Eta mad Express ANSNORVELD The community was saddened during the past week by the passing of Mrs loved wife and PINE ORCHARD It will be Boys Night at the community club on Friday night March 2L at the school Every one welcome Mr John Sytema Mrs G and Mr and Mr K infant daughter who Farm Forum on March The unity hereby extends Us deep sympa- JewetL thy to the bereaved family Em51y of Toronto Mr tractor spent the fire early Friday morn- and the prompt arrival of and and the Bradford fire brigade pre and Boss vented the fire from spreading recent guests of Mr and The tractor was damaged but Arthur Boyd Yonge St not entirely destroyed Several children in the cornm- Mr and Mrs Edgar Dennis Mr and Mrs Douglas Hope and unity are stricken with chicken family spent Sunday with Mr pox some cases beings quite and Mrs Harold Dennis Scar- severe Rev of Mr and Mrs Ford Lehman and Netherlands conducted the ser vices at Christian Reform church here on Sunday Mount Albert News Miss Beverly of Thorn- bury spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Howard Lehman You are invited to attend the friendship night in the United church Mount Albert on Tues day Mar 25 television and reception pm variety program lunch Mr Dawson Dike has moved into his new house just com pleted on Victory St Mr and Mrs Harold are enjoying a few weeks holidays visiting different places since they left the farm Just to remind you that Sat urday June will be Mount Alberts annual Sports Day Maris took part in the Newmarket skating car nival on Friday and Saturday evenings Quite a number from here went over to see it and re port a fine exhibition Mrs Norman Ingram nee Hilda of Victoria BC spent the weekend with her cou sin Mrs Roy Stewart Remember the baking sale next Saturday March at 3 pm at store Proceeds go to church fund for redecoration The Chamber of Commerce are having a Farmers evening in the community hall on Fri day March 28 when there will be speakers and pictures Every one welcome and refreshments served free- Mr and Mrs and Miss Watts of Brampton spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Mrs Ed Watts paid a short visit to Brampton on Sunday to the home of her sisterinlaw Mrs Mr and Mrs of Keswick were Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs Roy Mr Stewart Lepard of New market visited Mrs S Cain on Saturday Mrs Westgarth and Marina leave shortly for a visit to Scot land to visit her old home As the church painting will not be finished this week the service will again be held in the Sunday school room Mrs George Snider and Ricky returned home on Sunday from a trip to Florida ONLY MOffOTUIESPEEPELEMENTi AUTOMATIC OVEN CONTROL SIMM LIBHT SWITCHES ft V EN COOKING HEATS DRAWER TYPE WARMING OVEN Queensville News Miss Hazel spent a few Mrs Geo Pearson on Tuesday days with relatives in Toronto Mrs Geo Bond of is spending a few days with her niece Mrs Harry Toombs Mrs J Ardill Mrs Hill and Miss Mary Hill and Mr and Mrs all of Toron to attended Mrs funeral on Saturday The sympathy of our com munity is extended to the fam ily of the late Mrs Andrew who died on March The WA is holding a fashion show in the United church base ment on Wednesday April in the afternoon and evening More details next week Baby David Warren came home from the Sick Childrens hospital Toronto on Sunday after a tonsil and adenoids op eration A number from here attended the Sportsmens show in To ronto this week gar Next to Main St Newmarket J- a Yes we do undercoatmg Using only the finestiM I I I When you buy that new car insure the investment Tell your dealer you want it undercoated at NEWMARKET PHONE 816 held in the United church on Saturday We also extend sympathy to the family on the death of Dr Arkinstalls mo ther Mrs Florence Smith wi dow of the late Rev G Watt Smith Mrs Smith has made her home with her daugh ter and died on March in her year Her funeral was held on Saturday from the United church Mr Gene Flanagan received the sad news of the death of his brother Peter Flanagan at Ottawa on March Mr and Mrs Clarence Spenc er and family of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Spenc ers parents Mr and Mrs Oar- Wright Mr Bert is with scarlet fever We do hops this disease will soon have run its course in our vill age Mr J Ay ward attended the reunion of the Third Bat talion in Toronto on Friday night Inspector M MacKillop visited the local school on Thursday Mrs J Smith has returned home after spending several weeks with her daughter in Ot tawa school on Tuesday evening March pm to plan the Sports Day program for HOPE Mr and Mrs William and family spent last Friday evening with Mr and Mrs Bill Taylor Elizabeth Shields is home from Sick Childrens hospital but has to return for treatments We wish her a speedy recovery Mrs Cecil Taylor spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs George and Mrs Hall Sheldon Walker Harry Walker Bill Bales Carl Walton motored down through the States last week to a Bel sale held at and Mrs Harold Walker and family were guests of Mr and Mrs Sheldon Walker on Sunday Miss Amy Gibson Newmar ket spent last Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Joe Gibson Mr and Mrs Harry Morton Angus had dinner on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Stewart Stick- wood VANDORF The Wesley Womens Associa tion meeting was held at the home of Mrs John Irwin last Wednesday with the first vice president airs Brown in the chair It was decided to cater for the North Centre York P conference which will be held at Wesley church April The devotional and topic was in charge of Mrs Arthur Starr Bible reading was taken by Mrs George Richardson and Mrs Starr gave a very inspiring paper on Great Talents and Small developing and lying dormant Mrs Herbert Oliver favored with a beautiful solo Hostesses were Mrs Brown and Mrs George Richardson Mr of Hamilton hand Sunday dinner with his daughter Mrs Arthur Starr and Mr Starr and family Mrs of Toronto is spending a few days with her daughter Mrs Clare Powell Mr and Mrs Clare Powell and Mary were dinner guests last Sunday of Mrs Powells brother Mr Roland and Mrs Michener of Toronto Miss Donna of Port Credit spent the weekend with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Harold Sleeth and family Mrs J Frost Mr and Mrs Albert Hayes and daughter Mar ion Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Harold Mr and Mrs Sidney Aylett Gail Nancy and were supper guests on Saturday of Mr and Mrs Leonard of Tor onto Mr and Mrs George spent the weekend with the parents Mr and Mrs A Mr and Mrs Tom Slater arrived home on Saturday from their holiday in England Mr and Mrs George and family had Sunday tea with their parents Mr and Mrs A Mr and Mrs Grant and Mr and Mrs A White Bob and Ruth attended the Toronto Skating Club carni val on Friday evening at Maple Leaf Gardens Mr and Mrs John Irwin John ny and Barbara had dinner on Saturday with Mr and Mrs Lome Johnston of Claremont Farm Forum News ROCHES POINT We wish a complete recovery Monday evening March Art Mellon who is in the annual membership dinner for Mrs Art Mellon who is in bed rheumatic fever fol lowing scarlet fever The Womens Institute will meet on Wednesday March 20 at the home of Mrs Gordon at 2 pm Motto Edu cation is not a destination it is a journey always we are Roll call My favorite book program education Mrs S Eves Mrs Rex Smith Mrs Kavanagh and Mrs Morton Hillside school was closed for three days during the illness of their teacher Some of the WA ladies at tended a quilting at the home of and Mrs C W Kay and daughter of visited Mr Kays mother Mrs Kay on Monday Mr Lome Denny and friend of Hamilton spent the weekend with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Charles Pollard Mr and Mrs Jack Chalmers Sutton West visited their daugh ter and husband Mr and Mrs Nelson on Sunday Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Winch were Mr Donald Winch and friend of Toronto and Miss Phyl lis Winch and friend of Oshawa Mr and Mrs Freeman Fair- Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Freeman Stephens With the general topic on Monday March Are Hunger and Poverty the Real Causes of War farm forums were asked to think about the basic causes of war and the main things which can be done to prevent war Sir Norman Angell British author and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in took part in the broadcast Mount Albert forum met with members present and a spe cial guest was the local minis ter Rev Discussion leader was J McDonald The next meeting will be at the home of A Case The forum thinks that greed nationalism injustice communist agitation and the fear or threat of hunger are the real causes of war Members believe that countries will have to get away from ra cial discrimination and must supply food and education to the less fortunate Newmarket East farm forum met at the home of Mr ami Walker with present and two discussion groups formed This group remarked that the questions were ones that have been asked for generations and although our answers may not solve the problems of the world they might help They say Greed desire for power lack of education agricultural assist ance starvation and poverty all lead to unrest and the people are ready to listen to any creed that will offer any help Industrial capitalism is de serving of much blame Govern ments should help industry and agriculture to avoid depressions and inflation Surpluses should be distributed where most need ed There should be a better balance of trade with all coun tries and a levelling off of ex cess profits Mrs Wm Bales secretary of this forum adds that this was the final report until next year and that We have thoroughly enjoyed our forum this year and have derived a great deal of information from it They are hoping for a bigger and belter forum next year It has been a pleasure to pub lish each week the report of the local forums Next Monday sees the end of the broadcasts for the season when a general review of the year wilt be presented Forum Editor SHARON Mr and Mrs Keith Stokes Beth and Douglas spent the weekend with friends at Mount Albert Mr and Mrs Douglas Mount Dale and Mrs- visited Mr and Mrs Donald White in Toronto on Sunday Miss Doris Mr Ted Fife of Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Howard Fife Mr and Mrs David Coates visited Mr and Mrs at oft Sun day Sharon United church ladies are sponsoring another party at the hall on April Mr and Mrs E Kiteley spent the weekend in the with Mr and Mrs COOP CHICKS Started Chftte For Immediate Delivery PULLETS COCKERELS MIXED CHICKS ALSO SOME DATES FOR APRIL AND MAY your orders now coop HATCHERY Phone Newmarket 1952 55 ANNIVERSARY SALE OF FURNITURE ARE FIRST WITH THE NEW SMOKELESS SOOTliSS DUSTLESS PARTICULARLY BEACH Jersey school hockey team have won the cup donated by the Optimist club at Keswick for the second year The coach a Jersey teacher Mr has taken wonderful interest in his team and deserves a great deal of credit On Tuesday evening Mar Jersey school teachers enter tained the parents This was a meeting which was to have been held during education week but was postponed on account of THIS WEEK SPECIAI 13Disc fertilizer drill with 2horse hitch 2furrow and 4funrow Plows Moot 7foot and 8foot Tractor Discs 7foot 8 12foot and 10foot dfeefatfzer Drills Horse DillsilMWM famuli Ho 200 Tractor Spreaders No Power Take Off Spreaders Hvrows Spring Tooth and Mowers and Side Rakes A WILSON KMG was held in Roches Point mem orial club followed by pictures The draw for the electric kettle was won by Mrs Sherman of Island Grove A little presen tation was made to Mr If Up ton who has so willingly run the picture machine for the club There will be Lenten pictures every Tuesday evening So pleased to hear Mrs is improving and hope this will continue There will be a euchre in the memorial club on Monday ev ening March sponsored by the benevolent committee of the Eastern Star Glad to see Mrs J Hamil ton able to be out again Mr and Mrs spent the weekend with Mrs mother Mrs J I Doyle KESWICK Mrs Angus Cameron former ly of has moved to her new home on Church St here The will hold its April 1st meeting at Mrs Pollards home instead of in May as stated last week Mr and Mrs J of Toronto were Sunday guests of Miss Terry Miss Toronto visited the home of her aunt Miss Lynn Marritt for a few days last week Mr and Mrs Wright visited Mrs Clarence Wright on Sunday Rev and Mrs J visited Mrs George Yeats in on Sunday Mrs Yeats ill at her sisters home The Christian church mission ary meeting will be held this Friday evening Mar a week earlier than usual owing to the play held in the arena on Marc r -r- V on the guest speaker will be Rev of Westminster Presby terian church Toronto will he accompnniednfryJ the mens choir of his church Kveryhody welcome There will no Sunday school next Sun day The many friends of Mrs pleased to see her home again and to know she had a pleasant trip and a nice holiday with her parents and many friends In England Mrs travelled by plane Miss absence We re- Mr Davidson and friend g her mother has been very had tea Sunday evening in Whit- ill by with friends Mr and Mrs Bernard Davidson spent Tuesday evening with Mr and Mrs Geo AVAILABLE IN HANDY BAGS OR IN BULK IDEAL ALL TYPES OF HEATING EQUIPMENT SUCH AS FURNACES OPEN FIREPLACES HOT WATER HEATERS CIRCULATING HEATERS STOVES ORDER NOW Evans Fuels i PHONE 5 NEWMARKET TIMOTHY ST UNION ST A social evening was held in Sharon Hall Wednesday March when the Institute members entertained their families About were present and enjoyed a supper Mrs Elton Armstrong district president and Mrs Sinclair dist rict secretary and hus bands were present Mrs Archie the ladies and each spoke briefly after which- a toast was made to the Queen Dancing and cards followed the supper Winners for euchre wore ladies Mrs Roy CowioFon Mrs Burgess men Mr Burgess Mr El ton Armstrong neighbors and friends were entertained at the man home on Friday night in honor Miss Edith birthday Hie Dizzy Dozen dramatic club of Keswick will present a three act play Carnival Town in the Sharon Hall Wednesday April 2 sored by the Union Street Insti tute Watch for fuiiher particu lars Mr George Micks is ill In bed from a heart condition We wish him a speedy recovery Moil GARDEN POWER Mod A I Hi fob STAN TROYER Coram Mm OAK ONTARIO MEANS LOWEST COST YOU CAN BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT YOUR MILL SACKED BY YEARS OK RESEARCH EXPERIMENT YOUR SIIURGAIN MILL IS PRODUCING HIGH GRADE FRESH FEEDS THAT ARE MANUFACTURED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF INCREASING ECONOMY IN PRODUCTION PERKS FEED MILL Ltd CASE DIKE A DON SMITH fl V