COUNCIL REPORT Strong Protest From Murray Fails Hah 35000 Grant New Assessor Replaces A regular meeting of the council was held on Monday night March with Mayor Rose in the chair and all members present The chief business of the session was the further apSearante of the chairman of the public school board with the request for an additional of Mr Good town assessor- Correspondence received In would vote against the eluded a letter from the arena commission in which it was pointed out that grading and other improvements connected with the front of the rink as recommended by Councillor would be carried out The public school board noti fied council that the two class rooms used at the old town hall would be discontinued The president of the board of trade informed council that his board was not responsible for any unsatisfactory conditions at the parking lot at the United church and the responsibilities conditions there rested with council Mrs Cole complained of the disgraceful conditions the sidewajks on Centre St The letter pointed out that year by year promises of improvement were made hut nothing ever happened Property owners on St were informed that a municipal board hearing would he held at the town hall on Thursday Mar at in connection with the repeal of the bylav number and that notices of this meeting be issued to them Assessment Mayor Rose announced that the recent assessment revisions made at a hearing before the judge were now available for the information of all interested persons The complete schedule of these revisions will be pub- quest for a further grant Other Opinions Councillor Ralph Tucker ask ed a number of questions and commented that he failed to conceive the reasons for such heavy spending In his opinion I fluorescent lighting would be much cheaper than the method proposed by the school board and would serve as good a pur pose In looking over the schedule of expenses he was tempted to wonder where the carpets were Councillor Tucker pointed ly remarked Reeve Cook commented that the school board had given a lot of time and thought to the whole matter and knew their J business We are here to look after the ratepayers said Councillor Davis Members of the school board are the taxpayers retorted Mayor Rose Only a small percentage of them rejoined Councillor Tucker Councillor King said the school board wanted to do all they could for the school and are here to do our best for the town DeputyReeve Murray said he was of the opinion that ex penses- could be cut down but there was nothing they could do about it It do no good to oppose he said Councillor King said the board knew what it was doing Mayor Rose supported die re quest again emphasizing the good work of the school board The discussion came to an end on a motion by Reeve Cook sec by Councillor that a bylav be prepared a grant of as by the public school board This was carried with Councillor Murray opposing other business trans acted was the passing of a by law for the authorizing of an loan for roads and streets maintenance Murray of the streets committee said that many sections in town in viery bad shape and he hoped this year to see good job done on the sidewalks He wanted to see a bylaw in next weeks issue of Aurora News Page New Assessor Reeve Cook presented a re port from the finance committee concerned the appointment of a town assessor tor The report indicated that three cations had been those of Mr son and Mr Council approved the of Mr Wilkinson at a of weekly assessments to be completed in seven 35O0 Or Henderson on behalf of the public school board renew ed his request for an additional 35000 for the completion of the work on the old high school Or Henderson prefaced his ob servations to council by staling that besides- the schedule of figures that had been handed to w w members of council the press that would lake care of also had copies of the schedule He was however requesting that the figures be publication at the present time for two reasons Those reasons were that they would have to be by the department of education and that their publication wouldnt be fair to the tor The schedule of figures cover ed a great amount of detailed work including steel stairs plumbing heating venlSlatioii electric wiring and fixtures linoleum floors warble concrete tile carpentry and hardware nairiUhfe glass and gazing enamel dados tions and new work plastering lathing and furring etc The chairman Went over the items while some asked and then withdrew Council Discussion When the new business stage of council business was reached various opinions were expressed on the rarjs quest for an additional Mayor Rose paid tribute to work carried out the public school and gave his sup port to the chairmans request for the additional money Councillor Jim Murray in a vigorous address said there were many complaints of ox- and said that he could not vote in favor of the addi tional grant Stressing the fact that he was in no way opposed to education he said there were many other town problems called for money and he did not to see a heavy increase in the mill rate Mr Murray pointed out that perhaps in three or four years a new school would Jaj- built and the now for would go a long way to huilU new school There was the asserted Mr Murray that province would take over schools Why should wo no asked put in another and then see the province take ever the schools Councillor Murray said would hate to appeal the mu nicipal board to oppose this fur expense but ho was not in favor of it They should cut down their expenses and request the public school board to re view their Ho would re mind council of what the later of education had said re cently that the day of lavish pending on schools was over all services for new subdivisions under local improvement provi sions Mayor Rose asked what the town lose if St twere turned over to the high ways department as had fre quently been asked in the past the present time I would say nothing replied the depu ty m m The question of setting up a parks commission was again re ferred to and it was decided to call a meeting of all interested parties at the town hail on St pm Councillor Murray was ap pointed councils representative oh the parks commission if and I given thai the J provincial police would vacate tenancy Of the town hall quarters on March Council g djourned at 1 Aft detailed review of the foregoing proceedings of coun cil will appear in our Council Sidelights in next weeks issue News Mr and Mrs A and Mrs George Chandler of To ronto Mr Percy Richmond of Keswick- arid Miss Diane df Keswick were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs visited Oriel at North To- Feb and exemplified the degree were present I arc being offered to Mr and Mrs Griffiths on the their son Barry Haynan which took place on iaa to Her position with Aurora Mr and Mrs Harold Mrs Donne of To ronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Colo party Mr and Mrs James Lindsay of formerly of Aurora spent weekend with Mr and Mrs Clarence Davis son of Dr and Mrs A C is taking a position with the Canadian Bank of Commerce at the Yu kon at an early date Aurora News Page J SINCLAIR Editor AGE THURSDAY THE SIXTH DAY OF MARCH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY- TWO EDITORIALS TRIBUTE TO MR HARRIS The results of the Kiwanis Music Festival as fat- as Aurora is concerned justify feelings of great pride Those who studied closely the detailed achievements as reported week in these columns would note how brilliant they were The further figures of awards to pupils published this week provide inspiring reading It is time that some tribute be paid to the man whose unusual talents have brought such fame to the town of Aurora We hear a great deal on the matter of publicising Aurdra and much of it is just hot air that evaporates as soon as a cool breeze touches it In the instance of which we write the publicity given to Aurora is based on solid achievements If ever a man was wedded to an ideal that man is Mr Harris His objective over many years has been to create fine juvenile choirs and for the past five years he has been adding to Auroras musical fame by reason of the increasing success of his many pupils in open competitions One of his choirs at the recent Kiwanis Festival was marks ahead of all competitors thereby achieving a record result Another of Mr Harriss choirs won the Kiwanis Shield for the fifth successive year These achievements are only parts of a long story of success that had its beginning many years ago when at years of age Mr Harris had the signal honor of being appointed deputy conductor of the Bournemouth Welsh Male Voice choir and conducted two concerts at that age At the Christmas broadcast of the one of Mr Harriss choirs was chosen to Canada Such honors come to the very few Mr Harris takes constant pleasure in praising the hard work and cooperation of his pupils an dhis choirs all of them we are sure will take equal pleasure from a just recognition of their brilliant leader and conductor MONEY Money is a very funny thing Some men will risk their lives to get it others will sell their souls We have seen these things happen It is a fact that the possession of money alone will give no to anyones name We could mention the names of many men who had little or no money whose achievements are in the history books We could also very fortunately men tion a few rich men whose names are remembered be- cause of the beneficent purpose to which they put their money Money is of course a means of exchange The more money one has the greater is ones power of ex change And the possession of money gives power for good or evil Certain it is that at the end of the game no one can take their money with them They must leave it behind It is one tiling that no one can put on their scoreboard at the Final Checkup The Final Checkup we imagine will include some of these things How did this man act towards his fellows Was he a man of straight dealing Was he a twister or a straight shooter Was there any charity in his heart For the greatest of tiiese is Charity Did he play the game with those around him If he had a wife and family did he play the game with them his actions to his professions Was he humble in heart while proud of his manhood Never would we minimise the value of money The greatest of evils said Dr Samuel Johnson is poverty Genius itself has often perished or thwarted because of the lack of money it is true that nothing can be accomplished without money It is not money that is the evil The evil is in the hearts of men who having much money fail in the obligations which its possession confers The name of a good man lasteth long and hath the fragrance of roses THE DUNCES CAP Announcement of the name of a new business the other day greatly puzzled us It was called Sudse- Enquiry revealed to us that this new industry is concerned with the washing of soiled underclothing accessories Although we are not wholly uninform ed on the public washing of dirty linen we are not too well acquainted with its private processes What we are belter acquainted with is the growing importation into Canada of American a the consequent decline of good In the little rural English school where we were taught to read aloud there were no such corruptions as thru for through or nile Tor night Our village school course of study was limited but it was respectful of language that is the host in the world corrupting of the English language by the abbreviating of words and phrases that have had com mon use for centuries is deplorable It is little wonder that graduates from High schools universities cannot speak English correctly or spell correctly the simplest words They are menaced by a mongrel gib berish and the evils of a era We can very clearly Recall a period boy who could not read write or spoil correctly was rated To ho awarded was experience To avoid becoming Its re cipient small boys worked hard at their lessons in school ami equally hard at their evening homework Some of these boys from rural British schools did however attain high positions III life One became governorgeneral of Canada and yet another was prime minister of Britain They did not attain those exalted positions through their competence at sport but because they excelled in the things that really mattor Learning then was a must spoils a second or a third WHAT THEY ARE SAY Former Mayors Youth Group Further Kiwanis Successes Mobile Service For Aurora m m In a discussion on town activities that took place recently at the home of Sir and Mrs W A Cody most valuable work was mentioned which deserves to go on the record It is often only by accident that such work becomes known outside its immediate participants and it was so in this particular instance HOLD STAFF EUCHRE AT ONT HOSPITAL On Thursday Feb 21 the Civil Service Association held its second monthly staff euchre at the Ontario Hospital Aurora with 30 members present Prizes were awarded as fol lows ladies Emerson Allen Mrs Hammond Mrs mens Chuck Southwood Bill The draw was made for the grocery basket and Dr Red- dicks ticket was drawn A light lunch was served and brought a pleasant evening to a close Dr is a very active member of Trinity Ang lican church and one of his espe cial interests is youth He has a Bible class every Sunday morn ing and has gathered around him a fine group of teenage young men The group has an enrol ment numbering and a week ago at this writing there was an attendance of From the rector the Rev we learned that there was a Shrove Tuesday party with games and dances at which young people were present The program and all arrangements were most ably carried out by a committee of the boys themselves refreshments were served and a very happy time was spent by all Dr and Mrs ing received the guests and Mr and Mrs MacGirr and Mr and Mrs John Offord acted as patrons and patronesses The rector took occasion to express his appreciation of the fine work being carried out under the leadership of Dr and also the excellent cooperation of work of the boys themselves With his wide and varied ex perience in army scholastic medical civic ami social activi ties his deep interest in af fairs Dr has a unique fund of knowledge with which to assist youth and with this he has an easy versatility and a persuasive manner it is pleas ing lo put on the record the fine tributes we heard paid to the work he is doing for the Angli can youth movement Successes The second week of the Ki Music Festival competi tions brought further outstand ing successes for private pupils or Mr Harris and among those who gained honors were the following Case gained a first for girls under years of age and in the and age groups Jean Barnes gained a first and a sec ond Kenneth Davies of Sutton gained a third in open competi tions for tenors Keniulh Steph ens of Newmarket won a third in open bass Ted McClenny third in bass for ages under Case was again success ful in winning a third for girls tinder and Beverley Styles of Sutton won a third for girls under In other competitions Frank lee of Aurora a former pupil of Mr Harris obtained a first in bass for the under and a second in the open bass class Oilier Results Additional to the foregoing were the following results For girls under 111 Yvonne marks Mary Slocks Janet HO Janice Carter Kllcn HO under Margaret rnger Janet Iangdon Girls under 18 Margaret Bar- ranger Girls under girls under 13 Elmer Yvonne Girls under Lorraine hoys under Patrick Green girls under Donna All the above entrants to the competitions are pupils of Mr Harris Tributes Expressed The Aurora Rotary club Is a very active town organization with a rapidlyincreasing mem bership As previously reported the Bradford club which was sponsored by the Aurora inns had a very successful char ter night and the following tri butes from the district governor Mr Kenneth Partridge de- servo to be put on the record To the president of the Au rora club Mr Burt Gilbert the district governor wrote as fol lows should like to express my thanks to you personally and to every of your club for the fine showing you made in connection with the progress in Bradford and more particularly to yourself for the manner in which you presided and carried the meeting through at times under great difficulties I have written separate note to your secretary I appre ciate his also and hope as the years go by you will have reason to proud of the Bradford club Yours in Rotary Kenneth Partridge Such tributes are pleasing to record since nothing Is so potent on human spirit as appreci ation Which In no sense cancels the virtues of just criticism where such Is due But when its opposite is due let us have it in full measure Rotary stands for service and ultimately for world brotherhood Kingly Wisdom Such world brotherhood was in the mind of his late Majesty King George when he put the following noble words into a broadcast If our world is to survive in any sense that makes survival worthwhile it must learn to love not to hate to create not to destroy To Mrs Winnett we arc oblig ed for sending us the quotation by special messenger none other than Dr Madge Armories Ceremonies Councillor Jim Murray was among those present at Univers ity armories on Friday night February when Pipe Major J was given a great farewell after years duty to the famous The Pipe major was tho grand old man Sentimental reasons had their strong pull in connection with Mr Murrays presence at the proceedings for in the year he was married in the chapel in Stanley barracks and the pipers took part in the wedding ceremonies Murray as he then was received the distinction of being the first senior noncommission ed officer to be granted the pri vilege of being married in Stan ley barracks chapel and was later entertained with his bride in the sergeants Another reason why he a soft spot for the is because he had the duly of training many of its recruits affiliated to that regiment by reason of his being an instructor He was later promoted to the rank of acting major The occasion of Pipe Major Frasers farewell a s made memorable among other rea sons for the fact that the mass ed bands numbered about instrumentalists a e too was the affectionate demon stration on the part of all pres ent for the retiring grand old man Aurora Mobile Service Last week We drew attention to the case of Mr White- law who is being farced to va cate his present location on Main street because of a proposed doubling of his rent plus other charges bunions which the business cannot carry Another similar casualty in adjoining premises on same luonerty is Mr Albert Morrison who has been a tenant fur a of years He has a flourishing business made pos sible by a loyal clientele but unequal to strain of a doubled rental plus other con tingent charges For those rea sons he is also pulling his pres ent location This does not mean however that Mr Morrison is going out of business On the contrary he will provide a service for his customers unique in Aurora though quite common in the United States Customers will have their supplies brought to their doors instead of having to go out and order them This service will bo provided in the form of a mobile unit There will more to say at a Inter date on this interesting and practical venture In the meantime we can say this Al- Morrison is young man of brains ami energy combined with a determination to succeed What to others might have prov ed a business deathblow will in the case of Mr Morrison pro vide an opportunity leading to increased success An announce ment of his new business services Col NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL Deceased ALL persons having claims against the estate of late of the Town ship of King In the County of York who died on the day of June ore hereby notified to send In the undersigned on or before the tiny of March full particulars of their claims Im mediately after the Inst men tinned date tin assets of the said estate will distributed among st the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the shall then had notice Da text at Aurora this day of February Marten Executor by his solicitor Lome Lee Aur ora Ontario THEATRE AURORA CLIFFORD GRIFFITHS MANAGER TEL TONIGHT Thursday Friday and Saturday March THE STAGE IS SET THEATRES MOST TWO FEATURE PRESENTATION NEW NOW yov con Edinburgh In firrt a of A FULLLENGTH FEATURE SHOWING TONIGHT ONLY THURSDAY MARCH Feature Friday and Saturday in the South Sea mm ttmmtn jPlease note showing times of ROYAL JOURNEY SATURDAY MARCH 825 1058 Matinee Saturday at 200 pm Monday and Tuesday March Wednesday Evening at March 12 Watch for the men who broke the bankand lost the cargo Britains most famous character can In a new role as an international i crook In another comedy noun GUINNESS H0LL0WAY PLUS SELECTED BRITISH SHORTS DOORS OPEN AT PRICE ONLY Me