Newmarket Era and Express, 24 Jan 1952, p. 6

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T 1 III 1 I HOUSE FOR i i MODERN NEW BUNGALOW Large 5room modern bungalow garage attached tile bath hot- air furnace full cellar hard- wood throughout plenty of closet space Choice location in Newmarket This is a well- built home fully modem Charles Boyd Main St phone Newmarket clw4 2 FOR SALE Barn House implement shed Must be removed Write P PO lw4 HOUSE WANTED bungalow in Newmarket spring possession Full partic ulars to Era and Express box REAL ESTATE FOR Vivian miles east of New market 3 rooms brick garage hydro 1 acre or best offer rooms frame hy dro good well acres Low down payment Newmarket rooms stucco and frame all freshly decorated hot- j water heating double garage large garden central down payment 3 industrial lots 210xlOO Nice building lot room frame garage attached all nicely painted Possession down Brick 7 rooms rented hard wood heating well located large Jot or best offer Very down payment Frame rooms good location in perfect shape garage Boyd realtor Main St phone Newmarket clwl ESTATE Exchange tor modern home bedrooms in Newmarket or Aurora acres development property with small lake and ft highway frontage Write Era and Express box Electric mantel radio electric motor horse mand ril with double antique mahogany upholstered parlor chair Walnut magazine table enamel top kitchen table an tique chair lounge large sample trunks on castors steamer trunks good ward robe trunk joy- cycle high chair crib oak dresser spinning wheel antique globes and lamps large assort ment odd pieces glassware and china tables and chairs etc Apply Hirst phone Morrisons stocktaking sale Big reductions on just about every thing in the store FURNITURE TRADEINS chesterfield suite used 2475 modern chesterfield repp covering thoroughly re conditioned 45 modern chesterfield suite Velour Tradein chrome chairs each kitchen set DYERS FURNITURE Main St Newmarket Call SAVE demonstrator washer one only tub never wet white porcelain tub special Appliances phone Newmarket Underwood typewriter and desk Apply Mrs Fred West Hol land Landing on weekend USED CARS 47 Blue Mercury sedan excel lent condition good heater and tires Phone King U TRUCK FOR SALE Ford Thames truck 12ton panel tires like new in good condition- Cash 50 or will ex change for car or ton pick up C J Boyd TRANSPORTATION Transportation available to Tor onto days a week leaving Newmarket am leaving Toronto Phone Newmarket HELP WANTED Woman companion for evenings Also woman to clean once week ly Phone 30w Newmarket Classified Advertising Bates Two cents minimum of cent for each advertisement price w- percent discount advertisement is within week of pub lication Coming Price on minimum 59 cents tor the week cents Tor each successive I of Thanks Wedding and Engagement announcements cents lor each announcement less cents fat paid within week of publication fe JHenMrfams cents for each insertion plus cents a line for verse less cents if paid within week of publication may be phoned into or left at The Era office on Stain St Newmarket phone at White laws phone in Aurora Bin phone King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the name of sender address is clearly indicated Tout advertisement into over 3300 homes in North MORTGAGES first mortgage wanted on farm at Cedar Valley Apply P 606 ario St Apt If Toronto FARM WANTED 50 or more acres with consider able hush Newmarket Mount Albert Sutton district Spring or fail possession Give full particulars first letter Apply Era and Express hox BOOM AND Room and board for gentleman Apply Prospect St or phone Newmarket RENT rooms heated private en trance Phone Newmar ket Two rooms unfurnished all con veniences heated Phone Newmarket Furnished room Phone Newmarket ACCOMMODATION Reliable couple to share com fortable home with widow Near Office Specialty buildings on Bradford road Reasonable rent No children Abstainers only Apply Era and Express box 2w3 APARTMENT FOR RENT Furnished apartment in eluding kitchenette with electric stove and refrigerator large bedsitting room with housekeeping privileges 3 blocks from downtown shopping in residential area Phone Newmarket It ARTICLES WANTED officers greatcoat and uniform size Phone Newmarket after pm ARTICLES SALE Morrisons stocktaking sale Big reductions on just about every thing in the store Pair of girls figure skates size Apply Mrs Squires Main St or phone New market Womans black seal fur coat new condition size IB IS or best offer Phono N Cress Callous Salve relieves quickly Your druggist sells Cress Corn Salvefor sure re- He too AHwool socks a pain Fur and coats broken sizes prices Big over- Sale Dry Goods Newmarket Venetian blinds aluminum or steel made for all styles of windows Free estimates and installations Phone apply Ontario St W or write PO box Newmarket Maroon baby carriage in good condition Phone 202J13 New market BARGAINS NEW YEARS SPECIALS percent reduction off retail prices No space neater new- No snace heater new No space heater new 25 Ontario St or phone Newmarket 2w3 dippers replaced alterations and repairs invisible mending retiring cleaning and pressing Master Cleaners and Tailors Timothy St phone Newmarket Morrisons stocktaking sale reductions on just about every thing In the store clw4 Vacuum cleaners and sold and repaired Complete re pair service depot for all types of vacuum cleaners All work guaranteed Filter Queen Sales and Service GO Andrew St phone Newmarket Brown fox fur coat with silver fox collar size Will sacrifice Phone Newmarket or apply Main St oak room suite small china cabinet wld or after oclock at Main St Newmarket NEW CHENTLLE BARGAINS FROM FACTORY TO YOU Our nationally famous fully covered no sheeting showing baby chenille bedspread still at only each Also new lux urious corduroy chenille bed spread thousands of small vel vety tufts at only each Both spreads come in all colors single or double with either multicolored or solid sculptured center patterns First Send COD plus postage Immediate moneyback guaran tee Town and Country Mfg Box 14I6 Mont- real Q Silent Glow oil burner gal drum Phone Newmarket -y- rangette with oven con trol 1171 or apply 228 Main St Newmarket Thor washing machine in good condition cheap Phone Newmarket PART OR FULL TIME Man who is in work that lacks is ambitious for advance ment and a larger income or interested in adding to his pres ent income is required by a large well established manufact urer No canvassing or collect ing A household necessity from to Pay better than average Commis sions experience not necessary training given Apply Era and Express box clw4 Bread salesman for local route Phone Newmarket after oclock DEALERS WANTED Dealers Be Independent Sell wellknown and guaranteed Products from door to door Year round business will buy travelling kit and assort ment Splendid vacant terri tories One month trial with ab solutely no risk Details Hubert Montreal- REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY We need an active man years of age with ambition and big earning capacity to sell town and farm properties on commission basis Car essential Previous experience not neces sary Training given All re plies treated Era and Express box 72 AUDITOR WANTED Applications stating salary ex pected and number of Municipal Auditors License are invited for the position of Auditor for the Township of Scott including Eleven School Sections and Three Community Boards up to the evening of Thursday Jan Webster clerk Girl or woman three half days week Phone Newmar- after pm GIRL WANTED FOR WORK BUSINESS OFFICE Must be neat in appearance and desirous of meeting the public Typing required Under years of age Apply Manager Bell Telephone Company Newmarket For livestock feed broken and small red carrots also Lauren- Turnips Trimmed and free from frost dirt and decay no waiting Apply W Holland Landing phone Newmarket o2w3 MACHINERY FOR SALE TRACTORS Some very good guaranteed used tractors A Avery Ford A few new tractors at prices COMBINES We are still taking orders at Order now and be sure of delivery BALERS I with motor with motor 1 Forage Harvester outfit with wagon No more available this year barn and stable equip ment Quantity of steel roofing 789 ft lengths Tills weeks bargain Large electric range new regular sale YOUNG AND SONS Sales and Ser vice Mount Albert phone clw4 MISCELLANEOUS IMPORTANT for your old washer NO cash down only a week when you buy a new model Washer limited quant ity at SPILLETTES Appliances phone Newmarket We repair all makes of machines New machines up Singer Sewing Center New market Main St phone Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble- Arch supports Lumbago Best Drug Store phone Newmarket rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket of sale may be had from Lome C Lee Aurora Ontario solicitor for the Vendor Dated at Toronto this 19th day of December G Cushing Master TOWN OF NEWMARKET TENDERS For painting and decorating the Municipal Building Main St Newmarket Sealed tenders clearly marked will be received until noon Thursday Jan by the undersigned at Water St for the painting and decorating of the Municipal Building Main St Specifications and form of tend er may be obtained at the office of the undersigned Water St Lowest or any tender not necess arily accepted Dennc engineer Water St Newmarket i i i i notice CEMETERY The annual meeting of the lot owners of the Newmarket ceme tery Co will be held on Monday Jan 5S at the office of the of Agriculture St Newmarket at pm F Willis A G Carruthers THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUCH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis or chesty and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and invalid chairs Theaker and Son Mount Albert tfl LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Purebred Hereford bulls months old Apply D J David son and Sons phone Sutton 4yearold Durham cow due to freshen Feb second calf Apply Wm McGUl Queensville c2w4 Guernsey cows Purebred and grade Vaccinated and accredit ed Phone A Ritchie Newtna c3wi Two heifers one due to freshen one fresh with calf by side also cow due to freshen Apply Ben Litner Baldwin r v Sewing machine cabinet model Raymond perfect condition Phone Newmarket Mans winter overcoat dark rev size 40 In pood condition Phone Newmarket after pnu Cooking utensils one stainless steel waterless cooking unit silently used Phone New market WORK WANTED CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING Phone 2311 Mount Albert or ap ply Robert Young Zephyr Reliable baby sitter free any time Phone Newmarket rtr 7 Skinny men women Gain to lbs New pep too Try Tonic Tablets for double results new healthy flesh new vigor New get acquainted only All druggists PRODUCE Potatoes Good dry cookers turnips and carrots W Holland Land- ing phone Newmarket SPECIAL About bus Mcintosh and apples At wholesale prices Full line of fruit vog- and groceries- Hillsdale Produce phone UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered In any fabric Apply Ken Sargent St or phone New- ma Are you thinking of tiling your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call Newmarket for free estimates for rubber maslic and plastic wall tile J Bundle and Son Andrew St New market tf2 LIVESTOCK WANTED Pigs to weeks old Km Howard phone 164vv3 Newmar- Horses for mink feed Highest prices paid Rex Smith ville phone collect Horses for mink Will call for with track Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone Newmarket or write PO box ir s All kinds of carpentry work re pairs alterations etc Phone Osborne ELECTRICAL WIRING Commercial and domestic wir ing Reduced prices during Jan uary and February Dour Bain or apply 25 Ontario St W or write PO box 717 Newmarket iii i i Any kind of work by young man With or without 2d on truck Ap ply Cedar Valley Store Cedar Married man requires work on farm A only Mrs Hill King r iii i Sewing wanted by experienced seamstress Phone Newmarket Available Feb a cookgeneral capable and reliable good refer ences free of encumbrance Phone or write Mrs Merle Allen Newmarket POULTRY WANTED All kinds of live poultry wanted Will pay above market at your door Phone Live poultry Any quantity them in or will call on re- ouest Highest prices paid Si Oak Ridges or phono King tf4 Two hounds female white with tan ears and one brown male Phone clw4 Ladys wallet containing import ant papers Finder please phone Newmarket Girls chamois vest with zipper on Tuesday morning between Era Office and Ontario St New market Phone Newmar Brown key case containing about keys last Friday night in Newmarket Phone day- time Newmarket pm Reward PETS Purebred Scotch collie pups markings Reasonable Phono or write box Newmarket puppies Phone 20213 Newmarket i WOOD FOR SAU Wood for grate or furnace a cord and and Transport Phone Newmarket MUCOUS IN THROAT Tfiunas Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adults and child ren with good results Price The Best Store phone Record lor rent day and charge cents Sudd one Your old fur coat can Iodic new if you have it repaired ami Highest prices oil yoiir old coats Our new coats are very low in price By appoint we will come to own home you can select voyr own furs and styles Fur riers and Tailor Timothy St W phone Newmarket judicial HOLLAND MARSH PROPERTY TOWNSHIP IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO BETWEEN DIRK Plaintiff and JACOBUS VAN el Defendants Pursuant to and order for sale made In this action there will be offered for sale by public auction in one parcel with the approbation of the undersigned Master to he conducted by the Master or his clerk at Room Osgoode Hall In the City of Toronto at the hour of twelve oclock noon on Wednesday the day of February the following lands and premises situate lying and being in the Township of King In the County of York and being composed of part of Lot In the first Con cession of the New Survey as described in registered mortgage number 21000 for the Township of King The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid fix ed by the Master The purchas er shall pay down to the Vend ors solicitor on the day of the sale percent of the purchase money and shall pay the balance of the purchase money into Court without interest within days after the date of sale Ad justments to he made as of date of closing of sale The purchas er shall search the title own expense The Vendor shall not be bound to produce any ab stract of title or any deeds or evidence of title other than those in his possession or control all other respects the conditions of sale are the standing condi tions of sale of the Court an modified by conditions of sale the undersigned The said property is said to com pose approximately twelve acres of muck soil in Marsh and on the premises Is said to be erected a one and one- half storey seven roomed frame dwelling and also a small bam Further particulars and TOWNSHIP At i CLERICAL ASSISTANT Applications for clerical assist ant in the Whitchurch Township office will be received by the undersigned up to oclock noon Saturday 1952 Applicants will state age quali fications and salary expected Opportunity for advancement For more information please interview the undersigned J W Crawford Ontario At York Coun hospital Saturday Jan ID to Mr and Mrs Bruce Cul- Oak Ridges a daugh ter- DUNHAM At York County hos pital Monday Jan to Mr and Mrs Albert Dunham Aurora a daughter FISHER At York County bos- Monday Jan to Mr and Mrs Douglas Fisher Aurora a son County hospital Saturday Jan Id to Air and Mrs Fair- barn Newmarket a daughter HUNTER At York County Pit at Friday IS to Mr Mrs Robert Hunter Richmond daughter hospital Sunday Jan to Mr and Louise a daughter f M hospital Wednesday to Mr andiiMrs Elgin Mills a m York County hos pital Friday Jan to Mr and Mrs Hugh Mason Aurora it son MITCHELL At York County hospital Monday Jan- 21 to and Mrs George Mitchell Newmarket a daughter At York County hospital Saturday Jan to Mr and Mrs Donald Aurora a son York County hospital Monday- Jan to Mr and Mrs Fred Wise Richmond Hill a daughter ENGAGEM Tin announce the of their daughter Ruth to Mr Mrs Joseph Toronto Mrs Joseph Torono marriage will take place on at oclock In Woodbine United Church onto SCOUT NEWS A boy scout meeting will be held the Scout Hall tonight January at pm boys over years of age may join the group at this meeting FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES DEATHS Whitchurch RE JANITOR SERVICE Applications for the position of janitor in the the Township office will be received by the undersigned up to oclock noon Saturday Feb For particulars as to labor in volved please see the undersigned J W Crawford Ontario TENDERS WANTED For cords of wood It body Beech or Maple Delivered at School Section No 1 East GwiiHmbury and King Lowest fender hoi ftccessarily Apply Newmarket before Feb SALE SATURDAY JAN Auction at the Livestock Sales selling livestock our Fresh cows springers heifers sheen calves and horses Pickup delivery can be This is your comfnuhlty safe Come early and soihetliln to sell You bring it and sell it Sale every Saturday at 1 pm Moke this your where buyers and sellers meet Sellers arid Atkinson Motion ores At Briar Bush hos pital Stouffviile Jan Elizabeth Hams wife of Paul and mother of Herman Mis C Ernie Mrs John Martin Bertha Frank Mrs Gert rude Charlie Douglas and Archie Service was held on Thursday Interment THOMPSON At York County Homo on Saturday Jan Edwin Thompson passed away Funeral service was held on Monday Interment Newmarket cemetery DIXON After a lingering ill ness at his home Church St South Richmond Hill Tuesday Jan James Dixon hus band of the late Laura in his eightysecond year Father of Mrs Keith Hastings and brother of Mrs J Kate Interment Richmond Hit cemetery Flower Shop Member Florists Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parte of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A Main St Phone FOR EVERY OCCASION lowers the MAIN STRtET 10W COST HEARING it i to ikt mm much for rest Phone Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY JAN 2T TELLS OF AT MEETING Mrs wits guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Junior Evening Auxiliary Trinity Untied church Newmarket It waf held on Tuesday Jan at home of Mrs Harold The meeting opened president Mrs in chair it was to send delegates meeting in Toronto on Jan Tho roll rail was answered with New Years reso lutions Mrs gave a very inter esting talk on her trip to Great Britain Inst summer She showed snap shots and post cards of many historic places vistlcd Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Clymont and Mrs York County hospital Tuesday Jan to Mr Mrs Lloyd Richmond County CHURCH OF THE Minister Rev A Petersen Organist Miss June Haines Pianist Miss Greenwood Choir Junior Mrs A Petersen Sunday School am Devotional Service am Evangelistic Service pm All weekday services given over Jo each evening at 9fpvcbt except Monday and Chtirclj going families are hap SALVATION ARMY CITADEL ittfeewnwrlwr Officers Ruth Best Cameron Sunday am feeling fiyedncsdfiy Home League Everyone welcome hospital Friday Jan to Mr Mrs Duncan Seattle Newmarket a daughter BINGHAM At York County hospital Saturday Jan to Mr and Mrs Joseph Bing ham Holland Landing a son CRANE At York County hos pital Sunday Jan to Mr and Mrs Albert Crane a daughter FREE METHODIST CHURCH REV a BULL Pastor Church of the Light and Life Hour every at 1115 am am Sunday School Miss Clara Crowder Supt am Divine worship Rally Prayer Meeting A warm welcome awaits you at every service THE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Mrs J Cane am Morning Worship Supreme Faithfulness pm Sunday School pm Gospel service Where Religion Matters Wed pm Prayer and Fellow ship meeting Wo know better than we do Emerson ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN Newmarket Rev Meredith Minister Herman Fowler Bac am Divine worship 230 pm Sabbath school pm Evening worship Mon Jan 28 Annua meeting at pm Rev Mulli gan presiding nURNDS Botsford Street am Sundayschool am Meeting for Worship Douglas Come and join us in worship All Welcome pm Prayer and Bible study group If We live close to God our lives will be transformed THE GOSPEL Millard Ave A YIELDING Pianist MISS VIOLET CURTIS Jan Bible School am Studies in Prov erbs notes available 2nd in series Men on Trial Daniel His Two Trials at Prayer and Bible study at Womens Prayer group Fri pm Crusaders pm Annuel Congrega tional meeting All welcome TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev M J Aiken Minister W ARCT am Morning worship What Is THE SUNDAY SCHOOL am The Senior School am Beginner mot Primary am Questions Ask The To THE PAGE THAT THE MOST i iAvVfcdBL l f hi Cm

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