w I J r J from the itors Note 9 9 9 k Heard a suggestion the other night which if followed would cause a considerable amount of excitement in the district The suggestion was jM fighters sweepstakes or derby They have them elsewhere ap parently in a field day for the volunteer brigades during which they race each other up ladders in hooking up their equipment knots spotting and dousing blazes There are market Aurora Mount ford and surely enough to warrant a dis trict contest The suggestion was put as one means of publicizing the work of the volunteer brigades All of them suffer in one way or another from public indif ference and even opposition yet there is no one more im portant to the community than the volunteer firemen Well bet the fire marshals office would come across with official displays and assistance and any one of the several community events the Sports Day or the Legion Sports Day would be glad we think to sponsor such an event be lots of difficulties to be sure but none which are table The Toronto police have tucked Boyd away now and that cleans up the deadly trio of bank robbers Boyd Suchan and Jackson Boyd was the luckiest He was carted off to the pokey all in one piece the other two went in ambulances holed by police bullets Of course Suchan and Jackson were both caught in Montreal Maybe they play a little rougher there Its been an exciting chase but now that the chase is over From the Files of we may be pardoned for ask ing what the man on the street has been asking Does a policeman have to be shot the ques tionat the chase as corded in the dailies and on the radio warrants the ques- To hear or read some of the sensational accounts of the police manhunt the shooting of Tong and Murray by the Upmarket and Serving Newmarket Aurora th rvrol districts of North York Herald Published every Thursday at 142 Main t Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and express Untied Subscription far two oh year Single copies or Member of Class A Weekfies of Canada Canadian Weekly Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa jqhn smrmife JOHN A CAftOMNE Job and Production gunmen was the spark that set off the biggest manhunt in police history Makes one wonder if the police are zealous in their search for the shooters of ordinary citizens Personally we dont doubt that they are but the news ports of the last week or leaves the impression that it was a private war between Boyd and Co and the police of Montreal and Toronto Tom the Newmarket Ford dealer brought back newspapers from the U S towns and cities he visited on a recent trip south and weve been through them The papers seem far more con cerned with communism than in Canada They print far more news reports and critical articles on the subject The Tampa Daily Times in Florida featured on its front page the first of a series of ten articles on Prince Philip who was described in the head line as the key figure behind the British Throne The copies predated the New Hampshire primaries by several days but even allow ing for that there didnt seem to be much in the news about the presidential elections Seems to us we hear far more news of that sort on our radio or read it in our papers than the Americans do themselves T I RIAL PAGE PAGE FOUR THURSDAY THE TWENTIETH DAY OF MARCH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND MARCH There was a great gathering of children belonging to the public and separate schools of the town at the arena last Friday night for the annual skating competitions and the only drawback from having a very enjoyable night was the water on the ice According to the calendar next Monday is the first day of spring but the weather seems to have gotten ahead of time Virginia A few from here attended the concert and bas ket social on Island last Thursday evening The music consisted of music by the Indian orchestra coronet solos speeches and recitations by Miss Mabel Madden Sharon Spring must be here The birds are singing and the water is taking its annual course over the fields roads and lanes Sutton West The mild wea ther along with the rain on Sunday started the Black River rising the water being higher than for many years in spring time Many snapshots have been taken of the miniature falls of the water rushing over the dam by the mill A valuable hunting hound belonging to Mr Ernest Gard ner which was missing from home for a few days was found dead on Wednesday It looks as if it had been poisoned Aurora To mark the close of a very successful year the an nual banquet of the Aurora Poultry and Pet Stock associ ation was held in the Oddfel lows on Thursday night March Zephyr The merchants of Zephyr are trying to get the Bell Telephone Co to run a line into Zephyr and Ave ex pect it will be a success MARCH Order your hotcross buns for next Friday morning Certain varieties of the Eas ter bonnet are ready for the launching Houses to rent are as scarce in town as hens teeth Not one to be found Robins were quite numerous during the balmy spring days last week but this week they must be warming their toes On Thursday night of last week there was a match be tween the married and single men of Newmarket which re sulted in favor of the former by a score of 3 to The re turn match was played on Tuesday evening and again resulted in favor of the married men by a score of to The gate receipts about 550 were donated to the Sick Childrens hospital Sutton A dangerous acci dent happened to Mr Wesley Millard last week at the lake While he and Carl McLaugHn were bringing fish from the fishhouse to the shore on a handsleigh Millard fell through a hole in the ice in deep water McLaughlin how ever managed to rescue him Baldwin Breezes Two more weddings are on the cards for this hustling little burg Names are withheld for the present Aurora There have been no fresh cases of smallpox during the week and all the patients are doing exceedingly well King City Miss Green who has been holding revival meet ings in the Methodist church for the last five weeks brought them to a close last Friday night The wearing of the green was prominent yesterday It was a most beautiful spring morning SEVEN artf After considerable investigation and discussion the Newmarket Lions club has decided not to sponsor a swimming pool for Newmarket The question was put to a vote at a recent meeting Those favoring the project had a majority of two or three Because such an undertaking requires almost unanimous support the close vote was taken as a negative vote The Lions had intended to find out all they could about swimming pools and then if practical bring the project before a representative meeting of all community organizations It was not the intention of the club to undertake the project on its own but merely to give it the leadership which was required to start it on its way Mr Charles Boyd led the ways and means commit tee which investigated a number of swimming pools which had been built by service organizations He pre pared an exhaustive report which was presented to the club But even though once the project got underway the Lions would be only one of several participating organizations there was not sufficient support of it to warrant carrying m It is most unfortunate this should be the out- come of an undertaking which in other years has been enthusiastically urged as being of firstrate importance to Newmarket We doubt if there was a member of the club who didnt want a swimming pool for New- market This paper has been an enthusiastic supporter of such a project Yet when put to a vote the editor as did almost half of the club members voted against the project It is worthwhile to examine the reasons for this negative vote BENEFITS NOT There were a number of reasons why members of the Lions club voted against the clubs sponsorship of a swimming pool There were doubts about the water supply Some considered it a luxury in view of New markets proximity to Lake Simcoe and Lake Wilcoxi Some were deterred by the amount of work involved others doubted the willingness of other community organizations to share in the project There were other objections common to all dissen ters we think was the objection of cost A swimming pool for Newmarket even if built by voluntary labor would cost well over The sum seemed out of proportion to the benefits to be enjoyed Five years ago the cost of a pool would have been sufficiently less that it would have been a practical undertaking then Moreover the financial picture for Newmarket was a good deal brighter The artificial ice had not then been installed with its drain on com munity contributions The pace of business was swifter There was a feeling of optimism in Newmarket which has since been replaced by a more sober estimate of income and outgo Newmarket could still build its swimming pool we dont suggest for one moment that such an undertak ing would bankrupt the town We do believe however that- the swimming pool as considered in was far less a luxury than it is when considered in The most important reason for building a swimming pool is to help ensure that every Newmarket resident is taught to swim In a country whore there is so much recreation by the waters edge it is inexcusable that so many should die from water accidents each year If swimming instruction in a pool in Newmarket would save lives that pool was essential to Newmarket Swimming as a means of recreation is a secondary consideration only If there had been no alternative jo a swimming pool as promoting water safety wo would supported the project and we think so would most of those who voted against it But there is aft alternative one which has been followed off and on for the Inst few years First by the recreation commission and then under the sponsorship of the Lions themselves children were swimming instruction during the summer months Such A program could he continued for the next years for less than the price of a swimming pool in Newmarket V A dream dies hard For years the dream of a swimming pool has persisted in Newmarket This paper has done its share in keeping that dream alive But in the fitce of the cold facts of cost we feel the dream must be laid aside for the time being anyway and our energies applied to enlarging programs for swimming instruction at Lake Wilcox or Lake Simcoe ALTERNATIVE TO POOL A question which keeps recurring in swimming pool discussions is why cant Fairey Lake be cleaned up and used for swimming again There are many in town who can remember the days when it was so used For that matter why not the Bogarttown creek The latter is easiest considered because at one time such was the intention of Mayor Joseph Vale He plan ned to dam the creek widen it and deepen it and create a pool south of Timothy St First tests of the water in the creek were vastly encouraging to his plan They showed first class waters Later tests however were discouraging and it was found that septic tanks were draining into the creek and making the water But Fairey Lake is still to be considered Before it could be used as a swimming pool it would have to be cleaned from its source to Newmarket at least The lake would have to be deepened a suitable bottom put in and the banks graded But against these require ments is the existence of an agency through which such work could be taken It falls within the scope of the Upper Holland River Conservation Authority to admin ister such an undertaking and while it wouldnt be fair to ask the authority to do the job solely for New markets benefit the authority could act as the adminis trative body if Newmarket did the job itself The authority is concerned with conservation in the whole area of the Holland Valley Five municipali ties support it and finance it on a proportionate basis The authority obviously can not devote its energies to the improvement of one area in particular but because of its intermunicipal nature and because of its con- cent with these matters on such a broad basis it makes an ideal means through which a service club or com munity itself could undertake such a project as cleaning up Lake In the editorial above Ave suggest that in the interests of teaching water safety the Lions or other community groups expand the program of swimming instruction at Lake Wilcox We suggest too that if the Lions are still looking for a project to which ft can give continuing support they investigate the possibilities of working through the conservation authority toward the cleaning up of Lake and preparing it as a possible swimming pool DAYS OF 30INCH PINE I I I IB In the story of the mill which appeared on the front page of last weeks issue of the Bra and Express the mill is described as being floored with 80inch pine flooring bought at a or a if knotty What memories those figures must evoke among the old timers what regrets for a vanished past must they evoke among those who are building homes nowa days Thirtyinch pine is virtually impossible to pur chase nowadays and when it can be located the price in no wise resembles that of the days when the King- I lorn mill was built Such remembrances reawaken lis to how much has been lost of the splendid heritage of natural resources which was this countrys a century ago We have mado do with different more costly building construction or wood substitutes and have gotten along without 30inch pine at ft a sources were Hot the only resources to bo Will we bo able to find substitutes for worn out soils for wasted water energy Yes and for the depletion of what once was a boundless well of energy and initiative among our people Wo are belatedly turning to efforts to conser vation to rebuilding our forests and soils to holding hack our water on thoi expensive process even with this now interest is sufficient works being done We doubt it A start has been made but a tong road to travel before 30inch pine becomes common again if ever Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger i z It net thmtr on fci and national not function of to At of the which imKvUuQl en Of saw the capture of Edwin Void I with my own eyes watched them bring this hunted criminal to the waiting shackles I your fav orite correspondent and Era and Express staff writer was there saw the police 1 saw the crowds I saw the de tectives and gendarmes toj that tense hour of sus munching their sand wiches couldnt eat sand wiches because my migraine stomachache bothers me in the morning The populace of Big City had been waiting for this There had been bank robbery after bank robbery in the Big City On everyones lips was the question What are the police doing about it There had been a lot of unrest and not a little ill feeling about the police who were supposed to be guardians and protectors society and justice in Big City So this was a big moment for the police They were to get their inning and be back in the publics favor There was not to be one slipup This big stroke of a master play was not to be muffled no matter what the cost Police department assistant director of public relations Shupnaught went to no end in rushing preparations He phoned all three metropoli tan newspapers the night be fore to make sure they had plenty of photographers oh hand It was this next stroke of genius that has since put- into full command as director of his department He didnt work in Hollywood three years for nothing did no sir Thought Shupnaught why not have the mayor on hand to help direct the capture What a stunt as they say But time for the capture was drawing near Shupnaught phoned the mayors house and dramatized his plan Deadline time was at hand He called Void in his apartment again Listen old man youll have to wait a while yet he said was Give us five more minutes and you can have your picture taken with the mayor So you see it was all a set up take it from your favorite correspondent Void had ac tually given up in the small hours but City Hall and the police department wanted a bigger show It had been too quiet at the actual capture no cameras no re porters crowds and no mayor but Im putting it square the facts the inside story as it happened Edwin Satgonta Void was through washed up but when they approached him with a sound proposition to make a bigger news splash he couldnt refuse Stirev Void was a criminal all right But he was a colorful criminal made lots of thc newspapers He gambler took terrific But just so be no of some the public of admiring Void this nonchal ant dapper front page show man they had some script prepared to put a punch to the story give it that old time moral ending They had Void say a few words about meeting the mayor and laugh to the camera man an offhand question Shall I smile They sup- I plied us with copies of the script for quotation before- hand But the mayor answered this wanted criminal tersely and with wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command If I were I you there you bad wicked criminal I would not smile I The average citizens of the Big City riding the street car home from work that day was J following every line of type in his daily paper his eye jerking along to every word lib lower lip silently pronouncing each two syllable word And when he read that the mayor had that criminal he had a very good and proud feeling inside him that at last justice had been meted out Thats the real story behind the story I was there About the middle of the week last week there was a short news item on the radio and rebroadcast several to the effect that the Dairy Far mers of Canada estimate that due to the embargo on cattle shipped to the States there will be a surplus of milk on the Canadian market amounting to quarts Now the Dairy Farmers of Canada are an organization that is supported by the dif ferent producers organiza tions and which is supposed to help advertise and publicize dairy products Its a kind of a super producer organization We wish that they would stick to that instead of making statements of doubtful truth and capable of being misin terpreted to the detriment of all milk producers As a matter of fact if wo wanted to be blunt we would say that it was a damned foolish thing to say Lets see if this above state ment is true or not or at least let us examine if the fact can be interpreted only in the way the Dairy Farmers suggest Yes there will be a number of cows stay home bred dairy animals that would in the nor mal course of events have gone to the States into commercial herds to produce milk was a real market for animals of thus Any purebred or better grade breeder who had some surplus females could sell them this way Now he cannot This will undoubtedly cut into his income consider ably The question is will he milk all these animals The Farmers seem to think they will We dont think they will and we consider it irre sponsible and harmful to say that they will These animals were surplus in the first place THE OLD HOME TOWN their owners da have room or labor for them Do the Dairy Farmers suggest that with farmers competing with industry for all farmers who have formerly ex ported cattle will now expand their herds to hold those ant- We think they wont We think that they will rid of their older stuff and end up by having a belter herd If the farmers affected arent thinking this way it would be a good time to suggest that they do so We all know in some districts the herds have been going down grade because of the indiscriminate selling of replacements of the reasons was the good port market We are sure thai the present situation will en courage the culling of tin herds Furthermore we would hki to suggest that quite a few the potential surplus will vcalcd This will take can both of the problem of surplus numbers and surplus milk am the veal market has a way to go yet before it unprofitable The Ontario men cut off from of feeders cattle if the provincial embargoes at opened up there will be a in buying feeder cattle We suggest that some of so called surplus specially h the heavier dairy breeds be absorbed on the beef mar ket Some of It- might end up as milk on the market but not all and by putting the em- on milk surplus the Dairy Farmers of Canada the milk producers they might as well write the dairies and suggest that they cut quoins and lower the price This kind of statement is an open invitation to the dairies to start wielding the big stick