Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Jan 1952, p. 2

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J i- r Mount Albert News The of the United church held their January meet ing at the home of Mrs Ten ladles were present The annual report was read and had been sent to the treasury A bale sent in the spring was val ued at The membership was aver age attendance Two In Memoriams were given to the families of Mrs Jessie William son and Mrs Emma Stokes Mrs Sinclair gave the study on immigration Mrs Doug left on Friday for New York where she sailed on the Queen Mary for England and will visit relatives for a few months Rev and Mrs attend ed the concert in Hall on Wednesday evening where they heard Handels M sung by the Mendelssohn choir Miss Daisy Watts has taken a school in after six months rest from teaching Misses Alma and Gra ham spent New Years with their brother William Graham at Mr and Mrs Don Loach were New Years visitors of Mr and Mrs Mrs Shields has gone to Toronto for a few visit weeks of Mr and Mrs Douglas Moore one evening last week to wish Mrs a safe voyage to England and also gave her many gifts Don Walker of the Dominion Bank staff is being moved to bank Master Millard Keating Sut ton spent Christmas holidays with Mr and Mrs- Harold Hayes and family Mr and Mrs- Oilman Bramp ton and Mrs Ed Watts were New Years visitors of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Murray Case Patsy Mr and Mrs Walter Case and Nelson were New Years visitors of Mr and Mrs The Cheerio Club met on Sat urday evening Jan ft at the parsonage with ladies pres ent Mrs Thompson and Mrs Scott were in charge of the program Miss Beth gave an instrumental number and Mrs Stiver sang two solos Mrs gave a poem Year and a US reading by Mrs Thompson was very interesting Mrs H and Miss Campbell led discussions on hobbies following officers were elected Mrs Rate 1st vicepres Mrs Cunningham 2nd vicepres Mrs Geo Smith MOUNT The Mount Pleasant Womens will be held at the home of Mrs Davidson on Tues day Jan- at 230 pm The congregational meeting for the Mount Pleasant church will be held at the home of Mr Moulds on Monday even ing Jan at pm The Bible study held at the home of Mr Dave Davidson last Tuesday was well attended Miss Helen Stiles who has been spending the holidays at home returned to Toronto Nor mal school- Mr and Mrs Bernard David son spent Thursday evening with Mr and Mrs J Mr man spent Friday Mr and Mrs son- Mr Peter SteihchsWa over the his Mr and Mrs Keswick News The New Years service at the mens hockey school hockey church was well attend- mornings Saturday Farm Forum The home Charles Anderson near Sutton was the scene a very happy occasion on when Mr arid toSerson The Horticultural Society held sectreas Mrs pianist a meeting on Thursday evening to arrange for their annual ban quet and meeting Exact date will be given later- Many neighbors and friends paid a surprise visit to the home Tort Cocmty Hosaitai Contractor Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired Service Hill Phone 320 GIBBONS TRANSPORT LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE Furniture PHONE UN NEWMARKET SHOW ft by ft Good Condition BREULS SUTTON PHONE Mrs Cupples assistant Walsh Program com Mrs S Harper Mrs Angus Harrison Mrs Oldham visiting Mrs Mrs A Hopkins Mrs G Smith Mrs Price Mrs Miss Mrs Brooks and Mrs M Mr and Mrs Roy were Sunday visitors of Mr Mrs Connell Keswick The CGIT members will hold open meeting on Friday evening in the United church at when parents and all inter ested are invited to be present Major Bruce Davidson is on 30day leave from the Ordn ance in Montreal He and Mrs Davidson and Gary spent New Years in Toronto with his mo ther Mrs C Davidson Please remember the date of the community party in the hall has been changed to Tuesday Jan The proceeds of this evening go to the Sick Childrens Hospital and the Womens are sponsoring it at sharp Messrs Stanley Ross Draper of Toronto spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Draper Mr and Mrs Paisley spent Christinas week with Mrs sister Elmer Alcona also Mr and Mrs Jenkins of Oak- wood Mr MrS Vera and family New Years with Mr and Mrs Sharon Annie Florence and spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Toole and family Mr- and Mrs Stuart Paisley of Bay Douglas and James Mr and Mrs 1 Gordon of Toronto were celebrated their Wedding anniversary All tfffije and r for a fowl and their parents with floor lamp In the evening a few reiatives and friend came and surprised them with dersons and sisters sented ffifem with a dozen Beauty roses also received many calls and cards Mr and Mrs Frank of Bald win were pres ent Mrs James Murray Mr and Mrs Andersons daughter en tertained the guests with moving pictures of the wedding of Prin cess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh A dainty lunch was served Outoftown guests were Mrs Etta Wilder of Toronto Mr and Mrs Harry Anderson and Mrs James Murray and daughters of Aurora Mr James Murray was Gail and Geo Wright and Mr Campbell brought a fine message Seven new mem bers were received by transfer Bobbie Wilson sang a lovely solo Mr Gordon Winch spoke to the Young Peoples meeting Sunday night Mr Winch returned to OAC on Monday and Gordon Winch to the University of Toronto The Evening Auxiliary M will meet yam at Mrs Jack Mrs J Winch Mrs Lloyd OtTlhc program The annual Mi is to be in St Thorite on Safe Any please call the groups Sunday school rrteeimig last Wednesday ill health Mri ri signed as suffenhlendeht Joel Hoinsi Mr Ken Boottafidi Winch were elected fewm treasurer Tlie scfiooi has iyear the feginners under ffie Mrs Perry Winch Wmclfc 3S h the roll tinder six treasurer reports of Mr and fe of Queensville Mr and Mrs arid fam ily were New of Mr and Mrs The annual meeting of th6 United church bfe held On January A supper will be served by the Sorry to rejrt is not welt Mr and Mrs Geo entertained Mr and Mrs Mil- ford Rye Glenn and Carol at New Years dinner Carol and David Boothby en- noons free skating for children Keswick Hockey Club also sponsors euchres every Thursday in the arena and every Saturday night as listed in Coming Events Mr and Mrs Frank Perry and two daughters also Mr and Mrs Johnston Perry and son Ricky of Toronto were Sunday guests of Mrs Amy This is the Week of Prayer scJviceSioing held alternately in Christian United churches wth ft and Rev Campbell the Gray Coach service owing to the strike Mr C Snyder and Mr News The United Church sup per will be served Wednesday Jan There will be a quilting in the afternoon ladies hunt up that needle and thimble and come along early As this is an open month all the ladies are asked to provide unable to be present because illness of a New party with Mr Stanley WILLOW BEACH Mr and Mrs left for St Petersburg on Sat urday spending a few Toronto with Mrs Sedores mother Mr and Mrs Dave and family visited Mrs fife ter d for the New Yearns holiday Miss Cynthia returned home on January after spend ing the holidays in Toronto Mrs Thomson and- child ren home after a two peeks visif in Montreal at the home of Mrs Thomsons parents Mr and Mrs Mr- Herb and Marie- Saturday Jan in Toronto home of Mr and Mahoney Years Eve included Mr and Mrs Ace Chapman Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Don ftfr and Mrs How ard Matt Mr and Mrs Murray and Mr and Mrs frank at skating and for supper on Mondays We welcome Mr and Mrs Marshall and family who have purchased the property of the late- Dean Yates- Keswick arena skating is full swing Wednesday and skating for everyone Monday nigh TOesday nights rural hockey Friday nights married and Mrs Paisley and family WANTED TO OF SCRAP IRON TRUCKERS prices paid for wrap steel east iron and metals AND SON ST Comer old Weston Ed and St Clair LIT TORONTO ONTARIO This ad worth one dollar with a load of scrap MOUNT On Friday Dee School Sections and Home and School Association Whitchurch held their Christmas program at No It was very well attended Christmas carols were sung and several New Canadians told how Christmas was spent in their native country Children and adults alike enjoyed At Harvey The next Home and School meeting will be held at No on Friday Jan HOPE The Hope Hobby Club will hold its monthly meeting on January at the home of Mrs Sheldon Walker Members of the Blue Cross are requested to bring their fees as they are due this month The roll call will he Ways of improving our com munity The refreshment com mittee are Mrs Mrs Mrs Lindsay Fair and Mr and Mrs Don Magee and children visited Mrs parents Mr and for the New Years holidays Miss Rita Jacobs visited at the home of Mrs Thomporii Sutton on Sunday Beet to her to attend the services at fames church- is the Toronto General was very pleased to by so many of her and during condition is ubotit the same Mr and Mrs Bert Crittenden attended the wedding of Mrs Crittendens sister Miss Olive Reg to Mr Thompson In Toronto on December The Base Line school children are starting their postponed Christmas examinations this week who commute daily are those their Miss Vera Arnold of of Kwiclc are Mnong those oh the attth Cedar aeaon at Toronto Friday gues at Miss Myrtle who has been ivisiting returned witfeheni The annual meeting of witetf itiieyenpi All families are invited 4Ka served fey Womeh Association beginning j The regular January meeting A vyili be held oh afternoon Jan at The United church Sunday party was held on Thuray arid evening Dee Ill the afternoon about dfctne younger children were teachers and offi cers assisted by the Misses Campbell and in the evening about of the young folk at tended the party AH reported a very good time Misses Venezuela and Nunez Durango Mexico students College To ronto spent the Christmas vaca tion with Mr and Mrs A Morton and Mary Mrs Angus visited her parents at Paris Ont during to buy the surplus from one country and sec that it gets to another area or perhaps setting a barter system with other goods which they have Next week A discussion of farm credit would like to hear from more Forum Editor We are pleased to print re ports of local farm forums but they should be sent as soon as possible to ensure early pub licationEditor Reassembling after the 1 days Farm Forums on January discussed the question think increased production of food and manufactured goods in all parts of the world would good thing or not for the Canadian farmer Pine Orchard forum approved of increased production but thought that under the present economic setup it would be im possible The group met with Mr and Mrs A Berg The next meeting will be on Monday evening Jan at the home of Mrs Bertram Dike Kettleby North End forum held a meeting at the home of Roy with 15 present and discussion groups formed Mem bers wanted increased produc tion if governments would en- 1 sure a steady market and good I distribution It such countries as India and China could pro duct more food and manufactur- products trade could begin discussion revealed the groups opinion that high prices increase production and then in fane the surplus lowers prices Trade is desirable but if perhaps Canadian coujd be sent as gifts to rteedy Next meeting of this group will be January 14 at the home orrevor Proctor East forum met at the of Sheldon Walker and the next meeting will be at the home of Mr Bales The ma jority thought that increased food production would help the Canadian farmer only if he were sure of a good market for his produce This would also apply to manufactured goods The fear was also expressed that bet ter fed and stronger poor na tions might be a danger to our own civilization The problem of surpluses could be solved said this group by a committee set up by the To taste it is to prefer the superb quality and flavour of AM AH MIL BUYS WHYS i the holidays Miss Jane Murnane spent part of her vacation in Montreal Mr Gordon Winch visited his parents Mr and Mrs Perry Winch Sri last weekend A 50Hrfeward is being by for leading tp the ar rest conyictipn of gersori or persons theft of more than of wearing pare ftdih his foods store on Street last loss was discovered by- Fuller when he- arrived at the store Friday morning He said the the south door building smashed a nfteh trance had been gained the door ana button Taken were several pairs of mens and womens shcepHncd boots a- quantity of mens dress shoes rubbers seven station between and pair of dress troifsers a of jackets and coats ladies skirls and sweaters and numerous other was a thorough job said Fuller He carried Ho burg lary insurance Apparently vehicle had been driven MP to the the- goods loaded marks wore discovered by police he slated Mr his lejsa- ago and police are The first party of the New spon sored by the was held at on Mon day evening and three tobies played The weft JcCachen Winners of the ladies euchre were Bob Ash lstt J 1st Frank Bell Ed 2nd Mrs Scottie Wells consolation consolation Gents euchre Sirs section Mrs 1st Johnny mens 1st and Mrs KnUckcy consolation Special prize Went Mr Frank Bell for score of euchre points attained during the first six weeks of the season He given a set of imported rainbow glass tumblers Mrs Jack was one point behind Mr with a count of bingo won by Obce at The next euchre and night will be on tonto Jan at Ridge inn till these events arc used to hockey privileges for district boys The is Oalc Ridges She community ex- lends to Miss West deepest sympathy the passing M her father Mr West Mr and Mrs London Christmas with Mr and Mrs Alfred Lewis and Sifter- and Mrs Ernie Kingston arid Mr Mrs fioidge Tor- onto With Christmas The Club dance will be held as usual oil the second Friday the Mr Murray King has returned lb his In firitish after a few days with King A family was held rti and Sib derson ring the holidays with of present- Sir jLorne pent the ins grantlifiorenis v- and Richmond aggro- Sunday visitors he home BEACH Mr and Mrs Sheldrake EA Registered Yorkshire Swiijg Herd Boar Klomscott Conjuror For Sale Open and Bred Gilts WRY Hill STOCK FARM B Phone UK all Mrs received a cable from their son Doug in Australia during the festive season In spite of the bus strike those who usually come home for the weekend able to be home this weekend Mrs Clark entertained the hockey team for supper Sun day Mr and Mrs Jack Draper have moved back to their formed home at Beach Great excitement at Millers boat house when a wild white mink was captured by one of the boys nation staged lh flJMfeict league rt the IJHIi The local lios rt showing hut lost the game by goals The score Was anil Oak Ridges J- is flt Woods bride of four Rice her ore living in the on King Oak Ridges Homo and School will meet- Tuesday- Jan for program convened by Mm Joyce The of the will oil Jan to draw up plans 1 i a HMIJMI ISffl WHITCHURCH FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE Report of delegates to Ontario Convention Guest sneaker Bruce of Newmarket District Cooperative l Orchestra In attendance A On January Sunday school will lie held the hall at Church will be at same place at Everyone wel come at these services Mrs Arthur of To- spent a few days with her mother Mrs K Kiteley Mr and Show and children of Markhom Mr and Mrs Robert of Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Alan Shaw Miss Jean and Miss May Hose of Toronto spent the weekend at their homes 5 Ruth and Wilson spent Saturday evening with Mr Mrs White and of Wesley United church will have their annual congregational meeting and pot luck on Wednesday night Jan at Mrs Loveless has returned to her homo In after spending the holiday with her daughter Mrs White Mr and Mrs Oliver Ruth Oliver and and Miss Sylvia Smith New dinner with Mr Mrs James Oliver Mr Mrs Austin on and Years Miss Phyllis White of find Mr Verne of Bury quests of Mr and Mrs Wesley Mrs Floyd Simpson of Grims by holiday of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs line McCluro ami children Mm Wesley attended a family re union at the home of Mr Mrs Whitfield on day Mr and Mrs Galley And of Toronto spent Christ inas day Willi Mr John Sytenia Sheldon and Mel the Ontario Federation of culliire convention at Toronto Mi Sits- Jffe Ross and Mr friend To ronto Mr Mrs- roronto dinner Sun- day with fiis Mr Sim to hear of accident when she hud Hie to break her shoulder We wish speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Stevenson Virniniu had din ner Sunday with mother Mrs Henry Kny Quarterly Is to be held in Free ehureh this week beginning dayvJan Sunday Jan Mr and Mrs King and Floyd Sunday in To ronto visiting Mr owl Mrs Har vey King am Mr Mrs John Morion Congratulations to Mr and Mrs op the arrival of son Heres wishing hockey the In their new Mrs It with Mr ftiail Stovoiison mm Virginia lyn percent on a ladys day their station by Deacon Ralph Cook and Morrisons a A delivered a thoughtful sermon from the text Choose you this day whom ye will serve at Union church on Sunday Service each Sunday at pm and Sunday chool at pm last Fair- w Gold first discovered in the Cnribob area of British Col- in In the fa mous Cariboo gold rush was on wSiHmrlt Foster An had evening with Mr and Mrs Don Morton On Dee a very lamb born on farm of Winch Mr and Mrs Howard Alice Mann with their two daughters Susan and Nancy visited her parents Mr and Mrs Ivan Mann on Dec 31 Winter weather prevails with lots of snow but roads are kept open with tho snow plow j Heres one wintertime worry forget forever If your husband suffers from sore or backache after struggle with the snow shovel jiut reach for relief- bringing SLOANS LINIMENT No rubbing neces sary just pat it on Cor fast relief It o welcome warmth penetrates right to the heart of the hurt Keep Sloans handy for relief from the pain and achea of rheumatism and neuralgia too It coats just for the smallcued bottle for the large and such a grand investment in comfort A Good Day in the morning when you drink sparkling Sal before breakfast hard to believe that you felt and slow just a short time ago I Yes with speedy SAL you avoid Laxative Lag that ftj feeling of discomfort that often goes on for hours until a ordinary clowacting laxatives bring relief And Sal is so pleasant to take sparkling clear gentle as can be It an allpurpose antacid laxative thats almost a medicine cheat in itself it relieves so many ailments so effectively Yes it chases the Glooms brings out the Smiles thats how like to feel you Then take my tip when you feel sluggish or headachy remember speedy Sal make my meals a and as good to eat as I can all the year in And 111 depend a lot on JELLY to help m a glorious variety of salada and to be from those sevens exciting Savours ex clusive Savours that you release when vou add hot water to Try fruit and vegetable moulds make tempting creams cube your for desserts or salads of delicious JeltO tarts Truly And fioniake Jelly Powder only yon Know that an expert tea- taster can iden tify about different teas He can tell where the tea variety it is the season it was picked how it was processed and how it should be blended to pro duce a tea of quality flavour And did you know I until very recently that many different types of teas are blended to pro duce a quality tea REP ROSE TEA One tea gives the Red Rose blend another a Others are added for pungency and piquancy The result Red- Rose Tea is good tea tie best tasted And Red Rose is as as Red Rose l rising cos i 3 a lovely of the bills are d lingers on my are in such thank to lay BANK OF savings program It about a year since I first started to save six red earnest by the of Now expense Im to put ting money away my Saving Take a tip from me and start your family Its a but too Ask for your free of PKRSOXAL at your neighborhood of of today Its the very best start there is toward making you year to your money Be Cries Of fiireAfor when you this Butter ieo Made with SWANS DOWN CAKE its soft as down moist and For Down is and re- sifted til its times as fine as ordinary LOAF sifted Swans kVFHwJf Powder- v tap salt lie or lvt ami fwtfe mod- vrate oven sift together together alternate rz A OS ERA AND A HANDMADE SUIT IS WHAT IS CALLED FOR January Is usually an off season In tailoring trade And to keep our highly employees busy we are making spe cial offer of an extra pair of pants with every suit daring the month Dont compare our suits to those of firms and agents have sales all year This sale is actually at loss us because we are the same high qual ity that is essential to Suits Prices of our suite begin at Order now for livery later in the year A Master asm r M fc A Sif

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