LEGAL Solicitors and Public Corner It Tftommt Office Block Wellington Aurora Joseph Dales Office and Residence St By Appointing- tsn I A Solicitor Notary Public Etc PHONE Wellington St MATHEWS STIVER LYONS AND VALE Barristers Solicitors Notaries L Mathews KM Stiver BAV E LYONS Joseph Vale QC St Bay St Phones Toronto MILLS Barrister Solicitor and Notary MAIN ST Phone VIOLET Conveyancing Insurance St Phone 339 Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS A HAWKINS Contractor For BULLDOZING GRADING CELLAR EXCAVATIONS and Sand and Fill run Delivered or at bin Si va r Plant phone Office phones and 4 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR House and Farm Wiring BAIN General Repairs Tlmken Earners Space Heater All Electrical Household Appliances Phone Box 25 Ontario Newmarket the Story Of SHARON By ETHEL WILLS ON This is the concluding instalment of a continuing Story of Sharon from its founding to the present The story was written after almost two years of research and we believe be a major contribution to know ledge of the past PLUMBING HEATING -CONTRACTOR- Dealer for Water Pressure Systems Arcoflame Oil Burners Cement Septic Tanks Constructed ridges Phone King 111 Phone Aurora J it SOLICITOR ETC 35 MAIN St S NEWMARKET DENTAL DR W NOBLE DENTIST MUNICIPAL OFFICE Office Residence Dr E VanderVoort DENTIST Main St Newmarket Coke Wood- Stoker Coal feiy Orders taken for Gravel Sand Crushed Stone and General Hauling MEDICAL PEE VER Physician and Surgeon Phone Hon by Appointment At residence corner of Ian and Sis OSTEOPATHY WILSON and Arthritis ION BUILDING Telephone illation by Appointment CHIROPRACTIC OF DESIGNS In oar collection of MONUMENTS is that we can meet almost any require ment both as to kind and coat Wo also make memorials to order of every description Youll find our work excellent always and our service prompt and reasonably priced 6 W and SON MAIN ST NEWMARKET Ian J Lockie DX OF CHIROPRACTIC ST Newmarket Telephone The Coming Century i How right was Emerson when he wrote There is properly no history only biography When the lights and shadows of the century played in review over the history of Sharon and its people I said I love those folk of yesterday Through the centurys destinyladen days- I had met them and clearly could discern the framework of a per integrated effort cause those bygone souls had been convinced that life must be lived in character of They were of those who had paid purchase price in tears and sweat and blood- Like Pilgrim of old those souls of yesteryear had pressed stead ily toward the Shining Light un til they came to the Country whose air was Very sweet the Country where the sun shineth night and day Through that door which no man may close they had seen from afar the gleam of the coming century vhich could they now view the fulfilment of their dreams would far outshine those dreams Presentday Sharon is modern to her flowerdecked finger tips She lovely in her heritage of hospitality and friendliness in her charity and high ideals she is strong in her homes and those who dwell therein main tain the old traditions of insub ordination to wrong by an un flinching confidence in life Her churches uphold the faith The heart of her future beats within the walls of the school Time has been a faithful companion and while lime remains those things of Sharon that are good will live on When the warm light of a harvest moon floods the fields and gardens one still may lis ten for a strain of silver music winding from beyond the hills one may pause to catch its ecstatic overtones swelling in harmony around the ancient Temple while the unseen mus icians with banners floating through the scented airy- march to the little burying ground to once again rendezvous with the quiet sleepers Canadian Heritage A great deal of material has necessarily been collected from which to present this Story of Sharon through the years of a Of the historic back ground events life in Upper sufficient ha been sketched of the relative reasons as to why the people of Sharon had participated in them ft is the history of the common of any locality which pro vides the social and economic evidence that in the filial sense has been the weighty factor in a larger system of national and international politics Any stu dent of the past quickly learns that there is a fundamental var iety in human organizations No generation can ignore these laws and expect escape trie inevitable reaction Two world wars have provided ample ration the preservation of the past so much is explained and the law of cause and effect whether rightly or wrongly in terpreted explains the need for sounder historical thinking The documents the records the tra ditions all are vital in the answer to a fumbling worlds And while already much has been lost great deal still can be salvaged that if preserved in the years to come will add richness arid beauty and wisdom and honor to the Canadian heritage Copyright Acknowledgements In gathering together the data of personnel and events to record Story- of Sharon there are numerous acknow ledgements which are gratefully made and it is sincerely hoped that no name or source has been overlooked Any ft used where chapter arid verse cannot be quoted the source was con sidered to be reliable a greatgreat grandson those pioneers Amos Hughes his wife Rebecca Chapman who were among the earliest to settle in Sharon A David Fall and Mrs of to a major debt is owing for their generous loan Valu able historical materia and who throughout the writing main tained a constant and stimulat ing JACK SMITH WRITES Ottawa Letter A weekly letter from the member of parliament for York North Main interest here in Ottawa as throughout the centres in the national budget which will be presented by Hon D C Abbott on Tuesday April The national budget like a household budget or a business budget estimates the revenue and expenditure of the coming year and in case fixes i the I extent and nature of the tax levies to a s the necessary 1 money for the ordinary of our countrys affairs our defence effort and pur social vices The budget will show a stantial surplus the present years operations This surplus may be the subject of consider able and Mhtroversy and there is ample room for de bate and differences of opinion on the subject However it is pretty generally recognized that the present healthy and sound state of the national treasury has contributed greatly to strength of national economy It has reduced the burden of debt and strengthened Canadas credit in the eyes of the world It indeed been one of the major factors in attrac ting capita from abroad for Canadian development and en- Sharing this ore William the Canadian dollar to JOHN JAR VIS Association Repress Fire Automobile and Casualty St Newmarket Phones Newmarket Mount Albert Over PHONE A HURST Optometrist Office Hours Wed and flat it oclock by Appointment INSURANCE BURGLARY AUTO AND LIFE Bill MAIN ST NEWMARKET SLEIGHS RADIO APPLIANCE SERVICE 210 MAIN ST NEWMARKET PHONE KEN TUNER AND TECHNICIAN Dealer For New Mason and Pianos Organs Pianos Bought and Sold CRACK ST NEWMARKET Phone Estimates Free HEARD Painter anil Decorator and Wallpapers Phone Aurora JOHN DALY Expert 31 St or Phone Newmarket ALL McCONKEY Brick and Block Laying CHIMNEYS ft FIREPLACES BUILT REPAIRED CAR OWNERS Insure your car today the CoOp Way Sponsored by your Fed of Agriculture JOHN STOMA Newmarket Phone of Sharon Mercy and Barker Mr and Mrs Lewis of Newmarket Mr County and staff Mr John Meyer editor of the Era and Express and staff To each of the following who contributed by interest conver sational reminiscence letters loan of records and documents I am most appreciative Rev Robert Keswick Mrs William Huntley Mrs Seymour Mr J Smith Queens ville Mrs Austin Haines Mrs Evans Mrs Gertrude Collins Mrs Bertha Phillips Miss Nora Shaw Mrs Elmer Fry Mrs Milne Mrs Eugene Kite ly Mrs Levi Mrs Nor man Crone Mrs Mrs Emily and Mrs Frank Ramsay Mr and Mrs Walter Haines Mr Allan Shaw Dr and Mrs Sharon Miss Miss Leila Starr Miss Rosa Miss Rogers Miss Lulu Miss Helena Daly Mrs Howard Cane Mrs E Cane Mr and Mrs Joseph Mrs Frank Vernon Mr Laurie Cane Mr A Mr Fred Williams Mr Frank Rogers Mr Howard Moore Mr White telegraph office Mr Edward Mr Joseph Vale Rev J Rhodes Dr Case Newmarket Mi a Morton Mis Hopkins Str Kin- oniCLt Col James It J- Simpson Mr Reg Mr Sheppard Ma jor J C Boy Ion Toronto Mrs 11 Wight Mrs JMlia Brown Mrs Hoy Kneeshaw Mrs Viola Jones Mr Angus Hams Ottawa Mr New York Vancouver Dr Percy Vivian Univer sity Mrs Mr How ard and Mr J E To the following public off i- a Is made for the courteous interest and ex tended by them as well as for the valuable information which supplied Mrs Legislative- Library former Provincial Archivist and her assistant Miss Jackson the present Pro- Archivist G Dr ihion Archivist Norman Fee assistant Archivist Col P and Mr A Gibson Regional Director of Postal Services Rev J tittle Bur sar and Miss Margaret Ray as sistant Librarian Victoria Col lege Rev Canon Allen His toriographer of the Anglican Church Stewart inn Royal Canadian Military t The- following Bibliography is the recorded source of much of the historical Sketches of Canada U Life lot Lindsay History of Canada kins History of Canadian Wallace Canada Past and Future Smith Gazetteer Smith of Hughes the French Regirne- Robinson History of County A Blue Books Indian Old Eras Colonial Advocates Christian Guardians letters and documents Friend Western University Friends Records Philadelphia From Med Man Perkins Dull Romancoof Medicine J His torical Emily Hlstorichl Faith Baldwin Memoirs of David History of the Deans Life of John Graves Reminiscences of War Mrs Roger Records of Court of Quarter Pioneers of Old On tario Smith History of bridge Certain Municipal Pa pers of early mops records of County Office rank as one of the strongest cur rencies in the world ioday Estimates national business Is now big business The estimates of Expenditure for the coming year tabled in the Ho us this week totalled nearly billion dollars The estimated expenditures in detail of all departments are pre- sented to the House in a printed volume The book contains pages of finely printed details of national expenditures planned for next year The main estimates total bil lion 336 million dollars This compares with billion mil lion last year This represents by far Ihe largest program of ex penditure in Canadas history By far the largest increase Is in the of defence Overall the three departments directly concerned national defence the Defence Depart ment the Defence Protluetion Department and the National Health and Welfare Department which administers civil defence are down in the estimates to spend more than last years 1728000- and very nearly of the outlay for- Hie whole govern ment this lie added a further for the cost of security research and other activities of departments Price again the gets the lions share about more than last year army is up by more to and the navy by mure than 38- to Mutual aid for Allied forces in the North- Atlantic Treaty Organization is billed at higher air forces biggest item is for just over 2235007 but it is some 27000000 lower than last years estimate Building comes next with 1 higher by nearly reflecting the cost of hangars and barracks for stations that are being reopened repair and up keep of equipment Is the third biggest item a massive higher than last year Pay and allowances are fourth with 70000000 near ly higher The finance minister now hav ing presented the estimates or accounts to be paid in the year wilt tell on April how he pro- to raise the money The extent- of the demands for the coining year make it abundantly SLEEP TONITE 0CIH a Mtw clear that no substantial tax can be expected World There is a very definite feeling of increased optimism here re garding the condition of world affairs Despite this feeling ever the fact is that we still are a long way from being put of trie woods of danger There- are nevertheless encouraging signs that the extensive defence pre parations of Canada and our al lies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is paying off in in ternational affairs If can avert an outbreak of hostilities the burden of taxation will be more than worthwhile OBITUARY Mrs Florence Smith Active for many years in church activities Mrs Florence Smith Newmarket died on Wednesday Mar after an illness three weeks She was born Yorkshire England on November the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs On Decem ber she was married to G Watt Smith who predeceased her on June She came to Canada in 1910 with her who as minister at First churchy Ottawa until Fol lowing this they held pastorates at Portage la Prairie Man Gor don Free church In Glengarry county Vars Oht and went to England in where they lived until 1030 when they took residence at Hearst Ont where their soninlaw daughter Drs C and Marg aret were practising In they moved to in Mis Smith to Newmarket where after the death of her husband she lived with her daughter Throughout her life her chief interests were in her home and church She was a member of Queens United church Surviving are a son Sidney Smith Detroit Mich- USA a daughter Dr Margaret Ark in stall Newmarket nine grand children and two greatgrand children Eric Warren Rev Miller and conducted the funeral service on Saturday Mai at United church were Wedded C J Siriith Cunning ham Interment was in Queensville cemetery WHERE THERES The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Mar Page VIBRATED Cement Blocks 8 and 10 plain Alao Styles of Block PINE ORCHARD CEMENT BLOCK CO ow Meant After 2fU re- f3 i- CANADA PACKERS LTD now contracting tor the season OUR PRICE for cucumbers IS UP this year and there are SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR DELIVERY For your contract or for more information about this PROFITABLE CASH CROP Phone write or see mm mm Newmarket phone 15- Bring Results k Now Ive caught up with Grandma THERES HOSPITALITY one of those unforgettable ycu rend Anil every lime I think of her I remember one of her favourite sayings sow mow Many have passe since Grandma died Hut just the other day something happened to remind me of that old motto of hers 1 was working over my budget trying not to admit what the figures told me rtly had At this rate it was cinch that some of the things Id started to save for would have to wait Suddenly I remembered Early sow Oldfashioned stuff I told myself Then I got to thinking Maybe it is tough to save today But its still important still my only hope of getting some of the things I want most Well least Im keeping up my life insurance payments I thought Thats a way of saving which combines protection for my family as well And maybe if I make an extra effort to put more money aside Ill reach my goals sooner So here goes Ill try again Ill Find some neiv ways to Somehow Im sure I con manage to be more thrifty Ami you know its a funny thing The moment I made decision I realised that Grandmas idea whs not old- fashioned Ive just caught up with her now THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES in CANADA and their representatives 16M PLUMBING a HEATING COSTS mm CATALOGUE lathi lectric shallow and deep well pumps soil pipe fittings fibro boilers water heaters pip and fittings WRITE TODAY MAIN SUPPLIES CO ST lAWRINa I QUI Invested my Farm Improvement Loan in a disc seeder to get off to a good start this Spring It not only sates me a lot of valuable time right now when its so important its also saving me money by cutting down on tillage IMPROVEMENT LOAM v A Lois cm Mp you Hoy of dnhp your tUoi fatter lotai tecal will ihnn bow MM MAMMOIV I NEWMARKET m J A J