7 WED BOWLERS CLOSE SEASON The Wednesday afternoon bowling group closed the season a banquet on Wednesday April Following a delicious turkey dinner and the presenta tion of awards an evening of cards was enjoyed by the bowl- First prize in bridge went to Dales with Agnes Richard- ion winning the consolation The team captained by Myrtle Dunn led the league by one point Each member of the team was presented with an attractive relish dish On the winning team were Atkinson Kate Morrison Car oline Ion Hazel Bermitz and the captain Myrtle won so many of the awards that the club presented her with a cup as trophy She accepted only the one prize or high average High single went to Marie Me- with Bid Hill winning the high single with handicap Edna McGrath won the high three games fiat During the evening many lucky prizes were drawn Those holding the winning tick ets included Ruby Mary Fish Caroline Ion Kate Morri son Dales Louise Smith Edith Griffin and Betty Cas sa voy April It IMS lafe of the arena for refreshments The spot had been attractively decorated for the occasion with balloons and two birthday cakes each with three candles were cut by the clubs chairman Mrs Murray- The door prizes were won by Mr and Mrs Kenneth Osborne tey St was presented with the Rookie of the Year cup for the member having made the most progress her skat ing Rev XT Rhodes made trie presentations behalf of the clubs members A gift of money was given to Mrs Murray in appreciation for her work during ttet in making the uU This year there Were mem bers in the SKATING CLUB ENDS SUCCESSFUL YEAR The Ladies Morning Skating club Newmarket closed the sea son with a party at the Mem orial arena oil Friday April Mrs Robert Murray was in charge of the evenings program About were present with the party being held for the members and their husbands Following two hours of skating the group gathered in the lobby Dont Forget The Lions Club J- f i t i BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER April i The Common Round By THREE YOUNG ARTISTS SKATING CLUB ELECTS EXECUTIVE FOR Mrs Larry was elected president of the New market Figure Skating club at the annual meeting in the King George school on Monday Apr The meeting was well at tended Mrs Howard Brice was the chair with Mrs Atkin- conducting the election of officers Those elected for the coming years are Mrs Molyneauxj Mrs Howard Morton sec Mrs Hor ace treas Mrs Andrew Mitchell executive committee Mrs Herb Cain Mrs Clarence Curtis Alex Hands Mrs Mrs Fred and Mrs J j L- mm Are Canadians as they have LETTER Last Mrs Arthur- Sheri dan reovean acknowledgment let tef of which she sent to Cfoeen Elizabeth at the timeVdf of king George Edged heavily- in black and bearing thb Royal Coat of Arms the letter was penned at Buckingham Palace London England It is dated March 1952 and been accused of being really in articulate about things that please them things of genuine At one- time- would unhesi tatingly have said yes- for I can well remember in old Opea House and decided ly cool reception given- fine artists who came Musical and plays with a fair amount of when she appeared J t and when she sat down at the With her cloudy rose chiffon gown flowing round I was irresistibly reminded of Aurora of morning started to play that was something else the woman subordinated to the artist she was lost in a world of her own ra world of music from which she brought us treasures In her first number ToccatoiliD Ma jor byBach I felt she Was hold ing something Which of course was sheer artistry We telt her mastery of her instru- but a vocalist a pianist or Imerit but We did hot feel the a reader faced an audience that I impact of her personality that would have turned a volcano into an iceberg But thanks to education in music appreciation to the opportunity t6 fine music oh the radio and to a los ing of the feeling that it is un sophisticated to let enthusiasm reads private have its way artists are really secretary been commanded if they deserve it being greeted to thank Mrs Arthur Sheridan for her kind message of symp athy which Her Majesty much appreciated BRITISH V If you are looking for- an on British cars m I A Come along to KEFFERS EAGLE ST NEWMARKET BRITISH TRAINED MECHANIC Just out from Britain ASK FOR EMMY JOMK Or phone We will pick up your car and return it to you when done HORT SOC CONVENTION Mrs Phil Hamilton reported on the annual convention of the Ontario Horticultural at a meeting of the Newmar ket society on Thursday April Held in the school room of Trin ity United church the meeting was chaired by the president Mrs Nelson Ion There were present The annual convention was held at the King Edward hotel Toronto on March and Mrs Hamilton reported on the latter day which she attended as a delegate from the Newmarket society Also present at the con vention from the local group were Roger Caldwell Mrs El- man Campbell Mrs Cecil dey and Mrs Hill Mrs Hamiltons interesting report was well received A color film Farm Home Beautiful was shown Mrs Irene Proctor acted as The film depicted the transformation of houses into homes through horticultural encored and as- they ought tobev It ones privilege on Fri day Apriiji in Newmarket high school auditorium and in To ronto on Saturday April at Eaton auditorium to hear three outstanding Canadian artists Friday night it was Mary Syme pianist arid James MHligan baritone presented by the New market Canadian Concert Asso ciation and Saturday evening it was Kenneth Mills pianist who made his debut in Toronto Mr Young and Mr did bet ter than they knew when in spite of pessimistic they brought this concert series to the attention of the music lovers of Newmarket That there were at least of these pity there hadnt been 600 like the Charge of the Light Brigade was plainly shown by the sale of tickets and then verified by the reception from the artists I think we all fell in love with NEWMARKET GROUP TO MEET IN AURORA Members of the Newmarket fc Horticultural society have been invited to join the Aurora socie ty for a meeting on Wednesday row was in charge of the pro gram The meeting opened with the singing of the National Anthem Mrs Marrow was at the piano Arnold introduced the film which had been substituted for the slides on Ontario wild flowers planned for the meeting Roger Caldwell moved the vote of thanks to those responsible for the interesting meeting At the close of the business session refreshments were served un der the of Mrs Anton and a social halfhour was spent April It will be held in the basement of the United church Aurora beginning at pm Slides from colored films of iris will be shown with some pictures of glads in Victor- la gardens Any members willing to take others in their ears are requested to notify Mrs Charles Harrhan phone as well as any who require transportation Regular bus service Is available both to and from the meeting between Aurora and Newmarket K CHOOS S J il I CU FT MODEL f fe Generous freezer deep plastic covered strong wide apart shelves ice trays x high I 9650 down months to pay balance at per week COLD FT MODEL Roomy freezer with two single one double tray transparent plas tic meat storage tray 281 high j down months to pay balance per week foods with SAFE Cold oil DOWN It MONTHS TO PAY BALANCE 382 FEB WEEK Iff built Power ful and i of on a of for FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE ON ALL GENUINE PRODUCTS ST FT DELUXE COLDWALL Fullwidth freezer chest trimmed In Ice- Blue sliding adjustable aluminum shelv es twin sliding basket drawers cooling for super moist hydra- tor storage and safe cold from top to bot tom high was to come Her second group was Chopin Etudes Berceuse and Scherzo and as Mrs remarked Chopin always shows and he did After all the years since he shuffled off this mortal be showed us an artist technique showman ship We saw the dancers in tenderness and sweetness in Berceuse and whimsy rather grim humor and splendid technique in the Scher zo and through all four num bers there ran the ti3 strain of melancholy that is Chopin no matter what his heme In her last group which be gan with a Scherzo by Oscar Morawetz and continued with an Impromptu and Romance Sans Parole by ending with by Pontenc she displayed a brilliancy and purity of tone and what interested me curiously in both the pianists I heard last week and also in Mr accompanist the use of the pedal The two pianists who have made music their life used it beautifully and unless you were interested in al most unnoticcably The accom panist being younger at her work gave it more prominence- Mary and James receive what amounted to an ovation at the end of their pro gram and deserved it James young Cana dian baritone is with Marguer ite Gignac and some other young singers beginning to put Cana dian vocal talent on the map His numbers gave us oratorio ballads folk songs and opera and this was designed to give us a remarkably varied program and the hearing of a voice which at is remarkable and which promises with the smoothing out of certain faint roughnesses to be one of the great baritones not alone in Canada but of the music world Archie Hilda and you reading Mrs Bird liked him best in the numners where he could display the dramatic talent which I am sure should find its fulfilment in opera but which also came into its in the magnificent interpretation he gave of Lord Randal where pathos heartbreak tragedy and savagery give fine scope to a voice which could give us the picture thrill 1 felt We had a preview of a voice that is destined to make Canadian musical history It power quality dynamics and expression plus If I hope to hear James five years from now when He has added the indefinable quality tenderness added richness the something that only experience gives accompanist Edith Scott was we found in private life Mrs James and what is charming than a husband and wife team They will go far Her accompanying will gain in the richness and underlying helpfulness that make an accom panist great We saw it in many places already always good wiliVsomo day be more than good and these two young people will climb the steep lad der of success together On event which delighted audience was his sing ing of Old Man River or his who was in the audience- Meeting the artists a tor the conceit at the hospitable Mr and Mrs Alex Eves found them as the stage as on iJi There isa rhunlty in te rests it lovers of that gives a bow of to thcK were delighted to that aft those who taken part la these concert has us more than ever before oriel It think thai nil the concerts feel- OS REGULAR SMOKED HAMS or HALF A BUTT HALF SMOKED PORK SHOULDEB CHOICE PICNIC HOCK OFF LB ARROW BRAND SIDE I CHICKENS CHOICE Ho Vital 57c 5k ROUSTING Cost Ho More 1Mb DUCKLINGS YOU CUT SEE OUR OF CHOICE YOUNG TURKEYS FLACK YOUR OR PER EARLY WITH MEAT MANAGER EDGEBROOK BRAND BLUEBELL BRAND A AT LEAST TWO OF Yf ABOVE IN EACH now SEA Ready to Cook GOD FILLETS choice lb HADDOCK FILLETS choice lb 53 SOLE FILLETS choice lb 62 SMOKED FILLETS choice CHOICE OCEAN PERCH FILLETS lb EH SELECTED QUALITY GOLDEN RIPE SWEET JUICY SWEET SEEDLESS POUND GOOD SIZE LARGE SIZE CRISP STREAMLINED 2 BUNCHES FOR YOUR EASTER TABLE CALIFORNIA GOLDEN BANTAM TENDER 3 GOOD SUE COBS 29 19 35 29 Jam Siisck Jam pure ADDED PECTIN ADDED PECTIN sv PURE ORANGE Batter Pickles WETBEYS Garden Relish JAR JAR 2EL JAR Ft MR JAR 38c 31c 29c BABY FOODS Straiaed Baby roods 3 MIXTURE TINS PKCL ROZ PRO 29c 23c 23c PRIDE of ARABIA POUND BAG 96 Can 101 LAWS A GOOD ASSORTMENT OP I CHOCOLATE EASTER NOVELTIES IN STORK OR PIMENTO 2M TIN 17FL ITU BAG QUART PREMIUM CARTON CARTON TEA FORK OliVeS AND UPTONS IN CHILI SARDINES in oil pieiiElont ir Was fiuost in ftCAVCllaifcnd- was chaired by Mrs t briefly to Plans for catering for sevefai banquets in April by Ladies auxiliary Mrs William Ingram is general convenor At close of the business session a social when light re were served PURE WHOLE CLOVES A SOVEREIGN Sodnyo Sateen RED J I LOBLAW Taaay OM Whit TINS FKOi MR FUGS JAR SHAKER TIM TIN TIN ML Pack SoHIms POUND MR pita PRO TNJ OZ TINS MB STANDARD ADDED DOG FOOD Hooey Pod Peas Fancy FANCY CORN 35c 29c 15c 31c 21c 27c 57c 35c 37c 31c HOLIDAY STOHE HOURS and ftni to Closed Friday CARE AM DARES CUSTARD POUND He SPCCfALf CREAMY CRACKERS OR QUEEN ANNE BOX A LOELAW QUALITY DOUBLE ACTION S KLEENEX HANKY or CHUBBY SIZE JOHNSONS PASTE JOHNSONS doss GloCoot CONCENTRATED O S SCOURINO PADS PAR COLGATE SOAP L0IUW CO 2 TIN PINT TIN BTL 4 PAD KG sua CAKES 43c 70c I6c 38c DAtNTIMAID Hot Cross Runs 25 WBIAWS AlPUECiUB 2 31c PLUS f KTIVI It ti I Avr5l isaiSmAAE