rf COUNCIL REPORT Finance Committee Propose And Council Agree Sell Municipal Building A regular meeting of the town council was held on Monday night March with the mayor and all mem- present Highlights of the meeting were a recom mendation froriithf nance committee to sell the municipal buildings and a discussion on the purchase of cement by the streets committee Correspondence included a let- grant of from the from the Junior Chamber I merit of agriculture for Arena of Commerce concerned with a I Memorial purposes He pointed cleanup week in May a letter from the Canadian Legion re questing the use of the park for a field day on June and July and letters from two citizens Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Scott reporting falls on slippery side walks which were later dis cussed by council Mayor Rose road a letter dressed to himself from the Mayor of Toronto in which it was stated that invitations were being extended for the attend- of representative industries at the Trades Fair opening day on June and that such to mayors and industries were being generally made Reports Reeve Cook chairman of the finance committee submitted a report on a decision made by his committee other members being Councillors arid King to sell the clerks office and municipal buildings to ah interested party if the price of could be realized The report indicated a sug gested meeting of council and the public school board to dis- cuss the possible taking over of the old public school for mu nicipal purposes Mayor Rose pointed out that although this was a decision by the finance committee all mem bers of council himself except ed had sat in on the finance committees deliberations The mayor pointed out that the pub lic school board were hot in a position to negotiate with coun cil without the approval of the education department of the provincial government A special meeting of council with the public school board would have to be arranged said the mayor Council approved the report of the finance committee Although no names were men tioned at council the possible sale of the municipal buildings to the Bank of Nova Scotia was freely discussed on Main St before the meeting of took place on Monday Mar Ed Cement Purchase Questioned In a preliminary report pre sented by Mur ray covering a number of mat ters concerned with improve ment of sidewalks and the down of a sidewalk from the new high school to St it was indicated that the streets out that this grant would have to be applied for by council and that it should have been dealt with last year but between the old council and the Arena board absolutely nothing had been done As new appointee to the Arena board he would see that the matter received atten tion Icy Sidewalks Discussion took place re gard to the accidents arising from the icy sidewalks and what liability the had in these matters Councillor Tucker again raised the question of enforcement of the sidewalks being kept clean and added some very critical re marks on the state of the St sidewalk where the hew Im perial bank building was being proceeded with He described this condition as sloppy and dirty It emerged from the discus sions that the town had no di rect liability to compensate per sons who injured themselves through falling on icy or other wise dangerous sidewalks and that in order to obtain compen sation it appeared that such in jured persons must sue the town and if such action were success ful the towns insurance com pany would be responsible in the matter of possible compen sation Councillor Murray said it was ridiculous that taxpayers should have to sue the town to get compensation for injuries Sup posing they lost out they would have lopay legal expenses for actions taken as well as hearing the medical expenses arising out of their injuries What sort of an arrangement was that Coun cillor Murray asked Further discussion terminated on ah instruction to the clerk by the mayor that a letter be written to the townV insurance company stating that two claims would be submitted for compen sation for accidents Street DeputyReeve Murray inform ed council that he had received complaints concerning the had condition of portions of St and that this would need immediate attention It was the opinion of the dep utyreeve that the town would either have to do a job on St or turn it over to the highways department Building Permits Councillor Murray requested I committee had purchased thai in future all bags of cement at the price of per hag before taking the normal procedure of obtaining the approval of council- This action on the part of the streets committee was sharply criticised by Councillor Jim Murray who wanted to know why the committee had bought the cement without first of ail bringing the matter to council ami getting its approval- The deputyreeve said he had acted in the best Interests of the town arid had received the approval of the mayor and the reeve having telephoned both Councillor Murray saidr the purchase of the cement had been made between the dates of be submitted to council He protested against taxpayers hav ing to learn from the local press what permits had been issued which properly should go through council and from there to the press The mayor instructed the clerk to present all building permits to council in the fu ture Parks Organization Discussion took place on whe ther the projected Parks body I should he named a committee a board or a commission this mat ter to be dealt with at the meet ing to be held on March Council emphasized the need of recruiting as much voluntary ruary 25 and March j possible and that money one word had been said about it at the council meeting held on March Vo The deputy- reeve said he had forgotten to mention the mailer expenditures should be budget ed in council and expense limits set A bylaw introduced for and agreed that he and his committee had not acted in ac cordance with procedure but protested that he had done so in the interests of the to The mayor supported the ac tion of the streets commit tee say i hat quick action of ten meant that those responsible had to do what l descried a a Irregularis tie commended DeputyReeve Murray not on trial On a taken all members of council with the exception of- Councillor Murray supported the action of the streets committee in buying the cement The flame the firm bought was hoi hr6ugiit out in the discussion H Report on Irani Councillor Murray reported on the matleri of obtaining a at the council mcelingVon- Mr George Us assessor for the town at a salary of weekly When the for the public school loan was reduced Councillor Murray again criticized what he do- scribed as unnecessary spending on the part of the board The board has made no attempt at all to cut down expenses as serted Mr Murray He said he could point to overspending in a number of directions if called on do so Mayor Rose said he strongly disagreed with Councillor ray affirming belief that the board had done everything pos sible to cut down expenses When Deputy Reeve Murray said that agreed With the mayor Councillor Murray sprang his feel declaring that if somebody wanted to make an argument out of it he would soon provide the proof of his statement that the school board had attempt at a II to cut down expenses Tucker said the matter had Ijecn debated and closed- ahd no useful purpose would- bo served by it all oyer again Among other business dealt was the raising of the clerks salary from to weekly and the question of more parking space brought up by Councillor Murray Council rose at pm Our customary review Council Sidelights will op- pear next- weeks issue of News Page Ed on NORTHW0 Looktorfjati With Yellow Moke It A Meet Your Friends At The ODHESS Drug Store Two Graduate Pharmacists St Aurora Tel Aurora J G S I C A I d or ELEVEN THURSDAY THE TWENTIETH DAY OF MARCH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO EDITORIALS TOWN PAYS FOR WASTED WORK J The Cook Finance committee and council fired Mr E Good Where do we go from here in the matter of assessments Presumably the task of level ling out assessments in Aurora will have to be begun all over again Since the young assessor appointed to replace Mr Good is unknown to usiwe cannot possibly haw any individual objections to him which we certainly have not Other considerations exist however Those who studied the revised assessments car- out by the judge and made public in last weeks Issue of Aurora Page would note the heavy land slides that overtook- even the decisions made by the Court of Revision all mem be of which local citizens and presumably well acquainted with the nature of the appeals that came before them The judge saw fit substantially to revise the amend ments made by the Court of Revision composed of Mayor Bell DeputyReeve Murray Councillors Corbett and Fielding although the revisions made by the Court cut deeply into the assessments made by Mr Good From the little information we have been able to gleam about this situation it would appear that Mr Goods timing rather than his assessments was claimed to be at fault Sir Good was not able to assess the whole town in one assessing year by the yardstick he had applied to the industries which he claimed were best able to bear the heavier burdens and consequently it appears that all appeals were allowed by the judge In these circumstances the whole of the work of equitably asses sing the industries will have to be done over again The assessor had worked with a twoyear plan in mind and what through limited he had failed to do in would have been done in For such rea sons and other reasons previously stated we think it is a matter for the greatest regret that Council fired Mr Good instead of retaining him lie had an experts knowledge of his job and the will to apply it qualifi cations that certainly are not commonplace THE LIQUOR AND BEER VOTE Those who went round with the petition papers certainly worked at a high tempo for in the course of a few days enough votes were obtained to call Tor a later and final vote of the citizens on the question of whether they do or do not wish to have a liquor and beer warehouse in Aurora Our information is that the canvassers made a point of asking support only from those whom they believed would say Yes In these circumstances the real fight for the installation of the liquor bottles and the beer eases Aurora is yet to come and before that time comes all the names of the early crusaders for the liquor bottles and the beer cases in Aurora will be publicly known At this time of writing only two names have emerged into public view namely A Maughan chairman and Harold Rogers secretary It is certain that before this suddenlyerupted cam paign is ended there will be much heated contention disturbing Auroras normally placid surface and that is a great pity We are not aware of any voluntary demand among the citizens for the sale here of liquor and beer The demand has arisen from the activities of a small group which we hope is not being impelled by liquor and beer interests at work behind the scenes Aurora is a good town in which to live Whether an improvement in its prestige and character can be brought about by a stockpile of liquor and beer bottles on Main street is for a majority of the citizens to decide when the final vote is taken Before that vote is taken Aurora News Page will present its own point of view ROOT THEM OUT In a letter from Mr Barker of King pub lished in Aurora News Page on March the adverse effects of the meters on trading in Aurora were clearly indicated Commenting on the 51tt collected from parking violations since the meters were installed Mr Barker said The revenue from the meters might help reduce the rate for Aurora yet at the same time it might reduce the amount of money spent in Aurora by you n try Every one of these forbidding scraps of iron stuck up in the streets of Aurora is an unfriendly fist shaken in the faces of visitors and countryside shoppers Pay up or clear out is the adamant demand of these dim inutive stacks that threaten residents and visitors alike that if they dont shell out their coppers they cant stay to shop Put it another way Over the doorway of a Trie lids house hangs a Welcome sign but before get inside theres another winch says Before ycu can stay hereyoii must place coin in- the box on the walk sort of a friendly welcome would that be The meters have extinguished old that lias grown ixwHhAurm tip or clear out rtd pro you can it tKo agile constable has soaked ith fine jpily the constable who has to do lit duty loss of Auroras oldtime The council should root out these menacing mendi cants thai arc steadily destroying Auroras reputation as a friendly old town where country neighbors meet and root them out before the do further mischief They are an affront to good WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Much Money Believed Being Dumped In Aurora To Liquor And Beer Campaigns This column exists primarily for the reporting of what responsible people arc saying on local matters but who do not wish their s to be published for various good reasons Such people are not crusaders but they are very much concerned over what may take place in the town where many of them were born have long residence here or in other instan ces count Aurora as their permanent abode HOODLUMS ENTER DEN Sometime an Thursday night of last week hoodlums smashed a window of the Aurora Lions hall and after getting inside did great damage to a piano There was evidence that they had made an attempt to set fire to a por tion of the building- So far there is no information of any arrests Aurora is not a cosmopolitan town There are many families here whose forebears belonged to the early pioneering days when Aurora was known as There are very old families in this town of Aurora and they ace proud of their na tive community and are rightly jealous of any changes and inno vations that would alter its character Aurora is a town of character It has reached its present status by slow developments and many of its responsible citizens want nothing better than that this evolutionary course should con tinue They have no sympathy with certain semihysterical crackpots who are to see Aurora bursting at the scams to quote the bad Eng lish of the I hi nor and Beer Some responsible people are saying that the controversial As we said last week the fun damental mistake made by the sponsors of the liquor and beer proposals if it was a mistake and not a carefully designed plan was to remain anony mous We cannot refrain from adding our opinion that the Au rora Banner was guilty of a sig nal disservice to citizens of Au rora in accepting ah advertise ment proposing such a change in the ordered life of this commun ity without the reasonable guar antee of a show of names of the sponsors To play the role of a principal instigator in changing the way life of a community and to do so under a mask is a serious undertaking It will hardly be suggested that the publisher of the Aurora Banner was himself unaware of the names of those who accepted responsibility for placing the ad vertisement which unaware would make matters decidedly SALE We hope our valued customers will take full advan tage of our Clearance Sale of a wide variety of first- class Wallpapers Westiuhouse Lamps Juvenile Toy Bookstand much other attractive merchandise which we are disposing of at very low prices This Clearance Sale is made possible through our early removal from our present to our new location in the south portion of Scanlons store The Sale will commence The Aurora Book and Music i THEATRE AURORA GRIFFITHS MANAGER TEL 8 question of a liquor and beer worse or that he was not outlet for this town originated self interested in the proposals last year when contacts are said according to the information to have taken place between placed at our disposal when Wei March Friday and Saturday GRAND DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAMME representatives of the liquor and beer interests and at least two of the town service organiza tions The service organizations mentioned arc the Board of Trade and the Junior Chamber of Commerce The important decided to refuse the advertise ment it is our deep conviction that a local newspaper lias a moral responsibility to its readers to the extent that a minimum re- is to make known to its readers the names its P I vertiKcrs especially when the is professing lo what they are talking about that the ques tion of a liquor and beer ware house originated outside of Au rora and was later coopted by a group that baptised itself in the somewhat compelling name of the Aurora Civic Progress Committee Even this name it is being said was not native- born but was coined outside of Aurora A Civic Progress Committee very attractive title At first sight it might suggest that its sponsors were troubled over such matters as the lack of good reading material in the town library better sidewalks for the reduction hi the mill rate a demand for less secrecy on the part of the school boards in the spending of the ratepay ers money enquiry into the hydro secret society through the attendance of the press The Aurora Civic Progress Committee is not concerned with any of such things it is con cerned only with liquor and beer and the means whereby it can be obtained right here in Aurora According to the claims of this committee Aurora will enjoy a great forward movement in civic progress once it has be come possible for citizens to run down to Main street and acquire as much or more liquor and boor as they can get by going north to Bradford Civic Progress Commit tee is the most complete example of a misnomer that have met with in our experience If the sponsors had been honest about it they would have called them selves The Liquor and Beer Committee and with equal have signed their names to the manifesto calling for the release of it in the town of Au rora Unpleasant The secrecy in which this jumping the gun committee sprang to life and made public by an anonymous advertisement which the Aurora Banner was pleased to accept and we refus ed has created many unpleasant rumors So much so that it is being said that the misnomer advertisers are seeking to alter the longaccepted way of life of the community in which the newspaper circulates Judged by such simple ethical standards wc suggest that the publisher of the Aurora Banner has failed the citizens of Au rora on a fundamental issue in accepting an anonymous adver tisement which called for a vote on proposals that were not guar anteed by any names Such pro cedure may be legally valid but it is the less an affront to any ordinary intelligence We can admire people who will fight even a lost cause over their own names But we would lose respect for our dearest friend who urging others on to do this or that himself remained in ambush as though ashamed of the activities he had set in mo tion Parking Space When the Board of Trade re turned to council a letter which Mr Taylor had written in which he complained of the condition of his basement allegedly due j to the work carried out in con nection with the parking space at the United church the Board claimed that it gave the park ing lot to the town The Board of trade gave no parking lt to the lowri the town rents the United church parking space at per an num in other words the lax payor- foot the bill for a- park- space now it is said by the merchants who formerly parked on Main street in defi ance of parking regulations The Board of Trade prepared parking lot but where- did the money come from to pay for that Is it not a fact some people are asking that some if not all of money used by the Board of Trade to prepare the United church parking lot came out of the proceeds of a public sub scription for the former Mem orial Fund The Board of Trade is not a philanthropic institu tion PLUS SECOND FEATURE n maw mi tenia Serial No 1 Showing Friday at and Saturday Matinee pm Monday and Tuesday March 2425 Gregory Peck tout Civic Progress lie school Why should the is plenty of parking pace available- at I he old pub- the offspring of interests not concerned at all with Auroras Aurora be to progress but their more money provide own personal and collective in- spaces while there ample facilities at the old public school lo vacated A few mysteries need to be dispersed and the true facts brought into the light of day i ri per In the early part of this year the Writer was informed by a member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce that the subject of liquor and beer outlet for Au rora was likely to be a mailer of discussion among his fellow members We id not pay too much significance to the matter at the time and did not think about it until the anonymous advertisement appeared iri the Aurora Banner The whole point of this refer ence is that the proposal to in stall a liquor beer ware house in Aurora did not pre sumably arise with the speed of the growth of a mushroom but has been in the process of de velopment over a considerable period Newspaper Responsibility I Wednesday and Thursday March SOUTH AMERICA THRILLS TRAVEL Reservations Platte Steamship Kail Hotels No extra cost A EL Maughan PHONE AURORA r