I T Our readers write Letters to tt an stays At to editor There was percent higher yet the farm point in that thoughtful letter by implements made in those plants News News for must in the office Monday Copy must be written briefly as and to new and reports Other than routine and announcement will be printed separately Root Knights in last weeks issue which this city reader would certainly like a little more on It reads A car or tractor which sells in the for 1500 or so costs or 2000 here or there abouts This information amazed me because only a few weeks back I had read and been impressed by a statement by one of Cana das bankpresidents to the effect that a basis of free trade in ag ricultural implements had been achieved between the United States and Canada In the cir cumstances therefore I find it pretty difficult to make the above very wide price differen tial mesh with the latter asser tion Whoever is doing the add ing up it certainly doesnt spell free trade to me Curiously enough in that same issue I read a message by one of your national advertisers which included the striking asser tion that All commodities are shown as percent higher than in raw materials are f percent higher average hourly rates of pay in your ad vertisers Canadian plants are have increased only per cent That seems to this reader to be quite a technological achieve ment but your correspondents figures still stand as a road block to my understanding Hence my hunger for more light Mr Editor Here is my way of measuring the importance of this farm problem according to the offic ial figures Dominion Bureau of Statistics the total value of implements and machinery on Canadas farms at the cen sus was According to my reading in the three years Canadas farmers spent the massive sum of on implements machinery and repairs Note my rural friend has just pointed out the decidedly significant fact that the above totals represent the wholesale level and indicat ed an item from one of the farm papers which said The retail value of sales of agricultural implements machinery and spare parts in was according to Canadian Farm Implements FactHungry Mrs Jackson of Thorn- hill will address Oak Ridges Home and School on Tuesday evening March Her subject will be Family Life Follow ing her talk she will lead a dis cussion period when mothers of growing children will be able to present questions Mrs Bob Ash will convene the social hour A good attendance is urged The executive meeting or Oak RidgesLake Wilcox Ratepayers Assoc will be held on Tuesday March and the general meet ing of the organization on Tues day April The sum of was realized from the presentation of a musi cal program at the Lake school last week Given by local tal ent the program was re ceived Triple Birthday Party Eighteen guests were present at the home of Mr and Mrs- Norman Boyd Oak Ridges on March to celebrate the birth days of Mr Maurice Gould and his mother Mrs George Gould both of Cedar Brae and Mr Boyd Their birthdays fell on March and re- Others in Mrs Geo The King of Spades in your playing card deck represents David Lord of Israel described as a man of war Goulds family who were enter tained were her daughter Mrs Jack and husband Aub rey Gould and family of Oak Ridges William Gould of Cedar Brae Robert Gould of Stilton With Mrs Boyd they make up part of Mrs Goulds family of ten children Miss Hazel Simp son Toronto Mr and Mrs Ash Mr and Mrs Fred Judges Oak Ridges were on the guest list The birthday cake made by Mrs Jack Visiting Mr and Mrs Norman Boyd for Sunday supper were Mr and Mrs George Barlow Mr and Mrs Cook had a number of visitors on Sunday evening attracted by Mr Cooks King City branch heard the history of and King City on March at the home of Mrs Ross Walker Roger told of the develop ment of King City Few persons today know there was a military drill shed where the York Rangers of Au rora came to drill It was later used for garden parties fairs social events and a skating rink- John constructed a race track here where he tried out his horses When the Grand Trunk Railway line was built from Toronto to Aurora in people came from miles around to see the first train and to have a free ride The engine was called The Lady Elgin The first postmaster was Benjamin Lloyd The McDonald family have been in charge for over 60 years Roger told how the first reli gious services were held in by a small group of the Angli can faith A church was built a few years later made of clear lumber taken from the virgin trees which were felled to make way for building Mrs Austin Rumble gave his torical current events telling of the original wording of the Na tional Anthem the international Peace Garden at the boundary- line between Manitoba North Dakota and mentioned recognition King in the Home and Country magazine referring to branch financial aid to York County hospital Mrs Ivan said that a similar campaign canvass will be made this year Mrs Stewart reported on the I- district directors meeting held recently at Au rora She spoke of a photo of an map of York County that can be secured by the branch which accepted the sug gestion On this map our locale would be blocked in With the object of preparing a Book the branch decided to purchase a scrap book for keeping historical data King City WI will be hosts to York Centre District at the an nual meeting on Thursday May 15 when Snowball WI will dis- day March with members and five visitors present Mrs Anderson president very aptly replied to the motto U God created anyone He certain ly created everyone A nominating committee of Mrs Stiles Mrs Smith and Mrs Winch was named Af ter a short business session Mrs Anderson acted as chairman for the program Mrs Smith gave very interesting current events Mrs Lloyd Kay read a paper entitled A Recipe from the Scriptures Mrs Norman King gave a hat speech Mrs Stephens gave a reading entitled My Religion by Edgar Guest Mrs O Smith conducted a flower contest The meeting closed with God Save the Queen after which a lovely lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs Willoughby Mrs and Mrs Mainprise must have been a very exciting time Dr and Mrs are leaving in April to make their home in Alaska Mrs gave an Irish song contest Mrs Proctor won first prize Mrs Gunton second The hostesses Mrs and Mrs Kay served lunch and a social time was observed The March meeting of grove branch was held at the home of Mrs Robert The roll call for the meeting was responded to by each member suggesting an improvement for home or community Several members mentioned that they would like to see more care taken of country cemeteries which are often so badly Mrs Comer displayed two quilts which had been made since our last meeting Blocks for another quilt were handed out to be made within the next two weeks Mrs Jack Monro as district director gave a report of the district executive meeting which she and Mrs Noble Munro at tended in Newmarket In the election of district officers for the coming year which begins in April Mrs Noble Munro was voted second vicepresident Al so at this meeting the directors j were asked to convey to the la- paper A letter was read from Mrs Corps our member who is with her husband in Northern On tario She told a great deal about their work of teaching in a travelling train school and also of the lives the people in the far north live A radio quiz was conducted Mrs getting the jackpot prize after eating four dry soda biscuits and whistling after wards ahead of two other con testants Snowball branch will meet at the home of Mrs Aubrey Wood on Wednesday March 26 at pm Roll call What would you teach preschool children Current events Mri Conner guest speaker Mrs Dorothy Bow man who will speak on mental health of children Hostesses Mrs Conner Mrs Mrs Morning and Mrs Era and Express Classifieds Bring Results SOW FOR HIGH CROP YIRD SEED ACCURATELY IN A GOOD SEED BED EARLY grain and fertilizer drills are outstanding for their positive accuracy even sparing between rows even distribution of both seed and in the rows accurate sowing of the desired rate per acre Their accuracy assures every Individual plant of its fair share of plant food water and sunshine Come in and get all the details See for yourself how a Harris drill can help you grow more bushel per acre MORE ACRES PER GALLON Ask any man who drives a tractor Hell fell yea its the most economical tractor he ever drove CARRY A FULL LINE OF GENUINE PARTS The monthly meeting of the branch was held in the club room The the branch that all mem bers wearing WI pins should wear a small purple ribbon with it until May 31 as a tribute to AND ALLAN CO president Mrs Wm Crane pre sided After the opening ode and creed the business was discussed including the work being done for the Childrens Aid Society There was a display of baby gowns 24 diapers eight com plete knitted outfits sweaters bootees bonnets one sleeve less sweater four pair booties two pair socks three cot quills These will be forwarded on this week There are pounds of used woollens to be made into blankets for the members HONE the memory of the late King George VI The president of the meeting asked that our branches take more interest in the affairs of York County Hospital that we should read all their bulletins at our meetings A suggestion has been made that a represent ative from the York County I be on the board of the hospi tal The program was in charge of The members were divided Mrs Wm and consisted into four groups each having of motto by Mrs Forth in the their own convener Each group absence of Mrs Skinner who is on the sick list a solo by David piano solo by Mr Houghton report of directors meeting by Mrs The guest speaker was Mrs of Aurora who gave a very entertaining talk of her latest trip to Alaska which with blowouts breakdowns and is to bring in as much money as possible before the April meet ing the money to be made in whatever way each wishes A donation of 10 was made to the Red Cross The program was in charge of Mrs Noble Munro and the topic was Community Activities on which she gave an interesting JOHN Representative Newmarket ECONOMIZE The paint for beautiful WALLS CEILINGS television set They were his grandson Rolert Chambers and of Lake Wilcox Mr and Mrs S of Toronto who King to provide musical selec tions All conveners reports for the years work must be read to the local branch at the April meeting and forwarded to the district secretary upon comple tion of local election of officers Members were requested to indicate their requests for speci fied programs offered by the ex tension services sponsored by the Department of Agriculture Interests survey sheets enable members to find those who have similar interests in the neighbor ing Institutes Application for these services through the dis trict is no longer required Miss Janet gave two vocal selections Her accom panist Miss Freda Dent The program for the evening was in the hands of Miss Lily Anderson Mrs A was in the chair t DEADSTOCK HORSES CATTLE HOGS ft Toronto En GORDON YOUNG I I PEPPY WAY TO START THE DAY when you wake 10GY If you often feel logy on getting up if tired feelings drag you all through the day an inactive liver with resulting habitual may the cause Millions of people- who Buffer this way find that Kniacliea Sail help bring relief from three symptom The reason Is to widely recommended is because it contains active principles to hose of worldfamous Mineral Springs Kruschen acta two ways laxative and diuretic It promotes healthy action of the bowels and the kidney You take a little Kruachen la hot water or your morning beverage when needed Try it and youll rely on it as so many do to help you to new pep and test by aiding healthy natural elimina tion of the body wastes through bowels and kidneys KRUSCHEN SALTS ATM are Mrs Chambers parents and Mrs Toronto the motherinlaw of Mrs Ashby Claudia Marshall has been very ill from an infected ear re quiring regular medical atten tion for nearly three weeks Her condition is improving at time Her brother Winston was home from school with mumps but got going again on Monday Oak Ridges Brownies ore looking forward to the annual cookie day sale on May when each girl canvasses for her or ders This is the project that gives the pack the opportunity to raise fundi in support of the general program of Brownie ac tivity Mr Cook is happy to report that his sister Mrs Laura Booth of California plans to make a visit here this June Mr and Mrs Bob Ash and Russell motored to Port Hope for the weekend with Mr Mrs Lome Ash Lions On Monday evening at Ridge Inn nine euchre and three tables were played under the auspices of the Lions Club of which Jack is president Captain and Mrs C Haw- man were winners Stanley Rule won the ladys consolation and Glen Boyle the mens euchre Mrs Nicholls and Mr were first Mr Bobby Dion second Mrs Stan Rule Bill third in ladies and mens sections The I lucky chair prize went to Mrs J A and the lucky draw was by Mrs Grant Bingo prize went to Mrs and Mrs Shel drake The club held a social night at the home of Lynda Musson on Friday night Mar directed by Bonnie McCach- the leader About ten girls of grades and Oak Ridges school meet on Monday even ings They are endeavoring to make up a fund which can be given to hospital Mrs Bob is convales cing at her home St fol lowing a surgical operation per formed a couple of weeks ago at Toronto General Hospital She stayed at the home of Mrs Jack during the first week Mr Thomas Maguire Lake Wilcox is confined to Sunny- brook hospital with a heart con dition He has been in the hos pital for over a week and is on employee of Motors Au rora Mrs- Allan Jones was hostess to a number of friends recently holding a miscellaneous shower for her sister Miss Eleanor Phillips of Maple who will lie- come the bride of John King I on April 5 in a ceremony to be held in Hope United church Mrs Jones will be one of her sisters attendants Dr David Lewis and his wife of King Geoff Berry St have become members of Oak Ridges Dance Club Mrs George Lake Wilcox has been on the sick list for the last couple of weeks with on attack of bronchitis Come In and Drive the DOLLAR DOLLAR YOU CANT BEAT A The branch will meet on Wednesday March 20 at the home of Mrs Ellas pro gram will he on citizenship find education in charge of Mrs Roy Hewlett Mrs will he the guest speaker Motto A good citizen is not content to just sit he finds his place in any community Roll call Characteristics of a good citizen There will be a sale of aprons also Hostesses Mrs Kays and Mrs Ellas jfw Mutilated Pontine Lakeside branch will hold its meeting at pm March in Keswick Memorial Hall Motto for roll call Give a location of a Canadian Industry The Well Baby clinic will be I held in the United church schoolroom between and pm Thursday March Pine Orchard branch meeting was held at the home of Mrs James Hope on Wednesday af ternoon March A secret nomination ballot resulted in more nominations than usual Mrs Howard was chair man for the program Mrs A Mason gave on interesting cur rent events Mrs James gave an informative account of her trip to California Mrs Ross reported on Centre York District meeting District annual will bo held at King City United church on Thursday May at am Officers and convenors arc re minded to have reports mailed early Lunch was served by commun ity activities and public relations committee Aurora branch regular month ly meeting will be hold on Thursday Mar at pm at the home of Mrs A Cook Harrison Ave Roll call Name a local Industry In view of the recent success ful progressive euchre and bridge and many requests for a repeat the members of Aurora WI are planning anothor eu chre and bridge for Wednesday April at pm in the Odd fellows hall branch met at the home of Mrs KJdd on or Automatic Transmission Powerful Engines Luxurious Interiors and See for yourself new and luxury of the In iho Deluxe ami Chief tain series totally new interiorexterior color liar complete to the last detail create a vendible symphony of lfighcnijrcflsionMWcraMdeconoinyarelitiiItrigh into tin Pontine Horsepower stepped up on the 6 and the 8 He among the first drivers in Canada to discover full meaning of lines new DualItango Drive In one driving range you can enjoy tremendous acceleration and eager power In other at the flick of a fingeryou can choose a completely different of smooth gliding gas- saving Or if you prefer you can choose silksmooth for and only offers you a choice of two completely auto alio transmissions as well as standard Synchro See your Pontiac dealer today See and drive this sensational new proof that Dollar for Dollar you a Or WANT WANT WMBHE WANT Mare Powerful AW Math Drive or Automatic nighPerformance Economy Axle mi TRUCKS Si OS PONTIAC Phone M Mount Albert