Newmarket Era and Express, 6 Mar 1952, p. 2

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2 Mar Mount Albert News The need is still great for good secondhand clothing bedding etc also shoes for children for the churchs overseas work If you have any of these please leave at Theaters store New goods also accepted A committee of the United church is planning a Friendship night for Tuesday March Mr and Mrs Geo Walsh spent Sunday with friends in Mrs Fred Cook and Cook of were Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs Roy Carr Mrs Jones of was a guest last week at the home of her daughter Mrs The A of the United church will serve a St Patricks supper in the church on Wednesday Mar commencing at 530 Mr Harold has moved into the village and is Jiving in an apartment in Mr Geo Walshs house Mrs M- Lyons Karen Marsha and Laurie of Starboro were weekend guests at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Doug Price of Toronto were weekend visitors of Mr and Mrs Price The horticultural options are out if you have not yet become a member of the society do so at once as time is short to get I your option and Mrs Beth and Toole spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Gra ham at Congratulations to Mr Albert on his birthday on Wednesday March and to Mrs Mary who on Sun day March passes the century mark Grant Dike has been taken back to the Sick Childrens hos pital for treatment Glad to know that Mrs Agnes Crowle is much in health after a rather serious ill ness Her daughter Mrs Moore has returned home The March meeting of Mount Albert will be held on Thursday March at the home of Mrs Steeper at pm Note change of place of meet MOUNT Mr and Mrs and family entertained about young people front and Pine Orchard home on Friday evening Feb The evening was spent playing and up with a tasty lunch of Ice cream cake and coffee Best wishes are extended to Mrs Stephenson for a j quick recovery from a badly in Farm Forum News The forums on Monday Mar discussed the important ques tion Do We Need More Members were asked to consider why they thought a large percentage of immigrant labor has quit farming in recent benefits They also thought im migrants wanted to be in urban centres where they would meet more people from their own countries The employers of migrants should help them but they have little incentive to do years and whether the reasons so because they leave as soon as Draper Mrs Lyons assisted the Hostesses Mrs V Welter United church choir on Sunday morning with a lovely solo Mrs B Rolling Mrs John Walker Rollcall Something I would like explained in Insti tute work Program Mrs Rolling I Mrs Stokes Discussion Mr and Mrs Bruce Ramsey of Toronto were also guests at Mr and Mrs Drapers home over Sunday Mr and Mrs spent groups on How to improve our Sunday in Toronto at the home Institute and Constructive of their daughter Mrs Williams j criticism of the years program and Capt Williams officers Current events and election of findlf tfurW by fitful tod frAtf0t At To help bdoen ft of in your ttdiii ieep aval Ay for or fa MILL FEEDS ELDER MILLS LIMITED 10S0 KING ST LAKESIDE TORONTO ANSNORVELD Mr and Mrs A Klemm of Toronto visited at the home of Mr and Mrs on Tuesday Mr and Mrs John accompanied by Mr and Mrs A VanDyke of Tottenham have left to visit relatives in Patter son New Jersey and other parts in the USA Mr and Mrs A and and Mr and Mrs have returned home from two weeks holidays in Florida Mr and Mrs and other relatives of Grand Rapids and visited Mr and Mrs P here for the weekend We are happy to see Mrs Frank around again and with her continued good health throat Mr and Mrs Garnet Evans and Donald spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jim Bennett at Mr and Mrs Milne San dra and Doris Toronto were Sunday visitors of the Baycrofts We are al pleased to know that Mr- Milne is able to be out alter a very- serious of about four months duration His His friends all he continues Mr and Mrs Jack Gamble and family were Sunday supper guests of Mr and Mrs Nelson at Victoria Square Mr and Mrs Mitchell and family of Ridges had Sunday dinner with Mr and Mrs Wallace Scott and Muriel Mr and Mrs lies Smith and family visited Mrs last Saturday evening Norma returned home with them ending a weeks holiday with her grandmother The Mount will meet on Wednesday March at the home of Mrs A Smith Roll call will be Name some thing we can do to help our church Devotional Mrs Roy and the program in charge of Mrs Moddle Hostess will be Mrs Harry Smith Mr C A Montgomery under went an operation last Friday Feb 29 and is in the Dunlop wing of the Toronto General His friends wish for him a speedy recovery Sir Ian is on jury for a few days Mrs- Smith and children are visiting Mrs Smiths mo ther Mrs at Unionville for a few days Saturday supper guests of Mr and Mrs George and family Mr and Mrs Wal ter Smith and family of Victoria Square Mr and Mrs Tony Toronto were Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs Ian Held and fam ily Mr and Mrs C had dinner with Mr and Mrs I are the same as those which lead nativeborn farm young people to leave the farm They summed up the of farm em ployers tq and the main considerations in Canadas overfall immigration policy East farm forum met at the home Mr and Mrs Lewis The next meeting wilt be at the home of Mir and Mrs William Bales- The group thought immigrants leave the farm for reasons familiar torus all low income or lack of ap titude long etc Em ployer and immigrant Should help each other 16 the end that the New Canadian fit in to the new way of life Sugges tions for immigration policy honesty in telling the iigrant what to expect limita tion of numbers and freer specifications Ifoft farm forum met the of Mrs Dan Thompson and the next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Bruce Lapp AH young people face the same problems they thought in con tinuing in farming and getting enough credit to start farming for themselves Therefore they often leave for industry and its KESWICK Mrs A Agar spent a few days last week visiting her sister in Mr and Mrs Byron King and son spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs James Wright Mrs Wright returned home with them to Thornclifi Village to spend the week Miss Terry returned home on Thursday last after a couple of weeks visit with friends in Toronto Mrs has ar rived safely in England where she has gone to visit her home for a few months On March the Riders stage show and old time dance is the big feature at Keswick arena Show time is at pm and the dance com mences at pm Proceeds are for the Crippled Childrens Fund Mr and Mrs John Grant of visited at Mr and Mrs I Waldons on Monday Mr Morton of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Winston Mr and Mrs Barton Ward visited friends in Newmarket on Tuesday they know the ropes Can adas immigration policy thought this group should be more rigid and more attentive to medical examinations and fumigation of personal posses sions to give protection against disease Kettleby North End club met at the home of Mr Ed Woods and the next meeting will be at the home of I Kettlehjv Some members of this group blamed immigrants for seeking the city after one year but added in fairness that a lot of farmers dont en courage their own boys to stay at home Employers should take time to teach immigrants and to reward their efforts and apply the golden rule The gov ernment they suggested should bring out more Englishspeaking people or give language lessons beforehand and there should be HOPE better screening of farm labor Mr and Mrs Ken Williams This group is to have a guest Mrs George- Williams Toronto from the poultry industry as Mrs Cecil Taylor Downsview I Wednesday with Mr and Mrs George and Mrs MAPLE HILL Sympathy is extended to Mr Harford in the death of his father Miss Joyce Knights returned homo from Toronto General hos pital on Saturday and is slowly improving Mr Pete Marks Toronto visi ted friends here over the week end There were more out to church and Sunday School last Sunday It was good to see some out who have been sick for some time Everyone is asked to invite oth ers out to Sunday School and try to break the record attendance of before May Mr and Mrs Earl Milne and family Toronto spent the week end with Mr and Mrs A Run- die I 7500 FOR YOUR RANGE will be when the topic Customers Abroad Please send in reports as soon as possible Farm Forum Editor ueensville News Mr and Mrs have at last left to visit friends in London Wednesday and Windsor for a few flays Mr and Mrs Monty Johnston Rev of Chatham visited Mr and Mrs Tom SJater conducted the service at the at last Sunday evening Christian Reform church on Sun- The Slaters went by air to don England The will hold its month- Mr and Mrs Jack Minns and meeting Friday evening at Marie Toronto were weekend oclock I visitors of Mr and Mrs Frank Minns Where To Buy AND How To Buy i Work Get long wear from Iron law tested materials and ruffed sewlnjr that into work clothes overall Our overall pants are cut full so they dont bind Theyre Sanforized and keep their IJ roomy comfortable fit as long as you wear them Reinforced with NoScratch copper riv- Meaty of pockets Alt of strain properly bar tacked to take the strain SHIRTS Sanforized and Covert cloth shirts are to body contour for com fort and topped a dress- type collar for good looks For outstanding value In air kinds of work clothes loo for guarantees you the best fitting work clothes your money can buy Cliff MEN BOYS WEAR STOKE Hie Community club hold a very successful euchre on Fri day evening Prize winners were Women Mrs Leslie Brown consolation Mrs Car man Sheridan mens Mr Char les Mr Draw prizes Mrs Hoy Mr Duke Den nis Mr Mrs Cook attended a sur prise party at the home of Mr and Mrs Will Robinson in New market on Feb About friends and relatives celebrated Mr and Mrs wedding anniversary We are pleased to report the improvement of Mr Wilfred Ma gee who came home from the hospital on Saturday St Sewing Circle will meet at the home of Mrs Waller Proctor on Wednesday March Mr and Mrs Waller Terry Mrs and Mrs Cook visited Mr and Mrs Henry Arnold and Mr Mrs Elgin Walker at on Sunday evening MOUNT Mr and Mrs John Hopkins of Newmarket had Sunday dinner with Mr and Mrs Alex Hop kins Mr and Mrs- Davidson visited at the home of Mr and Mrs on Thursday Bible study held at the home Davidson on Mon- 1 day evening was attended Mr Moulds in To ronto to attend Presbytery meeting with Rev Kitten Mr and Mrs- Bernard David son spent Tuesday in Toronto The Womens Guild held at j Mrs Stephens a week ago had all members present also a number of visitors PINE ORCHARD Mrs J Chapman spent Thursday at the home of Mr and Mrs Walter Johnston Cedar Valley Prize winners at the progres sive euchre at the school on Monday night Feb sponsor ed by Pine Orchard ball club were gentlemen Harry ladies Mrs John Temperance meeting at Union church Aurora on Friday night March at oclock Sorry to learn of Mr Earl Tooles accident and extend best wishes for a complete recovery Mr and Mrs James Hope have returned from a visit with Mrs Hopes brother Mr Percy Van and Mrs Van uven at Jynwood a suburb of Angel Calif They report a wonder ful holiday in I be sunshine of California and an interesting trip en route Union Church service on Sun day March at anil Sunday school at 130 pm A cordial welcome to all Mr and Mrs M visited at Barrie one day last week Mr and Mrs Clarence Wright visited Mh and Mrs Roy Belfry Toronto on Sunday Mr and Mrs Max Bait and boys visited Mr and Mrs Mbr- ley Bain and daughter of Zephyr on Sunday The presented their play InDoubt About Daisy at Zephyr on Thursday night Earl French has moved into Mr A Porters house Mrs Ik spent last week in Toronto and attended the funeral of the late Alice daughter of the late Alex ander author of our anthem J4 Maple Leaf Forever Mrs Fred spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Goo- ROMES -POINT- Miss Elsie of Toronto spent the weekend with her mo ther Mrs Very pleased to know Mrs is much better- Mrs has been home for a few days and enjoyed the nice mild weather very much On March the is hav ing a tea and apron shower Bring your friend and enjoy a pleasant afternoon us Everyone welcome Allen Bonn wife and baby are here from They have been away for oyer two years and are glad to be home for a visit They are going to Montreal at the end of the week Nearly everyone has a cold It is such changeable weather Mrs J Hamilton who has been in Toronto for a few days is home again Mr and Mrs Arthur of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs J and Mrs Arthur The Jersey Aw joined Roches Point on the World Day of Prayer and a very meet ing was held Wfs A J- Ar thur gave the address Pictures in the memorial hail on Tuesday night by the Rev A Arthur This week Thy Will Be Doric M Mr and Mrs Harold Dixon and family of Hamilton were re cent guests of Mr and Mrs Howard The regular monthly meeting of the of the United church will be held at the hall on Thursday March at am Please bring something for a luck dinner Come early as there are two quilts to be quilted Bring your thimble and needle AH the ladies are come Mrs Keith Gary and Sharon and Mrs V Foley all of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Chris Jones Mr and Mrs and Donald Mr and Mrs Fred Mc- and Teddy visited in Brace- bridge on Sunday Mr and Mr Jack Vernon and Dawn of Milton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Carl Vernon and I MIAMI BEACH Too late for last week According to all sighs spring is just around the corner as crows robins and are out now The people of this community all wish Mr Oliver King a speedy recovery from his alien He is in Toronto General Private Patients Mrs Florence Benton has re turned home after spending a month at the Miller home while Mr and Mrs Se went to Florida Many cottagers were up at their cottages over the weekend Mr and Mrs Rose have moved to Newmarkets Mr and Mrs Joe Draper pre moving into the house which formerly occupied by Mr Hose Mr and Mis Herbert Sulli van of Toronto spent Inst week end at Miami Beach The people of lhi community were sorry to hear that Miss Irene principal of Jer sey school received news of her mothers serious illness Miss had to fly home to Prince island Oh Tuesday fell some CO relatives and friends gathered at the home aild Mrs Arn old who wdre celebrating their wedding anniversary Mr and Mrs Frank their attendants 2S years ago were also present We extend congratulations jto Doves mother Mrs- ifendrie who is years old and was able to be with Iter daughter on this oc casion The happy couple received many lieauitfu gifts was a lovely chest of silver from the relatives and friends also a tray from the of the Womens Association of which Mrs Dove is secretary There also gifts of china etc Euchre was played nine tables in all Mrs mold Matt was winner of the ladies received If Clip saucer Mr Ed White won lovely wallet Lunch was Mrs and Mrs Dove cut into a Ihree- storoy wedding cake decorated in silver Arnold Dove thank ed everyone present SUfey evening The crowd sang For they ore good Mrs Jackson and Mrs Bryan of King vis ited Mrs Win McKinley on Sun day Mrs Crane vis ited her son and daughterinlaw on Tuesday evening and attend ed the pancake social Mrs Wauchupe visited Mr and Mrs on Sun day Mr and Mrs spent Sunday with friends in Weston Quite a number from here at tended the hockey game on day night between and Brook which was played i surprise birthday party was given to Mr John on Saturday evening Mar 1 Quite a number of his rela tives and friends from Pottage- ville attended He received many lovely gifts Mr and Mrs Fred of New Toronto were Sunday visi tors at the home of Mr and Mrs George West Boocock of Hamilton Miss Mary Arkinstall who is attending University Kingston spent the weekend at her home Hall Mr and Mrs Ken Williams called on Mr and Mrs I Gibson last Wednesday after noon Mrs Beatrice Ron ald Mrs Bill Terry To ronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Howard Mrs Dean had dinner on Friday with Mrs John Pin- Mr and Mrs Vein Smith and family Mr and Mrs Ken Pin- and family spent last The National Film Board will day with Mr and Mrs Fred rx showing pictures at Hillside Smith who on Wednesday night March at pm Everybody welcome Remember the euchre spon sored by the Womens Institute in the school on Friday night March Mr and Mrs Earl Milne and family of Toronto were week end guests of Mr and Mrs Al bert Bundle Another successful bingo was held at the school last Friday evening the winners of spe cial prizes were Mrs Mary Miller and Mrs Churchill of Keswick and Mrs Cole New market result ed in a threeway tie between Mrs Wilson Newmarket Mrs Graham Holland Landing and Mr A Grove The next bingo will be held on Friday evening March ZI0N There have been several sick with colds and flu however seem much time of writing The met at Mrs Floyd Wingers home last Wednesday evening for their meeting There was a good attendance On Friday evening a commun ity shower was held In the base ment of Ravens hoc church for Mr and Mrs Bill Small wood Ruth Shanks They received many lovely and useful gifts also good wishes for a happy and prosperous future Mr and Mrs Bruce visited Mr and Mrs Mel Long- field Newmarket on Sunday Mr Earl Arnold is quite 111 We film a recovery Mr Bobby Smith Newmarket Is staying with his uncle Mr Clifford Sweet His mother Mrs Smith has hod the liinc to fall and her leg Earl and Harold are slaying with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Smith There will he Young Peoples meeting on Friday evening Mrs Mel Cain is in charge of the pro gram Miss Myrtle Jones Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Jones Mr and Mrs Los Morion visited Mr ami Mrs Jim Morris on Sunday Sunday services arc Sunday school at am worship at pm We extend sympathy to the family of Mrs Glover who passed away on Sunday in Tor onto She has been spending the winter at tier daughter Claras home their 50th wedding Mrs is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs Allan Mrs George has been confined in bet with pneu monia hut is improving slowly We wish her a speedy recovery Mrs Gladys Hanson is visiting Mr and Mrs Will Shields Mr and Mrs and family spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jack Harmon Au rora ON A NEW ELECTRIC RANGE SALES AND GUARANTEED SERVICE PHONE NEXT TO KETTLEBY Her many friends will be sorry to learn Mrs Donald McLaughlin a former resident of this district now living in Lindsay is very ill in the hospital there having undergone a serious operation a few days ago Christ Church Ladies Guild Will hold its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Ed Black on Tuesday March am Birthday greetings to Mrs Frank whose birthday is Tuesday March Happy birthday Muriel Service next Sunday March at Christ church will be pm Holy Communion VANDORF Mr and Mrs Kingdon spent the weekend with their daughter Mrs Arnold and Mr and children of Mr and Mrs West Georgette and of spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs J Sullivan Mr and Mrs Brown Mr and Mrs Grant at tended the presentation of Handels The Messiah with the voice choir at St Pauls Anglican church St To ronto on Tuesday night Mr anil Mrs Carr spent Sunday with their son Mr Gor don Carr and Mrs Carr and Peggy of Keswick We are sorry to report the ill ness of Mrs Norman Kay Best wishes for her recovery Mr and Mrs Howard Thaxter and son Wayne of had Sunday dinner with Mr and Mrs John Irwin and family Birthday greetings to Mr Howard and his niece Barbara Irwin Note correction on Ihe dale of the Womens Institute play is to be held April in stead of March lit Mrs A visited last week with her daughter Mrs Hilton in Toronto To Owners of FORAGE HARVESTER Equipment Complete Unloading- Wagon Boxes FOR FORAGE HARVESTERS a We arc now in a position to supply you with a complete selfunloading Forage Wagon Box for use with attachments available with most makes of Forage Blowers These boxes are well made All new material and painted We also supply you with a set of wagon parts so you build your own box Dealer inquiries invitee For further information apply to It BROWN Case Farm Equipment PHONE AURORA SPREADERS NO IMMEDIATE Specially designed for tractors Two position axle mounting with roller bearings Shields to protect moving parts capacity Available jit horse required Guaranteed for one season against defective material or workmanship WARD AND ALLAN CO MASSE Y HARRIS SALES AND SBtVKE DAVIS DR We carry a complete line of genuine Harris parts HANDS SALES SERVICE ILL HAVE TO BACK OF MY PROMISE TO DRIVE THE

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