Newmarket Era and Express, 20 Mar 1952, p. 13

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WHYS 1 a the family happy this season between Winter Spring Good food will do the trick every time Thats why I make appoint of serving extrade licious extranourishing PUDDING serfs I particularly want to please the folks Its just like a party when you serve milkrich Puddings they offer much variety and theyre SO tempting The youngsters particularly will all the flavours Vanilla Chocolate Butterscotch ami And dont forget the three wonderful Tapioca Puddings Mima good and you I And a Jell0 Pudding one of the most economical and desserts you can serve Do You Often Wish someone would out of the blue and manage money for you Such wishing calls for a iairy Godmother and theyre in very short supply Ive found But there arc many BANK OF MONTREAL branches over and any one of these will help you manage your money like an expert Theres no need for a magic wand when you can count on of M Savings Accounts to help you save for a day Sunshine Accounts to you save for a sunny day that real vacation youve promised yourself Travellers to help you enjoy your vacation without worry and Pergonal Planning the of a wonderful in on a system that makes dollar outdo itself for you So why not visit your neighborhood of M branch today and ask for your free of Personal Planning Pick up a copy of Ways A Million Canadians Use the IS of ftp at the same time and discover just how many of services are specially designed to help yo THAT Was Quick Work and to think you could a barely crawl out of bed this morning I But a sparkling glass of before break fast Jia3 made a new woman of you Yes with speedy Sal you avoid Lag that feel- ITS A Womans World By Caroline Ion Last week it was a world of guiding scouting and cubbing for us Other activities were sandwiched into the rare intervals of free time between ScoutGuide events Feel tike Saying Thanks a Million to the Folks for giving lis wonderful Phenyl- ium Its the greatest scientific discovery in years for people who tug of stomach discomfort that and calluses- often goes on for til ordin ary slowacting bring relief pleasant to take too sparkling clear and gentle as can be So take my tip when you fuel or pleasanttasting remedy that leaves you feeling like a million in no time at all and safe- for all members of your family Sal a product of BristolMyers who also pain re lief And BlueJay have put it in their famous Corn and Callus Plasters to give us comfortable feet It took ten years of scientific research for BlueJay to develop this won derworking medication Now tests show that it nth of corns and calluses in record time quicker than any other treatment Ask your to day for BLUEJAY Com Plasters with anil end your foolworries forever Next Time Cranny sniffs at those newfangled just tell her theyre not really so new They were patented in London at about the time she married Grandad Then convince her of how good tea yes tea in teabags can lie Give her a cup of delicious RED HOSE TEA Or you can buy Bed Tea by the pound if you Its good no matter how you buy it good no matter how you serve it And its tea of the highest quality it gives you more per pound its flavour goes a long long way A of Bed costs less than a cent including the cream and sugar When youre ordering Bed Tea ak for Bed Boc Coffee too Its bit as good Bed Tea- You Had A Penny for all the poems that have wen written about beautiful youd probably be a millionaire And not only poets who notice their ladies hand mot men do So its not surprising that women about SNAP if AND CLEANER Snap ail dirt in a yes the grubbiness left on your hands after a bout of Yet Snap is kind to your rind You see it contains three magic in fine Italian pumice and pure for cleans ing gentle glycerin for conditioning Thats why many women depend on Snap Hand Cleaner to keep their hands beautiful always Airing Spirit Of Spring right to the dinner table with sparkling desserts mule with fellO Jelly are i l the flavour is so fresh and delicious You see the flavour is locked right in each tiny particle until 1 JJ WW WW release it by adding hot water to the Seven exciting flavours give you glorious variety Andy did you know costs only a serving Try BANANA FOAM So easy to banana teaspoons one white stiffly beaten with dash of salt package any flavour cup hot water cup water Dissolve hot water Add cold water Turn into sherbet classes banana to pulp with silver Chili unit firm fork banana mixture Just before serving fold into white Serves 1 beat well Jelib with Indeed from many a Newmar ket household this worldwide youth movement was demanding an unusual share of attention Mothers of the youngsters in all forms of scouting and cubbing were present on Monday night for the regular meeting of their auxiliary Earlier in even ing 51 Brownies with their lead ers Mrs Sherrard and Mrs Hayes had rocked the Scout hall with some of their rollicking games and songs Guides under their leaders di rection presented the program at the Monday auxiliary meeting and were present for their regu lar weekly meeting on Wednes day night when the newly ap pointed Badge secretary Mrs Armstrong was in at tendance to meet the Guides working for their proficiency badges With her was the treas urer of the Guide Local associa tion Mrs Gordon Cook Both of these ladies assisted in passing Guides in their safety tests dur ing the evening The following two nights were the Scout and Cub Father and Son banquets and on Saturday a training day for Guide patrol leaders and seconds was held at the Scout hall Cant imagine how they forgot Tuesday in that whirl of activities Although we were present at most of the affairs listed above we escaped much of the work in volved We attended the ban quets in an official capacity and in that capacity devoured a deli cious meal without having work ed in its preparation Other mothers had baked pies or made scallop potatoes They came to the Scout hall the afternoon to set tables decorate and arrange all the details con nected with serving meals to large groups of hungry men and boys Then they returned home to prepare the regular supper for the remainder of the family returning to the Scout hall in time to serve the banquet pip ing hot to the boys arid their dads Even then they were riot free to go home for the stacks of dishes beckoned to them- But when enthusiasm in boys and girls work is high and will ing workers volunteer their ser vice such strenuous arc managed The 21 ladies present to serve on Friday night- went home feeling very happy for their share in such a vyorthwhile effort The good comradeship between father and son through the sharing of such ex periences is reward enough to any mother So often assistance is wanting in youth work Leaders struggle to cany the load when a few more willing workers would change the duty to a pleasant ex perience for all Mr who has been associated with cubbing in Newmarket for years re ported on the packs activities this past year He told of how necessary the money raised in salvage work was to the continu ation of scouting in Newmarket Mr also told of working on salvage many a Saturday late into the night with Lome assist ing him but without additional help from the fathers of Scouts and Cubs in town Later on Friday evening in replying to the toast to the fa thers Howard Morton asked those present to pledge more support to scouting and cubbing in Newmarket He said that none of the fathers present would entrust their cars to him for repairs and maintenance without first checking on him and making certain that he was fully qualified But do we do that with our most precious possessions our boys our young sters he asked Mr Morton said he had a sense of great pride that his boy was in cubbing and was having the opportunities provided in this movement for learning woodcrafts and other skills In cubbing you learn to live with people In Scouts and Cubs all colors all creeds and all nationalities are one Try to get along with the oilier fellow in your pack Of ten when we are most certain that we are right we find we are wrong he told Ihe Cubs Mr Morton said that when fa thers were asked to assist in cubbing or scouting many felt they did riot have the time Time is very important to everyone He quoted the saying of Carnegie that they could take away his his real te railways factories all his possessions but just leave time Give me time and I can get them all back Carnegie had said Yes time is important to everyone Leaders give and give generously and freely of their time There are weekly meetings There are extra events such as last weeks ban quets There is the time needed to prepare interesting programs to test the youngsters for their badges and to study and read For no leader continues to pro vide inspiration to his boys without learning new games and new ways of presenting the work- When these leaders who do all this work without pay and most often without thanks ask for the assistance of parents whose boys and girls are benefit ing from their work will they be told 1 really admire your work and Id like to help very much But I just havent the time CLUB wishes are extended this week to Carol Emily Watson Newmar ket years old on Friday Mar Harold Lewis New market years old on Mar Norman Ireland Aurora years old on Saturday Mar Barbara Ann West years old on Saturday Mar Nancy Smith Newmarket years old on Saturday Mar Patricia Wallace Wood- 1 year old on Saturday Max Susan Bales Newmarket years old on Saturday Mar IS Cynthia Anne Coleman New market year old on Saturday Mar Jack Drew Newmarket years old on Sunday Mar Richard Davidson Newmarket years old on Monday Alar Palsy Newmarket years old on Monday Mar 17 Patricia Bel- haven years old on Monday Mar John Goring New market 3 years old on Monday Mar Donald Archibald Moffat years old on Tuesday Mar David Brttfoh- Selby Sharon years old on Tuesday Mar Pearson Holland Land big years old on Tuesday Mar Lynn Webster Ottawa years old on Wednesday Mar Mae Newmarket years old on Thursday Mar Paul Douglas It Newmarket years bid on Thurs day Mar Send In your address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club The Newmarket Era and March Page HOLD MARCH MEETING The Womens Missionary circle Christian Baptist church New market will meet in the Sunday school Thursday March at pm AH ladies of the congregation are cordially invited to attend- AND ELECTRIC LTD HEil MARCH BUYS CHROME DINETTE our chairs in all standard colors table with Arborite top easily clean ei leatherette covered chairs JITS chrome or painted folding separate card tables 1 MODERN sponge rubber leatherette covered and PS ROCKING CHAIRS In chrome with covers RUTH BEST ADDRESSES GROUP Capt Ruth Best Newmarket Salvation Army was the guest speaker at the March meeting of the Evangeline auxiliary Trinity United Held in the schoolroom with a very good attendance Mrs Walton the president was in the chair Mrs Walton opened the meeting with prayer Mrs J Morris conducted the worship service A poem No Time For God was read follow ed by the hymn Take Time to be Holy Mis J read a scripture passage from the gos pel of St Matthew Miss Vera the soloist was unable to be present of illness The guest speaker Ruth Best told of her work in Bermuda where she spent four years before coining to New market For awhile Best whs associated with a school for delinquent girls and the remain der of the time she spent working with the colored people of the Island Bermuda is thickly populated mostly Negro It is a very pic turesque island and a wonderful resort spot for tourists but Capt Best told of the w of the Army which wasnt always pleasant Her talk was illustrate with pictures and things she had collected while there Ev erybody enjoyed hearing of her experiences PLAN AND TEA The St Patricks meeting of the Junior Ladies aid Christian Baptist church Newmarket was held on Tuesday March at the home of Mrs Groves Mrs James and Mrs Her bert Hideout were in charge the meeting Mrs Robert Dick president was in the chair Plans were dis cussed for the annual spring bazaar w will be held conjunction with the blossom tea on May At the close of the business session a delicious lunch ser ved by the Mrs Groves Mrs Edna Mrs William Mrs Jack arid Mrs COMpATION KITCHEN STOOLS and counter chairs in chrome with plastic covers CHAIRS and tomb v SElf OF FIXTURES FURNITURE AND ELECTRIC LTD Phone 1232 Main St HEAR MRS BOWMAN Mrs Dorothy Bowman was guest speaker t the March meet ing of the Womens association Trinity United church Newmar ket Mrs Bowman spoke oh vcloping the Special Child In charge of Ihe rnusic for the program was the church organist Norman llurrle devotional period was conducted by Mrs Robert with the hides being used as the theme SPONSOR SPUING TEA tea and sale of home baking will be held tomorrow afternoon Friday Mar 21 under the auspices of the Evangeline auxiliary Trinity United church Newmarket Tea will be served from to pm There will be a supervised nursery- Tt with lii I fo WALLS A CHUNGS OGILVIE OGILVIE OGILVIE OGILVIE OGILVIE t PRODUCTS GNGEIIBREAD MIX MIX Household Flour MINUTE VltABCXREAL WIIlAt TONIK WHEAT GERM BAG 35c 31c I A PKG BAG COTTAGE BRAND BREAD WHITt WHOLE WHEAT WHEAT LOAF SLICED LOAF Texas fresh Green tops SWEET JUICY SEEDLESS FRESH TEXAS RED RIPE FULL OF SWEETNESS LARGE FLORIDA SEEDLESS SIZE URGE PUNCH 2 ior 19c GOOD Or SIZE 29 23c CELLO SPECIAL CREAMY CRACKERS OR GOLDEN BROWN SODAS plain or salted Colour Kwik Margarine boston brown with AlUlliin PORK IN tomato sauce fi SAUCE HEINZ Pepared Yellow Mustard MILKO Skimmed Milk Powdered FLUID Sweet Mixed Pickles AVLMR or JUNIOR FOOD SWIff1aJING CHEESE MARGARINE Lemon Juice swirts SALAD A ORANGE PSXOE TEA ROGERS GOLDEN CANE SYRUP BELMAR SOUP MIX DEAL QUAKER SUGAR PUFFS CLUB HOUSE MINUTE TAPIOCA PRODUCTS Fancy Tender King Peas 2 CHOICE LIMA BEANS green MIXED VEGETABLES choice CHOICE DICED BEETS CARTON TINS JAR BOTTLE BOTTLE TIN CARTON BABY ROLL CARTON TINS TIN 3 TIN SVjOZ fiViOZ TINS TIN OX TIN TINS Old White Cheese pound Swiss Grayere Cheese TIN CUDNEY CHOICE PEACHES halves SHIELD BRAND Salad Dressing KRAFT VSLVEETA CHEESE plain DOLE FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL ECONOMY LUNCH BAGS GOLDEN WAX BEANS Extra ST BLUE FANCY CUT MflRMflliUJE SIEVE TIN OF TINS CARTON JAR TIN JAR CAKE TIN 39c 12c 32c 9c 34c 47c 31c 31c 13c 27c 31c 12c 33c 15c 8c 96c Canada So CoH FRESHLY GROUND PRIDE of ARABIA COFFEE BAG HIGH PARK COFFEE POUND BAG SPECIAL DARES CUSTARD CREMES POUND SPECIAL VALENCIA CAKE A Quality Product the SPECIAL CANOY FEATURE tMPORTEO ENGLISH ORCHARD FRUITS CELLO BAG FINEST ORANGE PEKOE RED LABEL TEA BAGS OF IS PKG OF 3D OF Sweet Mixed Pickles TOUCT SOAP SmFTS CLEANSER MAPLE LEAF Soap Flakes 36 tissue 9c Ammonia 2 TOILET SOAP DEAL J 26c Z1Q0SHEET If ROLLS REGULAR CAKE STORE HOURS MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY AM TO WEDNESDAY TO NOON FRIDAY AM SATURDAY to pm LOBLAW QUALITY BEEF CHOICE SHORT CUT FIRST RIBS PRIMS MSB ROAST CHOICE BLADE removed on roast fancy wiitfiiSSAilJliiltiT choice smoiNIElK choice STEAK or ROAST SHOPS YS CHOICE LB LB LB LB LB LB LB HICKORY A To CdoI CHOICE lb HADDOCK FILLETS choice lb COD FILLETS choke lb SMOKED FILLETS choice lb SOLE FILLETS choice lb CO PRICK INFECTIVE MARCH jv -ti-

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