J J WEDNESDAY FEB Auc tion sale of farm stock and im plements George White thresh ing machine No Com bination and full Hue of farm implements head of cattle hogs pullets horses At let JO con East at Mount Albert the property of reserve as farm sold Terms Cash- Sale at oclock sharp Pearson and Reg clerks A Farmer auction eer At same time and place on Saturday Feb entire house hold furniture will be sold Yours a heart that LEGION SPONSORS blithesome and gay Scattering sunshine all along the SCHOOL BOARD Continued from page way You know how we loved you and yes love yet Though God took you from us we j cannot forget- Lovingly remembered by son Al lan daughterinlaw Lillian and grandson Ricky GAMBLE In loving memory of my dear mother Ada Gamble who passed away Feb Its lonesome here without you mom And sad the weary way For life is not the same to us At York County hos pital Wednesday Jan to Mr and Mrs Avito a son BURTON At York County Hos pital Wednesday Jan to Mr and Mrs William Burton 1 Bradford a daughter CRAIG At York County hospi tal Monday Jan 1952 to Mr and Mrs Raymond Craig Aurora a daughter CHALMERS At York County Hospital Friday Jan Mr and Mrs Adam Chalmers Elgin Mills a son At York County hospi tal Saturday Jan to and Mrs Donald New- SMART In loving memory of a give it yes and more hear your voice and see your And greet you at the door you who have a mother Cherish her with care Youll never know a heartache Till you see her vacant chair Lovingly remembered by daugh ter Jean and soninlaw John and granddaughter Gloria SINCLAIR In loving memory of Frank Sinclair who passed away Feb Good was his heart his friend ship sound Loved and respected all around To a busy life came a sudden end He died as he lived everyones friend Mr and Mrs John Sheard ESSAY CONTESTS FOR THIRD YEAR The Newmarket branch of the d ft Canadian Igon s are receiving increases Mr Bell Chairman Atkins The board sponsoring an essay contest in conjunction with Education Week March 2 to The Legion has sponsored the contest for the past two years Closing date for entries this year is February There will be two groupings for elementary school children with two subjects New Cana In Our School and Royal Tour What It Means To Secondary schools will also have two groupings with topics on the Royal Tour arid Canada Melting Pot Chief judge will be Harold Eaton representing the Region tilers so be judges Te prizes for the top selections in each Selection be made for the Legion District and vincial cohtests A Newmarket boy Allan Jackson won the provincial prize last School principals will receive contest data for school boards this market a daughter- At York County hospital Friday Jan 25 to Mr and Mrs John Kudelka KM 2 daughter- At York County hospital Wednesday Jan to Mr and Mrs Lambert Gormley a daughter WAX AT York County hospi tal Thursday Jan 24 to and Mrs William Max a daughter PURDUE At York County hos pital Tuesday Jan to and Mrs Purdue Richmond Hill a son- WALKER At York County hos pital Wednesday Jan 30 to Mr and Mrs Russell Walker Keswick a daughter H FT DEATHS ARCHERAt the residence th St New Toronto on Sun day Alfred Joseph Archer formerly of Newmar ket OnU husband of Ada Lit tle father of Mrs M Smith Doris of Long Branch Reg inald of Toronto and Stanley at home Funeral service was held on Tuesday Jan 29 Tem porary entombment at the New market cemetery vault JACKSON At York Wednesday Jan County hospital- Harry Jackson in his 58th year Thomas Cam and family dear mother Charlotte Eliza beth who passed away Jan 1951 I lost a mother with a heart of gold Who was more to me than wealth untold Without farewell she fell asleep With only memories for me to keep I have lost but God has gained One of the best mothers the world contained Her faint last wish we should like to have heard And breathed in her ear one last parting word Only those who have lost are able to tell The pain of the say ing farewell We mourn her In silence no eyes see us weep But many a silent tear is shed while others sleep Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by daughter and soninlaw CARD OF THANKS We wish to express to our neighbors relatives and friends our heartfelt thanks and ap preciation for acts of kind ness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes ex tended to us in the loss of a dear wife and mother especially thanking Rev Dr MacPherson and the nursing but if a secretary leaves it causes quite an upset you can find a similar situation in most any organization Mr Bell Candidly all for getting him back but I dont know whether hed even can- it After passing his reso lution Mr Bell continued the applicants worth the money they are asking is worth with his experience Allen one- applicants should be ipnsideri- a lower fairness therm Is stating their saries why they would accept I Mrs pi applicant a chance pience thai enable to So the job insulting to pass these up d hasnt applied J know you can consider ftitarol Chairman Xtkihs If you were SPEAK ON FACTOR YORK TEACHERS Dr J Gordon Cock will ad dress the York County Nurses MEET AT KESWICK association at its meeting on Tuesday Feb pm It will be Teachers Group met at held at York County hospital Keswick public school on Friday Dr Cock will speak on the factor The new resuscitation equipment will be demonstrated A cordial invitation Is extended to all nurses in the district to attend this meeting IMtKS SHIiiO V excellent Responsibility family Cife and our Parents were shown at the Jan 22 meeting of the and School association was highlighted by enthusiastic discussion on the es tablishing of a well attended meeting lield in the Prince Charles school by Mrs Howard Who led the group in pm0i Canada with Neil Lothian at the piano was follow ed by the business session the movies presentation of med als cups to the field day and of The Newmarket Era and Thursday Jan Page OBITUARIES HIUCREST CHANSEST HANDS Hillcrest Service Station on St at the top of the Hol land Landing hill has been pur chased by Ernest A- Luff and his soninlaw Roy Rumble Toron to Mr and Mrs Peter Motink who have had the business the past tew years have moved to St Catherines and plan to leave shortly for an extended vacation Before their departure they were guests at a farewell party at the home of Mr and Mrs Dick The party was a surprise to Mr and Mrs They were presented with two travel ling bags Both Mr and Mrs thanked all those who had helped make their residence here so pleasant formerly of the Honey Dew Co Toronto Resting at the Funeral Home Service will be held in the chapel on Friday Feb at Interment cemetery Suddenly at his home Prospect St New market on Thursday Jan 1952 Douglas Reginald son of Mr and Mrs Reg inald and brother of Barbara was held on Jan 26 Interment Newmarket cemetery KEFFER At Holland Landing on Jan William Thomas husband of Mab- and father of Mrs George Dutton Mrs Angus Morrison New Tor onto Jams Lome Rov Mrs Parker New Toronto Mi Gould and Mrs Wil liam Sweezle Funeral service was held on Tuesday Jan Interment Newmarket cemetery McMUIJ Suddenly his home Milton St Thursday Tan William Herbert husband of Mary Molly father of and Grace Anne brother of Mrs Muriel Mrs A P Gray Mary Garnet and Robert of Toron to Service was held on Jan Interment Prospect cemetery OLDHAM Suddenly as the re sult of an accident on Wednes day Jan Nat ban Old ham in his year husband of Kathleen Patterson and fath er of Marie Donna Linda and Joan son of Elsie Oldham and Abel Oldham deceased broth er of William Eva Ernest ley May and Services were held in United church on Jan Interment Hart man cemetery THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks many friends neighbors and relatives for their acts and floral offerings In our recent thanks is extended to Dr Dr Dales Ritchie rhe Fire mm Jim J- T ftfiode Scout Lothian the Boy Scouts the Rovers and the Cubs Violet Reg- and Barbara Hut- chins CLINIC Continued from page I child sick children are referred to the family physician The Newmarket has been open since last spring The Centra is free charge to par ents and has proved special value in giving advice on and feeding Other Centres in the district are located at on the day the month at Sutton on the third Tuesday and a new Centre Aurora on Thursday of the month The Lions Hall As other municipali ties arrange for centres the vice will become more widely available and a couch to the schools would apply again association Mrs Nelson Ion led the dis cussion period dealt with these questions parties and radio motion pictures and sports skills and hob bies attendance at schobl and church parents responsibilities re homework social develop ment home duties allowances parent and youth relationship profanity and falsifying in par ents and children Leaders of the smaller discus sion groups were Mrs A A Bailie Mrs Atkinson Mrs Horace Neil Lothian and Mrs Ray Prior to the meeting pupils in grades seven and eight had discussed these questions with their teachers A Jackson William Miss Barry Miss and Samuel Jefferson Reports from the teachers were received and will be combined with the findings from the dis cussion groups A brief report on these conclusions will be pre sented at the February meeting The Alexander Muir school won Ihe attendance i with the highest number of parents and teachers present at the meeting afternoon Jan In the ab sence of the president Mrs Irene Proctor and the vicepresident Mr French Miss took the chair The roll call was answered with members pres ent and four visitors Routine business followed Miss spoke briefly on curriculum revision and an nounced the next meeting for at 8 pm at the home of Mrs The next conyen- tioh is expected be held in tfte new Sutton public school on Thursday March at pjp The program committee for this meeting will he Mr and Mr Jewell inspector tt Mi in troduced the speaker of Miss M Bain the Toronto Normal School staff spoke on The ly Appointed Teacher Miss gave a very instruct rive and helpful address and drew some interesting tions from her large field of perieheft Major John Young assistant IN CARD OF THANKS J wish to thank my many friends and neighbors for their lovely gifts and cards during my ill- Mrs James Little Miami Beach CARP OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to rela tives friends and neighbors for their kind expressions and beautiful tributes extended during the loss of a dear wife and mother Special thanks to the Rev Fred for his words of comfort and to the staff of hospital Paul and SWANKS The family late August wish to express their sincere mt appreciation to heir friends and lor their kindness fiymPatby and tributes received their recent sad I wish to extend sincere thanks to my friends and for the lovely SERVICE NOT WORTH Thursday bury Federation of Agriculture sponsored public meeting to study the merits of the public health unit Dr King of the York County Health Unit was guest speaker At the conclusion of Dr Kings address there was lively discussion The general opinion as a numerous questions ans wered by Dr King was that the expense is too groat for the few extra benefits the township would receive It was also pointed out that the greatest expense would fall on the farm population who would have to pay of the total cost This would amount to at least one mill on the total assessment which would cost the township between and cards and kind enquiries follow infamy Your kindness will never to ftottie A ST ANDREWS ANNUAL MEETING loving mem ory of my son who passed away Jan Peacefully sleeping resting at last weary troubles and trials are past In silence he suffered In he bore Till Cod called him home to no more One by one they go before They are like the But we know theyre oer us nicy the good the fair the true Ever will lx remembered mother Verses mother and not forgotten by brothers nor all his dear friends loving of a dear husband and fa ther George who passed away Jan 1MB The rolling stream of life rolls But still the vacant chair Recalls the the voice the smite Of the one that once sat there Ever remembered by wife and daughter Helen GAMBLE In loving memory of a dear mother Ada Gamble who passed away Feb Sleep on dear good mother It has been long year Mr Holt fflulef Marios youngej mush ten r- Week to Durham St Sudbury not than February Entries should be if should tratc the theme which is to ap pear on the poster and must be signed on the reverse side only No entries will be returned and the decision of the judges exper ienced commercial advertising persons will be final The Annual Congregational meeting of St Andrews church Newmarket held in the church room on Mon day night Jan with ft good representation present Mulligan wlip served as interim moderator until Hey IS Meredith was inducted presided at the took All for Womens Aasocia rewrtcd tola receipts for Amounted to to the mm the listed at church and Was appointed to the board of for a three year period was reelected to the board of Mrs Curtis wasnt- Allan Perks rather inter esting to has come up with a salary of 900 Mrs Curtis has it Mr Perks dont know Larry Bell I know that he had that in mind- Mr said that he looked after recreation commis sion unemployment insurance and compared the work the sec retary must do Tt was a lot of work and I only had a few employees to look after he said Allan Perks Everybody in business today knows that there is a new form to fill out every time something new comes out George I dont doubt that any of these people could do a good job But they couldnt do it as easily as Mr It would cost us a lot time trouble and prob ably expense id hire someone else Chairman Atkins I dont know whether Mr Pritchard would take the job now Mrs Curtis I wouldnt blame him either all this To Mr Bell she directed the yy speaking on Mr behalf when he hasnt even applied Mr asked a ques tion to seek clarification of Mrs Curtis fiuestibn Said Mr Bell Apparently Mrs Curtis thinks am speaking for Bob it yoiif knew his atti tude you know that he doesnt- want me to speak for him nor does he want to take Mr- Perks that he lievfttf that action taken by the board last meeting might have been done a little too hurriedly Mr Atkins said that was own fault because he didnt vote against the to advertise for a new He had not realized that he could vote but In terpretation of the school act showed that he could Mr Bell said that being new in the chair he could not be for not When the resolution for re appointment came before the board the same members were lined up Mrs Curtis Mrs Best and Mr Perks against the reap pointment and Mr Bell Mr and this time the chairman in favor of the motion The chairman cast the deckling vote I am against the motion be cause there has been no con sideration for these applica tions said Mr Perks Maybe some of these figures could come down If the secretarys salary had not been quoted in the paper it might be different Since it was in the paper you might as well have thrown the whole thing out if you were looking for less money to pay Mrs Curtis Why did Mr release his salary to the press this year and never lye fore Other years salary of the truant Officer was released but not the secretary Douglas Kukhins A death which shocked the community occurred on Thurs day Jan 24 when Douglas Reginald passed away suddenly at his parents home in his year Born at Forest Hill Village April Douglas was the son Of Reginald and Violet Hut- chins and brother of Barbara Douglas displayed keen inter ests in the finer things which build toward good citizenship He was most active in the local Boy Scout Troop and was in regular attendance at the Sal vation Army Sunday school The was held and Rose parlors on Saturday Jan and Was con ducted by Rev J Rhodes of St Pauls Anglican church The service Was attended by fellow members of the 1st Newmarket Scout TYoop and the Rover Troop- who rill greatly miss and In remembrance the many associations they have joyed with their brother Scout director of physical education Out of town residents in at- tendance at the funeral were mi and Mrs For est Toronto Mr and Mrs Stanley Carpenter and family Hamilton Mr and Mrs Harold Cox and son Reg Sev en Bridges The gifts were many and bespoke of the high esteem in which Doug was held by his pals and many friends or the province of Ontario was the next speaker He spoke on The Proposed Refresher Physic Education Course Arrange ments were- made to conduct such a refresher course for the teachers of this group lit Kes wick school on February and from 330 to pm each day Teachers of the area should avail themselves of this opportunity Mr P Might a retired teacher and now a member of the Board of Education Toronto spoke briefly to the teachers Interesting movies showing the physical education course in practice in a rural school and in a secondary school followed Mr Witt took charge of the projector Mr program convener thanked our speakers for their helpful addresses A delicious lunch served by the hostesses Mrs L Stiles and Misses Daley Curtis and Ellis brought the meeting to a close Mr Sane OFFER TICKETS BROMFIELD Chairman Atkins motion Is open to tbe press They can publish what they Mrs Curtis Wasnt there on that press reports bo supervised before they were published Mr You cant toll them what to prints Mrs Curtis But who all that account In the paper Some school matters were left out and others were not Mr Atkins Thoy print what they please You tell ftj newspaper what it is supposed to write Mn was called by telephone the chairman said that he would accept ap pointment but that he would act only for one more year sound very happy about accepting said Mr Atkins The Toronto Hunters and Ang lers Association will be host to farmers on Saturday Feb when Mr Louis owner of Malabar Faring and wellknown conservationist Will in Hall on the theme Mans Relation to the Soil The East Federal of Agriculture and the flew- market East Farm Forum have been given a sizable block of free tickets and will combine to charter a bus to attend this func tion Sheldon Walker is in charge of bus arrangements an da tickets are still available from either Mrs Win Bales secretary of the farm forum or Ml roth secretary of the Federation of Agriculture Local farmers are urged to apply for tickets POULTRY The Poultry Euchre held Jan uary at Sharon I all by the East Federation Agriculture was a tremendous success There were 27 tables of euchre Winners were Mrs Mar ian Whitchurch Allan Sharon ladies No- was won Herb Wright of Sharon who generously relumed her bird to be auctioned which brought a good price for draw was donated by the Newmarket- Pais Coop The genial crowd is looking forward to more of these euchres rev regular monthly meeting of Womens Association it Will be held in the school on Thursday at QmA soloist Is Mrs Elizabeth Beer The speaker will be Mrs Nelson Ion womens editor Era arid Express Mrs tori win give a talk Novo Scotia v Men Our broad land It Is miles from St Johns you hearts filled to to British Columbias Prince Rupert with sadness and tears or to iiev w O MuN iigan for his considerate attention to St Andrews church during the period he served in the of interim moderator In his reply Dr Mulligan paid tribute to the genial spirit of operation which prevailed within St Andrews church Newmar ket TEA BAKE SALE Ift Winter received word this week Him appointment of Billy alKiard tfto is the only son Mrs Winters deceased Henry and is years old He has just completed three years the Nautical Training school I England and sailed with ship for South America j auxiliary bo held ythc Mothers will bo served from to Mrs Ronald Watt is convening this Valentine tea The bake sole is under the direction of Mrs Cock- burn SUIT SALES Biggest bargain yet As much as onethird off bought at Morrisons SURPRISE PARTY fi surprise party was held for Carmen at the homo of his parents Mr and Mrs John Newmar ket on Sunday occasion marked his birthday All members of the family were present for dinner party OPTIMISTS LADIES NIGHT The Newmarket Optimist club it Night at the Aurora Optimist members and guests enjoyed themselves dancihj to the music of Don orches tra Entertainment supp lied by from Toronto with his jokes and sleight of hand tricks The club was by hay ing District Governor Lieut Gov and their wives present A out lunch was served lift charge dt the arrangements for the even wns headed by Chairman John by Dawson Ed Nick Styko ami Prod Mrs EpworMt was elected president of the Mission Circle Christian church Newmarket at the annual hold lit on Thursday Jan Mrs the meeting mid conducted in stallation of Colored slides Tour Bolivia were presented by Mrs Epworth Mrs Morrison brought items from the Canadian and gave summary of One life of closed with prayer the after merits were seryci by live A social tube wis by tlie Indies Those elected are past rs Welly pres Mrs William viccvptcS Mrs C Morrison Mrs Gladys Terry fi pianist librarian William Smart and Watts PLANS Week for Vguthi sponsored by list church wilt behold In Holt mi from Tuesday Feb Peoples of these will hold meetihp in church on mid fa M Friday All will begirt at V he speaker on and on Thursday fji g some years a resident of Newmarket and a member of the Presbyterian church Mrs Sadie Milton Charlotte Avenue died at her home on January after an illness of one month She was born in King town ship on March the daughter of Mr and Mrs John Rowland On January her marriage took place to Mr John Milton Throughout her life her chief interest was in her home Surviving are two sisters Mrs and Mrs Ben Brewer Laura iHfevvF It Meredith officiated at funeral services at the chapel of and Rose New market on January Pallbearers were Gordon Row land Aubrey Rowland Vince Ernie Milton Howard and Gordon Milton interment was in Newmarket cemetery Mender Charles Elmer a merchant in Holland Landing died at his home on December after a long period of poor health He was born in Napoleon Ohio on January the son of Katie J Brandon He was married to Agnes Ethel who survives him on June In addition to his work as a merchant he had at one time been a He was a member of the Anglican church He was always interested La horses as a hobby Surviving relatives are two sons Reginald and Claude a brother Hali- three sisters Winnie Mrs Tom Toronto Eva Mrs Thayer Lottie Mrs John Schumacher Akron Ohio Rev Blake officiated at the funeral services held on January at the chapel and Rose Newmar ket Pallbearers were six neph ews Percy Forester York Mills Clifford Toronto Ted Fred and Jack of Ni agara Falls Temporary interment was in Newmarket cemetery Mrs Zulima Willis Murray of Ave Toronto died in Toronto on January after an illness of 10 weeks She had suffered a stroke The daughter of the late Mr and Mrs William Willis she was born in Vondorf on July She was married on April to David Murray who sur- vives her Previous to her mar riage she held a position sec retaryclerk She was a member So ciety of Friends and her chief interests were in her church and home Also surviving are three sons Willis David Howard and Rob ert Murray two brothers Edgar Willis Bradford and Howard Willis Vancouver and a sister Mrs Mildred Powell Toronto Funeral services were held in Toronto on January with Conrad Hoy a Quaker minister officiating Interment was in Park Lawn cemetery Mrs Roy MCndj was electa president of Ariew Jresbyi I the annual meeting bri Tuesday Jan Hold tti Mrs the was well Mrs Willlaift Mrs flames JcdHtfe y tibnal period -tKe- mm prebntc by the officers anil- Wr Mereciyti presided the election Those elected office past Mrs Joseph pros Mrs Roy McWftaUl first Mrs Sylhoy Logger second viccpresi Sfls Gibson sec Sidney ftsst Margaret Mrs Donald Davidson lowers Mm Grant- Sine and Mrs George refreshment Mrs W Allen manse Mrs Donald Mrs Mm scjpli Greer Mrs ways and moans Mrs Victor JVlcCutcheort anil Mrs A Mc A resident of town ship who had lived on the same farm for almost his entire life Henry Case died there Pit January following a stroke He had been ill since fiaoberm born on June the son of find Mia Case PH his mar riage took place to Annie Jane predeceased him on Octlicr life was devoted to WQr farmer and he was it of United Isp are a son Fred iJewmarket and three daughters Mrs Lee Smith Nora Thornhill Mrs Noma Lillian Uxbridge anil Harold Vera Herbert officiated at funeral services at on Jnnunry were Oliver Beach Charles Davis Brandon and in come WV MEETING An important meeting of the officers and directors of the New market Horticultural society will be held tomorrow night Feb I in the committee room Town Hall at pm Heads of com mittees for ore requested to attend this meeting as well as the newly elected executive annual vestry meeting Kohl at home of Mr- Ed Wood on Jan 25 Mooting was opened by Hew Abbott with prayer was elect ed clerk and read meeting tor V Abbott SiiSjiirl of work carried on in parish during year Ho iriformcd meeting of his ministry I Fray i- lie foJipWinB- bpcmrp J P Newmar ket and Rev Bull New market will last service on Friday There will bo special singing groups at all services An is extended to oil to attend theso special services of Youth Week OVERCOAT VALUES Big savings in overcoats at Morrisons up to percent Buy now at these great savings Archibald tribunal and Archibald Mrs a re port of work dona by Ladles Guild Meeting closed with prayer Refreshments wore serv ed By hostess by tea room at 1 water St has boon closed It had been opened prior to tho Christmas under sponsorship of the Newmarket Handcraft group SHOES RBDITCKD Reductions of percent Scott and Slater for rmsn at Morrison There passed away York County hospital Newmarket on Sunday Jan one of Zephyrs esteemed residents in the person of Mrs Thai Cain of con- cession Stxdt township Mrs Cain had suffered a nearly three years ami scorned to recover quite well this fall when she became III ami seemed unable to regain her Mrs Cain was her mar- Mabel ler of late William Shop and waft born in Flos town ship She was In her year She was a wonderful home- always busy to more beautiful for enjoy and family United 08m esteem was shown SyafefeflP floral tributes urvlvjng husband Austin of Zephyr and six also two brothers and Jns of Toronto and sister Mary of Toronto funeral held from Zephyr United church on Wed nesday afternoon and was con ducted by Rov A Interment was In Zephyr cemetery The pallbearers wore the neighbors Earl Lockle Frank Thompson Carl Meyers McNelly John Meyers and Oscar Silversldes flower bearer were Carl Meyers Raymond Thompson and Howard Tho funeral was largely at tended and community ex tend their to the and family In hour of their bereavement