News Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Bert Caraan were Mr Harold Gilford Mr and Mrs liberty and family Mrs Roy Church and eldest daughter Mr and Mrs Bud McCarnan and Mrs Clara Emmerson Mr and Mrs Wesley Robert son and son Brian and Mr and Mrs Percy Jones spent Sunday with their mother Mrs Miss Viola is holidaying at Los Angeles California Mr and Mrs J spent the weekend in Detroit visiting Mr and Mrs Albert iff- lack has re turned to the Yukon after spend ing a few weeks with his mother Mrs and friends While here he underwent a minor operation in Toronto Western hospital of Mr and Mrs J Williams were Mr and Mrs Gilbert Williams and family Owen Sound Mr and Mrs Jack and Mr and Mrs Percy Williams and family Owen Sound Miss Shirley and Mr Victor Toronto spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Roy Lang- ford Armitage Arthur Lowe Timothy St was taken ill while at work and for the past two weeks has been confined to the house He is re ported to be progressing satis factorily Mrs Ivan Keopke and Mrs Gordon Keopke Southampton March 1 Mrs George Nichols To ronto was a weekend guest of Mr and Mrs Roy Martin and family Mrs James and Mr and Mrs Jack Kitching Holland Landing visited Mr and Mrs Cecil Grant Keswick on Sun day Mrs Margaret Johnston Lakeview spent a few days last week in town the guest of her son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Frank Johnston Mr and Mrs Ralph Day on Sunday with Mr and Mrs I C Day Bruce is a patient at York County hospital He was admitted on Saturday March and his friends wish him a speedy recovery School Open House Sets Record HOSPITAL BINGO RAISES On February the Newmar ket Veterans Association spon sored a Bingo in the Town Hall the proceeds of which were turn ed over to the York County Hos- A record attendance of ents visited the Newmarket elementary schools on Tuesday when the annual Open House was held The visitors began arriving at the schools shortly before seven and a steady stream of interested viewed the displays and talked following hcura ASKED TOllSHBr Open House was the climax in the local celebrations marking Education Week March 2 to The objective of education week which is observed in all parts of Canada is to bring into focus the Canadian educational system in order to promote greater in terest on the part of the public each community It is an op portunity ftwyjeitizen to be come better informed about the schools and the work being done in them In preparation for- Open House the children of the New market schools had completed many interesting projects Desks had been tidied and freshly polished by their young occu pants There were displays of outstanding art work connected with social studies health or his tory In one room the feature attractions were Indian crafts an Indian village In of the Newmarket Dramatic Club have been in- usher oh Saturday night March for the final presenta tion of the Drama Festival at Hart House under the auspices of the Central Ontario Drama Australia Beautiful stainglass League during the week ot j windows decorated another March to J room the Newmarket club in As as the art wkand that capacity are Mrs Nick class projects which decorated Styke Mrs Kenneth each school room work of the pital Auxiliary a generous Mrs Jack Harrinn and Misses pupils was delayed at thesr ure which netted That organize I tion the handsome sum of s HaIme J The ways and means commit- t tee of the Auxiliary under the Others attending the festival convenor of Mrs don canvassed the town merijlub are Mrs Jack Hamilton chants for prizes and the pro- people for cash dona- J 5228 Mr and Mrs Kenneth lions and as always the re- d M st was extremely gratifying since merchandise which HAS OPERATION the awarding of nest desks Here the visitors had an opportunity of reading composi tions checking writing and spell ing or comparing their childs de velopment in algebra with their memory of the subject The teachers were unanimous in their expression of apprecia tion to the parents for this inter est Report cards had been sent home at February and so parents came to the schools freshly aware their childs standing Many teachers said that never before had parents been so will ing to talk over problems shar ed by both the teachers and par ents in the interest of the child ren- Parents returning home af ter their visit to the school had a new appreciation of the teach ers viewpoint and a better un derstanding of her difficulties Teachers as they closed the doors of their class rooms at the end of a long day felt that when so much interest had been shown in educational matters in New market to merit a record attend ance on a stormy disagreeable night the extra work in prepar ing for Open House was amply repaid The Era and Express Thursday Mar r ENTER 1 0000 CONTEST AH FROM ANY SAT MARCH IS wilt pound Coloured pound 55c IOILAWS PRIDE of CRACKER at BROWN PRO CO POUND 96 POUND JUICY Johnston Mr and Mrs- Bruce spent four days last week at the valuable prizes some at St home of Mr- and Mrs Frank in cash was donated by big- hospital Toronto on hearted citizens March Mrs Rank is The executive of the Auxiliary progressing therefore like to take this Mrs Charles opportunity of thanking first Dora is in charge those people who responded so the beauty parlor during Mrs generously to the appeal with Ranks absence goods and money secondly the Veterans whose interest and sun- Bradford were weekend guests of Mrs George Mr and Mrs Fred Dixon and Judy Guelph visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ed win Dixon Mrs William Donaldson was a patient at York County hos pital where she underwent a major operation Mrs Donald son returned home on Thursday and is reported to be progressing favorably Mr and Mrs Murray McKit- Bill Doris and Elizabeth Mr and Mrs C Londry and Miss Marion Cran ston Thornbury visited on Sat urday with Mr and Mrs sons and daughters in town Mr and Mrs Wallace Mc- Kenzie Lansing visited on Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Stanley Sheppard Miss Lorraine was a patient at Royal Victoria hospital for the past month is now convalescing at the Nurses residence of that hospital Mr and Mrs Hunt and Mr and Mrs Fred Hunt Toron to were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Ross Eves Mr and Mrs I C Day at tended the wedding of Ralph Day to Margaret Ander son Toronto at Westminster United church on port made this project possible and last those who came to enjoy a pleasant evenings diver sion and by so doing helped to swell the returns in such a grat ifying manner DRAMA FESTIVAL A festivals oneact plays will be presented at Hart House To ronto the week beginning April 21 under the auspices of the Central Ontario Drama League GUIDE ASSOCIATION A meeting of the Newmarket GuideJJSoca Association will be held at the home of Mrs Thursday March 20 at pm Camping and badge work will be the main topics of discussion a tegular meeting of the Newmarket Womens Institute will be held on Thursday Mar 20 at 230 pm in the Agricul ture room Sharon Institute will be guests and will provide the program r J-S- HOLIDAYS IN FLORIDA Miss Margaret Fraser daugh ter of Mr and Mrs E to arrive home this week- after spending five weeks vacation Winter Haven Flor ida She will resume her duties the hospital shortly GIVES Mr and Mrs Ronald Watt en tertained at a birthday party on Friday the Bluebird inn in honor of their daughter Barbara who celebrated her birthday The table was beautifully decor ated with yellow daffodils and a birthday cake After an enjoy able evening a delicious lunch was served There were about present HAS BIRTHDAY Marilyn daughter of Mr and Mrs Bernard Lee celebrated her birthday on Thursday Mar Guests at her party includ ed Pat Quinn Marion and Mar garet Winter Glenna Wood- house and Marguerite The girls enjoyed a treasure hunt before the birthday supper with each finding an attractive apron for herself Later the group attended a theatre party to complete the celebrations Miss Lee received many lovely gifts SERVE REFRESHMENTS Refreshments were served by the York County Hospital Wo mens Auxiliary at the annual meeting of the Hospital Board of Directors The well attended meeting was held on Feb in the Agricultural Board rooms Mrs John Dales convened the refreshments for the evening To answer your questions regarding Appliances See LoWaw ad on this page for details JUICE ORANGES twin SALADS tut mi 14OZ 3 39c EACH 29 29c EACH SIZE cots 33 OX JAR itH ot 34 pi JAR JAR JAR 34c 34 COTTAGI BRAND 14c fc- J CONTEST WINNERS HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED BY MAIL A COMPLETE LIST OF WINNERS NAMES IS ED LOBLAW STORE Wrir PEA SOUP VEGETfiBE SOUP TIM MP W SC TIN WIT ONION SOUP Toner Tender King Peas 2 ciU 35 E DICED BEETS 2 27 noun at- SHORTENING BAG SMACK BAR I T CARTON MB si i SCHOOL Mrs John Quecnsvillc Mrs Stanley Shanks and Mrs Frank Graham Quccns- all former school chums of Mrs surprised her on her birthday on Monday with a birthday party lovely birthday cake centred the table and a delicious lunch was served Many happy mem ories were reminisced li Ss FLAVOURS PLAIN or CHOCOLME FLAVOURED WHITE OR CHOCOLATE lie SUPER Li MM LA FOR MARVELLOUS SUDS is 2 irr BEAUTY A BATH FOR SUM FAB W GERMICIDAL ANTISEPTIC TOILET SOAP r TONS OBJINGE PEHOE TEA MUSTARD BREAD 24c JAR BAG 9fp IN TOMATO SAUCE STARCH TIM c Milk Cheese TINS 9C Cleansing instantly into Miret to to free pores to Apply with col toll with Skin refreshing Hie of cream and lotion cleanse and softens unbelievably GUILD FLANS TEA j- A meeting of the St Pauls Parochial Guild was held at the home of Mrs on Tues day March Final arrangements mete for the tea which is to be held on Thursday March Mrs John Dales will receive at the tea and salads will be served The next meeting will be held at the church on Tuesday March in the church kitchen AH members are requested to bring and scissors GIVE SURPRISE A and neigh bors home Woodruff on Monday Man In honor of Mrs Woodruffs birthday They presented her with a beautiful table lamp After an evening a lunch was served JERSEY BRAND COCOA sours ftWi CHEESE H OmAHT AND VICES HUME MAIN SEVEN COURSE DINNERS Mcarol Sane ami Sack VtgrtfU lb Conducttcl by Internationally Known Home Economist S5 SPINACH I I ry iV ROLL IN TOMATO SAUCE TINS rio 2 TINS allPL TINS IPITS MIX chocolate g2c IN TOMATO SAUCE MIXED RUBLE CHLOROPHYLL IN HANKY or CHUBBY SIZE MB ma TINS UN ROILS T l f CtXAfttOt 15 Bags of Groceriff also ml I I l SWIFTS BlARCAfjFBl CORN U STOBEIOUHS Wed noon Sat I The NEWMARKET Mrs George celebrat ed her birthday on Monday March 3 On proceeding Sunday a birthday tea was held in honor of Mrs Marsden at the home of her daughter Mrs Wil liam Graydon Attending the party from Newmarket were Mr and Mrs Harper Price Mr and Mrs Jack Watts and Mrs Rosa Mrs is the aunt of Mr- Price and Mrs HARD GUMS J AftTYIART l tm J mm TT Ft THEATRE 13 MAIN STREET MARCH 18 19 20 21 130 TO 3J0 RANGE i I M ST NEWMARKET I Modern Way To Buy Poultry BOASTING CHOKE LB1 A UP Mm COfn NO MORI MO HUB MET OR IN WHAT YOU RUT CHOWI UNBAWH 57 ALWAYS TENDER TOHf ALWAYS TINDER BOY YOUR TION ft I lb 2Rc SAVE ON GUARANTEED FOODS OF QUALITY READY TO COOK rUlBtM5 it CHOiCI LORLAW MOCniRfAS CO LIMIT mar 9 J I i J 4