Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Apr 1952, p. 1

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l J 1 SECOND SECTION Number of Copies Printed This Week sums ahum ikhml ttsmos of north york YEAR YEAR NO rV Comiany is indicative of difficulties experienced by Maiming industry in 1951 The operations After adding investment of profit of on sale of securities and adjustments of the J for was was changed into a net of by writing values down by fit when there was iu write down of inventory Values the net profit was 412- chairman and president states that due to the sapid and severe decline of raw material and finished leather values the amount at which in ventories were carried at De cember 31 was substantially in of market value In or der that operations for would be placed from the out set In a strong competitive NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Year by year me Tom Kirk program grows in size and popularity This years feature at the Newmarket arena last Thursday hit a new high on both counts with 250 contestant vieing for skating honors and 35 to races were needed to provide a winner in each event set in a Allan Noble Dour were relay races St Johns school speedsters took both senior boys and senior ac Hart right are Alf Hart Elizabeth Colleen Mary Cain Mary and Maureen West 7 v Photos by George the inventory was written down to market value With uncertain raw material markets and business conditions in the industry abnormally depressed it is difficult to look forward and see a clear trading picture for continues Mr The present reduced prices of calf leather gives promise of encouraging the wid er use of companys high- grade products and this to- gather with steadily increasing ceremonies of operation should riiake leather more competitive with alternative materials Financial position is strong with working capital of 310- at December comparing with 4207698 a year ago vestments having a market- value of are included in current assets at cost of Ratio of current assets to current liabilities is Earned surplus totals Capita expenditures in amounted to The com pany plans to make extensive re arrangements of plant facilities and to add such modern equip ment as will improve the com petitive position of its products on world markets These will require substan tial capital expenditures and should result in major economies of operation states Mr ner RED CROSS DRIVE REACHES The Newmarket Red Cross campaign fund has reached 3876 of its objective it was re ported this morning Contribu tions still are coming in but time is growing short On Tuesday the Cross volunteer workers met in the sewing rooms in Trinity United church While they worked they were addressed by campaign director for the Ontario division who told some thing of the history of the Red Cross Not Bankrupt Finances Said Serious Costs On Sts Tax Drain In budget meeting of town council last Friday after noon DeputyReeve J Spil- chairman of the finance committee said that from 13000 go down the drain each year for gravel and road Although many of Newmar kets streets are paved and have curbs and gutters there are still many gravel roads covered with an oil surface Costs continue to mount each year for their maintenance What are you going to have years from now asked Councillor J Dales In that time we spend enough money on gravel and oil to pay for new roads he said Reeve Evans said that on the other hand rnany of the roads would have be torn up for storm sewers ore they were paved Mr Spillette pointed out that many property owners are pay ing extra for new pavement that has been done recently under- a local improvement plan The hard part is that these still have to pay for the costly mainten ance of gravel roads in other parts of town in general taxes A ratepayers petition was said to be circulating for the pavement of Queen St from Main St to the VLA Rumor That Bank Has Refused i i False that York County hospital Newmarket e re discounted by chairman of the hospital board yesterday A had been circulating in Newmarket during the part of the that Cheques issued by the hos pital had not been honored by the bank Mr Stiver did say that the financial position- the hospital Form New Blood Bank In Newmarket Ask Register For Hospital Needs SIGHT CLASSES Row class in car pentry and will be held next week at his home on Eagle St instead of In the school Time is on Wednesday night A new registration of 200 donors in a Newmarket Blood Bank for York County hospital will be started on April 21 A blood bank committee with Dr J Cock chairman and Mrs J Rogers secretary decided at a meeting Tuesday night to start on the project which will take eight weeks for a complete registration and testing of volunteer donors The blood bank has had its start with a 100 donation from the York County Hospital Aid a if s from weeks in the bank and donors Revenue Loss In Hospital From 1 Members of Newmarket counV were worrying at Monday nights meeting about how the town will collect old age pension cheque revenue from hospital ized pensioners Only a few months Mayor Joseph Vale Was decrying the fact that the cheques were being taken from h pensioners Previous to a change In policy by the government pension were stopped when old went to hospital Each cheque was turned over to the ioynty half of it being paid county hospital costs the father half credited to the pitslpMty which shares the cost ifethe indigent patients SlSiynr Vale has been waging St neman crusade against the lice of taking the cheques the pensioners It leaves with no money for the mayor had out Some pensioners tip apartments or rooms pp money to pay rent while were hospitalized Many without mull luxuries limy it buy while in cillors have pointed out that there are many indigent patients whose hospital bills have been paid by the town while their families could easily have paid for thorn- Mac- noted such cases where i person might turn his home over to his son or daugh ter and be eligible for an old Miss Lynch technician at the hospital The committee requests that volunteers between 16 and phone the switchboard at the Newmarket Clinic phone and make an appointment to have a blood test and to be reg istered as a donor Curds with identification blood type and registration will be given to each donor There is a special plea for persons who know that their blood is typed R nega tive to volunteer as a donor Appointment calls are asked to be made between and in the mornings and be tween and in the after noons It will take eight complete the registration and blood tests will be made each Monday arid day night between until the list has been com pleted Dales pointed out that- the whole tftion will not affect people during working hours i Registration and testing will take and than ah ounce of blood bo taken the donor the test Legion members and others who have been registered on previous donor lists are asked to call for and registration in the will be asked to give blood in rotation so that each donor will DROWNS YARD CISTERN SEARCH Gar field of was drowned in a cistern at his home on Tuesday while his parents starched around the yard to find him The only son of Mr and Mrs Claude the youngster had been playing on the verandah with his dog while his mother went to the mailbox yards away When she returned the child had disappeared Summoning her husband from the barn she searched the grounds and a neighbors yard Mr said he first thought of the cistern near the back verandah but when- he saw the lid properly in place he as sumed the child could not have fallen in it is believed that the boy had moved the lid of was serious and admitted that the bank was apprehensi ve about ah overdraft which ex ceeds 40000 v Rumour that trie has re fused to honor cheques is not correct but the financial position of the hospital is desperate he saii Everything that can be done Is being done he said The only thing we have hot talked of is raising money by public subscription At present the board is asking municipalities who have ah in terest in the hospital to make special grants proportion to the number of patients the serves each community The board is asking the in the county to make up a total equal to the toss of the hospital took last year Newmarket has the situation the hospital is in and is believed to be granting The first part of the year is a difficult time for the Hospital to Mr Stiver During the first few no grants from various levels of govern- have come in bank overdraft represents the only financial trouble There arc debehtttre debts and we other than the batik said Mr Stiver v The chief blamed for this financial position is the cost the hospital is bear for people who cant pay their bills the indigent patients Indigent cost per patient per day is over nine dollars The hospital fe paid phiy of it from gov ernments and municipalities and must bear the rest If and munici palities would look after the cost of indigent patients we would hot be in this position said Stiver provincial maintenance grant to York County hospital is on the basis of it being a hospital but there are actual ly beds The hospital employs people nurses employed number and there are 20 part time nurses Representation to some muni cipal councils in the county has been made and Oilier councils are to be visited by Mr Stiver this week to seek help We are asking municipalities jo make grants in proportion to services rendered by the hospital he said i I Ml late not be asked more than once a cistern fell into the feet of year for blood Blood in the hospital bank which is not used within three weeks will be sent to the Red Cross to be made into plasma The bank maintained at the hospital by the Newmarket group will he used only for em ergencies When patients use blood they will be asked if friends or relatives can replace it There will be no charge for the blood to patients in hospital other than for technical prepar ation and services Members the Newmarket Blood Bank committee are Dr Cock Dr John Dales Mrs Rogers T Such and Jack On registration nights one of the town doctors a nurse and a member of the Legion will be present water and that the lid slipped back into place as he fell When the parents looked into the well as a last resort the fa ther climbed down through the small opening by a rope Once inside he was unable to got out again but he hold the boy until help came Dr ton and Police Chief Clifford Sutton worked on the boy for three hours before hope was given up CONCERT RENEWALS Past members of the Canadian Concert Association Newmar ket have until April only to renew membership cards for After that date the membership cards will avail able to the general public as well as past members age pension When the pension- now fejood Persons who goes to hospital he is classed have had or as an indigent arid the hospital the town and the county pay the bill she said York County Warden J Newmarkets deputy- reeve pointed out that the j has enjoyed an annual income of 60000 froni the pension cheques Hair goes toward county hospital grants and the other half to the various munici palities contributing to indigents Newmarkets county council representatives Reeve A Evans DeputyReeve J and council members were wondering what to do next about collecting the cheques from the hospitalized pensioners Mayor Vale had left the meeting before J 1 c it asthma cannot be used for the blood bank Dr Cock gave the past donor services by the le gion and other groups fhe blood service in the past five years has been a blessing but many of the donors have move4 away and vO nave to increase the he said organization that started the blood service has never had suf ficient credit for ft he said Now there are many uses for blood and that calls for more members It is too great a task for one group to handle this and we need help the townspeople he said Blood lasts from three to four THURSDAY APRIL Junior Farmers are sponsoring a dance in Mount Albert hail to Norm orchestra Prizes and refreshments Adrriission v c2wi4 THURSDAY Ladles Canadian Le gion Aurora games a Share the- wealth Time In the Aurora Legion haft FRIDAY APRIL Unfile public is cordially invited to attend the performance of the and of Handels Messiah to given by Trinity choir Newmarket flood Friday meditation on the passion of our Lord The performance will commence at pm in Trinity church SATURDAY APRIL Bingo in Newmarket Town hall Jack- Sponsored by the Name Society Time pm SATURDAY APRIL Berk ley Street Boys Harmonica Band instrumentalists duets Music that thrills Aurora youth rally Aurora Baptist church pm Everyone heartily welcome SATURDAY APRIL Dance in Holland Landing Community hail at pm Charlie Van Wants orchestra Admission Everybody welcome SUNDAY APRIL Special candlelight Easter service fea turing a play The Challenge of the Cross In the Church Newmarket at pm MONDAY APRIL Easter euchre under the auspices of Keswick Girls Softball Club at the North Memor ial Centre Time pm Lucky draw Admission WEDNESDAY APR in Newmarket Legion hall sponsored by Branch Cana dian Time pm Jackpot Door prize Admission WED APR COMING EVENTS ON PAGE COL When Newmarkets tax rate of mills was set at a special meeting of town council Friday afternoon Mayor Joseph Vale levelled his sights on the Coun ty of York denouncing the steady increase in the countys tax on the northern munici palities of York and the Jack of services in return The countys jurisdiction over northern municipalities and the grants to- them Have been de creasing while the tax levy has been increasing he said taxes have increased 10000 since One of the chief grievances the mayor had concerned the York county roads and the sys tem financing them We should certainly start complain ing about trie roads in the southern municipalities which wo dont use but which we have to pay for he said is true that the whole thing is considered from the southern municipalitiespoint of view riot from the point of view of northern munici palities agreed Deputyreeve J whole business of the Toronto and York Roads Corn mission should be scrutinized it was all right when it was first set up but things have changed said Mayor Vole Most of the mayors grievance Was against the cost of castwest roads for which Newmarket pays a share The mayor pointed out that the county once provided more grants to schools and that the grants have iiow diminished All grants are going down but the county levy still goes up he said Tiie county levy on this year is 24000 an crease of 3000 over Since it has increased 10000 he said Warden pointed out that the county contributes b towards the Newmarkets Sutton District high school It still irks me to think we have to raise for the county said the mayor think we should look into the county finances and see about these roads The is over due for the northern municipali ties to start stirring things up Warden agreed One wonders if amalgamation is beginning again right in county council if you know what I mean said Councillor pales- The county is asking money the north and giving less hi services Newmarkets mill rate of represents a large increase over years tax rate of mills High school estimates went up caused by an addition of a new wing on the area high school in Newmarket and one in Sutton The debenture rate was also up four mills Only council member who voted against the adoption of the budget was Mrs M Mac- who had been press ing for an arrangement with the North York Humane Society to supply dog catching services and a for Newmarket The society wanted plus rev enue from dog tax for the ser vice but other members of coun cil turned down the offer Corrected Bills Users Terms and light bills were re- by Newmarket ratepay ers this month With mixed feel ings The meter readings were corrected with the current bill Where there had been reductions there Was puzzled silence where there were increases there were loud protests Spnie of the bills had increases as high as Chairman Thompson of the commission said this week however that where there was an excessive increase the ratepayer could settle the a of months AH the ratepayer had to do was to make his arrangement with town clerk Wesley Brooks Mr stressed that there had no change in rates lit a letter over the of the hydro and water committees It was said that the meters had- been estimated dur ing the at the former meter reader tfie When Mt the commission employed a new meter reader but later discharg when it found that he was not doing The corrected bills the result ratepayers- had- been too low others had been estimated too The current bill alt up date Next months i bills be according lb the readme Among- in creases this month there was a strong belief the commis sion should absorb their loss and snphihrri6aboUfc it Mr Tridrhpsoii pointed out however that while apractice might he by comi- it was riOtapplJcable to a public utility ratepayer is only pay ing tot what he has used the way of power and water and for which he had not previously been billed he of the hy dro report at council Monday night it was pointed out that the Newmarket power rate was com paratively low for Ontario and while had been increasing their rates Newmarkets have remained the Amount of power used by Ncwt market hydro consumers has doubled since hydro took over the municipal system while number of consumers has increased by only a third DENIES TO FEDERATION Reeve Elton Armstrong strong ly denied statements attributed to a Federation of Agriculture dele gation at Whitchurch council last week in which it was said that he was unfriendly to the federation That is not so said Mr Arm strong has supported the federation with a 500 grant He said that the council had been approached last year for a grant and 500 had been author ized on receipt of a financial statement the federation tt didnt get the statement until this year and the grant has been paid he said Tf requiring some proof of financial responsibility is being opposed was opposed but we insist on such proof before we feel free to hand out the tax payers money he said only two FOR EASTER SEAL There are only two days in which to make your Easter Seal contribution to the Crippled Childrens Society through the Newmarket Lions club The club has been sponsoring the campaign in Newmarket for the last month and while returns have been good Bob says that they are so far below last year The tag day on Saturday brought the campaign The children who tagged will be pre sented with passes to Saturdays show at the Theatre The children should pick up their passes at Hardware one 1 A request by tachrnenti taking his turn at from Oaks to No district provincial ice at prompted wonder and exasper ation at Americans concept of Canada again A female voice with a long Virginia drawl asked which Canadian jail was presently har boring a certain army sergeant and asked police to call back and lot us know please Confused by the long distance operators Virginia accent Rob Clark of the Sunday night tried to the message straight was put in jail up there life ftihada for and he owns was the ex planation from the other end of the wire It was suggested that the office contact the sheriff and find out they called us I dont know said Clark And I wonder how big they think Canada is It might be added that a Canadian sheriff has little to do with jails or people 1

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