Page Thursday the tenth day of April nineteen hundred and fifty two Herd Owners Meet Discuss Improvement Highlights Of Aurora Recreation Commission Excellent bantam midget hockey program carried on Approximately boy participating Many out-of- town games played being a game for the team in Maple Leaf Gardens Well attended adult and child rens handicraft classes held all winter and brought to a success ful close by a very fine hobby- craft show A figureskating club formed by a group of Aurora women which resulted in lessons to be tween to children Tliese ladies deserve a great deal of credit Local firemen do fine job of maintaining outdoor ri at Mill Street playground Fine summer program carped on in four playgrounds Active minor baseball and Softball program A bus load of boys see game at Maple Leaf stadium Sorry to hear of Tom Dixons resignation Appointment of a new director i The Editor If you agree that one of the fundamentals of good proximately children par ticipated Teenage students di rected by Tom Dixon Bill Mun- dell and Mrs StaverV do excel- and organizations Look forward Formation of art direction for is of accurate information and we believe that you do we feel a group of children under the capable and skillful leadership of Mr Tolman Saturday evening dances con tinue to be well attended and properly conducted Many teen agers enjoying needed recrea tion Mr Swindles resignation from active participation A great loss to work Purchase of added equipment so thp Councillor Cliff could make up still more play ground equipment ofi a volun tary basis sure that you will also agree that the completely misleading headline on the Aurora page of your issue of April calls for the publication of a correction The headline in question says Town Hall checkup revealed people without a vote signed the petition papers The actual truth of the matter is that the municipal office de leted two names not as im plied in this hund red names were taken off but by the Aurora Civic Progress Welcome pport and co-op- the petition of local citizens firms civic lent job as supervisors to a good year in for some years and which were torn down for of Ms new store it is historically interesting to note that Mr Jock Williss grandfather had his harness makers establish ment there nearly years ago Grandfather who emigrated from Somersetshire the home of the true and only English cider was the founder of family in Aurora over a century ago Public school student John III son of John IT is thus a fourth generation Canadian of old Eng lish stock It sounds very pleas ant New Figures We hope our readers have J WILLIS The Drug Store News agent Tobacconist etc Founded Tonga St Aurora Telephone Stationery Wallpapers Select Range Of Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ads St v Aurora Telephone HUGH MclNTYnll OfL BURNER Cousins Drive Aurora Phone Aurora TRAVEL Reservations Plane Steamship Kail Hotels No extra cost A L Continued from Page noted the new weekly printings of the Era and Express no less Two of our Aurora newsagents having sold out of last weeks issue by Saturday morning April we phoned the office for further supplies We learned that only three copies of the paper were unsold We were completely sold out in Aurora and regret disappoint ments to wouldbe purchasers Additional copies are being plac ed on the newsstands with many thanks to our increasing supporters Smothering Important News When the reporting bones of the Aurora Banner begin to rattle there may be nothing more to it than the emergence of a skeleton script which could cor- be entitled The Phan tom Writes Again Thus it was in the case of three major speeches at the re cent Board of Trade meeting given by Mayor Rose the rec- tor of Trinity Anglican church and Dr The Mayor and Dr gave positive opposition to the installation in Aurora of liquor and beer out lets and the rector questioned the motives of the sponsors and requested that they cast aside their anonymity and put their names on the record To the reporting of what were generally described as three vary fine speeches the Banner gave only seven lines of print This was not only smothering the news it was murdering it When the news suits it the Banner becomes heady with headlines when the news doesnt suit it it be comes dumb Without Aurora News Pages the citizens of Aurora would not have known what major state ments were made by leading citizens the Board of Trade Royal Theatre Successes The showing of Royal Jour ney won for the Royal theatre first place in the Odcon circuit of theatres in Ontario for best increase business Manager Clifford Griffiths is presently bringing more fine movies to Aurora for the pleasure and en tertainment of his large and loyal clientele There will be a special treat for the children on Wednesday April when a matinee car toon carnival be shown Then on April the screening of the famous movie David and will commence This outstanding motion pictures will be starring Gregory Peck and Susan Hay ward Advance news of a thrilling musical extravaganza An Am- ties in order that there should be no question whatsoever as to the genuineness of the petition Those names were taken off because they did not appear on the printed voters list at the last provincial election although it must be emphasized many of them were qualified to and did vote legally at that election Un der the system which was in force at that election a voters name if it had not appeared on the printed list could be added to the list supplied to polling stations and was written in in ink In addition to that voters whose name did not appear on the printed list might if be sworn at a polling sta tion and vote Obviously their names would not appear on the list Equally obviously they were not as the headline sug gests people without a vote Included also were a number of now residents who will be qualified to vote on May is a moot point as to whe ther those who voted in the last provincial election and did so legally were entitled to sign the petition Because it was the wish of the Aurora Civic York comity hen owners of the Wife dairy herd nasmiirt York County the Agricultural board room Newmarket lust Wednesday to hear a discussion on the years reports computed oil life two old- groups which have yearly records for milk butter fat and feed Chaired by agricultural the meeting heard an analysis by Fred Hill Ontario farm economics branch Toronto of the comparison of two est herds averaged with the average of the two lowest herds as against the average for each group In this way no herd was Identified the records being Rev J of Grand Rapids was guest preacher at the Christian Reform church on Sunday Mr is in a Toronto hospital for observation and treatment Good Friday service will be held in the evening Rev will conduct the service Mr and Mrs Geo have returned home from a months holidays in Florida OBITUARY Mrs J Know to many In this district Mrs Victoria May died on Fri day at the home of Newmarket and six sisters Ann Mrs Beatrice Mrs Mills Mary Mrs Holies and Greet a all of Newmar ket and Mabel Mrs and of Detroit of her sister Mrs Waste- Rev Meredith of St An- is for each Davis Dr Newmarket Mrs J rows Presbyterian church con- SHARON of train to herds tout lit addition to check ing on weights milk and but- a I test with the of herd own- compiles necessary data for the record wok supplied litis Information Is Mien for warded to the economics branch he worked out as a service tin members who on receipt of their yearly return are In a position as many have done to chock on their to ob tain more economical return for feed labor etc A study of the hours of labor per cow shows a wide range and In some cases pointed out where changes in operations could In crease returns Other factors producing variations In costs and net returns were the production cow and type of market for her product feeding efficiency some feed too heavy or too light on concentrates or meal use of capital and size of business Clifford Morrow of the Ont ario live stock branch gave the following interesting summary of the two York Associations which have completed their rec ords cows freshened and did not milk the required days leaving lactations with an average production irrespect ive of breed or age of lbs of milk lbs of fat or per cent test This number included per cent with per cent of them qualifying for certificates per cent higher than the provincial average of had been In HI health fur some years but was serious ly ill for only a short time She was In Newmarket on a visit from her home in WAS born In Whitchurch township second concession on the daughter of Mrs Andrew St and the late Charles She was married on March 1010 to John Rallantine who her years ago When she was a resident of Newmarket years ago her church vas at New market United church Surviving to mourn her Joss are six sons Robert of St Thomas Thomas of Forest Wal ter Yukon Howard and Ray mond of Toronto and Earl of three daughters Mrs Cox of Mary Mrs Manary Brace- bridge Elsie Mrs Strickland two brothers Reginald Orillia and Walter ducted the funeral service at the chapel of Roadhouse and Rose Newmarket on Tuesday Apr was A resident of Toronto for near ly years Mrs Ann McCaffrey died peacefully in her sleep on Sunday March fol lowing a serious illness of about James and William months The deceased while in New market was an active member of St Johns church and a charter member of the Christian Mothers taking part In parish and local activities She was known for her kindness to all Mrs McCaffrey is survived by three daughters Mary Mrs If J Day Luce Ottawa Elizabeth and Ann of Toronto and two sons William of Newmarket and Laurie of Edmonton by grandchildren and 10 The funeral took place Tuesday March 1 when high mass was celebrated in St Clares church by the pastor Rev J Kehoe the sanctu ary were the Rev Fathers and Pallbearers were three grand sons Eugene Ernest and Mel- fort McCaffrey of Newmarket and three grandnephews She born at Markham years ago the daughter of Ann and Andrew In she married the late Andrew McCaffrey and moved j to Newmarket where they lived i until the death of her husband in Four years later the family moved to Toronto and took up residence in St Clares parish of Pickering Interment was at St Johns cemetery Newmarket York County Hospital IN WILL i United church service will be held at the church next Sunday weather permitting at am Sunday school follows at 11 28 Associations The grades made am All are welcome at these up per cent of the herds and per cent of them qualified meetings Moving pictures will be shown in Sharon hall on Tuesday April at pm under the auspices of St James Anglican church Everybody welcome Mrs Bradley of and Miss Bradley of Oshawa spent Wednesday last with Mrs E R Donaldson Mrs Laura Bell from near Ed monton visited her sister Mrs Welly Stevens for a few days last week per cent over the provincial average Officers for the coming year elected for the various groups were as follows West York pres Norman Gormley vice Russell Rowntree sec Ray who is supervisor East York Walter vice pres Don Raymer sec treas supervisor Don Baldwin North York which was or ganized last May pros Sheldon Walker Sharon vice Sutton sec STATEMENT OF THE COMMISSION FOR On receipt of the approved Financial Statement by the Town Auditor we wish to pre sent the following Financial Statement of the Aurora Recreation Commission for RECEIPTS Balance on hand Jan 1st Donations Town of Aurora Provincial Grant Receipts from Activities and Events Total EXPENDITURES 57500 gross Committee that there Carl Black presiding over the should not be the slightest j As this was the special The and of the Kcttleby United church met in the hall Thursday evening April with the vice president Mrs Don Yorke Baldwin The afternoon proved too short for the many questions from the PHONE AURORA Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At The Drug Store Two Graduate Pharmacists Aurora Tel Emeu Calls Tel in Paris will be wel comed by Gershwin enthusiasts the screening of which is to commence on April Fuller details of these early fine show ings shortly be made avail able as to the validity or the pe tition these names were ruled out by the committee not as a result of a Town Hall check up The actual figures were as fol lows The petition carried names Of these were deleted by this committee Two were taken off in the municipal offices This left a net of As according to law signatures were re quired it will be seen that un der any consideration the pe tition carried names more than were required It might be as well also to point to another error in the same paper in which a report covering a discussion of the store and beer warehouse vote at a Board of Trade meet ing says that Mr A J Child vas among the speakers who Supported the setting up of the beer and liquor outlets Not only did Mr Child not speak in favor of the outlets he did not speak at all We shall appreciate seeing these corrections in an early is sue of your paper Aurora Civic Progress Com A Chairman Rogers Secretary Editors Note The infor mation contained in the news story to which this letter objects was given to us by a reliable source We are glad to report Mr Clif ton Cook who has confin ed to his bed for the past two weeks is steadily Improving Sunday super guests of Miss Grace Webster were Miss Sienna Mr Alex Mr John and Miss Sarah Rev Robert Manning Toronto officiated at the christening of Robert Bruce Tienkamp son of Mr and Mrs ON TIME PHONE NORTH END TAXI Look for the Cam With the Yellow Tops For Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE m Aaron More people are reading the ERA and EXPRESS and AURORA NEWS PAGES than any other weekly newspaper in North York The Era arid Express is now at a peak of its popularity Its weekly printing copies than can Por Era a shows The Era of the using any other weekly newspaper months of common between the to nearest competitor the Aurora Banner figures for small clarified ads only a guaranteed circulation a member wspapm Era and March Clarified lift Aurora Banner L in It it In the three months of January February and March IBS and carried MM small clarified carried by the Aurora Banner The fact provide proof of and popularity from readers and advert Easter service for the the very kindly shortened their meeting Mrs Win Hodgson presided over the assisted by Mrs Mis A Marshall Mrs Ray Marshall Mrs J Hummel and Mrs A McCJuskie We were very pleased to wel come back for the evening Mr and Mrs Jerry Black of Toronto who supplied the music Mrs Hummel introduced the speaker of the evening Miss Ann Davidson a missionary recently returned from China Miss Davidson told us of some of her work and experiences in China and also showed us some of the communists posters which so cleverly misrepresent the truth Mrs Burns expressed the ap preciation of the ladies to Miss Davidson and Mr and Mrs Black Mrs Dike and daughter Sien na of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs parents Mr and Mrs K Mr and Mrs James Watson and son Robert of visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Curtis Mr and Mrs John Utile and family spent Sunday with Mrs Littles parents Mr and Mrs Johnson Aurora Social News Mrs Mrs Mrs Harrison and Mrs Clarke entertained at a miscel laneous shower in honor of Miss Ruth Knowles whose marriage j to Mr David Johnson takes place j this month The teachers and officers of the United Church Sunday school held a supper meeting on Saturday evening in the parlors The Club of the United church took charge of the Sun day evening service Their theme Were you there when they crucified my Lord The ladies quartette sang two very pleasing numbers Mr and Mr J left for England by air on Friday April where they will spend three weeks Mrs M Thompson of Ot tawa is visiting her son for a few weeks Mrs Acton Ottawa ac companied by her children Is visiting her brother Mr Thompson Mr and Mrs May and daughter- of are spending the Easter holidays with Mrs Mays par ents Mr and Mrs A M Cody Mr Graver Gage Is confined to his home with pneumonia fol lowing influenza hut Is now much improved Mrs I ester is making a good recovery from her recent I arm fracture members and they asked Mr to arrange for a full day next year to provide more time for discussion Craft instructions Playground supervision and instruction Paid to Town of Aurora for portion of Directors and Assistants salary Administration expenses Maintenance of equipment Renewal of equipment Craft supplies Dance expenses Softball and baseball expenses Minor Hockey expenses J Swimming instruction saw Art class supplies Woodworking class supplies Picnic tables Bank balance Dec 31st Petty cash Total We wish to take this opportunity of thanking all who assisted us with our Recreation Programme for 1951 We solicit your continued support to provide an improved and more varied Programme for Sec Treas HARVEY BELL Chairman DOM GLASS STUDENTS Navy wool flannel blazers cord trim single breasted ideal fir boys or girls Money saving value to to WOOL GABARDINE TOPCOATS Boys or Girls Hard wearing dressy navy blue gabardine double breasted all around belt and buckle fully satin lined weather resistant Sizes to navy only Price 995 NAVY BLUE EATON CAPS TO Z And slacks Sixes to Tan grey and skipper blue Just like Dads CLEARING DONEGAL TWEED TOP COATS ami Hals to Sizes to Keg Sale INSLEVS BOYS AND STUM NTS PANT SUIT VALUES FOR Junior Boys Tweed Suits Short pant and Sizes to SALE PRICE Junior Boys Gabardine Pant Suits AH with Brown Teal Royal Blue Zipper pleats tap seam Ages to Students Tweed pant suits In brown greys and blues Ages to years 2150 to 2195 SALE PRICE 1787 INTERMEDIATE BOYS GABARDINE SUITS AGES TO TEARS TWO PANT SUITS pants in brown and skipper blue AH finely tailored in popular I button style PANT A Alt wool or Pica Pic clothes All tailored either in double breasted or link button style to V 2 Pant GABARDINE TOPCOATS mid Mens Sizes to Blue Grey only CUFF INSIEYS FOR BOYS AND MENS