Newmarket Era IK imm to or sou TRUCKERS arte AND SOU Cent M Weston St Clair PIMM TORONTO This ad worth one dollar a load of scrap Your paint buy King City And District COBS MBS KING At in Florida There was a marked King City Village trustees will Interview Mr J- Smith Rich mond Hill member for York North to have mail brought to the village from Toronto postal department by truck twice ana on route resolution was appro in village no by Trustee trucks routed to could to King dry to at street and FOR BE WALLS CEILINGS to recovery following an attack of pneumonia which confined her to bed last week Her hus band Sgt came from Camp Borden on two occasions spoon- At Largo Florida Donald cooperation with intent Gordon is attending public school while on vacation there with his parents Mr and Mrs A J Gordon who intend to return to King during the Easter holi days Donalds class is dismiss ed at every afternoon with a half hour for lunch at noon laving in a comfortable cottage to promote the interests of the church Miss Alice treasurer of the reported a suc cessful financial year the mis- Mrs Shropshire assisted by Miss J Chairman of the management board will be chosen by that body of officials Mr Ross is manse steward The first meeting of the New year Cor King United A was sion allocation of having held on Tuesday night Jan Mrs Rule Mr Judds mother of Aurora was with her daugh terinlaw lor tewjdays Allan Glass aged soli Mr and Mrs Glass is quite Oh He will belli bed Brownies If patronage of the afternoon tea given for the benefit J m A DEAD STOCK HORSES CATTLE HOGS Phone and Toronto GORDON YOUNG LIMBED thence to Aurora- By this have the same advantage that obleton and Schcmberg have enjoyed for some time Delivery pickup would probably be before and by pan was believed that such a be especially advant ageous during daylight saving periods when mail coming by has to be distributed at the local post office at midday or later Tillage Streets Named Carrying out their decision at the inaugural meeting of this trustees approved a resolution to name streets with in the village that have not been designated namely the road known as the fourth be named Keele Street Kin road be called Kine St the first street east of Keele and south of rang called Doctors Lane next street to the east be Fisher St and the next street be called St the first street east of and lib of King be named Hoop lighting will be further improved by the use of watt bulbs at the main Intersection of the village while other lights will have watt bulbs Three additional lights will be Instal led two on Williams St north the highway King St and one near the town water tank iJ regulating use was approved by trustees to the effect that the first connection of water to a customer will require an inspection fee of and that no connections are to be Instal led without a permit which is to be returned with the connection before water can be turned on The bylaw will provide authorities with information of 9 In case anyone has forgotten thetfaily exercise of rolling away surplus weight from the hips and shoulders Rickey Bel knap can show how it is done While he did not have this idea in mind last Sunday afternoon Pace op adult neighbors trusted now Rickey rolled over and over for about yards half the length of the lawn over the icy sidewalk down into the roadside ditch He partly suc ceeded in rolling back up the bank again Those who saw him wondered if he would roll on down the sidewalk to his home three lots away but apparently the slippery walk was less met The secretarys re port prepared by Mrs J Phil lips was read by Mrs Curtis In the department a number of donations were re- ported by Mrs The average attendance at meetings li Grew was hostess at her home Is any indication of the regard held for the newly formed organization girls and their leaders are justified in believing they have the sup port of many friends in the dis trict Fortyfive attended the tea and the sum of will be realized Some were not present but will give donations Receiving were Mrs Grew Mrs Gordon chairman of local Association and Brown j ing In October when Owl Mrs Marion who wore her uniform for the first Rickey suffered a badly fractur ed hip in a highway traffic Miss Armstrong who is studying for her Tawny Owl standing was unable to be present Iaing became acquainted with mothers of sev eral of the Brownies Mrs Bi Sj- and Mrs Laura E Rolling poured tea- The table was decorated with bronze and yellow mums yellow tapers and an Italian cutwork cloth and mums tapers the living roo mmantle Mrs Lewis assisted Mrs and Mrs in serving refresh ments Mrs Mary Tiller of Devon Fields Red Hill South Australia has been a penpal Mrs Leslie Glass of for over years She is an enthusiastic member of the Country Womens Associa- he lay specially con structed hard bed for four or five months No amount of rough and tumble play after he was able to go about has since pre vented the boy from any kind of exercise Rickeys parents are Mr and Mrs Belknap Presbyterian Annual The annual meeting of the congregation of Eversley Presby terian church held at the home of Mr and Mrs Arthur on January was chaired by the minister Mr David is The church treasurer Mr reported a substantial bal ance ending The sum of had been given by the con gregation toward church exten sion Among the items of business discussed it was agreed to have suitably name plates on memorial gifts in use in the church A recommendation will be forwarded to the board of managers to investigate the pos sibility of installing gravity flow oil for space heaters Manse im provements were discussed From the session board Mr reported two baptisms and new members in the com munion The session expressed appreciation to members and ad herents for faithful attendance and financial support It extend ed thanks to Mr for his visitations and his inspir ing sermons Howard Neil and Mrs at home of Mrs I Scott Projects suggested by the executive were presented at the meeting and plans made to carry these into effect Officers were installed by Rev Jenkinson in Australia Mrs Mary Tiller of Devon Fields Red Hill South Australia has been a pen pal of Mrs Leslie Glass of Las kay for over years She is an enthusiastic member of the Country Womens Association there Building Materials Stolen A halfton pickup truck belonging to Richard concession was stolen early on Tuesday of last week also bundles of shingles a half keg of nails and seven rolls of roof ing paper the property of Bruce Davis just north of Police believe that the truck was used to load up the building ma terial as a shovel which had been in the truck was found ly ing on the ground near the shed which had been broken into for theft of the building material Mr identified the shovel as his property Police are in vestigating The truck has been recovered The loss of the truck was with transportation em ployees on night shifts Mrs said she had heard nothing during the night as there was a high wind blowing At Memory Acres less than a mile south on the fifth concession the manager of the Davis estate had heard no disturbance during the night The King township men were taken to work that morning by Mr who came from ton to transport them in a ve hicle belonging to the govern supply firm In Canada and the United States are probably one million persons whose hearts have been damaged as a result of rheumatic- fever Canada is first in the world as a fish exporting country James Ball were appointed to covered by Mr Prings board of managers for three i who had intended to use years Others remaining in of- the vehicle to transport them to are Mrs and Wat- work in Weston They found son Ferguson one year Mrs seats tossed in the ditch a short Jones and Ross two distance from Mr years Arthur Was re- the and McVeighs elected treasurer and Mrs How ard secretary She was commute daily in the vehicle to work Mr however had acting secretary of the meeting remained overnight in Weston to Organists were reappointed help out the Air Force Supplies Or just checkups on motor transmission bral A the trained mechanics fo EAGLE ST NEWMARKET REPAIR SPECIALISTS ON ALL ENGLISH CARS PHONE those to lie hilled for service It was also agreed that the plumber who recently connected to the water main on St hi notified to level up the a Christmas letter to Mrs Glass she spoke of the Inter national Day of the CWA ob served on November when the subject for study was Swit zerland Songs and dances of that country were part Of the program The Gladstone Ladies Choir provided the program and the sneaker of the day Each year a different country is studied the Mary speaks of the purchase of the CWA Head quarters and Club Rooms in South Australia at of pounds I have not seen it other than by piclure hut they way and that the plumber not make further connections a place and nut a was formerly privately owned The next time I go to see uncle Ed Im going to go on the bus last week grandma and I had a long bus trip and the drivers were really swell When we changed buses the driver helped grandma and me to pick out our new bus and he old her not to worry about anything The new driver was swell too and he told me he had a little girl like me at home I sure like going on the bus out a permit Trailer Restrictions King Township Council will requested village trustees to restrict trailers within the vil- confines Tile resolution followed a hearing given to A Upjohn who explained that the existence of trailers has a detrimental effect on property value In time this problem might expand when resumption of work on the highway begins in the spring said Mr Upjohn King Two Credit Union On Tuesday Feb at pm members of King Township Credit Union will hold the annual meeting in the auditor ium of Sacred Heart school to hear the report of the past years work and the financial position of the organ ization- Offices recently vacated will be filled A speaker will be engaged and films on Credit Union work will be shown Mr loe Ball first vice is now acting president since the resignation of Mr John Scott who retired a month The secretary is J McCormick and the treasurer is Kay Mc- Crohan There are on the hoard of directors Organized a year ago the Union has several of whom are young people In Athletic Assoc Brown was reelected president of Lake Marie and King Athletic Association at the annual meeting Jan when only two changes the official lineup for wore made Ivan elected 2nd vice president and David son a director replacing Bruce Hall and A respect ively Others are Barker 1st vice M Bell a direct- or Andrew McCIure and FARES ARE LOW ROUND TRIP fSntjtl la BOSTON 2680 LOS ANGELES ST LOUIS WASHINGTON and set in large pardons loiter when funds are available the bedrooms to furnished for the henefit of country members needing accommodation for a few days A cafeteria will also be The Pudding Calendar sent to Mrs Glass produced the was a means of raising money to help purchase the headquarters A cake calendar was to its place the next year A handy booklet it con tained pudding Cousin In Africa When mention was made of the East Africa Womens at King City recently a visitor Mrs Arnold Peter a newcomer to King was interest ed to hoar of Nairobi where a childrens hospital was built in memory of the leagues late president Mrs Peters cousin Mrs James Donaldson had liver at Nairobi until recently where the League Is connected with the Mr Donaldson was associated with a building firm where the British Colony was organized William Rose Dies William Hose life long resi dent of King township passed away suddenly at his home last Sunday following a stroke the previous day Born on the eighth concession Mr Rose had been a blacksmith at for about 50 years until his retirement about six years ago He had learned the trade while a young man at a shop on the concession later going to and settling at where his son Nor man was apprenticed to carry on the business The funeral service was held at St Albans Anglican church On Tuesday conducted by the Rev v of Interment Cunningham auditors Ray Burl was in St Albans cemetery secretary treasurer Surviving are Mrs Rose the or presided for elections The former Margaret Holder two give brings a new made possible by Chevrolet Here for are more Chevrolet Truck models to choose from than ever before Theyll carry bigger pay loads Theyll haul loads faster powered by the famous head Chevrolet engines rated up to 120 horsepower Its a fact Wherever trucks must earn their way wherever costs are figured down to the last cent Where Chevrolet Truck and only a Chevrolet fills the bill Thats true whether your job calls for a delivery or an extraheavy See for yourself Check ChevroletIWplflt for point count up the features that makej The Leader First lit value first in demand first by far in Models lor every lood and purpose for your far panel you it to youmlf to your Chevrolet truck dealer Thai youll find xdty the you I I 1 1 MOST- I I A GfNMAI Complete range of wheel bases and carrying capacities Ike line for 42 often you a choice of barn up have to with the Heavy Duty And all extra payload and carrying capacity at low Ho other truce line you to much for Axle capacities for every job axle for any type hauling lab Mill another why Chevrolet truck line you carry mote without overloading Chevrolet truck are declined to abcorfc the and alt earned by rough read and heavy more they deliver greater pulling power with effort throughout the entire range And there new a heavier rear axle available for the Heavy Duty models 1 Surcharge Included Tickets and Information at KING GEORGE HOTEL NEWMARKET Phone organization sot Wednesday July tftp carnival dance to be held In King Memorial Park when a Ion set will be the among other good prizes orchestra will play the dance music Twelve tables played euchre an evening by the Masonic Lodge when the ladles of members were hostesses flpd conveners of the event They were Mrs J P Mrs Mrs Arthur and Mrs Stan Hunter High Indies score was won Mrs Harry McBrlde Her has- band was high man Mrs Win Howell of Oak Ridges and Nor man Burnett Rot consolation prizes Mrs Francis Powell and Fred Boys won travelling prizes Refresh merits were eerved Mr David on the way sons Harold G Rose clerk- treasurer of King township and Norman both of daughter Whs Kathleen of Toronto and five grandchildren A pleasant evening was spent at of Mrs- Stanley Hunter who entertained for three tables of bridge on evening of last week Mrs won the high score and Arm strong consolation prize On Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Stanley Hunter visited Mr and Mrs A J of To ronto whom they hod not seen for four years After the Hun ters had moved to Kin City had temporarily been out of touch with the Barnard family The reunion came about when Mrs Barnard inquired of the King telephone operator if she knew of the Stan Hunters I MOST iS 3332 P- great power plants to cbooia from To the thie famous Chevrelet brand new fourth power plant fee been added I a ma Hive angina re under the working condition Whether yoo cheese C HA Itnotter the p or ho huiky 120 n be of greater great or a 1 1 l truck Wljtn 1 Chevrolet PHONE 1400 NEWMARKET