Newmarket Era and Express, 17 Jan 1952, p. 7

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ftrfiyr f7X readers I The LOCAL BUS On behalf of some Hundreds of people in this town and especially the old people I should like to make an appeal through the medium of your paper to our council for a re consideration of their treatment of the question of the altered bus my mind and to the minds of the hundreds of ratepayers for whom I am appealing there is neither sense nor logic in the way the council treated this sub ject Let one consider the facts in the light of at least a little sanity and what is apparent In the first place the council gives to a firm of bus owners a franchise and for a long terra This means that they give this firm assured freedom from all competition for a long time Thereupon the bus service starts and is much appreciated by the people of all parts of the town which it served But shortly the bus owners find what they should have fully known before they asked for their franchise namely that some parts of the town are not so solidly built up as others and consequently the passengers in these parts are not so numerous as in the more solidly built por tions Thereupon the bus owners go to the council and ask that they shall be permitted to serve the best paying portion of the and leave the poorer paying without service To the amazement of everybody outside the council the council agrees to this ridiculous request Let one consider a parallel case and see how absurd illogical if not actually illegal such a decision is- Let us sup pose the council should give a firm supplying milk or bread a- franchise protecting against all competition Such firm then discovers that to ply the residents of the outlying portion of the town does not pay AURORA COUNCIL and Councillors Murray and Tucker TOWN PLANNING Councillors Tucker Jones and King POLICE Mayor Rose Councillors Jones and Davis BUILDING Mayor Rose Councillor Mur ray Town Clerk STREETS Deputyreeve Murray Coun cillors Davis and Murray FINANCE Reeve Cook Councillors King and Corbett- FIRE AND WATER Councillors Jones and Murray Reeve Cook PROPERTY Councillors and Davis Deputvreeve Murray BYLAWS AND INDUSTRY Councillors King and Tucker Reeve Cook HEALTH AND SANITATION Councillors Davis and Jones Deputyreeve Murray The first named is chairman of each committee AURORA COUNCIL Continued from page to locate its authorship despite some enquiries It was as stat ed passed in three readings on the night of August and on November a meeting of interested parties was held in the council chambers presided over by a representative from the On tario municipal board After hearing the views of property- owners the bylav was frozen by the board for a period of six months- By their action on Mon day Jan the new council has arranged for the rescinding of the obnoxious bylaw Thus it happened that the very first piece of work done by the new council was to rectify a major error of the old council and incidentally to justify the relevant criticisms made by this newspaper acting in the inter ests of the citizens of Aurora Mr spoke on behalf of the Board of Trade and made his points clearly and convinc ingly rae motion for the re scinding of the bylaw was mov ed by Deputyreeve Murray and seconded By Councillor Murray Town Manager Reeve Cook was in better form January meeting in the IOOF hall with a good attendance The president Mrs Stiver was in the chair The roll call answered by a wise saying of Barents was Mrs Mi Leek will take the of the social in the ab sence fasi Our next will beheld In the Halt on at meeting will take the form of a public speaking contest the schools in the community Members aire requested to be present for the business meeting before the pro gram at pm A letter of appreciation for do nation to flood victims fund front Guest stars on The Star Weeklys free good music concert j Jamaica was read also letters News Of The WI New for this man be In he office Monday night Copy must be written a briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine report and announcement will be printed separately Mount Albert branch held their Mrs Anderson Mrs Anderson and Mrs Boss Stiles The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Jan 1953 Pate The monthly meeting of the branch was held on Thursday afternoon in the Insti tute rooms with a large number present Mrs George Edwards and Mrs Roy Dixon were in charge of the program Mrs Harold Russell provided the music A very enjoyable after noon was spent after which Mrs Pearson and Mrs C Muir served a dainty lunch being held in Trinity United Church on Thursday Jan 24 at pm is Canadas top male quartet The Commodores From front they are Carl Donald and John All veterans of the Navy Show In addition to singing as a quartet each is a soloist in his own right Leo Lighter their accompanist also is concert pianist Appearing on the same program are Videocttes Art and Mabel Guinness an amaz ing husband and wife team of Swiss Bell ringers This concert free to the public and is presented by The Star Weekly in cooperation with Trinity United Church Newmarket its f By Caroline Ion The Commodores one of Canadas most popular quartets and The Vidcoeltes an equally celebrated Swiss hellringing team are coming to town for a free concert The will be held at Trinity United church Newmarket on Thursday Jan 24 beginning at 8 oclock and cards of thanks for Christmas boxes Mrs B Sinclair was- appointed to locate someone to leader for achievement day at in May Harper will bo sible for locating c3jh to trans port school to Dental Clinic for next month Mrs Donald Stiv Wilt rep resent the at the annual day of prayer A donation of was voted to the public library an invitation home of Mrs Jf fell on January J to attend the annual meeting on 8 A good of members Jan was extended to all In- were present Snowball branch will meet on Wednesday Jati at the home Of Mrs Blum Theme agriculture and Canadian indus tries An apple a day keeps the doctor away Roll call My favorite apple recipe Pro gram by committee Hostesses Mrs Mrs Mrs Williams Mrs Bar The January meeting of the Aurora branch will be held on Thursday evening Jan at 8 at the home of Mrs P Young Ave Roil call Your waistline in pennies Please note the change in place of meeting King branch met at the biscuits for the afternoon tea served with jellies jams and honey Miss Lilly Anderson and Mrs Rumble will be assisted at the tea by Mrs H Mrs Aubrey Campbell and Mrs Shropshire For the home bak ing sale emphasis is placed on homemade bread and rolls Members are asked to save paper bags and boxes for this booth Mrs Colin is in charge of the booth assisted by Mrs Roy and Mrs Archie Campbell Posters announcing sate will be distributed in the vicin ity and neighboring and WI branches will be noti fied Mrs F J Armstrong prepared current event topics for the WI meeting Jan She mentioned the seven alloy doors for the main entrance of United Na tions Headquarters in New York to be contributed by Canada at a cost of 20000 The UN secre tary Trygyc Lie invited mem ber nations to make contributions to Headquarters Aust ralia and Zealand are sup plying the panelling lor rooms of this building Mrs J Glass Mrs Hunter and Mrs A Black a stepgrandmother answered to the roll call how I met my husband Mrs J Gloss took the motto grumbling spoils more homes than poor cooking Mrs Hun ter and Mrs Forester gave read ings suitable to the New Year The branch packing overseas parcels for Eddie and Gary Bishop serving with the army in Korea Family Night will be held on February in the Institute hall Supper will be served fol lowed by a program The Lakeside branch will hold its first meeting of at Kes wick memorial hall on Tuesday evening Jan at pm Roll call Something I like to accomplish The regular meeting of the branch has been post poned for one week and will be held on Wednesday evening Jan 30 in No To secure the pleasure of seeing slides of historical interest shown by Miss Three pupils of Miss Dorothy Anna Lewis it has been Ss well as to serve only the on January than we have heard central portion him for many a day It Suppose further they present this fact to the council and the council permits them cut oft all service of bread and milk could be that he was reacting to a more council atmo sphere than that which he has experienced for some time He all service pi pc m good points in con- to the outskirts Since lhe franchise any firm from delivering the people in the outskirts of the town have to trudge through snow artdfatt to the central portion of the town for their supply- In other words the holders of tf fran chise are allowed to make more money at the of residents I submit this is fair compari son of facts and reveals how wrong the decision of- the coun cil was in granting the change of routes The bus owners applied for the franchise It was a business deal not a philanthropic action They secured their protection against all competition before they launched upon the business Now having secured the they should not be per mitted to confine their routes to those portions which pay best All business men have to take the lean with the fat Bus should not be made ex ceptions to that rule feel sure such is the opinion of a majority of the ratepayers and if the council allows the present dis service to continue they vil be acting contrary to the desire the people who elected therh How about asking the people Tax Payer Newmarket RETAIL PRICE FIXING The He your editorial about the government action against retail price fixing in the January issue The Federation of Agriculture agrees with the government that the action was necessary The Federation understands the dan ger to small businesses as sug gested in your editorial we have many young people on farms which could he classed as small businesses These young people have farms and con tracted for farm machinery when agriculture prices were high Why should these small farm businesses have to sell on on open and competitive market when they must buy on a closed or controlled market The Federation has been of condemning retail price fixing when our farm Is considered by ns price fixing too The mar keting act only gives farmer the right to collective selling The farmers Income compar ed to cost of production taking in wages interest depreciation etc shows that the farmers are not receiving the cost of produc tion Why shouldnt the farm business receive the cost of pro duction plus a profit the same as in other businesses We are told that the inefficiency of the farmer holds up the cost of suggesting that there was a heed for a town manager a matter which he referred to at the inaugural morning meet- We are not quite sure whether the reeve had in mind the ap pointing of an outsider who would carry out this work or whether someone already on the town payroll could Iks elevated to an overall authority to define the duties of municipal em ployees and see that such duties were fully carried out In any event Reeve Cook did state the need for the application of more coordinated methods in town employment SHOWBOATS There are movies and movies It has been a recognized practice of the present management of the Royal theatre during the past few years not to give especial boosts to pictures unless there good reasons for so doing The technicolor movie entitled Showboat is a case in point This exceptional movie which contains what has been describ ed as the Immortal Musical Play by Jerome Kern and Oscar will he at Royal theatre oh Monday Tuesday and Wednesday Jan 21 and Starring a brilliant cast are Kathryn Grayson and Howard Keel both renowned vocalists Gardner will also be there providing love interest and Joe Brown absent from the Hollywood scene for some time comes back to his own as cap tain of the Showboat SAVING Save percent on a ladys station wagon coat by Deacon At Morrison 1 PLANNED FOR FEB Among the planned activities of the Handcraft group of classes in smocking Lessons for both be ginners and advanced will be given with the classes probably starting the second week in February Those interested in taking these are requested to contact Mrs A Mitchell phono It is planned that both an after noon and evening class would be held weekly if sufficient in terest In such tuition is shown The concert is being presented by the Star Weekly in coopera tion with the Womens associa tion of Trinity church Trinity senior choir under the direction of ARCT will assist in the program They say that nothing is with out some good The case of The Commodores is an illustration of this adage for the last war produced them It it hadnt hap pened theres little doubt this foursome of kindred spirits never would have met Harvard first tenor is from Port Simpson BC Carl second tenor and the arranger for the group Is a Toronto man John baritone comes from Vancouver while Donald base calls Ont his home During the war these young men Were members of a large singing chorus in the Canadian Navy The company travelled a great deal and on tour these fellows got together for some closeharmony sessions They began them to pass the time but soon they were per forming for the whole troupe Officials promptly took them out of the chorus They were starred separately as The Com modores quartet When the show gave a command perform in England they were a tremendous success Since those early days the hoys assisted by Leo Lighter at the piano have toured widely They have acquired a showmanship which has raised them to the top The VIdcdettes In private life are Art and Guin ness They shot to fame on their first important engagement In Toronto where they have remain ever since two of the most popular persons in the entertain ment business They come orig inally from Vancouver More than years ago dur ing the fourhigh Toronto Sym phony orchestras Christmas Box concert they made their auspicious in Massey Hall In that revue of the best available talent The Video- were reported to baye stolen the Show easily They repeated thai triumph the follow ing Their chief Instrument is the of Swiss hells These bells brought from and are considered priceless also play a variety of household musical instruments including a set of bottles teapots Ilium PLAN COURSE IN LEATHER WORK A course in elementary leather work is being given In town under the auspices of the New market Handcraft The course lasts six weeks during As all Blue Cross fees are to be in by Feb Mrs Walsh will be at home on the and and hopes all members will cooper ate The program committee Mrs Harrison and Mrs A Harrison took charge of the meeting Mrs Harrison gave current events of importance in calling on Mrs Brodcrick Mrs McDonald and Mrs Walsh for short readings which were enjoyed by all Mrs Harrison gave the history of Mount Albert Post Of fice In when Mount Albert was the first post of fice was opened with Amos Toole as the first postmaster and mail which time a belt key case bill fold and large bag are present one began the first also in the first train week of January and attendance in each class Is limited to ton Trie classes arc held in the basement of the Town Hall each Wednesday from to pm If sufficient interest is shown in the project the course would be repeated a second or third tlroe Those desiring more details are requested to the presl dent Handcraft group Mrs A Mitchelfc SPAGHETT DINNER Plans for a real Italian spaghetti supper to be field on Jan were made at the regular meeting of the Womcns league Newmarket The meet Ihg held In St Johns school on Tuesday Jam S was chaired by Mrs Harry Fee It was well at tended The spaghetti supper will be held in the basement of Johns school Convening the affair are Mrs- Charles and Mrs Gertrude Gould PLAN FORUM BEHAVIOR Such questions as parties and hours use of the radio attend ance at church clubs movies home duties responsibility of the parents for home work and many others will be among those raised at the open discus sion to be held at the Newmar ket Home School association meeting on Tuesday Jan The discussion will be led by Mrs Nelson Ion Tito- November meeting of association proved so successful that foHovvnip on it was recom mended- It is planned that through such discussions a suit able code for both parents and children can lie evolved Too often parents confronted With the statement Well John came as far north as Newmarket In first municipal law was formed In Toronto Normal school was opened In log houses began to be re placed by ones of lumber i large mill was builf at making lumber easier to obtain In ISftl a n became Mount Albert and in saw the first service This paper a lot of effort and was much enjoyed by all After the National Anthem there was a social half hourvflycr the tea cups with hostesses Mrs Ken Mitchell Mrs Sinclair and Mrs Mel Oldham branch met at the home of Mrs Anderson on Tuesday Jon with adults and four children present Af ter a short business session Mrs Winch convener of took the chair Mrs Stephens answered the motto Miss Anne Horner recited the poem Manners Mrs Ander son gave an reading entitled should I read to a child Mrs read a poem My Prayer This was followed by a discussion on rural schools versus schools rs K Which gave a demonstration of rug making Each member then gave short household hint Mrs Winch con ducted contest and Mrs An derson was the winner A dainty lunch was served by the Marsh gave on inter esting paper on the address given by Mrs Summers at the convention This was followed by a discussion Mrs Jones gave a read ing It was decided to hold a euchre on February also to hold a bazaar about June Each member is asked to bring a pot- holder to the next meeting The January meeting of Elm- grove branch was held at the home of Mrs Jack sons Point Mrs Harris and Mrs were named as representatives to attend a meeting in Sutton concerning the organization of a blood clinic there A motion was passed to send 10 to the Sick Childrens hos pital The ladies decided to make one or two quilts Our Womens Institute will hold euchre party once a month during the winter in Bel- haven hall First party will be held on January A commit tee of five is to be appointed to arrange and look after each par ty A committee will be named for each party at the regular monthly meeting but all mem bers are asked to provide lunch for every party The program was in charge of Mrs Comer and Mrs Two papers on health were read A lovely lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs MacKinnon Mrs Frank and Mrs Members of King City branch are arranging the second annual rummage sole afternoon tea and sale of home cooking for Thurs day Jan to in the the basement of King United Church All clothing etc should be left at home of Mrs J Grew as far in advance as poss ible and also at the Church by January 30 to allow the marking committee time to select sale prices Mrs Gordon Wells will con vene the rummage assisted by Mrs Grew Mrs Jarvis Mrs Williams and Mrs Mrs Austin Humble has kindly offer ed to make her famous hot tea Armstrong took part in the pro gram Miss Freda Dent and Miss Pat Simpson rendered a duct each played solos Miss Ruth of ployed announced that she appointed KSilg reprSentatiye to executive Womens of County Hospital at the annual meeting held in New market on Tuesday While King has raised sum of toward th there are only nine district members auxiliary Mrs Spccht suggested a local drive urging more to he actively interested supporting the organization Sary to change the date Further announcement next week It was grandmothers meeting at branch held at the home of Mrs Clyde Cairns on Tuesday of last week The old est grandmother Mrs Boys was unable to attend but others came Mrs J P Forester Mrs branch meeting was held at the home of Mrs Harold on Wednesday Dec with a good attendance Mrs Clare well the president Sresldcar It was decided to rcrnembcr all the shutrins of this community A of 12 was realized lot the Fund The the charge of the grandmothers with Mrs A Switzer as chairman Mrs Mrs R Avis Mrs Austin Mrs C Ball Mrs A Mrs White JJt oldtime costumes all took part in the prograrnV A reading by Mrs Avis poems by Mrs A sonnnd Mrs Ball Mrs A a contest Mrs Harold gave a market report in story form of years ago Five grand mothers with Mrs White at the piano sang several songs UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ARCTIC FOR BEST QUALITY MEATS AND GROCERIES For delivery at pm phone Saturday delivery nil day DR York Cowry Unit Will speak at an East Federation of AgHeartare AT SHARON HAU JAN Home and School Everyone welcome A t SPECIAL SALE wool WAY DOWN -i- -r- DRY GOODS Phone St Newmarket IS IN HOSPITAL John Lake son of Rev and a ine Mrs J Lake underwent an This may be true But ft again we have only to look at the protection given the manu facturer by tariffs The farmer eant be blamed for all the inef ficiency We wonder who is at fault for the high cost of living The manufacturer buys hi raw products on a competitive market and exports the to on a controlled market The farm are teechltif the farm people to think operation on Mon day is progressing favorably We see the result of this in our farm organizations The Whitchurch Federation of Agriculture takes this opportuni ty to congratulate the Era Ex press on its centennial Boss ArmlUfe Secretary Whitchurch Federation of Agriculture ami saw Code of Parents and Youth i When parents and young people get together and agree on areas of common concern a may emerge With this in mind the January meeting of the New market Home and School associ ation will attempt through the holding of an open discussion to establish desirable standards of conduct for parents and children Seventh and eighth graders will discuss the same questions In their class rooms with their teachers presenting their views at the meeting If conclusions can be reached by the group the findings will be compiled mime ographed and distributed to all public school families The meeting will be held in Prince Charles school on Tues day Jan at pm and the public is cordially invited to at tend tumblers pine sticks musical balloon pump Perhaps if such con duct could Bo many difficult problems could be more readily handled discussion will be with showing of a movie Also on the will be the presentation of radios to schools and the of field lay cups and medals to the schools athletic champions v All parents and teachers are Invited to attend and an is extended to the general public The meeting will be held in the Prince Charles school beginning at pm promptly SHOP CLOSED The barber shop of Robert Buna Newmarket will be closed until he recovers from an attack of pleurisy FUR SALE AND REPAIR SERVICE at DAWSONS SPECIALTY SH0PPE PHONE 222 NEWMARKET OPPOSITE POST OFFICE MAIN ST yon are a or toe can matte it for you to own a beautiful fur coat NOW our deferred payment plan Or hare your old coat on terms HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES FIRST CHOICE LIGHTWEIGHT DOWN A MONTH FOR TEN MONTHS NO QUALITY GREY CHINESE KID SKIN DOWN 2I A MONTH FOR TEN At COAT 10 DOWN FOR TEN MONTHS v ofcl FINE BLACK PERSIAN LAMB DOWN A MONTH FOB TEN V THESE AND BY THEATRE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AT PM INTERMISSION Tradein Allowances on Your Old Coat All furs styled manufactured and guaranteed by TH0RNHILL FURS Backed by years of experience Phone

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