I Pace Site Era Mar SALE IS EIGHT room insul stone house oil heated garage possession arranged Also room stucco house garage possession ar ranged Private persons only For particulars write Post Office box Newmarket FIVE room bungalow instil brie siding on Victor Drive Mount Albert Nicely decora ted insulated water Terms Possession April 1 Daw s Dike Mount Albert brick house lot 21 East Gwillimbuxy Apply Mrs James Cunningham or write PO box viIIe FOUR acres frame house edge of Newmarket house requires modernizing good loca tion Immediate poss ession Charles Boyd 17 Main St phone 533 Newmarket FIVE room frame bungalow front rooms hardwood floors plenty of cupboard space oil heated on spacious lot SIX room frame bungalow hardwood floors plenty of cup- complete cellar oil heat ed on large lot Both houses on south side of Eagle St Call and inspect before buying Murray Baker Eagle St phone G51 Newmarket c4w10 ARTICLES FOR SALE Venetian blinds aluminum steel made for all styles of windows Free estimates and installations Phone apply Ontario St or write PO box Newmarket til Vacuum cleaners bought and sold and repaired Complete re pair service depot for all types of vacuum cleaners All work guaranteed Filter Queen Sales and Service Andrew St ph Newm Zippers replaced alterations and repairs invisible mending cleaning and pressing Master Cleaners and Tailors Timothy St phone Newmarket TWO girls spring coats size and excellent condition and clean Phone Mrs Rose Newmarket before 22 HELP WANTH I OFFICES OFFICE WANTED REAL estate firm wishes offices or office space with telephone and stenographer service Write Era and Express box LOTS FOR SALE Jersey river- Suitable for boat house Reasonable Phone Newmarket brooder stove pair skis 6 ft almost new ice box lb capacity kitchen chairs table and buffet maple with red trim green chesterfield and chair This furniture is al most new Phone Mrs G Me- Clure 211w4 Newmarket OAK dresser drawers and large bevelled plate mirror in excellent condition P Cane Davis Dr Newmarket CUSTOM MADE drapery slip covers bedspreads Venetian blinds Material Kirsch tracks Pin on hooks lining weights tapes etc For Information or appointment call Richard Main St phone Free estimates- No obligation SKIS Poles and boots Shone Newmarket c3wi BUILDINGS FOR SALE PROPERTY centrally located Frame food condition as church Suitable for storey apartment small manu facturing Write Era and Express box FARM FOR SALE FARM for sale to wind up estate Owned by kite Adeline Eves sit uated on the concession of the Township of Whitchurch oc cupied by Wesley about GO acres workable balance pasture large brick house bank barn For further particulars apply to Wesley Eves phone New market ACRES on highway close to school acres workable bal ance bush and pasture good house ham 40x80 Price 12000 Half cash on mortjiaee J Davidson 10 APARTMENT FOR UNFURNISHED heated apartments Phone New market apartment with balcony Couple only Apply Water St Newmarket FOUR- room self contained heat ed apartment second floor priv ate hath residential section per month Possession March Write Era and Express box for appointment ROGERS cabinet radios in won derful condition Apply Murray Baker Eagle St phone Newmarket OIL or coal range in good con dition Phone Newmarket MANS brown tweed suit size 38 Gabardine size sand Pair of air boots Size Small kitchen table Alans bicycle All above in per fect condition Phone New market or apply Main St side door entrance LEFT hand bath no legs por celain septic tank complete Phone Aurora BEACH electric range heavy duty apartment size years old like now Reasonable Apply Mrs M Wright Keswick MODERN pattern pieced quilt tops new materials Apply Andrew St Newmarket JOHNSON outboard auto boat ft weight lbs Phone Newm NINE drawer kneehole desk like new Apply Queen St W- Newmarket MANS gray overcoat size Mackinaw size Both good Cheap Apply West St Newmarket south of York County Home USED washing machines All makes up Used combin ation electric stoves Grand bargains Smiths phone Newmarket ELECTRIC coffee percolator never used Two wedding gowns Phone Newmarket MALE OR FEMALE APPLICATIONS will be receiv ed for office position Duties will include bookkeeping short hand typing billing machine and experience- Apply by letter only stating ex perience when available and salary expected References re quired Position of excellent opportunities pension plan group insurance Box New market Ontario EXPERIENCED stenographer- bookkeeper Reply stating ex perience arid salary expected Write Era and Express box 100 WAITRESS Weekends only over years of age preferred No experience necessary Trans portation provided Apply Bell s Corner and Davis Dr Newmarket 10 DOORTODOOR salesmen want ed to start their own business with our 225 guaranteed and wellknown products toiletries culinary medicines tea coffee etc will buy travelling kit and assortment Available in vicinity No risk tails StHubert Mont real AGENT to sell a reliable pipe line milker f Anderson low price Also Viking cream sep arators hand and all electric Best on the market Good prop osition to right party Write John Euclid Ave Toronto Classified Advertising Bates STRAIGHT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Two cents word of cents for each advertisement price when advertisement repeated on successive weeks Ten percent if Advertisement is paid within week of pub Coming Events costs two cents ft word minimum cents Half Price repeated on soecesslTe weeks Sale tor the tint week cents for successive It MISCELLANEOUS of Wedding and Engagement annonncehients cents for each announcement less cents if paid week of Memoriams cents for insertion pins cents ft line for verse less cents it paid within week of publication drained advertising may be phoned Into or left at The Em and Express office on Slain St Newmarket phone at White laws phone in Aurora at Sirs I Bolting phone King or With any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the wmere name of sender nod address dearly indicated advertisement into over homes In North York ment we will come to your own home and you can select your own furs and style Master Fur riers and Tailors Timothy St phone Newmarket WE would like to show you the new spring sample by Firth Bros for your spring and sum mer dress and sportswear West phone Newmarket j MACHINERY FOR SALE WORK WANTED UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric- Apply Ken Sargent St or phone 382 New market Are you thinking of tiling your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call Newmarket for free estimates for rubber mastic marboleum and plastic wait tile J and Son Andrew St New- market OAK RIDGE Plumbing All work guaranteed Earl Atkin son p 59r3l King EXPERIENCED gardener mar ried no family would operate large garden or country estate Good references Available after March Apply Era and Express box EXPERIENCED fa steady employment on farm Married No children Write Era and Express PRUNING fruit trees and berry hushes Now is the time Phone Newmarket crlwlO GENERAL housework by the month Apply Mrs Hartford EXPERT chimney repairs Brick and block work Rocky Miami Beach Keswick phone BY reliable baby sitter Phone 578J Newmarket USED CARS ROOMS POR RENT FURNISHED room home ilcges Apply Elm St New market SAFE Suitable for commercial use combination lock Phone or write PO box Newmar ket ifli ROOMS THREE or four unfurnished rooms children references supplied Phone New market J AH TWO unfurnished healed rooms by April No children Phone Newmarket pm lwjQ TWO or three unfurnished heat- rooms Central Write PO box Newmarket BOARDERS WANTED COMFORTABLE room with board for Phone ROOM AND BOARD ROOMERS or hoarders Gentle- men preferred or business couple Phone Newmar ket ROOM available Ap ply St phone Newmarket LARGE bright room with board Phone Newmarket EIGHTPIECE oak diningroom suite poofl condition price 30 Phone Newmarke KITCHEN table and chairs black and white in condl- lion 12 Phono CHROME kitchen set dinette suite washing machine cook- stove All practically new Ap- n1v21 Hamilton St Newmarket a 5 MANS bicycle in good condition Phone or apply Oak St Newmarket allweather coat with and each ladles dresses brown won figured size ladies and blue fells each Newma GIRLS sprint coat site 10 blue satin ti Phone CHEVROLET coupe very pood mechanically body and tires good 125 cash Apply St Aurora FORD coupe tires ex cellent motor Phone Newmarket evenings fully with heater radio and wind shield washer Apply And rew St or phone New market with warmer tvnrv like new Phone Newmarket ml ARTICLES WANTED FARM ITEMS LIVESTOCK OWNERS Why take less for your dead and crip pled cows horses when the Ontario Rendering Co guaran tees more Phone any time collect Newmarket 9001 or Aur ora us first SPECIAL OAT and barley chop cash per ton Peed Mill phone MONTCALM- barley Ajax oats Alfalfa hay ttwi0 HALED hay Phone Farm NEW Favourite threshing ma chine used only years condition Apply Morrill J61ifi- son lot 1 cm bury phone ROOM and board for gentleman Apply St or phone Newmarket ANTIQUES Antiques of every description Highest paid Main St phone Newmarket SMALL walnut buffet in Rood condition Phone Ncw- ivl UPRIGHT piano In pood Milton Ritchie phone Bradford SURGE singe milker cycle new bargain Hammer Write J Ave Toronto MIXED baled hay also baled straw Cedar posts Terry King phone Aurora ft7r23 3wl0 RENFREW cream separator model K large size oh1 new Phono Mount Albert NEW Holland balers A ship ment just arrived Our last this season See us now A deposit will hold one TRACTORS Several good used tractors all sizes THREE used binders ONE spreader years old AND FT cultivators thresher nearly new WHITE No thresher shredder and elevator new and GEHL forage harvest ers bam equipment Young and Son Mount Albert Phone clwlO 28 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE GRAND SHORT HORNS THREE serviceage bulls dark red registered vaccinated ac credited Alfred Oliver phone 1401 2w9 TWO Purebred registered Hoi- stein bulls service age at far mers prices Also baby bulls by our Res AH Canadian bull Ap ply Farms ville- lwlO THIRTEEN pigs chunks Ap- ply William Draper con Keswick PEDIGREE Yorkshire bred gilts of half English breeding mated to straight English hoars for spring farrowing Also straight English gilts of breeding age and straight English boars five months old All excellent type growth- and weight- for age George Robson Gain Farm Ontario phone Weston PUREBRED boars Serviceable in April and May Sire seott Conjuror Sutton West phone TWELVE weaned pigs and Clarence phone 2010 Mount AlberL FIFTY suckling pigs Yorkshire White and Tamworth crossed Phone W Spence Mount Albert Horses for mink feed Highest prices paid Rex Smith phone Collect tfl Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone Newmarket or write PO box POULTRY SALE THREE young thin roosters and hens Apply Centre St Aurora in In the evenings ONE hundred carefully brooded 2week old Apply MncPherson Cellar Valley TURKEY or eggs far the month of May June and July Immediate orders received will promptly filled Apply J M 2 Newmarket THREE shire Rock pullets months ready to lay Nell phone Sutton West i Irion of white and Toulouse Cross Chat burn phone Aurora chvlO SULTRY WANTED All kinds of live Will pay above market price at door Phone fir prices Ridges or Mm iipimi y PLENTY of oak slabs and Excellent fuel 109 Mount Albert QUANTITY of cedar rails by the com Apply Mount Albert or phono 1703 am spreader tract or hitch cultivator plow section harrows good wagon steel tires All these are in Al condition 2vD mm BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES buys Room sider Write plus stock about a nourishing business for expansion Will con- any reasonable offer Era and Express box PRODUCE GOOD eating potatoes Apply 2 Wellington St or phone j Newmarket HAY for sale clover and grass mixture First cut 2nd cut No delivery I- A Camp bell Newmarket phone Aurora BE properly measured for your new spring suit and topcoat by Don Douglas of Firth Bros on Friday Mar 325 samples to choose from at Ang Wests Newmarket 1 FOR SALE CAPONS ROASTING CHICKENS BOILING FOWL Alt At Prices PHONE NEWMARKET FOR DELIVERY FRIDAY OR SATURDAY WANTED LIVE POULTRY i Best Prices Paid SALE AT HOME Mr and Mrs George Station Port Bolster will be at home to their friends the occasion of their golden wedding anniver sary on Saturday March from to pm LOW HEARING aih tolxMiTKHSrtiior best drug stobi Strasler Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS ANB AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES i owers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed AH Over the World fi STREET Phone NEWMARKET Flower Shop Member delivery Association Flowers wired to all parte of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Main St Newman Phone DIRECTOR MAIN STREET Attend One of These SUNDAY MARCH ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Newmarket Rev Meredith Minister Herman Fowler Mus Organist SATURDAY MAR Auction sale at the Livestock Communion 230 pm Sabbath school LOST MANS West field wrist watch yellow gold on Monday north end of Newmarket Phone Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS MUCOUS IN THROAT Thuhas Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adults and child- with good results Price The Best Drug Store phone k AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone ket FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and Invalid chairs Theakcr and Son Mount Albert 3503 We repair all makes of sewing machines New machines S05O up Singer Sewing Center New market Main phone Trusses surgical supports clast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble- Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone Newmarket Record players for rent a day Delivery charge cents Studios phone Newmarket THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store COME In and compare We will not knowingly undersold by any competitor anywhere You be the Judge Dyers Furniture phone Newmarket AT Bond value sale Every suit with pair of trousers regular one pair prices Order tin to March for your now Easter suit Priced at l975 5975 ftlwlfl WE large shipment of new table lamps Ah outstanding buy Alodern lamps at low prices We carry a complete line of Furniture Dyers Furniture phone Main and Sis Is coming your spring housecleaning by having your furniture recovered at Dyers Furniture phono Main and Sis i CUSTOM record culling Also tape recorders for sale Call evenings Murray Raker Eagle St phone Newmarket EXCLUSIVE store Mens Yarn dyed nil wool Eng lish worsted suiting Odd vests value sate mice 208 to Sales Arena selling livestock our specialty Fresh cows springers heifers sheep calves pigs and horses Pickup and delivery can he arranged This Is your community sale Come early and bring something to sell You bring it and well sell it Sale every Saturday at pm Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet Sellers and Atkinson auction- SATURDAY MAR Auction sale Of used farm machinery at pm Approximately tract ors all other types of farm machinery including threshers binders plows seed drills for age harvesters combines etc Draw prize of registered heifer calf valued at 250 Only purchasers of machinery eligible for draw Farms Limited Inter- national Harvester Dealers cor ner and highways phone Uxbridge or Port Perry WEDNESDAY MARCH Ex tensive auction sale of register ed ami high grade Reg horses tract ors 2 combines conveyor baler with pickup and near ly new tractor Implements baled hay and straw quantity of good tools the prop erty of Samuel Winger at lot con 3 Vaughan oh Dufferin St miles north of No high way at Concord Farms rented Terms cash Sale at oclock sharp Extra large sale must start on time WL will have a refreshment booth on the grounds Colliding clerk Sel lers and Atkinson auctioneers w THURSDAY MAR Auction sale of farm stock and imple ments head of registered and grade cattle five sows team of horses cool er and full lino farm menls the property of Wm Storey and Storey at lot rear concession King No re serve Terms cash Sale at pm Smith auctioneer THURSDAY MAR Auction sale of farm stock Implements Ceo White thrashing machine actor on rub ber and tractor equipment cattle Yorkshire hogs hay grain etc the properly of A lot con East miles south of Mount Albert No reserve as farm sold Sale sharp Terms cash Lunch sewed L Mount clerk A Farmer auctioneer pm Evening worship Friday Mar pm service CHURCH OF THE Minister Rev A Petersen Organist Miss June Haines Pianist Miss Grccrnvjood Choir Junior Mrs A Petersen Sunday School 10 am Devotional Evangelistic Service pm Rev Stan will be singing and speak ing at both services Wed in charge Junior meeting NYPS service pirn TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev J Aiken- Minister Organist is Our World is Not Hopeless THE SUNDAY SCHOOL am The Senior School am Nursery Beginners and Primary pm With the Great Hymns Rock Ages Attend Church during Lent SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Queen St Newmarket Officers Senior Ruth Best Lieutenant Cameron Sunday am Holiness meeting pm Sunday school pm Gospel meeting Every Wednesday Home League Everyone welcome THE GOSPEL TABERNACLE Millard Ave Pastor A ft YIELDING Pianist MISS VIOLET CURTIS BIBLE SCHOOL for all ages The Pastor studies in The Prophet all Bible lovers should themselves of this to study the Word of God Notes on the subject Pastor speaks When is God Not at Prayer and study with at Prayer group a welcome for all CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Organist Mrs J Cane 11 am Rev J Barley of Toronto Subject cation 230 pm Sunday school Rev J Barley Decision Day pm The Supremacy of Cal vary Wed pm Midweek prayer servicer FRIENDS MEETING Botsford Street am Sundayschool 11 am Meeting for Worship Douglas Come and worship with us All Welcome pm Monthly meeting will live for Him who dared all for me Your old fur coat can look like new If you have it repaired and roHtytcd Highest prices on your old coats Our new coats am very low In price By appoint- TENDERS TOWN OF NEWMARKET TENDERS FOR HEATING OF THE FIRE HALL SEALED tenders clearly marked to contents will he received by A Fisher architect Toronto for a forced heating system duck work and all controls called for In plans and until 12 noon Ihe nineteenth day of March Plans specifications and form of tender may lie obtained at the office of the architect or the undersigned or any tender not neces sarily accepted Donne engineer Waler St WELCOME TO CRUSADE IN FREE METHODIST CHURCH MARCH 23 REV SARA GREGORY EVANGELIST An earnest preacher with a message that appeals to all HENDERSON SISTERS TRIO Inspiring messages in song WEEK NIGHTS AT PM SUNDAYS AM PM IfcINU Up till the of March 20 the Scott Township Council in vites tenders marked to con tents for supplying a tractor with front or rear loader Lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted Wehsler clerk Oxbridge Township of fc Christ SATURDAY MARCH 8 AT PM 1 Interesting Program by BARRIE YOUTH FOR CHRIST Music ami Speaker IN THE NEWMARKET THE CLASSIFIED PAGE MOST PEOPLE READ TOT RvS J iK I