-V- i I i Continued from page I When there are enough students for any one class ar rangements can be made for set ting up that class at the earliest possible date The progress of these arrange ments will be reported in the paper In the meantime the questionnaire is being reprinted together with the results of the replies It must be emphasized that success of this project will rest on the demand for classes The classes are financed by students pooling the cost of instructor materials and ties Replies to the questionnaire to date show domestic science I leather craft carpentry welding study typ ing and shorthand locksmith mathematics house wiring sewing home nursing basket weaving lv blueprint reading mechanics study of English etching lan guages laying ant 3j industrial maintenance I Again it must be emphasized that the larger the class in any one subjeci the greater the pos sibility that it will be establish ed SEEK WINNER A successful Italian spaghetti supper was held last night at the St Johns school by the Catholic Womens league The winning door ticket was number 94 but no person has claimed the prize yet Holder of the ticket is ask ed to contact Mrs Hose Fee phone Newmarket to claim a large basket of fruit AWARD For A Daring Move youre looking for Thorns or My Its to snatch the award and pass this week for those important tieup goals Thursday Hut were going farther and naming Spits playing coach can take a how for a record coachs Cant ever recall reading of or seeing a coach with the to lift his goalie twice in one game to gain a tie But that was what did Thursday Perhaps was crowding lock it accomplished the purpose Pulling Joe the first time was all the more daring because the Spits at the time were playing a man short HOW THEY STAND in rt for Frederic March and Martha Scott Of human itys many unsung figures few have been less celebrated than ministers in small towns One Foot In Heaven which tells the story of a country minister is one of the exceptions You will delight in the warm beauty and comedy of the incidents of his every day life and applaud his humaneness One Foot In Heaven plays Newmarket four days starting Monday Feb BRADFORD In technicolor Sliow fa Grayson Howard Keel Gardner Joe Brown EXTRA TOM and Colored Cartoon PETE SMITH SPECIAL MIDGETS LOSE FIRST Newmarket Optimist midgets tasted their first defeat Tuesday dropped a decision to juveniles The Opti mists got away to a fast start on Geo Daviss counter set up by Bill They held the rugged hard driving band to a deadlock after two rounds on the strength of Wilsons midgame tally Their victory was washed down the drain as unleashed a three goal third period assault HON and WED Adult Entertainment Robert Elizabeth Scott SECOND FEATURE Glen Ford Crawford SMS LOSE TWO IN AURORA Newmarket and Aurora high schools met head on in a North York Secondary Schools basket ball tripleheader last Friday in Aurora came out of it on the short Frank Greg doubleblue won two of the three contests Scores were senior Aurora Newmarket junior A Newmarket Au rora junior Aurora Newmarket TCCSDAV NIGHT LS NIGHT Our Offer TOP SHOOTER Tom Oliver one of Canadas top ranking trap shooters was the guest last Sunday at the Whitchurch Gun Club range PERCENT OFF HATS hats have been re duced at Morrisons by 20 per cent On Page m r Aurora Bears lost their first home game Friday to Fergus Thistles in an exciting minute overtime passage The teams stashed eight goals away in the first then settled down to run in only three in the next fifty Bears romped all over the Thistles in the first ten minutes Goals by Keith- Callings Bob and Joe forged them a advantage Those three clicking as a unit supplied percent of the Bears snap crackle and pop They account ed for five of the six goals Keith two Forhan and Gasko one each and aided Elmo Phil ips who ran a first class shuttle service from the blueline to pop in Bears other goal With the Bears leading the Thistles back for a lead in a little over seven min utes Elmo Philips tied it on his goal Don Gear visitors ace sniped for his second goal midway through the second to put the in vaders up Keith got that one back all alone in the third Then into overtime Jack husky visitors broke out of a blue- line huddle ducked Auroras de fense and put away the game winner Bear Facts Bears kept out the sinbin collecting only penalties Shots on goal were Aurora 33 Fergus Ron Star- key had his moments but fanned on at least softies Grant could have von this one and the next two for that matter He missed at least four open net at that To TrfpleHeaders No more Wednesday night single games in KingVaughan Hockey League Instead bar gain rate triple header every Friday Thats the decision handed down by the league ex ecutive meeting Sunday in Wednesday- games havent been drawing just breaking even reported league secretary Bill Friday night winbills have been draw ing well but not as good as last year First triple header comes up this Friday at pm First two periods to run minutes straight time the last period minutes stop time No rest be tween the first and second per iods just a change of ends Ray Rogers num ber one hockey citizen reported his team had to have help if they were to continue They had lost their two imports and reg ulars Jack Cober and Bill Gill- ham League delegates came to the rescue allowing them to sign oh two new imports and re placements for and Gill- ham King Maroons will also be allowed to take on a replacement for Norm Taylor who fractured Wrist in last Fridays game On a complaint from Bolton club Robert son of Kleinburg was suspended for one game for rough play President Elgin Hastings was In the chair for Sundays meeting and following executive were present Bill Bruce Hall Ted Hughson Bill ink Ted Rogers Chas Ellis Andy Shaw Ken Art Hill Bill Imps To Meet Weston Newmarket juvenile hockey executives were told this week that their first opposition In the will be Weston A series winner must be declared by Feb The Juveniles who are stroll ing through their OMIIA op position with ease took Sutton at the arena Tuesday In a YorkOntario Lea gue contest The Imperials put seven in during the final period Don Mickey Barker led the Imperials with four goals Free man Vest did the hattrick Bob Andrews Bib Phillips and Ted Rogers got two goals each Gerald Chapman anil lion Aurora gifis rallied he Sut ton for one apiece games to brief you on over the past in the King- scrambles KetUeby- Wednesday clash was postponed and King tied S all Bolton pulled into third place with an spil ling of Kleinburg Brace Halls King Maroons led the Hastings with four minutes to go Then the started sending at goal a minute clip and tied it with seconds to go Bergers got the early jump to lead 20 King took charge the middle round to come out of it Don powered the late attack three third period goals Bill Winters chipped in with a second and a late third period marker Floyd Dyer Sonny fltiU Bud Brown stepped into the scor ing show with singles Brown ies tally was the important ty ing goal- Jim and John Richards were Maroons top hands with two goals apiece Gord Gerald Chapman Ross and dipped their fingers in the scoring pie for singles Bolton got away with a four- goal first period to spill Klein burg Harvey Wallace paced Bolton with four goals Jack Gibson and Ted Derbyshire two each Bert Johnstcn one Ted Harry Chuck Ellis and Wait Bell were the Kleinburg snipers AllStars King Tie In an interleague test of strength King Maroons of the KingVaughan circuit and Aur ora Town League allstars bat tled to a tie In an exhibi tion game in Aurora arena Tues day Alan drove home a Stan Foster pass midway through the second to break the scoring ice and gave King an early lead the three quarter pole of the third Earl tied 11 for all- stars on a set tip pass front Mickey Sutton Charlie Case in stars cage and Tommy in the King citadel came tip star a foils a tower of strength on rearguard drew the only penal ly of the contest Aurora Case Sutton Si McGhee Ellas Kingdon if Richardson K Hose Rose I A MacDonald If Stephenson King City Don little Taylor Couch Foster It Foil- A rie KING January A Foster I Owl Murray Woods Nob J fl Ham Mnfr Morion- G K Ivy Mm CO SfcNigJa Thftn HA tf W Forliait IB I ffiUBr Pull Tunney Twice For Tie 5 PI give has to whack at it fulls left Thursday twice to get by Joe before the fun had really begun ilien In the last Joe Tunney Newmarket AUK A Couch Smith COS ROSS MA til Pearson COS Thorns OS I Kingdon It A Iff A Pin 10 The picture Wit l with a to go burly fuming through ffuils ilde Tun- ilioms sinks a Fink rcbouhd Its fiecohtls Is lout twcniynhie feonds later a minute Laurie Thorns doe It nil over again ttlhsoiii put scoring supplies the pass TMt strong It op for joy Overtime makes it at Murray AURORA TOWN January Stephenson Young ADD Dawson Sutton 7 Watson A 7 Ellas Simmons Mount Albert and were winners last Junior tussles Mount sparked by two goal period A by Stan Pollard fCdrdi and Jack j Hick clarxiped a iij jQueensville SfiSftnt second straight win Van- 14 swamped Holland Landing lakes the long skate to the side lines At Ires that all Important tally ITie play was from Bill Johnston to Don Smith then to for the actual flipping Terriers cage sparkling hattrick show by Don Gibson the Spits a lead Thorns assisted for two one Bill tip ped in a shot hut it was called back as kickcl In Spits lit the second Harold Tunstead sank Headon pass from TodOj Bill Johnston salted a that started dirt the of Todd to Don Smith before waved his magic wil low put the Spits a Coasting position Coast did and before you could deck of cards fight in five tin- goals and the invaders wore 75 firad- Con Murray and All the counting to collect their initial win Bob hoisted in goals Bill Bennett and Dick two Howard Ash staved d pending miss Hot Jan- Newmarket Arena Big Five Senior Colling- Shipbuilders vs R Queens- Arena Lake Junior Mount Albert vs Vandorf Holland Landing Sutton Arena Juvenile Newmarket Imps Arena KimVausban Hotkey The Office Specialty team Ted Greenwood and Lloyd came out of their slump with win over Vandorf Jets the opener of the Town League and market twinbill Town Regents Do sS- Mount Albert put on a rousing W- M Tap show Why the werent full for these two well never know Specialty forged a 3 first round advantage but it alt early in the third as assayed a comeback Then Bruce and Jack Groves in two each to manufacture the Specialty win Vandorf Kept punching but could only get two Specialty goals were paced Bruce Townsleys hattrick by Jack Groves and singletons by Nick Howie and Forfar led in the alter be- Keiiri dropped Groves Mens Feb Aurora Snuffed Flashing I tack Mqnd- aanSTure- t vax Arena TusOy in am nar lion game towawr ftmum WA ieujntt toormanice iI Fines E3gf I ae ask a nilds in Aurora J- J with two Clem oftie Anctr Aurora VUi ituuov Broom Aicic w -fe- Town Regents hopped ahead feife fc- Bun Sellers Bill and Jim Preston best man ice sniped for one apiece I then it was and Thats when the caught fire Dave Council a pass and Bob Dixon prettiest of the season on a relay that braced and Dave Couch to tie it where it stayed as the teams duelled Twice ast week Au rora and Keswick ladie hockey third period because teams have tie gauges In Mount Alberts Bill and Townevs ram stopped a few by Lloyd Harold Jack Smith and Dick Firth home the tal lies Salty Dunn Smith Oak linger Vis saSjai- larnca irn Walt Aiimr it P b Aurora Tuesday the Km J had to irom bvnjv behind a with a ihrev goal rush in the final minutes Aurora vs New market a tie with On Vets Thursday in Keswick the teams battled to a draw North York Badminton J Newmarket Ministers Recommend One Foot In The picture has immense of religious good which the ministry and the churches should not let slip Methodist Bishop John Moore Dallas HEARTWARMING MONDAY TO THURSDAY SHOWS NIGHTLY SEE A PICTURE WHO HAS A DREAM FOR EVERY WOMAN WHO IN ONE MAN PHONE NEWMARKET SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET PLUS THE STRIP fa vital ricfi and appealing dyna mic and profoundly moving patronizing One Foot In Heaven the first of will help usher in a new day of better pictures From a statement landOregon ministers after seeing the picture It is often funny spiritually heartening Its just that its so perfectly human that it gets you One Foot I en hi one of the two fin I have in John Chapman writing his newspaper column Hollywood One Foot In sparkling with humor full of human inters the same lime a Christian ministry and Church In quality leaves nothing to be desired is safe to say that millions of people will see this film and from it carry away a belter Impression of the Christian Church and Its Federal Council Bulletin I and NEWMARKET t This feir of Picture I imTmiJ AWAITS YOUR TEARS YOUR LAUGHS YOUR REMEMBRANCE THANK HEAVEN FOR IT mm THE THRILL OF SEEING IT MAftTHA scon 10MHAM j ah STARS CROWN AMD Of VO Trffc HIGHEST MOUNTAIN THE WARM AND WONDERFUL STORY OF WHO HAD ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN AND A HEART THAT DOWN TO EARTH i IU i SHOWS AT AND l MOUNTAIN SEE IT WITH