I ftss ZEPHYR A concert by the outstanding artists from Bordens Male Choir Toronto will be held to the United church Zephyr on Mon day March at pm There will be quartets duets solos also contralto solos by Isabel McCarthy of Bor dens Girls Choir Toronto ac cordion solos by Mr Phil La and humorous selections by Mr of Toronto- We are glad to report that Mrs Emm has returned from the General hospital Toronto- Mr and Mrs Win Shaw Mrs Smith and Miss Jessie visited friends at Whitby and Brooklin last Saturday Mr and Mrs at tended the funeral on Friday at Uxbridge of Mr sister Mrs Oliver who passed away at her home in on Wed nesday Mrs Albert visited her husband at St Johns Con valescent Home last Sunday- Mr is still confined to his bed but rs get ting along nicely Our best wishes for a speedy recovery- Friends and neighbors of Mrs Ed Kydd gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Ross Weller one evening last week and presented Mrs with some useful ar ticles for her home in Sharon Among these gifts were a house coat an electric tea kettle and a table lamp Mrs was surprised and pleased Seed Fair Bacon Show Newmarket March 19 Debate The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Mar On Wednesday March the ever popular York County seed fair and bacon show will again be held in the Town Hall at Newmarket when the- after noon program will feature a dis cussion of the hog carcasses by W of the Canada production service and an add by Johnston of the field husbandry department of the GtielpjS- on the sub ject of Preservation of Mr Johnston who is doing con siderable research for the grass silage committee will riot only report of that type of roughage but also on corn Silage and hay curing and storage The first entries for the Seed Fair are already in and with the age seeds I Hall This year most of the hogs graded A when killed at a Toronto packing plant Up to eight townships are eligible to put in township exhibits The carcasses at present are in cure and will be taken to Newmarket on Tuesday in preparation for the Show The seeds will be judged in the morning arid open for inspection at The afternoon program will start at 2 pm and conclude with the auction sale of the bus lots of registered and certi fied seed At the Junior Farmers wilt gather at the Agricultural Representa tives office for their competi tion in seed judging and the identification of weeds and for increased interest in better seed it is expected there will be a fine entry of seed exhibits this year In the classes for baled hay a special class was added this year for bam dried hales In fact to conserve space only a half bale is required this year the special prizes for those who are 1 exhibiting for the first time pro vide every encouragement tor beginners The Bacon Show promises to This year Frank Barnes of is president of the Crop Improvement Association organization which sponsors the Seed Fair and Lowndes of Keswick is president of the York County Producers Secre tary of ths fair fife Newmarket agricultural representative tot York to w1ikiaitries should be made right away Incidentally there Is no admission charge At the annual meeting of the York County Hog Producers Mr Charles president of the Ontario Hog Producers strongly advocated a planned selling policy for hogs to be carried through the establishment of a bog marketing agency As part of this program he maintained that hog production should be limited if necessary to maintain price levels The Era and Express while welcoming a sales program for hogs and with it an improvement in the manner in which hogs are marketed took issue with the advocates of a program which would restrict production to maintain price levels Mr Edgar Dennis two weeks ago wrote a letter in defence of planned scarcity to maintain prices His fetter was answered editorially Now Mr Boh Knights has come to the support of Mr Dennis His letter appears below The editor warmly welcomes this correspondence It is only by discussion that the pros and eons of planned scarcity can be brought out f I TIMOTHY ALFALFA CLOVER RED CLOVER WHITE and YELLOW BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER MIXTURES ETC SPECIAL MIXTURE Alfalfa 50 Red Clover Timothy 3054 SEED CORNS MANGELS and TURNIPS FANCY GRASSES MILLETS ETC I You Can Sow Coop Seed With PHONE NEWMARKET MILL PHONE have the finest quality for those attending the hogs so far hung in the Town fair me Two hundred and twentyfive York County Juniors and their At this the guests of the guests gathered Feb 29 at New market High school for their gala semiformal At Home dance The auditorium was colorfully decorated with red white and blue streamers and a large York County Junior Farmer crest made an interesting backdrop Music supplied by Bates orchestra proved very popular with the dancers Of particular interest was an elimination dance designed particularly for former members and also a num ber of spot dances with suitable prizes for the lucky couples At intermission a delicious evening from adjacent counties were introduces by Carl Boyn- ton of Included among the guests were Mr and Mrs of Newmar ket provincial secretary of the Ontario Junior Farmers Mr and Mrs and Archie former assistant agri cultural representatives in York County County representatives from Peel and Ontario thanked the York Jun iors for the grand evening but each upheld the supremacy of his own county Congratulations are in order to all committees who helped to make the dance successful and a particular vote of thanks is due to Mrs Cockburn Mrs Ernest and Mrs Pearson for their great assistance in many ways The Editor Your editorial re air Edgar Dennis letter has its points but you do not go far enough Many Canadian farmers have a desire to do something besides gratify themselves and pile up bank deposits Overseas there are thousands upon thousands men women and children who have very little if anything to eat while our foodstuffs are pil ing up here as surpluses Our socalled Christianity is riot helping them very much To my mind our difficulty primarily lies at Ottawa and Washington One unit of effort or labor be it of brain or muscle is actu ally worth no more in one coun try than another but the manipu lation of stock exchanges money markets and tariffs have so balled things up that the count ries of our world can no longer do business together A car tractor which fit the for or so costs or 2000 here or there The 400 500 difference goes to Mr Abbott and Co io mark the word tect the manufacturer and build up our Canadian dollar and that medium of exchange so on gets out of reach of the Very people who need our surplus food so badly They cannot buy and we not sell By reason of his cha otic condition some men have amassed fortunes while others starve and communism thrives f A showroom iU TOM FORD AND MONARCH SALES SERVICE 202 MAIN ST PHONE 740 NEWMARKET Fertilizer To In Tests Liquid fertilizer as a seed treatment has failed to give in creases in the yield of cereal grains in experiments conduct ed by Federal Experimental Farms across Canada it is re ported from Ottawa A liquid fertilizer was Used oil wheat oats or barley in all of these tests It was applied at the rate of one gallon of liquid for each 5 to bushels of grain according to the manufacturers instructions This treatment was compared with plots seeded with grain which received no treatment it was compared also with grain treated with an valent amount of pure clear water In no single instance did the liquid fertilizer treatment show a significant increase in yield over one or other of these check treat ments It has been implied that this small amount of liquid fertilizer may be as effective fit Increasing yields as standard commercial fertilizers at recommended rates It has been stated too that liquid fertilizer applied as a seed treatment supplementing stand will increase yields in the above experiments standard fertilizers gave significant and fact out standing increases in yields In out of tests As already point ed out liquid fertilizer alone gave no significant Increase in any test Neither was there any significant response from this material applied in these small amounts as a supplement to standard commercial fertilizer A product called Micro Rust applied as a seed treatment in similar small amounts showed no beneficial effect In any of tests The results of these experi ments indicate that the treat ment of of grains with these small approximately one pound of nutrients per acre is neither economical nor useful Helen Mortsoh Sandra Sytema Beverly by Marjory Preston and Janet Hon dry some members of Starrs junior Sunday class of Pine Orchard Union church Accompanied her to the- North lions convention in Aurora on Friday evening March After wards they visited Starr home over the weekend Mr Harold of Drake was a Sunday guest at the home of Mrs There was a good attendance at the meeting of the Willing Workers of Union church at the home of Mrs Boss on Wednesday March The regular supper will be served on Wednesday Mar Hostesses are Mrs Mrs King Mrs Rose Mrs Pollock Mrs B and Mrs McMillan- Supper will be served from to 8 pm Everybody welcome The community wishes a speedy recovery for Mrs Stanley Armstrong and also Miss Carol Sedore Mr and Mrs and Mrs Point spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Blizzard Mr and Mrs E spent Monday in Toronto Mr and Mrs- MacKenzie and Douglas Toronto visited Mr and Mrs I Rose on Sunday Mrs of Hamilton is visiting Mr and Mrs I Fisher for a few days- Mr and Mrs Geo accompanied by Mr and Mrs Verkaik of Tottenham have left for a months holidays in Florida Neil was taken to hospi tal Toronto for treatment daughter of Mr and Mrs K is home again although her condition is little improved She has been at Sick Childrens hospital Toronto scveral weeks The farmers effort is worth as much as that of the laborer or the manufacturer and he has the same right to protection as they have The answer to these troubles is simple enough if the matter is faced honestly I suggest that our government should redeem its wartime pro mise of parity prices Let them turn the proper proportion of those dollars already collected from the fanner via the protec tive tariff route to the farmer by way of subsidy so we can con- j to produce arid let them ship the s overseas to where it is so badly heeded at a price can pay Such a pol icy if carried far enough will go far toward defeating communism Why should riot the farmer re ceive the same for his effort as the city dweller If he does not there will be fewer arid fewer farmers as time goes on and production will de crease Your suggestion re more effi cient production is hardly pos sible under jpreseht circumstances and even if it were we should only progress in keeping with other lines Of prbduction arid the balance of living standards would remain the same Then dear sir you advise us to open up new markets and improve methods of selling Better methods can often be found of doing most things but new markets are out of reach as long as the dollar- pound re mains what it is No labor has set the pace and if our government policy remains as is we have no alternative but to follow the advise of Mr Den nis and cut down production Yours truly Knights USE AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS IN TURNING ARTICLES YOU MO LONGER NEED INTO CASH V Watch For Oar SPRING SALE OF Chrome rurnihire Occasional Furniture Bridge Bridge Furniture SAVINGS AS HIGH AS 25 L m Newmarket Furniture and Electric Ltd Main St Newmarket Phone 1232 Percentage of in Canada price increases since 50 AVERAGE RATES RAW ALE Motley ci u l a i Rogers of Saskatoon and Mrs Rogers of visi ted Mr Mrs NH Rogers on Sunday and all were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Red- dick Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs John Smith were her sister Mrs and Mr and Mrs Franklin Evan and John of Greg Rogers and three chums left- last week to motor to Prince Rupert Mrs Hendricks spent Sat urday with Mr and Mrs J at Several couples from a the Leather fin Aurora on were Mr Brown ladies Mrs Mrs Smith Door prize Mr AnoJKer euchre will bo held on Friday March Mrs Mrs on urday i Mr Loo a few day last week sister Wilson in Stftrgv6 flti Iftform talk on of the Temperance Mrs James Hope talked about her trip across the United States to California Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed Sunday services at Union church at pm and Sunday school at pjn Era and Express classifieds bring result IMPLEMENT PRICES LOW in comparison with prices of other supplies the farmer bays m m The outstanding achievement by In keeping the prices of its Canadianmade products at a low level of increase over is clearly shown by the above chart of price indexes AH commodities are shown as 977 higher than raw materials plants are higher yet farm implements have increased only The continued great world demand for laboursaving farm equip has given a volume permitting high operating efficiency in relation to production and selling costs making possible the partial absorption of the increased costs of materials and labour With the scarcity and high cost of experienced help formers find In modern machinery the means to maintain high volume pro duction at low operating cost Bureau of iiilpiiffipii i e d v w tf ALLAN MASSEYHARRIS SALES AND SERVICE Davis Dr Phone GO We carry a complete line of genuine MasseyHams parts