April IMS TEA P JUST FOR YOU EASIB MONDAY Kids APR AT 2 Principal Gives Views On Parent Teacher m Relations In Schools NEWMARKET 478 Spring One Cent Sale AT AGARSJil DRUGS APRIL 17 18 See Toronto papers for advertisement Also tune in Amos and Andy CFRB Sunday Speaking at the March meet ing of the Newmarket Home and School association on Better Parent Teacher Relations Samuel Jefferson said Any two individuals as closely interested pupil as the parent and teacher should be in percent cooperation Mr Jefferson is principal of Alexander Muir school f course as the teachers point out the speaker con tinued they are trained for their job but the parents like just up live in the public eye and the parent is only one of the publics the teacher must face The teacher has six pub licsthe class the parents of the class the supervisors other members of the staff the gen eral taxpayers and other mem bers of the teaching profession For better relations the teacher and the parent be thoroughly acquainted It is not enough that they know each others name But they must know the others background aims hobbies and interests They must be aware of what each wants to do As a parent you have to be able to put your trust in that person You must know that they are genuinely interested in your child Parents should know more about the curriculum- should know what being taught in the schools Changes are made from year to year and since the time when the par ent was himself a pupil the cur riculum has undergone much re vision A parent cant- coop erate in helping the teacher with his child if he is unaware of what the child is expected to learn Parents should know more of what is going on in the schools When do many parents visit the schools For the Christmas program open house pro viding nothing else interferes with it Most frequently the a teacher most wants to see are the ones who viewpoint A youngster leaves his book home Nothing is done The same thing happens with the same resulls but one rainy cold day the book fe again left home and that is the day when the decides to send the boy home for his book Often in stormy weather parent will make arrangements to meet the child after school thus providing transportation for him That is the day the teach er keeps him in while the parent waits v Parentteacher rein- reach the zero mark at these times Noon hour supervision is an other cause of friction Teach ers should make certain that the child is on his way home in good time for his dinner There will be some who will appear to go home but will stay to play marbles Parents in turn should consider whether it is necessary to keep the child at school for his lunch When this is Re quired the teacher does not mind but when one alter an other decides to remain for lunch and she has to to supervise during the noon hour it means a long day without a rest period for Lost clothing causes many moments in relations be tween the home- and school Parents should see child rens clothing is plainly marked for identification That the child is able to manage the garments himself and that he is taught to be responsible for them- The teacher in turn should make an effort to see that no child leaves on cold days without his cap or mittens or with coat flying open Years ago the- theory was that the child was born bad Caning was to bring out the good Later the pendulum swung to the other extreme with the idea flour that the child was good couldnt do bad Corporal punishment was abolished TrWtv Choir THE MESSIAH FARTS II AM HI HANDEL In Hut church Until Friday Evening at pm IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND Classified Ads Bring Results The trend these days is to a neve middleoftheroad theory Cor- i punishment is unpleasant The interested parent will i6 parent and a point of knowing what h but when the Zniv dangerous to community This group of par- form the Home and School associations throughout the country A disinterested parent others the teacher must resort to corporal punishment Corporal punishment is never Mrs i 1 i a Tell the crowd YOU made Your dream of a new dress Teener Its a soweasy and as Slenderizing flattering soft yet darling as you are Big whirl of a fullcircle skirt is so graceful J while youre dancing And that Yoke in one and deep collared neckline shows a lacy eyelet liiffle gives a that you know your fashion In springlike jabot effect A beauty expensive in gay teas Pattern sizes Pattern Womens sizes 14 Size takes 34 36 Size yards 35inch 12 yard con- takes 4 yards 35tncii yards J 2 lace or eyelet edge easytouse pattern gives easy-to-use- pattern gives perfect fit Complete illustrated perfect Complete illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step Sew Chart shows you every step Send CENTO Send CENTS in stamps cannot be In coins stamps cannot he accepted for this pattern Print accepted for this pattern Print plainly NAME ADDRESS plainly NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER STYLE NUMBER Send your order to MARIAN Send order to MARIAN MARTIN care of the Newmarket MARTIN care of The Newmarket Era and Express Pattern Era and Express Pattern Newmarket MISSIONARY CIRCLE LEARN OF BOLIVIA The Womens Mission feirclej Christian Baptist church New market met on Thursday March Mrs William pre sided Following the regular it It makes such a too often Interest As both a parent and teacher Mr Jefferson attempted to pre- sent his topic from both points of view lie said that shortage of lime prevented him from list ing shortcomings of teach ers But he mentioned several points which frequently cause friction between the two groups The teacher must think of the matter from the parents the one anyone wants to have Canadian Baptist paper Mrs but it is the only one in some Fred told a story from cases- jThe Link and Visitor of the In closing Id like to leave work done by tev with you the idea accent positive and eliminate the nega tive Stress that is done well Teachers should remem ber thai parents who are in their children will not be critical of her work Parents would do well to most teachers are also interested in their children The topic Bolivian Life was ably presented by Mrs Epworih and added interest to the account was provided by members appearing in cos tumes of the Bolivian people JOHN Representative Newmarket and at its belt I pitcher of be for your llicIov coffee A quiet wedding was at the United church manse Keswick on Thursday evening Apr 3 when Pa tricia Gwendolyn Stephenson only daughter of Mr and Mrs J Stephenson Hamilton was united in marriage to Lloyd Ed ward Pollard only son of Mr and Mrs Elmer Pollard Kes wick The bride was gowned a suit with matching and corsage of pink carnations ller bridesmaid Miss Audrey Couch Zephyr chose a skipper blue gabardine suit with match ing accessories arid a corsage pin roses Mr Ronald Andrews Mount cousin of the groom was best man At the reception following the ceremony a buffet lunch was served at the grooms home The couple left for a trip to Detroit and on their re turn they will reside in Hamil ton GROUP HEARS BISHOP WEBSTER On Monday evening Mar Hb Excellency Bishop Webster attended a special meeting of the Newmarket Catholic Womens League In his address Bishop Webster outlined -the- expansion program now in progress in the Toronto archdiocese There arc how more than active sub divisions and more arc to be formed in the near future His Excellency stressed the import ance and benefits of unity- Mrs Mary Fish thanked on behalf of the members n -guests- After lunch was served the ladies were presented to Excel lency and the meeting closed informally At the next regular monthly meeting theelection of officers will be held and the season will end with the annual pot luck erence Mrs Helen V was so pleased by the courteous treatment she received from a bank teller during a holiday trip that on her return home she wrote It was really a pleasure to transact my modest banking affairs with you and I think the bank is very lucky to have such a charming and welcoming young with them It makes such a difference when one is travelling to feel so at home At your own local branch at any of any bank you will find bank people going out of their way to look after you efficiently and courteously That is the way the chartered banks compete with each other for your business This advertisement based on an actual letter is here by THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Domestic and commercial repairs maintenance etc CLARKS Sutton w Box Jacksons News n An 1ntJif and roots MUROM with flavour EvoporaUd milk a for dctMfHl pure water An to make of milk Fur free Milk write Dairy Service Dairy ten lo on It45 over the Network of i illy THE In of lifr WW her Hie fiirfl lo 1Ufot Kay to her sjiiiiirf ami A w are lirt It the aholl to or with her present at llw la to wiar Inter on ami colorful lhi1 year more than ever eolor a an in hi story I- Crochet will ami ceo to Their to any tailored or irwy anil if one id they ran ha costly- All ilia lovely rirSK can bo cotton We know that ami tones ha horn good year and will he ami jpular than ever for the season IreUy ilnlijea of fashion with amy and are fouml In red royal and The hat ami ling eel pictured here taeily made In nlo crmdiet it the only Is mm ilia crown of the hat and on lite ft ho hug would like lo Imvo for making the HAT AND obtained by the of for Irfttflct No fc SALE 1951 1 H REFRIGERATORS Full 5 Year Warranty Extra Good Allowance On Your Used REFRIGERATOR Phone For Free Transportation CONSTABLE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALERS Davis Drive West 900 J 7 f J WjfOi i