE 2 ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS HABITANT PEA SOUP 2 LARGE MEATY PRUNES BICE PINEAPPLE GENUINE DANISH BLUE CHEESE CUDNEY CHOICE PEACHES halves WAXED PAPER KLEENEX HANKY or CHUBBY SIZE 2 UBLAWS MOTOR OIL MAZDA LAMPS IE HEALTH FOOD iSL 2 SUPER SUDS CONCENTRATED OLD DUTCH CLEANSER LUX TOILET SOAP 2 SUNLIGHT SOAP 2 TIM TINS an CARTON MB to JAR a- ox TIM JAR 02 JAR 31c 29 61 15c 25c COTTAGE BRAND LOBLAWS BREAD WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT 2402 LOAF 14 LB IL TIH MIL TIH TIM TIMS TIM TIMS til tan TIM La ROLL Ai 35c 25c 18c 35c 14 79c 27c 19c 31c 25c 14 63c IS 34c FINEST ORANGE PEKOE RED LABEL TEA BAGS OP IS rue 34c 67 JACK PEANUT BUTTED CHOCOLATE w 29c TIM 21 at- POUND Mon Wed a noon Sal ROAST IITHIR CHOICE MILK EID VEAL FRONT ROAST 79 FROSTED SEA FOODS COOK FOR ECONOMICAL CHOICI LB CHOICE mix mm ate CHOICI I 45c PORK Ka V