Newmarket Era and Express, 6 Mar 1952, p. 5

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rwrai Our readers write Letters The Editor Someone has told me that in an editorial on the current farm worry mouth arid hoof disease you mentioned an Englishman who did some search on the subject The Englishman was Sir Al bert Howard who between the years and experi mented in three widely remote sections of India with the preva lent mouth and foot disease and proved the immunity of healthy animals to the trouble His find ings have been followed and time without number not only for one but for all dis ease Any who scoff at Sir Al bert Howard or doubt his re search are doing so with total disregard of the facts Sir Albert Howard was a highly trained scientist who served Britain as an agricultural research worker the greater part of his life He spent 27 years in India improving soil and production but he always learn ed from local peoples and based his experiments on natural laws- He insisted on working as an individual on a small farm con nected with the experimental station at in Bengal and later at had freedom to carry out his own ideas The world should rejoice that he did At Sir Albert had oxen He made these animals healthy J by good management and with fresh green fodder silage and grain all produced from fertile soil which he created by coop erating with nature and using barnyard muck until he had perfected the lav of return with compost He persuaded the veterinarians to inspect his animals but not to inoculate them His oxen rubbed noses across the fence with diseased animals He wrote Nothing happened the healthy wellfed animals reacted to this disease exactly as suitable varieties of crops when properly grown do to insect and fungus pests no infection took place So that all might convince themselves Sir Albert advocated taking an acre of land which is truly fertile through organic treatment and stocking it with animals also healthy through the same organic method and good management After the healthy animals are established on the acre field a few mouth and foot cases should be placed among them He writes the diseased animals will soon recover There will most likely be no infection of the healthy stock At the worst there will only be the mildest possible attack which will disappear in a fortnight or so Sir Albert did not consider mouth and hoof as a virus dis ease but a simple consequence of malnutrition due either to the fact that the proteins of the food have not been properly synthesized or to some obvious error in management He con demns the use of artificials in stead of muck and compost as an aggravation of the trouble This scientist gave the last 15 years of his life to spreading the gospel of Indore compost which he had perfected for the bene fit of the cotton growers in India but which the surface of the en tire earth is crying for He died iri London in one of the outstanding benefactors of his century His books published by and London are obtainable and will repay any one who reads them with an open mind Thank you Mr Editor if you can use some of this information Kate H Miles The White Cottage Ainslie Hill Farm Sutton West News The WI must be to and reports will branch will meet at the home of Mrs W on Tuesday March Motto which is to be answered by Mrs Anderson will be If God cre ated anyone He certainty cre ated everyone Roll call will be a Hat Speech- Hostesses are Mrs Mainprise Mrs and Mrs be In the office Monday briefly possible Other than routine Campbell Members of King City branch are reminded to bring diaper do nations to the monthly meeting on March Operation Diaper is an appeal that comes from mothers in Europes war ruined countries where babies lit tle or no layette articles Two diapers each from King members would help to fill a great need They may be made from new or good used diaper cloth Branch members arc requested to bring donations of canned goods especially meats for the overseas box to Kent County England These packages will be their Easter gift and how they do appreciate all that has been forwarded to them during the past King City branch meeting Tues day evening March at the home of Mrs Ross Walker Miss Lily Anderson convener of his torical research and current events is arranging an interest program Mrs Roy will relate the history of Kfnghorn An event in the hist ory of King will form the roll call ami current events bo taken by Miss Marjorie The committee in charge of social offices arc Miss J Mis Miss Jar- vis Mrs Brown and Mrs Archibald branch meeting will he held at the home of Mrs For ester on March Mrs John of King City will give a demonstration on rugg ing She is the convener of the rugging group of and will have interesting facts about nylon rugs made from hose The motto Lifes what we make it will be taken by Mrs Boys An Irish Joke Is the roll call and lunch conveners are Mrs Williams Mrs Percy and Mrs Aubrey The International meeting of Snowball branch was held at the home of Miss Joan Casey lite meeting was opened by the president Mrs Patrick with the ode followed by one min ute of silent prayer for our late King Then followed the Mary Stewart collect- Roll call A characteristic of Norway was well answered with members and seven guests present Mrs Will- son read a paper on current events Five dollars is to be sent to the Sick Childrens hospital A euchre was planned for Tues day Mar The meeting was then turned over to our two guests Mrs Styrmo of Oak Ridges Mrs of Toronto They exhibited Norwegian woven rugs lengths of cottons hand- carved wooden pieces one a Vi king ship beautiful handmade silver jewelry pewter serving dishes handpainted wooden trays handknitted socks and wool shoes and a ski outfit from the original made for the Nor wegian princess A lunch of Norwegian food was then serv ed Mr and Mrs Freeman Fair- barn Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ceo Fair- barn and Mrs Jacksons Point visited Mr and Mm Goo Wilkinson on Sunday A large crowd attended the party held in hall on Wednesday under the auspices of Elm Grove Institute Mr and Mrs Norman King spent Saturday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Geo Albert Kin Fred King and Mrs Norman Kay spent Thursday with Rev and Mrs John King LEGION EUCHRE regular monthly euchre and party will be held by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary tomorrow night in the Newmar ket Legion hall at oclock Mrs Howard Newton is convener News by Roy jrs -P- THE RARE who doesnt need a sewing basket within easy reach Whether you few for the whole family or merely take a stitch ia time youll find a welloutfitted sewing box the answer to all your problem Keeping all your sewing essen tials under one cover will save you time and searching when you deride to stitch that new dress or repair a hem that is coming down- Notions Youll like If you do any amount of sew ing need good dressmaker shears with blades at least four inches long Make sure the han dle is comfortable Small scissors with sharp points are handy for snipping threads and clipping corners Pinking shears are enor mous time and effort savers not only for finishing seams but also for general ratting Youll find tailors chalk indispensable in marking darts thus eliminating tailors tacks This chalky also saves you time when fitting a garment A tape measure is an other sewing necessity If you have no large table top on which to cut out your garment you will certainly want a cutting EAST COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the East council was held March The contract to supply crushed and deliver gravel has been awarded to the Cox Construction Company at per yard The contract to supply tractor and equip same with loader and mower has been awarded to Tom and Son for The tender of and was accepted to supply ton Chevrolet truck The clerk was authorized to advertise for an assistant police officer The Toronto and York Plann ing Board demand ft road al lowance on properties sold adjacent to roads without re muneration The council passed the following resolution Where as the council are of the opinion the ft road allowance is only be demanded along certain roads Therefore be it resolved that the council do hereby reserve the right to make the decision as to the location of property on which the ft road allowance is Cards are being prepared for each home giving directions tor fire calls Ail dog owners are warned that they will be held respon sible for damage done by dogs not under proper control accord to the Dbg Tax and Live Stock Protection Act A grant of 2500 was given to the York County Musical vit A bylaw was passed for the The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Mar ft Page CATER TO BANQUET Members of the Ladies Auxili ary Canadian Legion catered to the annual banquet for the New market Legion on Monday Feb 25 Over were present Plans for the catering were com pleted at the regular meeting of the auxiliary on Feb Mrs Paul president was in the chair purpose of issuing deben ture School Section No 2 for repairs to building The council mailed a copy of a resolution to Mr Gardner Federal Minister of Agriculture to peg the price of cattle to prevent drastic losses on the part of the f Aurora Social Xews Trinity Mens Club and ladies visited Mens Associa tion on Monday Mar Thirty- five couples went from Aurora On Monday Mar 3 the series of childrens Lenten pictures commenced in Trinity hall There was a large number of children there Mr and Mrs A spent the weekend at Kitchener and On Saturday even ing Mr presented the charter to the newly formed Branch Canadian Legion of Waterloo Mrs Lome Lee left Aurora recently for a vacation in Bermuda k I board that unfolds to give you a large Rat surface Sashay Skirt your partner in a fullbringing skirt of your own making The it you would like a direction lor ims jliixce SKIRT just send a stamped selfaddressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper requesting Leaflet No Kingcraft Guild Hears Serve Lenten Di relic OCEAN SALMON KIPPERED HERRING FRESH COD SMOKED FILLETS FRESH HADDOCK There are lockers available at the old price Arctic Lockers Phone Timothy St Romance Of Pottery described by archaeo logists as the time table of his tory can be a thing of beauty with lovely flowing line as if it had sprung up from the hand of the potter or it can be a tor tured twisted ugly shape hold ing no artistry declared Miss Mary Dickenson of Toronto one of Canadas outstanding potters and a member of the permanent exhibitors of Canadian Guild of Potters She spoke to King crafts Guild on Wednesday Feb ruary at the home of Mrs Eric Johnston Mrs J Grew first vice president was in the chair in the absence of Lady the president Pottery is the oldest craft in history When an ancient city was conquered by an enemy it was customarily plundered before being burned the speaker stated Pottery dishes were not consid ered worth carrying away Thus broken pieces were often the means of picturing the people of that period They revealed how high a degree of culture and ar tistry had been attained It is an absorbing craft said Miss Dickenson You can buy or even dig your own clay pre pare it for use and concoct your own glazes But the creative element is important for results will be exactly what the potter puts into the craft Nothing shows the character of its crea tor more readily than pottery she declared On the other hand a commercial pot can be glazed or painted and passed off as original That defin itely is not pottey affirmed the speaker Since Kingcrafts hopes to own a kiln the demonstration of clay moulding given by Miss Dicken son proved fascinating and in structive She showed how prim itive clay pots are built on a small hand wheel She usee im ported English clay containing a low percentage of lime and cap- ante of being fired at a high tem perature Homemade colored clay solutions were used to do slip painting in feathering and j giving good effect and she showed how to make a handle Miss Dickenson gave pointers to prospective potters First the initial outlay in equipment is expensive although glazes may be homemade reducing the cost of material There must be ade quate equipment and these should last a lifetime Each should have a frame and wheel and kilns must be high temperature She advised against making flowers in the early stages of the work Mrs Partridge thanked Miss Dickenson speaking of her per sonal contribution to the craft She was given a lovely bouquet of snapdragons on behalf of flic membership Mrs Geoff fey extended thanks to the hostess Mrs Johnston and Mrs Laura E Rolling thanked King smocking group who served re freshments A letter was read from Lady written aboard S Al cona off the of Venezuela The were en route to Jamaica Lady Was re ceiving orders for nylon hand bags which be sold at the June sale of King crafts and Sir Ellsworth is beautiful scenes Mrs work sale vener gave an outline of plans urging conveners to tabulate names article and price Mrs James Baxter explained the treasure booth Each member was requested to some ar ticle of good quality old or modern These can be left with Mrs J Armstrong at King Telephone calls for treasure in formation will be received by Mrs Aurora ring 32 Two articles in home cooking are requested from each mem ber jam and pickles acceptable Mrs Ernest Rolph is seeking seedlings and plants for the gar den booth She will collect these ten days prior to the sale She has painted flower pots ready for the collection For the after noon tea which concluded the event Mrs Nelson Thompson convenor of King pour ed tea and refreshments were served by her group The tea table was centered with chrysan themums SNOWBALL Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Harding were their nephew Mr Bill and friend Miss Marnie Cox of Toronto Miss Sandra Hard ing returned to Toronto with them Mr and Mrs White and family were weekend guests of Lens parents Mr and Mrs Cliff White Weekend and Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Norman Teasdale were Mr and Mrs Norman Teasdale Jr of and Mr and Mrs Charles Teasdale of Aurora Friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Art Morning on Tuesday evening of last week for the surprise party in honor of their wedding anniversary The community joins in wishing them many more happy years Our community has lost a good neighbor and worker this week Mr and Mrs Owen and family of the third of King moved to Aurora We welcome the family of Mr and Mrs P who recently purchased the Barr farm Lois Blum was Sunday guest of Miss Sheila Davidson SHOW FASHIONS Spring fashions will be model led at a showing in the New market town hall on Wednesday March at pm Held under the auspices of the Newmarket Business and Professional Wo- club the fashion show will provide funds for the clubs pro ject the furnishing of a room at York County hospital Entire proceeds from the show will be used for this hospital Work stores participat ing in the fashion show Include Jack and Jill Dry Goods Dawsons Specialty Shop Flower Shop Mens and Boys Wear Morrisons Mens Wear Hook ers Dry Goods a Stores Harrys Dry Goods Doris Ladies Wear West Robert Yates Eves Ladies Thompsons Beauty and Frenchs Beauty stores have selected their own models and the clothing and merchandise to be displayed Tickets cannot be purchased at door on the evening of the fashion A limited number ore still available and sale Flower Shop There will be a sale of at the OTPn Temple in the Empire at AJta ZC ECONOMIZE i for WALLS CEILINGS J MAIN ST FRUITS AND PHONE for 69 FAB with cake Palmolive Soap 77 with FREE Plastic Apron 54 COLGATES BEAUTY SOAP bath she Reg 13 for 19 With FREE Plastic bowl for 29 PARKAY MARGARINE lb 35 new kwickbag lb 39 SHORTENING lb 21 CARNATION MILK Large Cans 2 for 31 BARKERS COOKIES 5 33 box SPY APPLES bus 175 basket 55 LARGE HEAD LETTUCE for 21 LARGE CELERY STOCKS 2 for 23 FRESH GREEN CABBAGE lb 9 MARSH POTATOES basket 55 Fancy Red SALMON Sweet TEMPLE ORANGES Large Size doz 51 COOKED MEATS MILK CHEESE AND BUTTER DELNOR FROZEN FOODS FREE DELIVERY A YOUR NEW REFRIGERATOR FOUR BEAUTIFUL J mm SUPERSAFE COLD FT MODEL freezer deep plastic covered strong wide apart shelves ice trays high months to pay balance at per week CU FT MODEL Roomy freezer with two single one double tray transparent plas tic meat storage tray high 359 down IB months to pay balance per week FT DELUXE 9133 DOWN MONTHS TO PAY BALANCE PER WEEK Is with SAFE Co Id oil overt the refrigerating mechanlim ever built Power ful quiet and oceans of cold on a of current for yeanl Fullwidth freezer chest trimmed In lee- Blue sliding adjustable aluminum shelv es twin sliding bosket drawers cooling for super moist hydra- tor storage and safe cold from top to hot torn Mi high down months to pay balance per week I FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE ON ALL GENUINE PRODUCTS ST PHONE

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