Marian Martin Patterns Tells Business Women Of Conditions In East R9099 ITS CUT IN HALFSIZES to The best way to get an idea abroad is to wrap it up in a per son said Mary Bowman Aurora in an address at the In ternational Night meeting of the Newmarket Business and Prof essional Womens club Miss Bowman spoke on conditions In Iran and Egypt Mrs Jack SKinner introduced the guest speaker Miss Bow man represented the United Nations Association in Canada at the World Federation of J United Nations Associations in j Geneva in 1950 That year she travelled in Holland Belgium France and Switzerland In Miss Bowman spent four months in the British Isles Miss Bowman was for two and a halt years secretary and acting director of the Toronto branch Association in Canada She is at present membership chair man for this organization and a member of its speakers panel Miss Bowman said in beginn ing her talk that it was CAN BE CUT FROM LB eeived money from everyone who wanted to see the occupant of this office I wont get that ex tra money now In Iran there is a tradition of absolutism present with an eq ually tenacious desire for per sonal freedom This is a further evidence of the paradoxes of this land Even the small wealthy class of the country remain sub servient to the Shah In the fight for personal freedom a parliament was set up in Secret ballot was employed in the voting but the power of this government had progressively decayed Miss Bowman told a story of one election when a group of students were brought to vote When handed a marked ballot to deposit in the ballot box one student asked if he could see for whom his ballot was marked Oh no This is a secret ballot he was told Miss Bowman said that she personally did not believe that The Common Round By Isabel Inglis THE STRING QUARTET The compulsions which urge people to go to hear see or study certain manifestations of artistry are bounded only the number of people who do so go The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Mar IS sible for us of the western world j Communism was at the root of to understand present actions In the Iranian trouble It was this HEBE IT IS Your FeedBag fit perfectly This design is Fashion One or beautifully slenderizing with that ion- panel to mike you feedBagor yards of look taller slimmer Make it inch fabric for this apron in the as shown all in one fabric or small size Its a sweetheart with contrast at panel and scalloped edges heart pocket Youll like this charm- pockets and gay bias trim Make few give them for birthdays dress cither way Pattern Halfsizes a IS 22 and other anniversaries Size takes yards fj2 Misses sizes small easytouse pattern gives perfect fit Complete easytouse pattern gives Sew Chart shows you every perfect fit Complete illustrated step Sew Chart shows you eve st Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS in coins stamps cannot be In coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS NUMBER STYLE NUMBER Send your order to MARIAN Send your MARIAN MARTIN care of the Newmarket MARTIN care of The Era and Express Pattern Era and Express Pattern Newmarket USE AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS IN TURNING YOU NO Iff INTO CASH Going Shopping BE SURE TO DROP IN ON HARRYS DRY GOODS The Friendly Store at the bottom of the hill Harry has bargains galore in clothing for the whole family household furnishings work clothes almost everything you need LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS Blouses broken sizes HALF PRICE to clear HARD TO GET Flannel Blankets J Also in size 90 Gabardine shirts in broken sizes HALF PRICE Drapery materia 48inch width REGULAR PRICE HARRYS PRICE i Womens winter coats station wagon coats HALF PRICE TO CLEAR Big work clothes Walkers overalls at special prices SPECIAL CLEARANCE AT HALF PRICE Winter clothing for tint entire family too many items to list hero Iran and Egypt we were un aware of the religious political economic and cultural back grounds of these countries Iran the Persia of ancient days is the size of Great Britain France Spain and Italy put together In Iran at present the infant mortality is percent and life expectancy only years This is a country of paradoxes of fabulous wealth and grim poverty It is one of the richest nations potentially untapped and one of the poorest in the liv ing conditions of its people A long history of intervention has resulted in the present spirit of nationalism But per cent of its population is illiterate The prophet Mohammed pro claimed the religion of Islam in Persia Gradually it spread throughout the near and middle east and the effect of this spread was to unify divergent races Mohammed gave his followers the right to lie if the results justified the action According ly to this philosophy a He is al lowable in three situations One is allowed to lie to women to rec oncile friends and in war This facility for mendacity is known in the Orient We must learn it in the middle east and with Rus sia What we think is right and wrong are only so by the stand ards set by our Christian way of life From the Moslems point of view he Is doing the right thing even if it is not honorable if judged by our standards Bribery enters their polit ical life and thinking at many levels The speaker told of a man who had recently been ap pointed to a high position When visited in his office he appeared very glum Upon being asked the reason for state of mind the man replied You see that fel low sitting hy the door of my of fice I once had his job and WIIAT THEY ARE SAYING Continued from Page may be expected at an early date In A New Role From time to time circum stances have justified congratu latory references to Mr Clifford Griffiths manager of the Royal Theatre Aurora News Page takes the greatest pleasure in of fering him further congratula tions in a new role that of lie- coming a father Mrs Griffiths presented him with a son on the evening of February Mr and Mrs Griffiths son is to lie named Barry He was born at Newmarket hospital where four other Leap Year children also accompanied him at the beginning of what we hope will prove a long and happy journey for all of them Was Barry Auroras only Leap Year Pays child Or are there other claimants in Au rora to such honorable mention We wonder Spirit of nationalism When they took over the oil we as a West ern Christian country felt that they had done wrong After all England had invested greatly in the country for those rights The Iranians reasoned otherwise It was not so much that they want ed England out as that they did nt want any other country in tervening in their political or ec onomic Many of these same things are applicable in Egypt the speaker said The importance of main taining control of the Suez Can al was outlined by Miss Bowman The main reason that Egypt wants the Sudan is to have con trol of the Nile River for it has been said that whoever controls the Nile River rules Egypt The status of the Sudan continues to be a problem With treaties not being ratified the question arises as to whether Great Britain should withdraw its troops from this area The Egyptians claim that the people of the Sudan are the same as themselves and so should be part of their country But they have different cultural and pol itical backgrounds In southern Sudan there are mostly Negroid tribes They are a very primi tive In the northern sec tion of Sudan the peoples are large Ha me tic or Arabic and speak the same language as the Egyptians But Great Britain is not at all anxious to lose control of these Important areas Sudan and the Suez Canal Miss Bowman said that there was a great need for tolerance and understanding among the nations That we must make an effort to look at questions from the other countrys point of view bearing in mind these differences in heir religious cultural ec onomic and political thinking Mrs William thanked the speaker for her very inform ative talk Following a discus sion period- the Newmarket and club decided to lake a group membership in the UN Association in Canada Individ are being sub scribed to many of the clubs Those wishing further particulars are requested to con tact the treasurer Mrs Horace Jacques We first because we love music drama and paintings sec ond to pick up crumbs of know ledge and thirdly being of sav ing dispositions we store up the things which delight us most to be brought out and enjoyed from time to time How often have you spent a flawless evening one which be gan with anticipation then con tinued crescendo accellerando to a wonderful climax Well on Tuesday evening we spent such an one the climax not one of volume and brilliancy but of exquisite tenderness when responding to cries for more which made of the audi ence a veritable company of Oli ver Twists the Solway Quartet played Loch Lomond as I have never heard it played be fore Those of us who had any Scotch blood felt it as some thing which would live in our hearts for aye while to anyone like Archie born in the High lands among the lochs its ap peal was beyond what words can say One woman said to me I was so glad that they didnt play again I wanted nothing to in terfere with my memory of Loch Lomond This quartet of Canadian gave a program which had something to suit every taste But I think to the four of us who sat together Gladys Rid ley Hilda Tumelty Archie and I who have all studied violin though Hilda is the only one who has excelled it was the won derful integration the feeling for each other if I may put it so that made of the combined Voices one entity Another thing that struck me was the effortlessness of these artists and yet one knows that that ef fect can only be obtained through gruelling practice but when attained it is a joy to watch Each of the four program groups was introduced by Mar cus the cellist and his wit and wisdom made a fit ting background for what was to follow Just as in a picture a fitting background makes the principal figures stand out effec tively or in a novel the authors sketch of environment gives life to the characters so these words by Mr Adeney put the audience en rapport with what followed The first group by Mozart and showed the viruosity of these men who are doing so much for j Canadian art Die second group Dvoraks American Quartette in show ed them equally at home in music which called on a differ ent style and tempo and their versatility and humor came out strongly in groups three and Mr and Mrs Herbert of City SEEDY Come in and shop around Youll find the kind of bargains you are looking for- Dont forget our Easter LayAway Plan Some of our spring stock is in now Choose now and have it reserved for you by a small deposit HARRYS Dry Goods Friendly Store the of Hill ONE MAIN SI How often do you feel to and headachy that you just long for day to be over You know day feel tenthrate from the time yoa wake up in the morning Every hour teems like two Quite you are If ordinary constipation and kidneys are preventing elimination your is slowly Mug poisoned That usually makes you fee ail Salts are the answer Be cause they offer the several famous Mineral Springs Halt are a valuable aid they act two ways laxative and diuretic Kmschen is a gentle yet effective laxative and alto tales kidney action a package today Youll l hundred times over In relief from the tniMry of a sluggish system KRUSCHEN SALTS A VAN A quiet wedding was solem nized in King United church on Thursday afternoon Feb by Rev when Anna became the bride of a US soldier Charles Van Do The brides par ents are Mr and Mrs Daniel of Germany and the grooms par ents are Van Supporting the groom was Dr Campbell McKay and the brides attendant was Mrs M Miss Gerry McDonald presided at the organ playing the processional and recessional wed ding march and music during the signing of the register The bride was prettily attired in a beige suit and harmonizing accessories After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was held at the manse when Mr and Mrs were hosts Present were Dr McKay and little son David Cap tain Angus McKay and his wife Mrs A Mrs Gordon Mrs Carson and Miss Gerry McDonald Afterward Mr and Mrs motored the newlyweds to Toronto The bride came to Canada last September Her husband sol dier with the American Army in Germany a r i d in Toronto very recently He has served in the American Forces for about four years After the honey moon he will go to the United States to receive his discharge and will visit his parents In Iowa to return to Canada later Dur ing her husbands absence Mrs Van will reside at the home of Dr and Mrs Campbell McKay King City where had resided for some time prior to her marriage In Germany the bride was a qualified dental nurse Congratulations are extended to the couple who as strangers appreciated the peat kindness extended to them on their wed ding day four in The Pixy Ring by Waldo Warner we heard as plainly as if we too had been in the woodlands just what pixies do It was a delightful piece of musical humor In the last group by Kern Agos- tini Anderson and one heard what can be done by artists with popular Maurice is master of his art his playing reaches down to touch the heartstrings and just what a wonderful work a second violin can do when played with artistry and under standing Jack illustrated The mellowness of the viola played by Ivan Romanoff sur rounded the violins with its per vading sound and under all the richness of the cello tone as played by Marcus gave depth and meaning to the whole I doubt even when the plays to much larger audiences that they will ever play to irj more appreciative for the audience seemed to be welded into one great listening ear de- that no shade of ex no fine delineation should escape them We can only say come again the artists at the home of president Mrs we found them ope finds all great Artists charm ing people without and fl Over coffee and sandwiched wo discussed music and when told Mr that we played AT violinists ho hailed us as follow workers and offered to try out the violin Archie is building ft is And Mr showed Archie and his which gave A new ideas When got horned I was too excited to sleep and heard music still when I snatched a brief nap between and am when I rise but dont shine Newmarket Club Only sickness has oyer pre vented us from attending any of the plays put on by the club so on Friday evening we hied us off to see The Browning Ver sion presented by Pickering College and Harlequinade by the Newmarket Dramatic Club Contrary to the opinion of most people Archie and I did NOT like the play The Brown ing Version nor were we very enthusiastic over Harlequin ade but did not us from thinking that some of the acting was among the very best we had ever seen in Newmarket In The Browning Version the acting of as Andrew Crocker- Harris was out standing It was almost too real One loved the man one saw un der the selfeffacing hagridden husband it took real talent to make the character live before us And if we loved him we hated Jackson for she too by consummate artistry brought a rather horrible character to un pleasant life It was fine acting Don Stewart as Dr was excellent He portrayed the of a small nature under an appearance of friendship in a way that made you want to hit the character while you admired the actor Dick Henderson as Frank Hunter Tony Drew as John Peter Gilbert and Mrs Gilbert played by Peter Green and Joan Mitchell played their parts adequately but of course the whole drama centred around the parts played by and Jackson Harlequinade was again a play where two characters dom inated the scene and Arthur and Edna Selby as played by Don Stewart and Vera Brown well deserved to dom inate There was a finished about their performance that was delightful and inspiring Their charming irresponsibility about mundane affairs and abso lute absorption in theatre were marvellously brought out In the balcony scene we miss ed a few of Juliets words not Juliets fault but the balconys for otherwise heard every word she said I havent space to say all I would like to but certainly I congratulate Don Stewart and Vera Brown on a grand job Grace Sinclair as the verbose Dame was excel lent and no doubt we will hear her in in a larger part Alice Rourke as Joyce was as she always is satisfying Her voice is delightful and carries effortlessly and this is a great asset Gene McCaffrey as George Chudleigh did one of the best bits of acting in his career in the Dramatic Club as did John as the first Hal berdier for he gave a real touch of pathos to a supposedly stupid soldier Wallace took the part of Jack Wakefield adequately but having seen his work in a previ ous play I think he can put still more into it Ken Iteming as Johnny John Kudelka as the second Halberdier Fern as the secretary Miss Fishlock Audrey as as Muriel Pal mer Nick as Tom Palmer and Glen Henderson as Mr Bur ton had not much scope for their talents but they are preparing themselves for the future plays which we all wish to see A dra matic club is an asset to any community and if we want to keep it we must support itits to A SLEEP T0NITE MfewoVtofaidvWp A V- ECONOMIZE The paint for beautiful WALLS CEILINGS BUYS WHYS PRIZE MONEY Heres your Chance to win First Prize or any other of the Awards to a total of Second prise is third is and there are prim of each All of these will be DOUBLED if the Winning Contestant has attached only one boxtop label or facsimile from any one of the following products Vclveeta boxtop Crown Brand Com Syrup Libel topped tin j boxtop BONUS At time Special feonwt ill fce to fin trim who has ikUm4 on lap label or six the oho Tit will If beyond Is of n Other cot- tor Bonus or top from cone from Junket Rennet Powder or Junket Rennet Tablets Bye or Color Remover boxtop Leaf Tea lxtop from a container of tea or ten bugs boxtop or Libel lemon juice label ViTone can top Miracle Whip Salad Dressing label boxtop or label Silver Gloss Starch boxtop Robin Hood Mix boxtop White 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These key letters must then be circled this way you can send in as many entries as you Contest ctotet March Bo sure to include your name and Only first class mail with sufficient postage accepted Remember the First if correct solution contains a boxton label facsimile from any of the above products THERE ARE OTHER PRIZES A GRAND TOTAL OP Major prize winners names will in this column within a few weeks A complete list of winners will bo furnished on request entries and to HOURS Station Montreal Increase your chances of winning by rushing as many entries as possible Hoot Mont But its a bonny sight to me to see tho way my budget balancing these days One of my thriftiest tricks is to servo desserts often Try it and see family ap plaud this econ omy JELLY POWDER des serts arc so wonderfully tempting and With exciting flavors to choose from each member of the family will have a favorite And that fresh flavor is locked right in each liny particle you re lease it by adding hot water Its hard 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