Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Jan 1952, p. 5

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INAUGURAL MEETING Dr New CoMdi Ad Visitors Oi Office As Mayor The inaugural meeting of the 1952 town council was held on Monday morning January at the munici pal chambers in the presence of a large gathering of citizens Following the taking of the oath of office just after am the newlyinducted Mayor of Aurora Dr Crawford Rose addressed words of welcome to members of council and guests Dr Rose said he was pleased Following comments by be back in the position he had cillor Jones who pledged his formerly held for two years as Mayor He was looking forward keenly to the work of the new year and hoped that all present that morning would enjoy a happy siid prosperous year He expressed special words of welcome to the four new mem bers of council and hoped they would have a successful year The new members are Council lors Davis King Murray and Tucker Mayor Rose emphasized the collective responsibility for all decisions taken by council and appealed for team work He hoped that members would cour- take what they con sidered were the best decisions in the interests of the town as a whole and wished them every success Following Mayor Roses ad dress the Rev J read best services to the citizens dur ing the Mayor referred to the presence of Mr and Mrs Archie Murray remarking that everyone was pleased to have them in their midst Appropri ately he called upon Councillor Murray as the next speaker Councillor Murray said that he appreciated the responsibili ties of office more that day than hitherto and that he would do his best for the town Mr Retirement Mayor Rose drew attention to Mr retirement as manager of the Aurora branch of the Imperial Bank after years of service and said they would all like to hear from him Mr said he appre ciated very much the tribute from the Mayor adding that he had greatly enjoyed the years he had spent in Aurora He in- the Psalm which vas fol lowed by an invocation for the success of the new council of Speakers First to be invited to address the gathering following the above proceedings was Reeve Cooke who spoke on the limita tion of the lax dollar in view of constantly rising prices He also council dealt with the subject of a town manager who could coordinate town work The next speaker Mr Host president of the Board of Trade expressed his belief that would be a good year for Aurora Many organizations troduced his successor Mr George Fish who expressed best wishes for the council Councillor Dale King the next speaker said that he would co operate in every way possible his fellow councillors for the good of the town Former Mayor Alex Bell then added best wishes for the new Councillor Clarence Davis who spoke next admitted that he felt rather nervous but appar ently not more so than Dr Hen derson whose hand he had seen shaking a humorous sally that brought laughter to the audience Councillor Davis said he would he said were working for the good of the and the Board of Trade would cooperate the Town Council They were looking for the of the county coming to Aurora this year he said Deputyreeve Murray extend ed best wishes for as did Dr Henderson chairman of the Public school hoard Councillor Corbelt said he would work for the good of the town as he had done in past years Good Work At this point Mayor re ferred to the excellent done by the members of the Junior Chamber of Commerce in relation to the recent election in promoting electoral interest by means of posters and other means and offered his congratu lations to president Doug Fisher Mr Fisher said that they would be watching vith great interest the work of the new council and wished it every success the town Similar sentiments were ex pressed by Councillor Ralph Tucker who said he was very conscious of the responsibilities of the vOrk he had undertaken He would do his best at all times for the town of Aurora Other sneakers included Mr A manager of the bank of Montreal town solicitor Mr Lome Lee and the Town Auditor all of whom extended best for the new council After Mayor Rose had explain ed the absence of a number of citizens who had expressed their intention to be present the in augural meeting was adjourned Council then approved a mo tion proposed by Councillor Da vis seconded by Councillor Tucker thai the striking com mittee consist of the Mayor Reeve and Deputyreeve and that a further council meeting be held at pm that evening WHAT THEY ARE SAVING Aurora Telephone Operator Receives Gift From Many Citizens At Inaugural In wishing the Aurora staff of the Bel Telephone company a very happy and peaceful year in we arc glad to add that the voices of criticism appear to be fewer than was the case a little time ago Not that we ever believed that Micro were any real grounds for criticism of any kind Our own has been that the staff of the company here in Aurora has at limes been punctual obliging and most courteous Especially most courteous We dont remember ever making a call that was not prefaced by Your number please with em phasis on the please And al ways followed up by a thank you In short Aurora News Page is a devoted fan of the lo cal staff of telephone operators and boosts it whenever on op portunity presents itself All of which is by way of a prelude to a very happy occasion we have to report which took place on Friday Jan I BE ON TIME PHONE NORTH END TAXI AURORA Look tor the Car With the Yellow Top TRAVEL Steamsfcfp toil Ho exit A El I Recognize Good Sendee On that date Mrs Pauline Griffiths who left the service of the Bell Telephone Company after being in its employ for about three years was the re cipient of a beautiful silver bread tray from her colleagues num bering presentation was made by Mrs Florence Hodges chief op erator who in an impromptu manner spoke of the sincere re gret she and all the members of the staff felt on the relinquish ment of her position by Mrs Griffiths Mrs Hodges said that Mrs Griffiths had been most effi cient operator and that all of them were going to miss her very much The presentation was a token of their high regard for the recipient with whom it hud at alt times been a pleasure to work All of them wished her every future happiness and hop ed she would find their gift a useful one bringing back happy memories Mrs Griffiths thanked Mrs Hodges and the staff for their lovely gift which was a great surprise to her and said she had had happy time the service of the Bell Telephone Company The inaugural meeting of the town council on Monday morn ing Jan was a very pleasant and largely informal affair Page Col Aurora News Page J G SINCLAIR Editor PAGE FIVE THURSDAY THE TENTH DAY OF JANUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO COUNCIL SHOULD RESCIND BYLAW One of the worst pieces of legislation of which the town council was the guilty Author was the bylaw which altered the time between nominations and elec tions from two weeks to ten days There was no need for such a bylaw it serves no useful purpose whatever On the contrary it robs the electors of opportunities of getting to know new candidates It is also harmful to candidates themselves whose time for canvassing and advertising is cut down under the bylaw to a limit that does not allow them oppor tunities either of seeing the electors or placing their programs adequately before the electors through news- papers or handbills The new council has the power to rescind the bylaw passed by those shortsighted and retrogressive members of the old council who engineered it through without discussion as they did a planning board bylaw which in a few months was rescinded to satisfy a justly aroused public opinion Not all the members of the old council some of whom are fortunately back again were in sympathy with the restrictive election bylaw We suggest that the new council would get off to a good start by satis fying the majority of the electors of Aurora in taking the simple steps necessary in rescinding a bylaw which is no good either to the electors or candidates The work of the new council will be watched closely by the electors It is composed of a larger num ber of progressiveminded members than its regret ted predecessor We arc certain that it would establish itself immediately and firmly in the public mind if it took steps without delay in rescinding the bylaw which the electors and candidates alike found so objectionable AVOIDABLE SUFFERING We read a heartrending letter from a correspon dent the other day We are sorry that we cannot pub lish it since some of its contents exceed the limits of printable material We are all the more sorry since we were in the closest sympathy with the circumstances of our correspondents complaints It had to do with the hellish racket of household radios tuned to a pitch that they could be heard half way down the street Our quoted instances which produced pains in the head tremors in the spinal cord general nervous disorders culmin ating in strong homicidal tendencies that might break loose at any time The radio has its place hut its place is not to des troy the comfort of other people It is a maddening ex perience to be compelled to listen against ones will to a radio violently barking out the inanities of crazy entertainers with raucous voices and accompanying instruments For pitys sake tune that radio down It can lie the devils plaything NEED FOR PESSIMISM A passage in the recent Report has this to say If modern nations were marshalled in the order of the importance which they assign to cultural life Canada would be found near the end of the procession By cultural life the reference is to the reading of books and the better class of literature At the Canadian Authors convention it was pointed out that each year Canada imports from the United States nearly worth of books newspapers and on which the following comment was made by a wellknown Canadian author and publicist That the Canadian is still able to stand erect and preserve at least a portion of individuality as a Canadian is somewhat of a miracle Canada has an abundance of musical talent and much talent in painting She has also some exceptional authors although it is a sad reflection that they have to depend largely on the sales of their abroad for a means of livelihood We know of no single author perhaps with the exception of Mao la Roche that means so much to Canadians that they await a new book from fiik or her pen with intense expectation as readers the United Kingdom or in the United In spite of the fact that so many books news papers and periodicals are imported from the United Suites Canadians have never been in any danger of becoming mentally Americanized The explanation for this heavy of American reading material may be found in its variety This preference for variety in reading matter i actually a very healthy sign of menial curiosity There is being built up a great amount of original Canadian literary material which in time will represent a truly native literature There is no reason for the pessimism that has been expressed THE COLORS ARE GONE A week before publication day we write this It is to lament that the lovely Christmas trees which have adorned the front windows of many of the homes in Aurora gone Their colors no longer irradiate the wintry streets giving to our human habi tations a glow of kindliness and goodwill The Christmas cards also are now things of the past but leave their pleasant memories with us We welcomed them with joy we parted with them with sincere regret Other seasons come along We know not where the robins are now But when the winter snows and ice also have gone they will return again COUNCIL REPORT First 1952 Council Meeting Cowers Many Vital Problems s Mr Linton Leads Delegation The first regular meeting of the town council for the year was held in the municipal chambers on Monday night January when there were present Mayor Dr Crawford Rose Reeve A A Cook Deputy- reeve James Murray and Councillors Cliff Clarence Davis Victor Jones Dale King D James Murray and Ralph G Tucker Also present town solicitor Lome C Lee town clerk Ken Moses and assistant town clerk Mrs Joan Diamond The meet ing began punctually on the stroke of oclock The first business before coun cil was the announcement of the personnel of the various com mittees after which the mayor tendered some preliminary ad vice especially directed to new members of council Mayor Rose stressed the f of studying of council procedure for the purpose of expediting business empha sizing that the nwe work there was done in committee the more efficiently and promptly would the general business of council be carried out He pointed out that he did like verbal reports and trusted that these would be written out in preferably with a motion prepared by the chairman of each committee for submission to council Down To Business Mr Morris appeared on behalf of the District Kennel Dog Show with representations that were approved especially for the erec tion of two marquees in the park for the show held in the month of May The mayor thanked Mr Morris for his appearance before council Mr Linton appeared for delegation whose concerned several import ant matters chief among them being the removal of the provin cial police office to Newmarket Mr Linton stated that citizens of Aurora were very perturbed over this matter and trusted that it could be cleared up Mayor Rose said that contrary to general impressions no writ ten request had ever come before the previous councils for the renting of the whole of the town building for the use of the pro vincial police He went on fur ther to state that on December a special meeting of the old council was held in order to exert every means of retaining the police in Aurora confirming this by a letter which he read to council He also paid tribute to Reeve Cook for the efforts he had made to keep the police headquarters in Aurora in which direction he had worked hard The mayor stated that it was no bodys fault in Aurora that the change was being made Mr Linton thanked the mayor and said he was fully satisfied though like many others in was disappointed at the change being made Obnoxious ByLaw Mr Linton speaking as presi dent of the Hoard of Trade asked permission to call councils at tention to the recentlypassed Bylaw No which required all future buildings on street to be placed back feet from the centre of the highway indicating that this would have a serious effect on immediate building plans The town solicitor pointed out that this bylaw had been frozen for period of six months indi cating that its application would involve the town In heavy sur veying expenses The immediate apparent feel ing of council was that the by law should be rescinded and on an enquiry by councillor Murray from the solicitor what time was required for this process was in formed that such was In the hands of council itself May or Rose pointed out that council had power to rescind any exist ing bylaw that it saw fit to res cind The end of the discussion came with a motion by deputyreeve Murray seconded by councillor Murray that a bylaw be prepar ed for the rescinding of the ob noxious existing building bylaw to be ready for the next meeting of council Unfinished Business Turning to the unfinished busi ness of the old council Mayor Rose noted thai 34 meetings of council had been held in wont be that number of meetings in 1952 if I can help it the mayor caustically com mented Among other unfinished busi ness was the zoning bylaw copies of which should be pre pared for a reading by the new member suggested Deputy- reeve Murray Ive already read it and dont think much of it Nobody can understand it commented Councillor Murray It agreed however that copies be prepared for other members to study Deputyreeve Murray said that it might be a good idea if a lot of unfinished business were brought up that was buried in council files which drew an observation from the mayor to the effect that it depended on how far they were going back It might prove a big job Council took no action on the deputy- reeves suggestion The new chairman of bylaws Councillor Dale King introduc ed several bylaws included among them being one authoriz ing the borrowing of to meet current council expenses pending collection of revenue Reeve A A Cook was unani mously reappointed member of the Board of York County Health Unit for the year 1952 Mr Sidney was reap pointed member of the Library Board and Mr J was reappointed trustee of the Aurora District High School In reply to a letter from Chair man Don Glass of the recreation commission in which it was in dicated that two members of council were now required to serve on the commission council appointed Councillors and Murray to fill these posi tions Councillor Jones brought up the matter of purchases being made by town employees with out authorizing vouchers main taining that the system should be reviewed and amended He contended that no purchases should made without vou chers Councillor Tucker said it sur prised him to hear that no vou cher system was in existence and supported the observations of Councillor Jones It was agreed that Reeve Cook and Councillor Tucker bring to council some recommendatory suggestions on the matter Councillor Davis raised the matter of free skating for the children observing that it was little use buying skates any more since there was nowhere for them to go The matter is to be further investigated Reeve Cook presented to coun cil a clear outline of the func tions of a personnel committee and of the need of someone act- in capacity of a town man ager who would coordinate the various departmental duties of town work In reply to question by Coun cillor Murray on whom the town employees depended for instruction the reeve replied that that was the main paint of his argument that the work should be handled by someone having the necessary authority to Issue orders This and every Friday to Torontos Ron Gray and his orchestra pi Restaurant Aurora Ad mission 4jAg yMtw3gpgs COFFEE SHOP Enjoy a Meal In Grilled Steaks Chop Hamburger To Choice Ail Types of Quick Lunches Friendly Cafe Good OPEN DAILY SATURDAYS sm IS NEAR STOPLIGHT WELLINGTON ST Stationery Wallpapers Select Of Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ads IS St Aurora Telephone J WILLIS raj fist The Drug Store News agent Tobacconist etc Business Founded St Aurora Telephone For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Telephone Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At The ODHESS IDA Store Two Graduate Pharmacists S Aurora Teh Emergency Calls i i THEATRE AURORA CLIFFORD GRIFFITHS MANAGER FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JANUARY ft in Studying lite Student Body FROM J rr Hi iV mm Plus Part BATMAN AND Staring and Saturday pm JANUARY 141 I oRAOULWAlS AND THURSDAY JANUARY 111 J J I S- MONDAY JANUARY SHOWING DAYS MOMH GREAT I h

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