Era fat it IN Says VOW BEST A King City And District WOOL tAUBA EXTRA VALUE GABARDINE TOPCOATS all shades GABARDINE SUITS 1 1 Sports jackets up Matching slacks PHILLIPS ECONOMY 111 Newmarket Opposite Miss Eleanor Phillips Hope has been entertained at several showers which preceded wedding Saturday April when she became the bride of John of King at Hope United church Mrs John entertained relatives at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs Eric Johnston her neighbor Miss Kathleen was the elects attendant when she open er her gifts A Hope and Maple community shower was held at the home of Mrs Crooks and Mrs Edgar Phillips the mother when Miss Anna assisted her friend who sat beneath a shower umbrella decorated Mrs Ball Miss Helen and Miss Ethel Thomas were responsible for the excellent ar rangements At a third shower March a large number of relatives of the bride were It was held at the home of Mrs Crooks Friends were present from King Richmond Hill Lansing and other points Miss Jean attended the opening of the gifts A novel act inter jected the event when an un known pedlar suddenly appear ed selling wares of unusual character It was Eleanors mo ther Dies In Hospital The funeral of Mrs Florence Adeline wife of the late William J Crossley was held on April 2 from King United church with the Rev conducting In terment was in King City ceme tery- Mrs Crossley passed away at the age of and had lived in the village for about years She was born at Al bion township marrying in when her husband built the pres ent brick house on King Here she had lived until two years ago when she found she should not be alone She lived with her son Carl ton Crossley near the vill age for a winter and came to -T-TC- FOR HIGH CROP YIELD SOW GOOD SEED ACCURATELY IN A GOOD SEED BED grain and fertilizer drills are outstanding for their positive accuracy even spacing between rows even distribution of both seed and fertilizer in the rows accurate sowing of the desired rate per acre Their accuracy assures every individual plant of its fair share of plant food water and sunshine Come in and get all the details See for yourself how a Harris drill can help you grow more bushels per MORE ACRES PER GALLON Ask any man who drives a tractor Hell tell you its the most economical tractor he ever drove WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF GENUINE ARRIS PARTS WARD AND DAVIS DR PHONE the home of her daughter Edna Mrs Arthur Brown of King City until last December when she entered Sunny Acres rest home at Developing influenza Mrs was removed to New market hospital on Thursday March passing away on the following Monday Mrs Cross- ley was a very gracious person extremely fond of good reading with fancy work and other skills She had raised a family of five children Mrs Crossley one of the oldest members of the United church and the Womens So ciety She was among those who were active in the anniver- of the church last year are Carlton Crossley and Mrs Edna Brown of King Mrs Stone Aurora of and Kelso Kelly Crossley of Aurora grand children and seven great grand children One of her grand children Bill Crossley son of was killed at Dieppe Mrs Crossley had raised Jack Bill and Lois her sons children for a time at her home in King City LAC Harry H Alexander ar rived from the Aleutian Islands three days before the birth of his son David Eric born to his wife at hospital on Sunday April This is their first child and mother and baby are doing well The airforce man will go back to duty in a few days as his annual leave does not come until June Mr and Mrs Alex ander of con King are grand parents for the first time On Good Friday evening pm Rev Canon late of St Peters Church Ham ilton will preach in King Baptist Church the last of the Holy Week services observed by con gregations of the district during the Week of Prayer The preacher at the evening service on Easter Sunday at All Saints Anglican Church will be Rev Canon J McDonald of College Special Easter Service On Sunday April at am a special service will be given at the Sunday School hour at King United Church Parents and children are cordially invited At the regular everting service of the congregation the Easter message will he preached by Rev Jenkinson while the choir will present two special At the organ will be Mrs Ewar and playing the piano will be Miss Gerry McDonald while two violinists Mrs Jack and Miss Carol will play Oil Sunday April will be observed at Tes- and King City Uni ted churches conducted by the minister Rev Mr Oh Sunday April the Brownie Pack will parade to the United Church A special film is being arrang ed for presentation at meeting this Thursday evening at the home of Mrs Pearson Smeltzer Rev M Jenkinson will preach at Aurora United Church Good Friday morning service Presbyterian congregations will see a special Easter film have special music and worship oh Good Friday at Strange church at pm Others are invited to join At a meeting of Eyersley Pres byterian A at the home of Mrs K the sum of was voted toward the ministers RATE r IN KING Elton one mill rise in total tax rate of Mini due to increased east all along the line the rate was mills The township Is in a fortunate position since some of the York County municipalities will have higher Increases in their rates he commented The township assessment is an Increase of over Reasons for the overall increase in tax rate is seen in a mill increase in the high school district rate from mills in to mills for The township general levy Is up one mill to mills The county rate remains at mills More will be spent on road maintenance in The township has requisi tioned for which Is paid by theproviii department of highways Last year the township asked for The sum of been budgeted for township purposes The increase in total school levies is from to mills this year has a mill a erbf King has mills and the lowest is SS Blackburn at 28 mills Last year police protection cost the township fire protection stipend Mrs Ivan arid Miss Lily Anderson were ted a committee to recover the pulpit chair Quilting projects have brought 12 for the general fund- Mrs Fred Curtis vice presi dent conducted the meeting in the abseftcejpf Mrs Albert Jones who has scripture lesson and prayer based on the Easter theme were taken by Mrs Norman Wade and Mrs Shrop shire Readings were given by Mrs Howard Weill Mrs Watson Ferguson and Mrs Curtis Mrs Roy and Miss Lily Ander son conducted contests and Mrs tendered a vote of thanks to the hostess for having the gathering in her home The May meeting will be held at the home of Miss Anderson Discussions Satisfactory Discussions between King City village trustees and King township council last week clari fied some problems Two of the six steps needed to accom plish such matters as emphasis oh the township building by law watermairi extensions im provement of north Keele St building excavation road im provements etc were realized Council staled it was willing to go into the details of the sugges tions made by the village fa thers One trustee pointed out that any attempt to resurface Keele St north of the railroad track to the school within the village limits will not be considered un til adequate ditch draining is taken up by the township body J will not spend one cent on improvement without being first assured of proper drainage one trustee stated later Reeve Armstrong said this portion of roadway and on north will be inspected by the county engin eer Village trustees have endeav ored to have the county rectify Keswick News The Auxiliary of the had Sunday dinner Mr will meet for its Easter meeting on April at the homo Mrs Gordon Cam Mrs Anderson and Mrs Marshall will have charge of the program The and North A groups held a progressive inole party at Winchs on Friday evening Av good crowd attended Mrs Boothby and Mr J Porter wethet top scorers v Mrs Agar Mrs Anderson Mrs Banks and Mrs at tended a meeting in New- market on Tuesday April Meters is a parent in York County hospital Good Friday service will be held in the United church at There will be special Easter services Sunday morning at Junior- and senior choirs and in the evening at the choir will present the Easter The Victorious by The spoken parts be read by Miss Ruth Mary Winch Mission Band held its Easter meeting on Monday after school There were 21 children Mr Valid Mrs Edwin t Mrs Perry Winch Jr Mr and Mrs Perry Winch visited Mr and Mrs in Toronto on Sunday Mr Morton of Toronto spent the weekend his sla ter Mrs Winston and Mr Prossen Master Is hd expressed for The April and ex- wflsheW t the through public bell char 1 Mrs Was used of her of To in ikfm In our news- address or the made iriahy of County flrrd on April and a very tt The Zephyr United Church field their April meeting in the Sunday- School room on Wednesday after noon The meeting was well at tended and a good program was given Mrs Mrs Stark and Mrs Mr and Mrs spent afettf days visiting friends at Asinyorth Dorothy Curl visited friends in Toronto and Newmar ket last week Mrs A spent the weekend at St baptisms were performed in the United Church on Sunday evening Rev and Mrs son William David and Mr and Mrs Bruce daugh ter Cheryl Several here attended the funeral of late Irving Arn old at on Tuesday for seeding in the Holland Marsh farm lands Frank on the- west side near the concession planted lettuce seed in a plot of ground sheltered from the cold Farmers are looking forward to seeding this week as the rains have brought the frost from the land Some recall on when onions wore In an unusually early season Dr and Mrs Cecil Surhmer- feldt are horn from Bay Jamaica where Sir El and Lady Major Jos Baxter and his wife arid Mr and Mrs Gage Love were vacationing a for 52 thats What does your fcirm J mm J- A COMilNf or other mech anical equipment stock or a new hull to build up the quality of your herd A SHED or other out- buildings Or the alteration and repair of your present buildings A OB This includes furnaces and boilers water beaters builtin sinks and tubs or repair of your present system CilMING or MlW Or any of the following fencing drainage tiling pumping and diking installations A WW Installation of a new or used or of your present one A milking machine cream separator refrigerator or pump TRUST To replace faulty ones to increase or vary your fruit harvest or to stare an orchard if youre other than a fruit farmer Bank of Montreal DOUGLAS BROWN firsach ALBERT Mvutf M Deldo which improvements will help you most in operating your farm and talk over a Farm Improve ment Loan wiih your nearest ft of M manager Farm Improvement loans are helping many thousands of Canadian fanners to get the best out of their farms IKING WITH CANADIANS WALK OP LIM ir i 7V the waterlog on King St It years since any real improve ment was niade on ditches and culverts by the county It Is time some of the old tin boilers were replaced said an irate ratepayer Drainage Problem The drainage problem on King St east Fisher to Williams St will solve- itself This highway comes under the super- vision Toronto land York Roads Commission and spring flooding has been greatly aggra vated for the past two years Some cellars have had water In them all spring It is plain the county road men do riot see the need for cleaning and replacing culverts one Village trustee pointed out water has been so bad at Walker and proper ties it flowed the road and rubber boots Were needed to walk along the sidewalk On the north side of part- of this section the ditch Is higher than the On one side of the road the grate intake for sur face overflow wag broken by county machinery oho pointed out Rumor lias it that certain taxpayers inclined to sue the its failure to relieve the On Fisher St it is believed Waterworks construction machinery inter cepted the eyt vert Mrs Pfticfoh of Mrs of King City ana James Ternperanceviile is very Hi Stl pome of her daughter with she has sided for many Mrs Pax- ton who lost her sight soma years ago weak ness maintains her and humor She calling past scenes anil mintes when visitors call She a for past and present events Mi Clarke Aurora old friend of tM is to Mrs and llftc daugh ters Vv Mrs Eleanor Scott lias return ed from Toronto where she spent three months at the home of her daughter She has taken over nursing duties of Mrs l at the home of Miss Maud Cross While last week was no early NONOILY STAIN RESISTANT Resists stains caused by fruit jukes soft drinks tea coffee beer vegetables jam honey vinegar most inks blood 2 WATER REPELLENT Durably water repellent needs no newal even after repeated dry cleanings 3 CREASE RESISTING Wrinkles hang out overnight in humid room Pressed in creases hold their shape Guaranteed for life THE BEAVER tractor The Garden Tractor OAK RIDGES ONTARIO Phone King And JACK have these windbreak- ers in several styles and all the newest shades Drop in and see the miracle process PRICED AT MENS 1095 and 1295 BOYS TOWN OF NEWMARKET si o LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE Take notice that a special Court of Revision will be held re special assessments as follows The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket has constructed as local improvements widening of pavements on Millard Avenue with curbs and gutters from Main Street to Church Street widening only on Millard Avenue from Church to Lome Avenue park Avenue from Main Street west to the old town limit construction of pavements with curbs and gutters and storm sewers on Simcoe from Main Street West to Niagara Street Niagara Street from Queen Street to Davis Drive Raglan Street from Millard Avenue to Street Street from Raglan Street to the east limit also sidewalks on Andrew Street Avenue Prospect Street William Street and Pine Street m The special assessment is to be paid in 15 annual instalments The cost of the work is as follows Millard Ave Main to Church Millar d Ave Church to Lome Niagara St Queen to Davis Drive Park Ave Main St west to old rTown Limit St Main St west to Niagara St from Millard Ave to Tecumseh and from Raglan to east limit SIDEWALKS Total coat Corporation Share Special rate per frontage Annual Instalments No or years c 1380000 171820 15 y Andrew St and Anlrew Streets Ave Pine and Streets Prospect Street estimated lifetime of ho work is years J A Court of Revision will the day 72500 r 2303 15 15 Street Newmarket Ontariofor the of hearing against the proposed assessments or frontage measurements and any other which persons interested may desire to make and which is law 1952 at pm at the Council Chambers Town Hall the accuracy of by Court X Dated at Newmarket this day of April 1052 Wesley Brooks Clerk i sisiat