i mi LEGAL I I Banisters Solicitors and Notaries Public Floyd Corner Richard Thomas Aurora Office Block and Wellington Street Telephone Aurora MISCELLANEOUS Contractor For BULLDOZING GRADING CEUJW EXCAVATIONS and Joseph Dales ia Notary Office and Main St NEWMARKET Evenings By Appointment ffW Barrister Solicitor Notary Public St- i The Story Of SHARON By ETHEL fe thirtyfourth instalment of a continuing Story of Sharon from its fundtng to the present The story was written after almost two years of research and will we believe be a major contribution to knotty ledge remaining instalments will follow weekly MATHEWS STIVER LYONS AND VALE Barristers Solicitors Notaries Gi Stiver B E Lyons BA Joseph Vale K NEWMARKET OFFICE Iff MAIN ST PHONE A MILLS Barrister Solicitor and Notary MAIN Delivered or at bin Plant phone Office phones 370 and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR House and Farm Wiring A I General Repairs Timken Oil Burners Space Heater All Electrical Household Appliances Phone Box Ontario St VIOLET ROBINSON notaky runic Conveyancing Insurance St Phone A STOUFFER Raglan St Expert Piano Tuner and Repairer Pianos Bought Sold and Rented PHONE Excitement and curiosity were at high pitch in Sharon over this marvellous event and the vil lagers flocked to Newmarket or down the side roads to gaze in wonder at the spectacle It was the first time they had beheld a steam engine drawing a train of cars Long afterwards when the whistle blew at the Green Lane or at the Lundy Road and the sound triumphantly waked the echoes of the countryside a pause still occurred in the days occupation in kitchen or field David Hughes in his censes of Sharon recalls the first ride which he shared with his brother John to Toronto about He describes the coaches as being lighter and shorter and not so elaborate as those of the present The engine had a tall smoke stack with netting over the top to prevent sparks from flying about Hundreds of cords of wood were stacked conveni ently to fuel this black monster belching smoke and noise and beaming fear into the watchers by its dazzling headlight The people and their petitions and resolutions were very def inite At the April meeting of council in a petition was presented by John of Sharon asking for alteration in the bylaw commuting statute labor in the place and proposing amendments Mr Powell said it seemed as if the people of Sharon could not get their matters right Some time ago an alteration was made in accordance with their wish to allow them to choose their own commissioners and now they had not done so and another al teration was wanted He would be glad to satisfy the ratepayers if possible but he should like to know definitely what they want ed Mr desired to explain that said bylaw as amended was not what they de sired They wanted power to choose one or more commission ers just as they thought proper On New Years Day the electors of North York had been called to a public meeting in the h Era and Express Thursday Ian Page g became the secretary In the warden of the Counties Peel and York had called a meeting at the Mansion House to organize an electoral division agricultural society The offi cers elected were Horace vicepresident Job Hughes sec James treasurer George Foster These names suggested solid backing and executive ability vi Disaster struck at French immigrant farmer Maurice when his barn burned at Sutton and caused the loss of out of 198 pigs But residents of the area have formed a Cheveigne benefit committee and have collected cash equipment and livestock to enable him to start all ever again Here he has a smile as he feeds his new gift stock He served with the Free French forces during the war was a prisoner for 18 months York County Hospital Only of the land area of the Dominion has been im proved by man or used as pas ture Cement Blocks rh Hoik Mount BLOCK CO mi Mm AND r IN TURNING INTO CASH rival of this new method of town hall at Sharon This meet- transportation sounded the was chaired by Henry Stiles of business in the village of who introduced Mr George INVISIBLE MENDING AND ALTERATIONS Prompt and Courteous Service NEWMARKET Phone Newmarket Sharon Other Appointments In February the Canada Gazette announced that Hugh late township clerk had been appointed a landing waiter and searcher in Her Majestys customs in Toronto Mac kenzie remarked This is an other sign that the coalition is Brown At the close of the meet ing it was moved by John Terry and seconded by Thomas Nixon That this meeting no con fidence in the present adminis tration The vote was unani mous and a vote of thanks was extended to Mr Brown follow ed by three cheers for Mr Joseph Hartman and three getting ready for election It is JAMB Da SOLICITOR ETC 35 MAIN ST PHONE NEWMARKET DR W 0 NOBLE DENTIST Over MUNICIPAL OFFICE Office Residence 1344 PLUMBING HEATING CONTRACTOR Dealer lor Water Pressure Systems Oil Burners Cement Septic Tanks Constructed OAK RIDGES Phone King 111 Phone Aurora i Dr C E VanderVoort DENTIST Main St Newmarket Phone MEDICAL ML PEEVES Physician and Surgeon Phone by AMnent At residence corner of Raglan and Tecumseh Sts OSTEOPATHY WILSON Osteopathic and Arthritis Clinic WILSON Telephone Consultation by Appointment Coal Coke Wood and Stoker Coal Phones Orders taken for Gravel Sand and Crushed Stone and General Hauling loves labor lost on the part of the government as the people of this riding will oppose them to all intents and purposes At this time the Overseers of Highways were appointed Israel Haines Peter John Edward Abraham William Cane John Wright Archie McMillan Two petitions were presented to coun cil one by John and others all good respectable citi zens praying for a decrease in store and license tax The sec ond was submitted by Mr Chapman praying for assistance to open the town line between East and King as Shipwreck The last three months of the year had passed when early in a feeling of gloom over cast the even life of Sharon No telegrams no radio messages in those days Word of events was many days reaching the place of destiny the son of John and grandson of David had gone to the newly- opened State of California Re turning September the good ship Central America foundered in the Gulf of Mexico and all on board had perished At that time no Panama Canal existed only an unwholesome feverinfested isthmus which he they had to cross another mans had crossed in some sort of DALY Expert Watch and Clock Repair Gorham St or Phone Newmarket ALL WORK GUARANTEED CHIROPRACTIC Marian J DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC ST Newmarket Telephone OPTOMETRIST ftl VARIETY OF DESIGNS J Si Mate St Over PHONE A HURST Newmarket Clinic Office Hour Except and Sat J0 IE oclock Evenings by Appointment Pkone property and pay tribute At a meeting of council March the matter of a pro posed ship canal from Lake Sim- coe to Lake Ontario was dis cussed and the Ridges lying be tween were not considered to be a great barrier In June council decreed that all dogs must be muzzled The Official Gazette announc ed in April that David and Hugh were made captains and J Wilmot Montgomery was ap pointed surgeon That year coun cil appointed Kitely to the office of poundkeeper and the amount due the council was pounds seven shillings and one- half pence on hogs In 1857 David Graham became tax col lector and the were Robert Barker Ira and Robert Permission to do certain portions of statute labor on the hill was given to Charles Haines John Collins Samuel Johnson John Eves John Israel Haines Jacob and John Terry Dollars and Cents The chartered hanks of the province announced in June that after January their business would be conduct ed in dollars and cents instead of pounds shillings and William John Edmund and Job Hughes were selected to serve as jurors In March a petition was pre sented to council by William Graham and others praying the council to pass bylaw to pre vent geese from running at large in the villages where statute la bor was performed Titus Will- son occupied the chair Ellas in our collection of MONUMENTS is audi that we can almost any require ment both as to kind arid cost We also make memorials to order of every description fln the centre of lot In excellent always and in place of Thomas who veyance This young Sharon man was approaching his 22nd year A marble slob was placed in the Children of Peace burying ground in memory David Will- son composed a long poem on the wreck of this ship On September a mag istrates court was convened at Sharon Three magistrates were present Thomas Wayiing J J Hunter and W Bowman J C presided Clerks Office Early in the year I860 Wil liam bailiff of Sharon was fatally injured and a vacancy was to be filled The office be longed and was located at Sha ron the court was held at Newmarket Newmarket want ed the office of bailiff too In the spring of the Divi sion Court clerks office was moved to Newmarket That year the township offi cers were Judah Peter Edward John Graham George Ira Peter Belfry John A McMillan In August of the same year the registration of births marriages and deaths was made compulsory For a long lime the attitude displayed by the people of Sharon as else where was one of indifference In D A was lic ensee as an auctioneer for the County of York In the pathmnstcrs were Israel William Knight James McClin- James George Peter Doan John T Cunningham In Christopher ville became sidewalk commis sioner and was empowered to extend the walk as far south a step and to state that in ac cepting said resignation it feels that the municipality is deprived of a thoroughly painstaking and efficient officer and further to state that after a 31 years term of office he has left a record of integrity and consideration for the interests of this council and the township This was signed by John A reeve and Amos J Hughes clerk Following the resignation of John Stokes Amos J Hughes was appointed clerk and treas urer which office he occupied for many years in a most effi cient manner He in turn was succeeded by Andrew Macken zie of The present clerk is J L Smith of ville In February Mr William Mulock addressed a very large gathering at Sharon During this year the first notice of the newly organized Board of Health for East appeared Robert Barker was appointed to fill the position of made vacant by the resignation of James Wayiing Social Interests As had other communities in pioneer days so had Sharon its social interests most of which served as mutual aid as well as entertainment There were bees logging raising paring quilting One special interest in the vill age was the singing class Amos conducted a singing school in connection with the Children of Peace This was held on Sunday afternoon One winter a stranger came into the settlement and taught singing in the temperance hall which was used for many such interests Years later when parlor organs and an occasional piano appear ed in the village neighbors and friends gathered around and sang the old songs This was a favorite form of entertainment and families enjoyed themselves mother father sons and daugh ters about the family organ con tributed to a way of life now superceded by the movie and all the rest of the modern innova tions In there were 23 musical instruments in Sharon Christo pher Ox toby had just purchased an organ and Samuel Proctor was the owner of a new piano Agricultural Fair By midcentury the township was pretty much cleared and agriculture by had increas ed until they had a measure of prosperity hitherto unknown Fairs had been organized which proved a stimulus to improve ment In October the East Gwillimbury agricultural fair was held at Sharon Records of the occasion recall that it was a fine day the display was large and competition keen Def inite signs of progress were shown in this fair Dinner was provided at the Mansion House Following dinner the president Dr G D Morton called upon the secretary to read the list of prizes given for stock produce implements and ladies work The following year Thomas Way- BUILD YOUR OWN HOME this Easy Economical way years of saves you labour and material cost with lumber Build an Aladdin Home yourself and quickly see your become a reality to i fully- towtelrft In 9m only quality fah Join the thousands of satisfied Aladdin Home and by this simplified building plan Youll find the catalogue nil of home designs and floor plans Send for it today Its pages hold interest for every prospective home owner Hit OUT THIS COUPON NOW Aladdin Homos Limited Temple Building Toronto Ontario Enclosed find Please send me of Homes and price list Name Address Home and Overseas CANADA I inrJiB i jv tvi oar service prompt and reasonably priced MAIN ST NEWMARKET mm e jarvis Life ACCOUNTANT V V A A i Chart AccM Pane 1236 Hamate Fire Automobile and Casualty Eagle St Newmarket FIRE BURGLARY AND LIFE PHONE had resigned Auctioneers lie- were fixed at one pound shillings From minutes published of council meetings of that day there to have been no fihiliyshnllying on the part of PIANO AND TECHNICIAN Dealer For New Mason and Flans Organs Used Pianos Bought and Sold GRACE ST NEWMARKET Phone jailmates Brick and Block 2 CHIMNEYS FIREPLACES 29r31 Sutton appointed were Charles Haines Irwin John Robert A Wright John Smith Robert Hose The pound keepers for Queen Street were William Kitely Thomas Flanagan William and James Henry In Mr Driver in turn became sidewalk com missioner and reports of his term of office state that he did a very creditable job In John was appointed to the office of magistrate For that year the were Ben jamin Eves and John Collins Stokes Tribute For more than years John Stokes had filled the office of clerk of East town ship and In the memorial at Sharon hangs a framed tribute This address beautifully signed and engrossed on vellum and bears the date January and was presented at the time of his resignation i was moved by John Hoi- born and seconded by Mahlon council be resolved that the same bo and Is hereby accepted In doing so it is the of this council to record its sincere re gret that he has decided on such J Iff a J W have not taken from the Infantry lis part in Again and in the battles of 193945 and In Korea Infantry has proved Itself Queen of The Job of the infantryman haa become tougher more complex He must be able to handle more weapons mid to meet a greater variety of In defence and attack To attain the specialist rank of Leading Infantryman end the extra pay thai goes with it calls for Intensive training in many varied subjects For the Canadian Infantry Soldier la one of the thoroughly trained men in our army He ranks with Ike fighting men In the world More men are needed right away serve with the Infantry the most Important men in the Canadian Army To mutt Volunteer to Trot taw to mmmm Nb Dtae Charfew No Park Oat Coaadlan Army Opt Ho Personnel itpol Personnel Depot Army Recruiting 5raet Bay iloy an Army James Street Armoury SK North Join CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE NOW I jo of Army r Tuesday Thursday DomMan Vol J r