V WHAT THEY ARE SAYING AMNynity Has Dangers Plans Of Merchants Royal Journey Is Favorite The chief subject of conversation at the present time on Main street at least is the socalled Aurora Civic Progress Committee and its proposals Since the committees objective cannot be realized for some months ahead a great deal of contention is sure place Already to oppose its proposals Manv people have enquired of old friends in business Aurora News Page offers a salute to Mr Peterson for his very fine gesture which we know raise his stature in the minds great numbers of Aurora citizens and throughout the neighborhood At the same time we are delighted to know that Mr and Mrs will continue to remain in business As Mr Peterson said The street wouldnt be the same without them this paper if the names the sponsors of a liquor and beer outlet for Aurora could be made known They want to know who is running the thing as they put it Where did it originate brought it into being In the circumstances in which the proposals were made such enquiries are very natural On the face of it it might ap pear as though a trial balloon were being sent up by invisible hands ready to draw back if aijy questions were asked- The name of the committee has incited much comment of a very sarcastic nature Civic Progress Committee comment ed one wellknown citizen who called on us for information Is civic progress to be brought about by a bottle of liquor and a case of beer Mistaken Anoaymity Why responsible people should refuse to attach their names manifesto on which they want agreement is something we do not understand The committee whose objective is in their own words civic progress want a store for the sale of liquor and beer in Aurora Then why not sign their names to it People would then know who is back ing the proposals and all guess work would be eliminated Such mistaken anonymity cre ates false impressions It also implicates people who no direct interest in the proposals Thus it was said to us in all seri ousness that the mayor and coun cil were behind the project Civic said a citizen to us means the council That is an example of the unfortunate con sequences of a body of men call ing themselves the Aurora Civic Progress Committee and refus ing to allow their names to be made public It all results from mistaken anonymity these Haas ties were present in our mind when we refused the anonymous r ent which the other local paper saw fit to accept We expressed our willingness to publish the advertisement if one ot more responsible names were attached to it but our efforts to obtain a single signature proved unsuccessful Nobody would sponsor the advertisement In these circumstances we re- fused to give the proposals pub- moved by this magnificent story and we believe our stand Canadian tour that will re- will have the support of our main memorable in the history At the time we were writing about Mr we also wrote about his immediate neighbor Albert Morrison We duly reported what he had told us namely that he would be in troducing a mobile service for his customers on his departure from his present location Mr Morrison had bought part of his equipment for his new venture but found later that ad ditional equipment would not be available until the middle of May In these circumstances he decided to change his plans and he is now going into business as a salesman in real estate with the wellknown realtor Mr David McLean of ThornhilL Mr Mor rison will be the district repre sentative for this wellknown real estate business In the circumstances Mr Mor risons plans were made our earlier information was in print We take this opportunity of wishing him every success in his new undertaking Royal Mr Clifford Griffiths has brought many fine movies to the Royal theatre It is no reflec tion on the quality of anything he has shown in the past if we say that Royal Journey sur passed in beauty and in interest anything we have seen previous ly anywhere It could not be otherwise since for 50 minutes we were looking at two people whom destiny has decreed as the two most import ant people in the world It would be impossible to put into words the thrill evoked by the sight of a lovely young woman who is both so modest and so naturally regal the then Princess Elizabeth who is now her Maj esty Queen Elizabeth II We pity the poor heart that was not many hundreds of Aurora sup porters to whom we have a con stant duty Our first duty is to the readers of Aurora News Page whose loyalties we deeply appre ciate It is a solemn obligation on our part to hide nothing from The Duke of shortly the Prince Consort is too quite obviously a young man fitted in every way to carry out his future tremendous responsi bilities His easy naturalness the people of Aurora that they and charm of personality were ought to know and which we arc able to tell them The people of Aurora have come to know that they will get the truth from without fear or favor and it is because of this confidence in us that we have the large following of which we are justly proud The Will Stay It is always pleasant to able to write pleasant news We were afraid that we were going to lose Whitelaws from Main street and the comments we re cently under the caption Its A Shame expressed what was in the minds of a great many peo ple Mr had ar large number of callers at his store expressing sympathy with him in the situation in which he found himself Now the picture is en tirely changed and the White- laws will not be leaving Main street On April I they will move into the south portion of the Scanlon store which will be their future establishment This move was made possible through the interest of Mr Chas Peterson whom Mr described as a prince of ftfnati Mr Peterson was most anxious to retain the on Main street and although it had never been his desire or rent any portion of his store he decided to do so in order to keep displayed in full in every episode depicted by the camera Alto gether Royal Journey was a glorious spectacle and a moving one The royal tour was a wonderful event in Canadian history and the National Film Board are to be highly commend ed on their outstanding success We were not surprised to hear that f Journey surpassed all records for attendance at the Royal theatre The trouble was not to find the crowds but to find places to accommodate them So popular was the show ing that it could have filled the theatre for a second week Mr Griffiths has asked us to explain that the alteration in the time of showing was due to circumstances over which he had no control Care will be taken to avoid changes in the advertised showings in the future Frank Store In store the other evening two shoppers came in from as far away as Hol land Landing and he had another customed In fact they come in from distant points in the countryside to shop at this genial oldtime Aurora merchants store where he has been established for years A wonderful individual record But is only one Frank Long may his shadow survive i Hearings were heard before Judge Denton on January 1952 when the following decisions were made on the assessments of the undermentioned appellants who contested the Court of Re vision figures The figures in the first column represent the assess ments mode by assessor Mr Revision Judge Denton Aurora News Page J S I N C L A I E d i o LETTER TO EDITOR Liquor Beer Questioh NAMES WERE GIVEN COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS A Advertisement sponsored by what was described as the Aurora Civic Progress Committee appeared in last weeks issue of the other local paper The same advertisement was offered to us and had we accepted it a considerable item of revenue would have resulted for this paper We declined the advertisement because those who handed it to us would not themselves publicly accept responsibility for it nor find others who would In a democratic country justly boasting of a demo press advertising space can be bought for any legitimate purpose providing the rules of the newspaper are observed Advertisements are constantly accepted in spite of the fact that many of them are not neces sarily in accord with editorial policy That is simple democratic procedure We do not publish anonymous letters received nor do we accept anonymous advertisements however prof itable the latter t be We play fair with our readers whose loyalties we deeply value The propo sals of the socalled Aurora Civic Progress Committee arc of a most contentious character Such proposals should properly be made in the open not behind a word- screen intended to conceal interested individuals from publicity Many citizens are already demanding information on the origin of the socalled Aurora Progress Committee and the names of those who compose it We have a duty to our readers which carries the obliga tion of making sure that whatever changes are proposed in the life of Aurora the names of those proposing the changes shall be known to the citizens If sponsors will not back their proposals with their own names why should they expect a widelyread newspaper such as ours to preserve their anonymity We stand by our rule that advertisers must give their names -Jv- MR The smaller weekly periodica fe in edi torial satisfaction that council stood on its own feet and accept dictation from outside sources meaning us and appointed ft assessor in place of Mr Good We leave dictation to the source that on its own frequent showing has a hungry appetite to assume it and ourselves are content to rely on the more humble course of offering suggestions J recommendation that council should prolong the services of Mr Good was based in the belief founded on the work he had successfully carried out that his wide experience as an assessor was necessary in Aurora He showed himself as a fearless man who did not shrink from the unpleasant task of imposing the heaviest burdens on those best able to bear them He has a long record of successful assessing is that Mr Good was not hired for any specified period and could have continued his work indefinitely as he has done in a neighboring muni cipality wlftch appreciates his services The bylaw governing his appointment as assessor for Aurora did not his engagement ended with last years assessments In these circumstances the blunt truth was fxred by the present council Cook is the chairman of the Finance committee in the hands of which the recommendation of dismissal rested Apparently all members of council with the single of Councillor Tucker sat in on the delibera tions of the Finance committee and as the mayor indicated a council decision was unanimous Chairman Cooks committee did as its report stales find Mr Good very cooperative in the interview given him Yet the Cook Finance committee and Council fired him Curious isnt it WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO The interesting questions on school boards expen ditures raised by Councillor Ralph Tucker at the hist meeting of council which the smaller local periodical did not reMrt are worthy of fuller exploration In the interests of public enlightenment it is a good thing that such questions should be asked The fault constantly found with the High and the Public school hoard alike is that neither appear Willing to take the public into its confidence The boards have no hesitation in asking the ratepayers for large sums money but are not disposed to say how it Henderson came back to council to place before it a schedule of figures in connection with the additional grant of he and his board were asking for His appeal proved unexpectedly successful unexpectedly because it appeared likely that the request would pro voke a lot of discussion that would necessitate a special meeting of council When the chairman came to council on February he was a different man from the chair man who returned on March On February he seemed a bamboozled- He had no figures except those he carried in his head And he frankly admitted that the figures he car ried in his head werent too clear even to himself This uncertainty allowed some of the younger members of coun cil as well as the deputyreeve to jump on him The genial doctor of dentistry appeared to become flustered under the im pact of questions that were fired at him It seemed indeed that the might be out and that the doctor had met his Waterloo The On March 3 the chairman re turned confident smiling steady and sure of himself He held in his hand a sheet of paper with figures on it figures to argue with but not for publication With this sheet of paper he stumped his critics Even the mayor forsook the neutrality of the chair to pat the chairmans back and help him over the hump Dissenter Murray It is our opinion that Council lor Jim Murray made the best speech that council has heard in One of the city aldermen rap ped the board for not allowing the press into their meetings We have no idea of knowing how the board makes its deci sions said the alderman add ing that its the only secret so ciety in Oshawa that I know of Another alderman and former member of the education board said Im sold on the idea that the press should be admitted to board meetings Until this is done there will always be a lot of misunderstanding We have been saying these very things in Aurora for the past two and a half years The Peoples Money Councillor Ralph Tucker has a logical intelligence and he is gradually asserting himself in council lie often asks questions which nobody else thinks about It was so at the last council meeting If the peoples money buy the schools then the schools belong to the people do they not he asked And continued In that case what right has the public school board to be using of the debenture loan to pay to the high school board Everyone sat silent for a mo ment tonguetied Mayor Rose lapped the table with his pencil looked at Mr Tucker and then looked around the room Sud denly blueeyed Aurora The Editor Aurora News Page The Aurora Ministerial desires to make this brief statement re garding the advertisement in the Banner re a- proposed vote on liquor outlets in this community The advertisement states of the vote is for the betterment of conditions Aurora anxious to support anything that will be for the betterment of conditions in Aurora But fee that liquor arid lets in this Community will tribute to its betterment We be such outlets would prove a detriment to the highest wel fare of our children our young people our homes and the citi zens in general Second The advertisement states The committee considers the introduction of stores as a definite step toward a more tem perate use of these beverages We know and the records prove that the great increase In the number of liquor outlets in our province has resulted in a most intemperate spending for and use of alcoholic The consequent evil results are all too evident In Toronto for instance last year per- sons were arrested for drunken ness the highest figure in drunk was arrested throughout the province We do not wont to eh- Courage way traffic such widespread human wreckage advertisement which beats no name of chair man or secretary is published by the Aurora Civic Progress Committee We believe that this is a misnomer And that liquor outlets would not mean progress but would be a back ward step Therefore we are unanimous in the belief that the move to secure liquor in Aurora should be opposed Not having financial resources for a paid advertisement we ap preciate and thank the Era Express for their courtesy in printing this letter The Aurora Ministerial Rev Rev Dr Mulligan Sec It was concise and fcn It presented numerous argu- brainwave He is against the 35000 grant Since we have already reported those arguments there is no need to recapitulate them But it Is due to Mr Murray that the rate payers of Aurora should know that he fought the 35000 grant from many angles and he did so strenuously When the vote was taken his was the only hand that was raised in Mayor Rose came in more than once with bouquets for the school board When their ap peal seemed to be suffering from bruises he from time to time applied the healing ointments It could be that he saved the ap peal for the 35000 grant from disaster on two or three occa sions with applications that were well timed Pity it is that we cannot pub lish the schedule of figures that Dr Henderson handed around to the council and the press But we must observe the chairmans request to withhold these at least for the present We shall presently ask that these figures be released for the consumption of the ratepayers They have a right to know what they are It is they who have to foot the bills We have long fought for full publicity in all town Why should this secrecy con tinue Whose afraid of who Which reminds us of a news paper clipping that a friend has sent to us on this question of secrecy in schools boards spend ing The clipping reports discus sions that took place at when the city council decided that no action he pres ent on the board of educations request for debenture issue of for the erection of two public schools in the city it appears they can build two pub lic schools at for but here in Aurora we need to complete the change over from one school to another screwed up his cigarette butt on the ashtray and broke the ten sion by telling Councillor Tucker that the education department of the provincial government paid part of the money for the schools Members of council looked re lieved and happy until Mr Tucker reaffirmed his opinion that the schools were bought with the peoples money and he wondered why it should be pos sible that the school boards could in effect be carrying on an intertrading business A few pensive moments of si lence with one onlooker blink ing fast in the fluorescent light ing like a startled owl waking up from a nocturnal nap and the matter was passed by on Mr Tuckers assurance that he was only seeking information But his observations were to the point Parks Commission There will be a meeting of all interested parties for the inaug uration of a Parks commission in the town hall on night March 24 at a pm We hope the honor of chairmanship will fall to Mr Corner the origina- tor of the proposal He is the one man for the job and he will see that it is well done While he was chairman of the Streets committee he did some excellent work Letter of Complaint We agreed completely with the complaint registered by Mrs Cole in regard to Centre street which she described as in a dis graceful condition From ex perience we can say that it is in very bad shape recently ice- covered and dangerous to walk on In the early winter it was baptised with a few sprinklings of sand but apparently the was exhausted and for some time it was safer for pedestrians to use the tracks made by cars on the That goes for other sidewalks too Aurora Milling Co 20750 Leather bldg Factory Equipment BA Hart Manufacturing Shoe 32625 bid Factory No Factory No Factory No Factory No Lome Confirmed 36225 21275 24831 Confirmed j 8050 8600 spent Why this secrecy Where does the V It Is our opinion thaWhe High school board should prepare a financial statement covering all the 600000 spent ThPiiblic school Is liigji school board the huge sum of for purchase of the old High school Where mm wi used brought a financial statement to with the for the the be withheld from publication Why all this confc founded secrecy The ratepayers want to know where their mm going We suggest that the would Ml doing a useful public service if invited his council to rap down on this secrecy which hides expenditures from the ratepayers A few more questions such as those asked by Councillor Tucker but not reported by the smaller periodical will help in this campaign for public enlightenment RECREATION COM A meeting of the Aurora commission was on Thursday evening March when the following members were present Don Glass chairman J Of ford Rev G Purchase Councillor Cliff J E ment recreation director and Harvey Bell secretarytreasurer Recreation director reported that the swimming classes were receiving wonder ful response and that these were well under way for both adults children Buchanan stated that the handcraft classes under the direction of Barragcr and her daughter and that meetings twice weekly liners and Lions hall on evenings when dames were held outlining coitj duct required on the part of pa trons and that no alcoholic bev erages would be permitted to fag taken into the hall and anyone under the influence of the same would be refused admission The commission appointed the recreation director as its repre sentative on the Parks commis sion were A motion by Mr and seconded by Mr Buchanan di rected that sighs be made for posting in suitable places hi the V NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OP MICHAEL MYLES Deceased ALL the estate of Thomas Myles late of Town ship of Kin in the County of York carpenter who died on the on or before the day of March full particulars of their claims Im mediately after last men tioned date the assets of the estate will be distributed among st the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims j of which the undersigned shall then have had notice Dated at Aurora this day of February Marten Executor by his solicitor Lee Aur ora Ontario Spectacle NEVER BEFORE FILMED The most story fiction ever inunnsMl based on the mu by Philip TECHNICOLOR A ir Hi- RUDOLPH V V SOON MANnCWTM0TWNPiaUIEMTKnMOl DAVID and BATHSHEBA