Newmarket Era and Express, 31 Jan 1952, p. 8

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The En Newmarket Social News Mr and Mrs Wesley Robert- on and little Brian Mr and Mrs William Jones and eons Barry and Roland spent Sunday with Mrs Jones Mr and Mrs Hooker the weekend in as guests of Rev and Hi Got ton Mr and Mrs Harold Jones and KOlawack visiting Mr Jones parents and Mrs Kenneth Jones prior to his leaving for Ottawa and family Owen Sounds Charles Mr and Mrs- Archie Bennltz Hamilton Herman Sennit prior and Mr and Mrs Martin Toronto last week and attended the services of Mrs JiBSmSi on Thursday Mr and Mrs and family weekend guests of Mr John Mr and Mrs Ross Brian had Sunday dinner wthj Mr and Mrs William Jim Hugo St Michaels lege Toronto spent the with his parents Mr anil Hugo Mr and Mrs Harold and Marie visit ed Mr and Mrs Ray Jelley last and Mis spent the weekend in Toronto the of Mr and Mrs Carl Tomlinson and family Morris attended the A on Mondays and Mis S Walter accompanied by their two child- Mi were of Mr J Mqor Toronto visited on in town with and Mrs- man Howard Hamilton Spent the weekend his par ents and Mrs Phil Hamilton Toronto will a guest at Borne of this weekeiid J TEACHERS DISCUSS NEW CURRICULUM The third in a series of discus sions on curriculum revision held by the Newmarket school lady teachers on Wedties4 day Jan in the King George hotel The book being the group is The Child Five to Ten by Dr ell and Dr Francis A report on the chapter ship was given very capably by Miss Helen Richardson Outlin ed in this chapter were points childs first five years the basic organization of his personality through his wfth other takes place When his are wholesome his tends to be A good home providing normal parental care is the best of health in The school can its mum results exists between school with the child slander The child from five ito ten has to adjust both to iupents and his teachers the task is very the home adults a foev tween home arid personalities their rational thinking their perspective young to judge for Kjrhs6J thus caught up in the confusion as a result if- He is in the of feeling perplexed and insecure His and physical health suffer as a result Parent teacher associations have accomplished important work in trying to tiring home and school into closer union But this book suggested they still have room for a great deal of improvement They too much on group meetings formal programs mass appeal to reach the desired ends More opportunities fop conferences between teachers and parents ere needed The text outlined personality characteristics in terms of devel opmental maturity and jeifei culture The Hem is not on academic pro gress but on the fundamental be haviour equipment of the child Tb ladies at home Mrs fe on Jan- The following the coming year president Geo fiuffieJd first Mrs ilbifatt second ifrs Case Bow- Miss Anna Smith- Ward Steads jirs ward Mrs Mitchell Mrs The Trinity Anglican church held vestry meeting on Jan the reports the various organizations W Wc- and ejected as warden A Mr It Tuck was elected a chairman of the iSr fe Newton and son have Returned home after spending a few days with relatives in North Bay Miss Charles spent the her mother Mrs Charles Miss Taylor of Toronto General hospital has re- to convalesce leaving the hospital the her with many There be general of the fiduhty Hospital in tteetijrigit was decided by Ihatthn hold general of JONES SANDERSON On January the wed ding took place between Joan Sanderson youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Sanderson of Newmarket and Arthur Jones son of Mr and Mrs Sydney Jones Newmarket Rev officiated at the Chris tian Baptist church parsonage The bride given in marriage by her father was gowned in a ballerina length dress of powder blue lace over matching feather cap and she wore a corsage o red tipr with blue leathers J matron of was Gordon sister of bride taffeta dress with of ginfc and mums She of The grooms Htr Jones acted received lit ajgrey land white Hie grooms mother sed hi a grey crepe with corsage yellow The reception was held at the King where guests eie at a key toast to ffie bride was giv en by fev a toast to bridesmaid- was Sven by the brides brother Sanies January is the wedding an- niversary brides parents and a toast was proposed by their eldest soni Roy Sanderson of Belleville Mr Harold Sanderson acted as master of ceremonies For her trip to the States the bride wore winter While dress with matching coat and act On their return the couple will reside in of town guests were from Windsor St Catherines Belle ville Aurora News Of The 1 i column in Hut Copy must be m briefly mm confined to newt and report Other than routine and announcement will be printed separately Douglas Beckett as these now due Please note there has been a slight increase in rates since last payment A UP fcpG On Sunday a bus load college Port will attend the services at the Free Methodist church Jlewrnarteti This choral group of Voices will be featured at the morning service Rev Snider of the school will be the speaker in the MEET The regular meeting of the wjll be held at the home Of Mrs Millard Ave ion Tuesday Feb at 3 pm CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mrs Adams Newmarket will celebrate her birthday on Monday Feb The ladies Auxiliary Cana dian Legion Newmarket branch returned Mrs Paul Tobey as president for a second year at the annual meeting on Thursday Jan Harold Eaton president of the Newmarket Legion con ducted the installation of The election was held at the December St was cot- ducted by the zone representa tive Mrs George ftuffieW Annual reports were sented arid they showed that had a year for die Jhose elected to past Mrs Robert pes Jirs Saul first pres Mrs Charles Gordon Gordon Downward Areas Mrs Donald executive committee Mrs Howard Newton Mrs Rtiss Mrs Wesley and Mrs Allen and pianist Mrs Aubrey Scythes CUB NIGHT It will be cub nigh at the ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary meeting on Monday Feb- The rneeling will begin at pm the program will he by members of the Newmarket Cub packs Bert give a Short talk on cub activities and traditions refreshments will be served AH mothers guides cubs scouts and rangers are invited to attend Snowball branch met on Wed nesday of last week at the home of Blum with lmembers and one present The president Mrsw Patrick open- the meeting with the Ode by the Maxy Stewart Tri rotivcaii Five dollars was ta treat for the feoies for February ft rest Janu- cancelled because bad weather will b Tues day Feb the tiieoupi A by Mrs Kerr- and by Ban- on apple arid cider was by aft There was a con test on apples won by Thie fet meeting will in the hall on Thursday fob committer fj RollV and Mrs WcDohald are asked to meet at fora which will be by a public speaking contest for the public schools Union Street branch will at the home of Mrs David Eng lish on Feb at p look up hot down to look forward and not back is to lend a helping hand Roil call of using more apples Topic Agriculture and Cana dian Industries A speaker hr ex pected at this meeting Program committee Mrs Green wood Mrs Salmon Mrs- Micks and Mrs Perry si A Sedore iifrs Wilbur Beckett Miss Violet Micks Blue Cross subscriber are re minded to pay their fees to Mrs The January meeting of the Sharon branch will be held at the home of Mrs Harold Boyd oft Wednesday Feb at 230 pi Roll call A valentine quo tation Institute will be guests and will provide the grami Refreshment com all -tr- By Kilgour A man can light a cigar without first offering one to OF deep free KetUeby branch held their night at the home of Mrs Wesley on Thursday evening Jan A short busi ness meeting preceded an enjoy able evening The roll call Where first met your husband Each mem ber was presented with a small gift with the compliments of the of our sister branch in The meeting derided id send a to the value of to our family in England also some used clothing The members drew names for unknown friend in the branch a card will be sent at her birthday wedding anniversary and at Christmas a gift i We have asked Mrs our district president to our next meeting at the home of Mrs Frank Realty The prizewinners for the pro gressive euchre that followed were William Hodgson Norman Greensides and John Davis Mrs Mrs Albert and Mrs Robert Carson Following a delicious lunch Robert Carson thanked the ladies for the delightful evening they had planned and Mrs Fred Schmidt thanked our hostess Mrs for her hospitality The February meeting of the Kins Ridge branch will be held at the home of Mrs on Monday Feb at pm A paper on Health by Mrs Par ker will be illustrated with slides from the Department of Health Motto Health is wealth Roll call Give a health hint Hostesses Mrs J Ball and Mrs J Best Will all members having library please return them at once Please note of day for meeting At a recent Child Health Centre clinic one the of he- scene far removed from usual stiff atmosphere of parade of white plaid skirts blue slacks or red All the staff assisting wore professional white But this did not seem to frighten the The only tears heard J from a child faking what you have It was meiii night for Zephyr branch hi Thursday Jan when the ladies entertained their or friends at the supper by a euchre game Despite the cold weather there was a splendid crowd and all report a very good time Aurora branch met on January of Mrs Young Mrs Brooks gave a l I i FREEZER I EACH LADY VISITING OUR STORK UNTIL ONE Ofc MEASURING CUF and this despite alt the efforts of to convince that it couldnt hurt people think that needs a sign to attract- the attention of motor ists as they come up Some have slogans like Birthplace of or- of Marie others have a natural setting Why couldnt Newmarket large bright sign with name and population the centre a horder of pictures showing the jjio he found varied districts good a theatre branches of notional clubs And a little humor trought into the drawings hurt Everybody looks at clever cartoons anil the likes to be amused as informed The extra expense might he justified So often on opportunity like this allowed to slip by but some residents of Newmarket did make complete collections of the pictures taken during the royal tour of Canada They will all want to see the motion pic ture Royal Journey coming soon to iheatres in he Those who hw the film in To- high- Unfits significance en to I he ploying of the Anthem the vivid colors of Can ada and the pride fell as one saw the Prince Princess York County hospital is a friendly a part at the com munity and the of the business Professional club They are furnishing a iiad believed out each item carefully bed bed lamp desk other In come Hut it lakes the patient pointed out wasnt He mumbled not able to set to abayu mirror Mimes next even iffor an chair arv the purpose The roll Your waistline in pennies netted for the funds were completed for sponsorship of York County Units Well This has been made pos sible through the generosity anil of Aurora Units club- We wish take this op portunity to thank the Lions club for their old and also to in vite ail mothers of children to attend Hie first clinic on Thursday afternoon Feb torn to pint at the ions hall Plans were also made the annual At Home in the form of a progressive euclue and bridge for Thursday evening Feb in the Oddfellows The Elmhurst branch meet the home of Mrs Clark on Wednesday Feb Union Street will be our guests All members please provide HOMESCHOOL RADIOS PHONE and NEWMARKET IP r Social News Mr and Mm- on Monday Jan for a vacation in Florida Mr will motor with friends to leaving on February for a short vacation and will return by air The mill School Association was for its fine work the of public school hoard of trustees Herbert Alii ins Mr Allans Hull very to have such Jin Jictivu Home and group Two radios and a much were presented lo tins schools by its J meeting Mr in accepting the gifls for public schools said Dud new gifts are a furihor of the support have front you The radios will be maul in Alexander Muir and King and Hie Is for lite nurses room at the Prince Charles iluai A will ho later In the year far the Stuart fichmd Mrs Fred f and vinualaids Mr Alkiitu who turn passed Ihe along Id the supervising princi pal If A Jackson Mr Jackson then banded It to Samuel Jut far- 1 son and Neil for in their Jackson echoed Mr At kins words of praise for the Home and School association He said that there were a great many things in the schools which bad been provided by the asso ciation They made it better for the pupils as well as for the teachers GRAPEFRUIT JUICE L 2 2 CUE FIOUR DOMESTIC SHORTENING TINS I Ma SWEET CLUB HOUSE HOWIE TJtPIOM CAftTOM JERSEY COCOA AllSWEET MMGM1ME SMITHS CTOM MARMALADE REGULAR L0BLAWS GROUND ARABIA POUND 96 Mat POUND 99a POUND size TENDER GREEN BROCCOLI Grapes CRISP Brussels SPROUTS do bunch 2 POUNDS 29 NORTHOUtf SPYS Mcintosh RED RIM GRAM 19 QT 45 SALAD DRESSING WHIP TEA ORANGE AMD OX JAR ROLL REAL 2 R02 PUGS PKC OX TIN 33 Q 22 PKO 28 32 MONARCH CREESE WARES PIE CEREAL INFANT or JUNIOR FOODS CURRANT JAM ASffil MOTHER Pie Crust CHOICE PEACHES GLEN WOOD ARTIFICIAL VANILLA RED KIDNEY 2 ASPARAGUS TIPS fancy UPTONS DESSERT MIX 2 29o SLICED CHEESE CHOICE COM M mi SILVER TOMATO JUICE mm GENUINE SWISS Cheese 25 LOBLAWS WHEAT CRACKID WHEAT 15 laox OX TIM or HNS A BUDGET STRETCHER STEW AND DUMPLINGS 25c WAXED PAPER SOCIETY DOG FOOD a TIM OX TIN ON IN ALL STORES EXCLUSIVELY MAGAZINE EACH A 10SUW QUEEN ANNE CHOCOLATES MA BOX FRUIT COOKIES POUND j if SOAP MAPLE LEAF TOILET t 7T 36 2 ME If flIFUHO OH ROTILt TISSUE FOR SINKS AND DRAINS S SCOURING PADS DADO CLEANER FOAMING CLEANSER 2 VEL M r wr AM 13 NOON AM CM CHOKI IRISH PORK Cliff LOIN ROAST EB BOAST urn BUTT ROAST CHOICE BOILING FOWL DRESSED mot IN YOU HrlTiftJr CHOICE VEAL SHOULDER MAPLE LEAF Smokes She MILK LB- iBUK Ji 65 I- it lb 5S choici sue 4H i J CO LIMIT KO

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