v r SKI MEET The Newmarket Ski will Friday at at Main St AH inter ested are urged to attend MEET IAN The annual meeting of the Tor onto Centre Presbyterial of the Womens Missionary society of the United Church will meet on Tuesday Jan in St fieorges United church Toronto corner of Blvd and Du plex Ave The afternoon speaker is Rev Michael minis ter of St Pauls Italian church Toronto and will commence at Newmarket Social News Cwrtnctw Seytle Tanks Drains Cleaned and Hour Service Phone Misses Eleanor Bain and Laura Ball Toronto were Sun day guests of Rev and Mrs Cropland Miss Frances Miller Toronto Mr and Mrs Ray Taylor ville and Mr and Mrs Hicks were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Stanley Miller George Symons spent a few days in town this week the guest of Mr and Mrs K Craig and family Mr and Mrs William Green wood Alberta are visiting friends and relatives in this district for a month Dr Irene Guillkuddy Tor onto visited Miss Brown and Mrs Leila on Sunday evening Misses Bessie ana Ruby Toronto spent the week end with their mother Mrs Miss Jean and Mr- and Mrs Norman had Sunday with Mr and Bruce and family Mr and Mrs Roy Gibson and family were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs- Jack Batching Hol land Landing Mr- and Mrs A Arnold Zephyr moved into their new home on St last GIBBONS TRANSPORT LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE Furniture Storage PHONE NEWMARKET and Mrs Jack HolHday Toronto Mr and Mrs Vernon Wales and family were Sun day guests of Miss Brown and Mrs Mr and Mrs Robert Kay Bernard Kay Cedar Brae Mrs Armstrong and George Stev enson Sask were guests of Mr and Mrs A Crovvle on Saturday Mr and Mrs Wesley Robert son and little son Brian also Mr and Mrs George Chantlcr Tor onto spent Sunday with their mother Mrs Jones Mrs has been visiting her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Allan Mrs J be Cesare return ed to her home in New York on Sunday after spending two weeks with her parents Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Ted Wayne and Mrs at tended the capping exercises on Tuesday night at St Josephs hospital Toronto where their daughter Elaine is a Among those from Newmar ket attending the colorful open ing sessions of county council on Tuesday were Mayor Joseph Vale Reeve and Mrs Arthur D WOULD COMES TO KITCHEN SHOWER FOR JAN BRIDE A pantry and kitchen shower was held in honor of Miss Joan Sanderson by her grandmother Mrs Sanderson at the tatters home on Friday Jan II About were present An evening of games and sing ing was spent Following the opening of the many lovely gifts by the a delicious lunch was served by Mrs Harold San derson Miss Sanderson is a brideelect of January This date marks the wedding anniversary of her parents Mr and Mrs Rick- man Sanderson Enter Loblaws 12000 Contest T YOUR FROM LAW Oft Oft DISPLAYS LOCAL Evans the new warden Deputy- Sam baritone j Spillette and Mrs soloist Wilcox Gospel Spine Mr and Mrs Jack was a guest on Sunday of Rev and Mrs I Coupland and family Frank Robinson spent Saturday in Barrie the guest of her niece Mrs Sterling Grant Mr ana John Carter were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs J Carter Molt Miss Helen Mr and Mrs Charles Wales Miss Mary Wales Mrs Wales Mrs Chambers Mr ANNUAL JANUARY ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED MENS CLOTHING Station wagon coats Air Force heavy melton pants Dress pants Army pants Leather jackets Keg Reg Keg 750 Keg and Keg 450 Reg 1950 Sweater coats limited quantity Genuine Kingsivool blankets 80 satin binding Reg Pure woo UK blankets 60 80 Reg A Double bed sheets Meg for Hemstitched pillow cases first quality size cents Phillips Opposite Newmarket Phone Spillette ExWartf en Fred ExWarden Stan Osborne and Mr PRESENtATOU TO At the Ridge Inn Ridges a very pleasant gathering was held on Friday night January when it who is retiring the service of the Imperial was pro sented with a dressing gown Mr has been manager of the Aurora branch for the past years The presentation was made by Mr John Bowser and sup ported by Mr Ross Linton and Dr Henderson representing the Board of Trade Mr suitably replied It is under stood that following a vacation in Florida he will continue to re side in Aurora Rev world traveller and general missionary secretary of the Free Methodist Church comes to Newmarket January- to He is response ible for direction of fields missionaries and native or national pastor anct evangelists The care of this Work in different parts of the world has given Rev an extensive edge of the worlds need in this chaotic time He speaks with a challenge and appeal that is both interesting and unusual This is the first has come to Newmarket He will be speak- Newmarket Free Meth odist Church on Millard Mary Kilgonr A little boy was recently act ing very restless while iriothv shopped and shopped in Frank Bowsers storei Gome and see the lion dear bribed his father The child walked trustingly over only to be shown the trademark on a Monarch flour bag What is more he seemed delighted Strike One fie first day of the Toronto strike one local resident had to The wedding took place on December at the home of the brides parents villc of Bond daughter of Mr and Mrs Gordon Bond to Mr Donald Mcintosh son of Mr and Mrs Reginald Mcintosh also of Mr Cecil Brown Owen uncle of the bride officiated in setting of evergreen archway- and Given in marriage by her fa- thcr the bride wore a fitted gown of white satin and finger tip veil caught with halo of seed pearls She carried a nosegay of pink rosebuds and yellow and white chrysanthemums Miss Doris Mcintosh sister of the groom was bridesmaid wearing green taffeta and carry ing a nosegay of yellow rosebuds and red and white mums Gerald Bond brother- of the bride was best ami the usher was Mr Leslie Webb To ronto At the reception held at Sha ron hall Mrs Bond received in Turquoise blue crepe and Mrs Mcintosh wore royal blue For travelling to and the bride wore a red gabardine suit and Harmonizing accessories jhfe couple will live in Newmarket- Outoftown guests were from Aurora Zephyr Hill and Toronto MLMOUVC The Junior Ladies Aid Chris tian Baptist church Newmarket held its annual meeting at the home of Mrs Gordon Cook on Tuesday Jan There were 35 present The devotional period was led Bernard Lee Mrs Gor don Stiles favored the group with a solo Reports were presented on the years activities Those elected to office arc Mrs Robert Dick Mrs Ralph Adams sec Mrs Smart sec Mrs Frank Hopper Mrs John Stephenson At the close of the lengthy business session refreshments were served by the hostesses Mrs Stiles Mrs Ted Adams Mrs Lewis Coombs and Mrs Ivan PAROCHIAL GUILD ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs John Dales was returned as president of the Parochial Guild St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket at its annual meet ing on Tuesday Jan Held at the rectory the meeting was well attended The sum of 150 was voted to the wardens for use in church work Annual reports presented by the officers showed a very successful year Rev J Rhodes conducted the election hose elected to office are MO WO- rue BRAND PRODUCTS MAHZAHtUA HM0 make the trip down and Mrs J Rhodes Only DOWN WILL PUT THIS NEW GENUINE comao WASHER IN YOUR HOME White porcelain tub Recessed sediment trap Famous gear Fully guaranteed rebuilding REG PRICE 1 SMITHS allowance YOU PAY ONLY down and your old jer to pay TO SMITHS HARDWARE MM TO ally faced a lot of questions on his return A fine trip he said- except when my car got held up by all those street cars Wear and Tear It is so pleasant and so econ omical to be asked to spend a weekend with friends Ha It would be to stay at the Royal York Hotel Items to Newmarket bus provided buses are run ningthe train of course is box of chocolates decent size for hostess very largo fam ily cheese sandwich while Waiting for bus orange drink with cherry after leaving bus taxi fare plus tip taxi justified by bad weather own in city lost gloves 150 snagged nylons hat blown off in wind 305 found magazines fieactaC tablets phone call on when note ftjusabiy delayed estimated incidental expenses of entertaining hostess in New mar ket in future 10 i It was a nice weekend Ring in the New I You can get quite queer about the above the post office Gf course some people live right beside it and cant mis take when and what its ingi Others cant tell whether its the clock or their ears ring ing And if you get to listening for it it will strike any time January A Newmarket girl of a slight ly nervous turn of mind always makes sure her twoburner elec tric plate is stark cold before she stores In- ever flite time at noon plate in even ing she was horrific to almost everything cup board at a ranging from an toast to piping hot She realized later that the hot water pipe coiling through the cupboard and acting particular ly peppy was to blame But It was a bad moment past pros Mrs George Mrs John Dales vice Mrs George sec Mrs Sturgess Mrs James Lloyd convenors buying Mrs Roy Penrose and Mrs Ernest card Mrs Rodney At the close of the business meeting a social half hour was enjoyed when dainty refresh ments were servedHfiy ifiis host ess Mrs Rhodes next meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs Inez Spence Niagara St on Tuesday Jan 22 at 8 pm A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of the parish to attend JHktfTa COTTAU LOBLAWS IAT Ji7iS GRAPEFRUIT I WEST JUICY m TASTY sac RED WW ROSEBUD RADISH FRESH SPINACH MHO SWIET POT READY WASHED IARC1 size rt A I il SPYS 29 23c 19c 19c J Fancy Tender King Peas 2 AYLMER Choice Peas Carrots 2 BUST ffOOD STRAINED HOMOGENIZED VANiLLA DOUBLE CREAM NOTED DESIGNER FURS JEWEL SHORTENING OGI1VIE OATS LYONS PEKOE TEA FOR ALL YOUR BAKING SAUCE DR JACKSONS MEAL CUBES 12c GLOVER VALLEY Link Cheese CORNED on Brand Cocoa ROGERS GOLDEN CANE GOOD LUCK MARGARINE regular ANCY TOMATO JUICE 2 Gaffe choice MEDIUM SIZE FANCY CORN PORK BEANS E Ai- Ji TINS TINS TIN EARGS LB BAG TIN TIN TIN TIN PKG TINS EL TINS KERNEL IN CHILI SAUCE 2 I trl -J- Am Pineapple Jaic WHEAT I EHaettive BiscaiU WAUPOOS Choice No Sieve Peas PURITY WHITE CAKE MIX Adam a well known coat designer will t m he staging fur display at Daw- FIGS sons Specialty Shop at New- market this week Heller de signed and manufactured a coat for one of the guests at the royal wedding also a number of coats worn by guests at the state din ner for the royal couple when they visited Toronto He has worked at the fur busi ness nearly nil his life and has been engaged by several firms including Eatons and Simpsons He decided to buy a farm at and raise mink found that his knowledge of furs was still in demand and a business called Furs has gained many cus tomers from Toronto and wide district outside of His show and ser vice bo featured at frorh the- post office Tuesday Jan until Sat- 2 KING IRI FANCY CORN Choice Sliced Beefs 2 BIGHTS CHOICE PEACHES halves BULK MACARONI or CAT FOOD 2 DOG STANDARD KIIBLO Hi FOR Tito Eileen Campbell Keg of Mr and Mrs Campbell i King was married to Allan son of Mr and Mr Carlton Crowley King on Saturday Hue in King eliurch She was a graduate of class of the Womens College hospital Toronto The folk of the brownie pack Newmarket presented the program for the Mothers auxiliary its January meeting Held on Monday night in Scout hall the meeting was choired by Mrs Sinclair The Brownies gavo a repeat performance of tho concert pre sented during the Christmas sen- sen It included solos ducts and choruses- recitations and a Christinas play presenta tion was equally as well receiv ed as was the first one with the being completely cap tivated by tho young artists Interesting reports on the years activities were presented Plans were discussed regarding the holding of a Valentine tea and sale matter was left with the executive to set tho date Following business session Mrs Ion District Guide to the group tolling story of the brownies Mrs Ion explained many of ceremonies used the Brownies meetings and their origin and told of other phases of their work Light refreshments were serv ed members of executive under the convenership of Mrs Ronald Watt and a social half- hour was enjoyed MIDGETS SAVE JUL WAXED PAPER FACIAL SOAP CLASSIC CLEANSER SUNLIGHT SOAP POUND TINS TINS TIN TINS Of TIN TJNS TINS POUNDS TINS MB QUART TIN ROLL SOX TINS 35c 32c 35c 60c 36c 23c 35c 31c 29c 25c 35c 35c 15c 23c 33c 33c 32c 25c 27c 18c 16c 31c 18 Canadas test GROUND PRIDE of ARABIA POUND So Good Youll Want TW CUP COFFEE POUND ICED BANANA CAKE EACH A PRODUCT Of ORANGE RED LABEL TEA BAGS JACK a JILL PEANUT BBTTEH 35 OF PXG OF MX Wed noon Fit Sat LOBLAW QUALITY BEEF Lsi of Lofalaw cutting All icon fal and bona r Ihcy art you most lor dollar family to boot ond it timt of your food STEAK OR ROAST FANCY OB BONELESS BOUND en ROAST LB AXWAYS TENDER OR FRYING CHICKENS NO INSIDE IN WHAT YOU BUY UP TO 4 LB ALWAYS TENDER A fittiH4 cold no mort Ban fowl- an ana BOILING FOWL lb 47c BOILING FOWL OCEAN CO IIMITID I