Newmarket Era and Express, 20 Mar 1952, p. 8

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w a Jl FOR ROOM The Common Hound By Isabel Cvivitte Of first Queen Mary Have heard it told could you but graven there would be laid two words Can put its he pi ess victims through T EVERY BUDGET unworthy SEMITRIMMED WALLPAPERS wonder what has with flu But theres a bond though most unpleasant That binds the long past with the present P id ti r For as on Marys heart Calais graven deep to ever stay Why should we when mad win ter plays At hide and seek with springlike days Feel in our chests those mad casters That make us think of mustard plasters j Our eyes with tears unwilling t flow I Our nose assumes a rosy glow Our temperatures rise up to say That in our beds wed better stay So on my heart when flu at- tacks me coughs and sneezes rend and rack me March will on my i J 1 See The 1952 PAPERS TODAY H STEPHENS AND SON MAIN ST NEWMARKET Be written large nor ere depart have done with all that And as I lie upon my bed While fluey visions fill my head As Ides of March to Julius Cae sar And Marys Calais neer would leave faery Full House For ion With Easter a month away costume The models were very So February March will ever be A haunting sound to follow me To warn me with a taunting fear I That flu is hovering very near and Mrs David Mrs William White To ronto were Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs Roy Gibson Miss Sara Gregory Verona is a guest this week at the home of Rev and Mrs S Bull Miss I Gregory is special speaker at the services being held at the New market Free Methodist church during the evangelistic cam paign Miss Frances Miller Univer sity of Toronto spent the week end in town with her parents Mr and Mrs Stanley Miller Mr and Mrs Howard Zim merman Toronto visited their mother Mrs Peat over the weekend Mr and Mrs Murray are spending three weeks holi days in Florida- Miss Martin had supper on Monday with Mr and Mrs George BECOME A NURSING ASSISTANT I can take A ninemonth course to qualify a an important member OF the nursing group Upon graduation you re ceive a Nursing Assistant Certificate and gain the opportunity for remunerative employment in the nursing field REQUIREMENTS Age VIII education Good Health to year Grade MCE from your place of residence to school Mil uniforms And A MONTH training allowance paid while under instruction School are located in Toronto Kingston and Fore William with next classes scheduled to be enrolled April Apply by ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Ab Mr and Mrs Ross Rogers Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs Harry Stephens and Susan Detroit Mich were weekend guests of Mrs Richardson Mr and Mrs Hughes and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs William Gould Snowball Angus Morrison has return ed home after spending the past five weeks as a patient at To ronto General hospital Mr Morrison who is convalescing at home is progressing satisfac torily Mrs Miller return ed last week after spending a months holidays at Miami Naples and St Petersburg Mrs Ike Williamson accom panied by her daughter Jane j has returned to her home in Bur lington after spending last week with her mother Mrs J E Mr and Mrs Roy Taylor Oakville were weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Stanley Miller Mr and Mrs George Keay spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Roy Martin Mr and Mrs and family Toronto visited relatives in town on Saturday They at tended the Skating Carnival on Saturday evening Mr W Johnstone Eyebrow Saskatchewan visited Mr and Mrs Ernie for a days last Friends calling on Mr and Mrs Elgin Evans Sunset Sarasota Florida were Mr and Mrs Jack Kavanaugh Mr and Mrs Art Newmarket Mr and Mrs Murray Jelley Newmarket Mr and Mrs Walter Aurora Mr and Mrs William Manitoba Friends visiting Mr and Mrs Allan over the week end Mrs Hooker Lloyd and Diane and Mr and Mrs Garnet Meyers and family of Aurora Mrs Ashcnhurst and daughter Mrs Beckett atten ded the funeral of Mrs James Peers in Toronto on Monday They also visited Mrs Ashen- hursts brother J March Newmarket was treat ed to as elegant and interesting a parade of spring styles as is likely to greet onlookers at the annual Boardwalk parade of Easter fashions in Toronto And what is perhaps more important wexe wearable styles suit able to life in the small town Sponsored by the Newmarket Business and Professional Wom ens club to raise funds for the furnishing of their room at York County hospital the fashion show was a week before with many trying to track down tickets until the doors opened Local merchants showing how wide an assortment of the newest styles they can provide for mi lady as well as her escort out did themselves in what we hope will become an annual affair Even the small tykes of the fam ily were not forgotten It was these models in miniat ure who stole the show One small lass appearing on the plat form took a deep breath and braced herself for the ordeal of that trip down the runway Her slow measured pace grew pro gressively quicker until on the return trip she practically flew up the steps bobbed her curtsy and fled off stage Her darling outfit from Harrys as well as her shy manner captivated the audience Jack and Jill looked after the little ones fashions For the male members of the family a green Holland Suede jacket accented with plaid and worn with faultlessly tailored jodpurs were modelled Anyone wearing a larger size than a wouldnt do justice to this outfit The older men folk were not overlooked with many very smart ensembles being modelled In fact as one woman remarked I hope my husband doesnt see that suit before I get my spring outfit The men added quite a dash to the show Following the com mentators description of nylon socks a male model hitched his trousers so that everyone could lovely in their personalized makeup Again the col ors to be worn by the model were applying the make up an3Audrey Atkinsons Drugs who labored behind the scenes for several hours perform ing this task deserves mention for her skillfully executed job of gilding the Across the stage forming a backdrop was some exciting new drapery material from and massed behind green fern ery was luggage in Irish linen with glazed calf trim from Wests collection Short trim coiffures featuring a tailored neckline were chosen as most popular for the younger ladies with the soft frame of up swept curls being the most flat tering hair styling for the dig nified matron The much Poodle Cut was modelled and proved very attractive It would seem to be an extremely- suitable style for summer but the frequent professional attentions demanded by this coiffure may be its un doing To escape the hangdog look the Poodle Cut must be expert ly shaped and trimmed every five or six weeks and for the lassies with straight locks such a style calls for four or five permanent waves a year Frenchs and Thompsons were responsible for the preview of spring hair styl- Eves Hookers Harrys and Chainways were represented in the modelling of suits hats dresses sports wear purses with credit for some 200 was rais ed for the hospital work of the Newmarket Business and- Pro fessional Womens club when the town hall was filled to ca pacity on March 12 for a Spring Fashion show Held under the sponsorship of the and P club the show was largely the see them the union is going responsibility of the firms who chose the models and pro vided the clothing accessories flowers makeup and stage dec orations The entire proceeds will be used to furnish a room at York County hospital to get after him None of the gals were permitted to raise their skirts to showoff their sheer nylons and Mor risons contributed the male at tire In the lovely wedding scene that climaxed the fashion show the groom in typical fashion was late and when he did make his appearance managed to put both feet on his brides trailing coffee colored lace gown We were told by the commentator that in the notes given her it merely said The groom Mr So and So through the courtesy of Blank store wears a white carnation Such a statement was greeted by a ripple of titters Would he wear the carnation behind one ear or between his teeth the audience wondered The flowers in show by added greatly to the ef fectiveness of each ensemble as did the jewelry by Yates which was chosen to compliment each tractive shoes going to Victors and other accessories from cats The hats were exciting ami spelled spring regardless of the climate outofdoors There was a Robin Hood hat of red straw styled by Canton It was worn with an allweather coal of water Melbourne fifth Another was it Maggie creation of natural and green straw It had flowers in the veil and at the back It was worn with a suit of allwool gab ardine In an oatmeal shade which featured the shorter jack et with padded hip line and the flared skirt Rhinestone bin pins and bracelet and smart green bag completed the ensem ble For those who need half sizes a coat of French blue was modelled It had navy fac ing on cuffs and shawl collar and was lined with navy satin throughout Worn over a navy corded faille crepe dress with grey trim and navy buttons set with at the right shoulder and left side of the skirt it was a very attract ive chic outfit The model wore a navy braided straw hat with pink lilac trim pink pullon gloves and jewelry set with opals and It is impossible to mention all the bewitching styles modelled at this spring fashion show It was judged as a complete success as a money raising affair as a means of acquainting town people with local merchandise and was a further evidence of the cooperation town projects receive from Main St e Inffyojeci each person attending the fa shion show received a favor courtesy of Curtis Models of the evening includ ed Caroline Edwards Jean ment Joan Mary Smith Joan Robin son Mrs Sparks Eleanor Hugh- son Shirley Grainger Lynn Mc- Jeanne Vance Barbara Burgess Robert Rowland Peggy Ward John Eileen New ton Muriel Hock ley Carol Burton Joan Mitchell Marion Pickering Stc- j Conveners of the show were j Mrs Mrs Chas Mrs Lillian Rank and Miss Peggy Ward with the president Miss pinchhitting for Mrs Rank who was hospital ized the week of the fashion parade Mrs Dorothy Bowman and Mrs were commen tators Music was provided by Miss Florence Goldsmith There was a sale of homemade candy by members of the club and dur ing intermission children from Mrs Charles Gordons dance class the audience The accompanist was Mrs Gor don Downward The door prize was a lovely Barry makeup kit compli ments of Richard and Gordon Billings Elizabeth Jacqueline Gordon Gra ham Knihb and Douglas Merchants participating in the fashion show were Eves Ladies Wear Atkinsons Drug store Hookers Ladies Wear Daw sons Specialty Shop Harrys Dry Goods Robert Yates Jewel ler Mens Wear Thomp sons Beauty Salon Doris La dies Wear Stores Morrisons Mens Wear Flower Shop Seneca I Dry Goods Frenchs Beauty Parlor and Jack and Hold up to 50 pieces voluo beautifully lined glasslike cherrywood finish- two place In your INTERNATIONAL STIRLING By Mary Hiding between Newmarket and the city on the bus is always interesting friendly Models r- who ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Honourable Phillips fAO Minister TELLS HOSPITAL STORY If addressed a gen eral meeting of the York Coun ty Hospital Womens Auxiliary in the Scout hall on Tuesday March Speaking on the Ori gin and Development of York County Hospital Mr traced the growth of the local hospital in an interesting infor mal manner At the close of the business session light refresh ments were served under the of Mrs John Dales an with the driver out when a bump occurs THE PHYSICIAN and THE WORKI N6 TOGCTHER YOUR HEALTH THE PHYSICIAN AND THE The doctor and work hand in hand to protect community health Do not hesitate consult your doctor when sickness strikes when injuries occur or when you do not feel up to par Your function is to dispense the drugs and medicines pros- by your doctor A If necessary have us pick up your doctors prescriptions These will be compounded and delivered to you as soon as possible 1 DRUG STORE we MAIN ST NEWMARKET calls Dig in your spins or Next stop Lake Wilcox though Ive never seen it yet There are argu ments whether Toronto is really worth visiting anxi ety over whether the man run ning for the bus at Hill will get there in time Children travelling alone have to he reassured and no matter What the season there is some thing new to see from the win dow r is still too early for flowers except in the windows of rins and McCaffreys hut Mr and Mrs Robert Clark Main St have an orchid plant in full bloom in their kitchen Marguerite who ap peared in the Newmarket ton- cert series is the star of the Na tional Film Hoard movie Opera School short sub ject filmed in 1051 The traffic jams Main SI at five oclock to call for some sort of regulation May lie Newmarket too needs a sub- way At the fashion show held re cently by the Business and Pro fessional Womens club the small elf We only wish that to could have been added the twin girls aged about years who were in a local restaurant the evening They were even eating identical Soon April ruin not March snow will be the problem An American suggests that umbrella handles should be at one side Instead of In the middle for better visibility Rut bow a w ICQ m iv tr 9 IV f- I m m Generous freezer deep plastic covered strung wide apart shelves lee trays high down months to pay balance at per week SUPERSAFE COLD I i FT MODEL Hon my with two single one douhio quick be tray transparent plas tic meat storage tray 359 down months to pay balance per week I were with the audience iv a DOWN 18 MONTHS TO MtrMUr with SAFE Cold oil no va built and of told on a of Warrant for ycaril FT DELUXE COLDWML chest trimmed Id sliding- adjustable aluminum shelv es twin basket drawers old wall or moist hydra- tor star lira and safe cold from op bet torn 449 down months to pay balance per week FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE ON ALL GENUINE PRODUCTS

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